The Rapture

Rapture: The Alternative to not believing in it.

By Chuckt (C) 1-6-2007

The alternative to not believing the rapture would mean believing an alternative view. One view would be that Christians and non-Christians go through the tribulation. The problem with this view is that the tribulation is for unbelievers and not believers. It doesn't make any sense for God to put Christians through the tribulation to pay for their sins when Jesus already paid for their sins once. It is possible that some Christians will go through the tribulation but the majority of them will be unbelievers who saw the rapture take place and somehow believe because they saw the events happen.

Ephesians 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

If God follows His own example, the Father (God) will not provoke His children to wrath by sending them through the tribulation.

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

If we are the bride of Christ and if God follows His example, God won't beat his bride with the tribulation but He will rather love us by taking us out.

There are two events in the Bible. One is the flood and God rescued His people in the ark that Noah built. The other is Sodom and Gomorrah where the angels had to come and get Lot and Lot's wife out of there. In fact, God wouldn't bring judgment until the angels got the righteous out of Sodom and Gomorrah. Those are both pictures of rescue. You also have the story of Jonah where Jonah is forced to go to Nineveh to tell them to repent or face judgment.

The purpose of the church is to evangelize the world. If people aren't going to accept the gospel anymore then the alternative is to bring judgment. The judgment is for those who reject Jesus Christ. The problem today is that Christians have a hard time being the minority and Christians have a hard time speaking against the social evils of the day because the news media will attack people like Reggie White for speaking out against Homosexuality so when the odds are that you can't evangelize, it makes more sense to bring judgment. You almost can't get a fair trial as a Christian on certain issues. The Tribulation / judgment is not for people whom are bought and paid for. The older I get and the more I look into things, I believe that other people just don't know how to read the Bible. The fact that some people can't read their Bible means that people are deceived just like there will be deceived people after the rapture.

The point of Jesus Christ dieing on the cross for our sins is to save us and not judge us with wrath. The older I get and the more I look into things, I believe that other people just don't know how to read the Bible.

The point of Jesus Christ dieing on the cross for our sins is to save us and not judge us with wrath.
The point of Jesus Christ dieing on the cross for our sins is to save us and not judge us with wrath.
And so we are saved. Case closed. Why does Christianity insist we must accept Jesus into our lives?
In the case of a premillennialist, Christ should have been here and gone.
Again Pace, no.
All of the prophesy that needed to be fulfilled before the rapture have just been relatively recently fulfilled.
To those Millerites that sat on a rock because their preacher calculated the day, I would have had two words for them. Got Israel?
Because one such prophesy was Israel becoming a nation.
There is nothing left to prevent the rapture. Christ returning still has a few prophesies to go.
Got Temple? :eusa_angel:
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In the case of a premillennialist, Christ should have been here and gone.
Again Pace, no.
All of the prophesy that needed to be fulfilled before Christ returns has just been relatively recently fulfilled.
To those Millerites that sat on a rock because their preacher calculated the day, I would have had two words for them. Got Israel?
Because one such prophesy was Israel becoming a nation.
There is nothing left to prevent the rapture. Christ returning still has a few prophesies to go.
Got Temple? :eusa_angel:
Thank you, The Irish Ram, but I am comfortable with the definitions I searched out.
The point of Jesus Christ dieing on the cross for our sins is to save us and not judge us with wrath.
And so we are saved. Case closed. Why does Christianity insist we must accept Jesus into our lives?

“The Condition for Giving vs. the Condition for Receiving

“Likewise, it is necessary that upon the conditions that God chose to create and to save free moral creatures, He does so in accordance with the freedom He gave them. Hence, there is no condition for God’s giving salvation, but there is one (and only one) condition laid down for receiving the gift of eternal life: faith (Acts 16:31; Rom. 4:5; Eph. 2:8-9). Therefore, the reception of salvation is conditioned on our belief.6 Salvation is unconditioned from the perspective of the Giver, but it is conditioned from the view of the receiver (who must believe in order to receive it). In short, salvation comes from God, but we receive it through faith: “For by grace you have been saved through faith” (Eph. 2:8 NASB).’”

- Page 182, Systematic Theology, Volume Three, SIN / SALVATION, Dr. Norman Geisler
It is a condition of faith for those who choose to believe. It does not mean those who do not have faith will be damned.
The point of Jesus Christ dieing on the cross for our sins is to save us and not judge us with wrath.
And so we are saved. Case closed. Why does Christianity insist we must accept Jesus into our lives?

No. While Christ died for all of us/our sins, He does not force us to accept His generosity. Those who don't, will take their place in court at the White Throne Judgement and while clothed in their sin, will share their opinions on why they thought it was ok to turn their nose up at the judge's <(Christ) offer.

Why Christ? Because sin cannot abide in Heaven, and Christ was the only one with the capability to remove it. So He did. Because He loved you enough before you were even born to pay the penalty for your mistakes. :eusa_angel:
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It is a condition of faith for those who choose to believe. It does not mean those who do not have faith will be damned.

B-1NounStrong's Number: g4102Greek: pistis
Belief, Believe, Believers:
"faith," is translated "belief" in Rom 10:17; 2Th 2:13. Its chief significance is a conviction respecting God and His Word and the believer's relationship to Him.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
All humans are intrinsically good. It is not necessary to believe in a God in order to lead a moralistic lifestyle.
And thank God for His grace, while your at it.
If my child stepped in front of a bullet meant for someone else, and that someone else showed up at my child's funeral and spit on the casket and declared He could have handled the problem himself, I'd burn that sucker.
All humans are intrinsically good. It is not necessary to believe in a God in order to lead a moralistic lifestyle.
Same old argument. I've made it a thousand times, heard it a thousand times. I'm sure the veteran Christians of R&S have heard it and know that they're wrong. But they need heaven, and they need, more than anything, to feel right and superior to you because they believe in an Old God with a belt, waiting to spank you.
In the case of a premillennialist, Christ should have been here and gone.
Again Pace, no.
All of the prophesy that needed to be fulfilled before Christ returns has just been relatively recently fulfilled.
To those Millerites that sat on a rock because their preacher calculated the day, I would have had two words for them. Got Israel?
Because one such prophesy was Israel becoming a nation.
There is nothing left to prevent the rapture. Christ returning still has a few prophesies to go.
Got Temple? :eusa_angel:
Thank you, The Irish Ram, but I am comfortable with the definitions I searched out.

In that case, meet me at the Temple in Jerusalem. It's where the Lord is setting if you are comfortable with your definitions. Got ark of the covenant?? It has to be in place before Christ's return. :eusa_angel:
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And thank God for His grace, while your at it.
If my child stepped in front of a bullet meant for someone else, and that someone else showed up at my child's funeral and spit on the casket and declared He could have handled the problem himself, I'd burn that sucker.
If you are trying to draw an analogy with regard to the crucifixion, it was not intended for anyone else. Jesus set himself up as the messiah and was crucified.
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In that case, meet me at the Temple in Jerusalem. It's where the Lord is setting if you are comfortable with your definitions. Got ark? :eusa_angel:
I am more than comfortable with my definitions. They come from reasonably reliable sources.
All humans are intrinsically good. It is not necessary to believe in a God in order to lead a moralistic lifestyle.
Same old argument. I've made it a thousand times, heard it a thousand times. I'm sure the veteran Christians of R&S have heard it and know that they're wrong. But they need heaven, and they need, more than anything, to feel right and superior to you because they believe in an Old God with a belt, waiting to spank you.
If one needs the threat of divine punishment to 'behave', that's a sorry state of affairs.
All humans are intrinsically good. It is not necessary to believe in a God in order to lead a moralistic lifestyle.
Same old argument. I've made it a thousand times, heard it a thousand times. I'm sure the veteran Christians of R&S have heard it and know that they're wrong. But they need heaven, and they need, more than anything, to feel right and superior to you because they believe in an Old God with a belt, waiting to spank you.

Odd that. I've never been fond of the belt. But can't wait to see the Lord. What's He going to spank you for, cause my sins He remembers no more. I'm getting presents. :eusa_angel:
All humans are intrinsically good. It is not necessary to believe in a God in order to lead a moralistic lifestyle.
Same old argument. I've made it a thousand times, heard it a thousand times. I'm sure the veteran Christians of R&S have heard it and know that they're wrong. But they need heaven, and they need, more than anything, to feel right and superior to you because they believe in an Old God with a belt, waiting to spank you.

Odd that. I've never been fond of the belt. But can't wait to see the Lord. What's He going to spank you for, cause my sins He remembers no more. I'm getting presents. :eusa_angel:
i've said this before, you have a rich fantasy life!

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