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The Reagan Administration sold COCAINE To Support the Contras in Nicaragua

I understand that Bill "BLOW JOB" Clinton, and this had nothing to do with sex, BOUGHT all the cocaine!

Most people think that the biggest felony made by Bill Clinton might be that he swore falsely under oath in the Lewinsky affair. But this is peanuts compared to the real crimes, yet undetected by most American people.


It was in Oxford as a student Clinton came to hear about the One World Government for the first time, and what was required to be a member of this New World Order. In an interview in 1994 Clinton said that he'd known about the "Shadow-government" already in his youth, and had been very enthusiastic to get an entrance into the "Inner Circle" and from there have the opportunity to participate in decisions regarding the future of the world.

He succeeded! The "President-maker" David Rockefeller met Clinton in the mid 80's in Arkansas to prepare him for what was to come. The State of Arkansas, by the way, is a major seat for the Brotherhood elite. The south branch of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry has its center here, and from this area Albert Pike (33 degree Freemason) created the Ku Klux Klan.


Clinton worked himself up rapidly and became a governor of Arkansas. As a governor Bill Clinton committed a series of high crimes, related to his Illuminati connection. He became the leader of a gigantic network which dealt with drug-smuggling, laundering of drug-money and corruption in general.

A good friend of Clinton from Arkansas, Larry Nichols, was interviewed in a film. Clinton thought that Nichols would keep his mouth shut, but he didn't. He was hired by Clinton and had found out that Clinton's firm, "Arkansas Development Finance Authority" (ADFA), laundered drug-money. Cocaine to a value of $10.000.000 (ten million dollars!) a week was flown in from Mena Airport in Arkansas. The money was laundered via ADFA to a bank in Florida, to a bank in Georgia, to Citycorp in New York, and from there it was transferred out of the country. All this regarding to Larry Nichols.

Clinton's best friend, Dan Lasater, led the operations. Lasater and Bill Clinton's brother, Roger Clinton, later spent time in jail due to drug related crimes.

The Chief of Police in Arkansas at that time, Doc Delaughter, said he had gathered information from many persons in Lasater's surroundings, how he smuggled drugs and abused young girls sexually. During those investigations Doc was harassed by persons from his own police department, paid by Clinton.

Bill Clinton created new laws that helped "Tyson Foods" to be the biggest company in Arkansas. The owner, Don Tyson, received a loan from the Clinton-owned ADFA, but never had to pay back. Doc says he has evidence enough against Tyson to start an investigation regarding illegal drug-trade. Nichols says in the film:

The first loan ADFA approved was to "Park-O-Meter" ... When I investigated the company, I found that the Directive Secretary and cashier was Webb Hubbell ... Guess who wrote the law proposition ... which made ADFA possible. Webb Hubbell. Guess who drove the law proposition which looked into- and admitted (Park-O-Meter's) request. "Rose Law Firm" (owned by Hillary Clinton). Who signed the admittance? Webb Hubbell and Hillary Clinton.

Nichols said that when journalists started investigating the loans to "Park-O-Meter", they discovered that the company did not make parking meters, but removable airplane nose-cones, delivered to the air-field in Mena. The equipment was used to smuggle narcotics into the country, and with this Clinton and his companions participated heavily to the pushing of street-drugs in the USA.

Nichols says further that Clinton most of the time was involved in drug trade and the people he surrounded himself with followed him all the way to the White House.

When Clinton became President he elected Webb Hubbell as the Minister of Justice(!). Hubbell had to go back to Arkansas, though, to plead guilty to having cheated customers of the "Rose Law Firm" on $500.000.

Maybe the largest drug smuggling event in the USA history started in 1982 on Mena Airport by Barry Seale, pilot for the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA!!!). He had had problems with the authorities in Louisiana, so he moved his dirty business to Arkansas, where he could work un-disturbed. Seale said later in a police investigation that he had used nose-cones to smuggle drugs (Park-O-Meter).

But hell, if Reagan did it, Bill certainly was a recipient!:321:
Plenty of manpo
How so? We are the one who's armed to the teeth. You fuckers are afraid of firearms.

So how's that supposed to work out for you? Are you going to rely on your government to save you?
We are armed to the teeth, problem is NATO countries who are (by treaty) supposed to be as well find it easier and cheaper to rely on our military power, rather than their own. Yea we might have the most tech advanced military...but china and Russia are pretty tech savvy themselves, and have larger militaries than us, and are also practicing military drills together. Whose going to be able to come to our aid if it turns out we need it?

Armed Americans. We have tons of guns and we know how to use them. Any weaponry we don't have, can be taken away from our adversaries and used against them.
I can agree with Americans being armed it's going to be hard to invade American homeland much like Germany didn't even bother with Switzerland, but how would Americans stop carriers, ballistic missiles, and airstrikes. War with russia and China (pray to god it doesn't happen) is at best a bloody bloody stalemate. I think we can agree that stronger allies not dependent on us is a better deterrent than a population that is only 40% armed

Shoot the fuckers down with captured ground to air missiles, and wear them out with improvised explosive devices made out of their own stuff we take away from them. With all those troops coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan, we shouldn't have a shortage of manpower.
That's a lot harder than a legitimate 2nd theater of war concern coming from NATO countries in Europe, currently it's a bug that they could swat away, and give us a 2nd theater of war with us having to defend Europe. And china definitely has less of a manpower problem then we do.

China has plenty of manpower, but there arms and equipment is inferior to ours. Russia's weaponry is inferior to ours too.. Russia has lost something like 3,000 soldiers during the year they've been in the Ukraine. Many more wounded.

In 1996, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist GARY WEBB (1955–2004) wrote a shocking series of articles for the San Jose Mercury News exposing the CIA’s link to Nicaraguan cocaine smuggled into the US by the Contras, which had fueled the widespread crack epidemic that swept through urban areas. Webb’s bold, controversial reporting was the target of a famously vicious media backlash that ended his career as a mainstream journalist. When Webb persisted with his research and compiled his findings in the bookDark Alliance, some of the same publications that had vilified Webb for his series retracted their criticism and praised him for having the courage to tell the truth about one of the worst official abuses in our nation’s history. Others, including his own former newspaper and the New York Times, continued to treat him like an outlaw for the brilliant and courageous work he’d done. Webb’s death on December 10, 2004, at the age of 49, was determined to be a suicide.

The National Security Archive obtained the hand-written notebooks of Oliver North, the National Security Council aide who helped run the contra war and other Reagan administration covert operations, through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed in 1989. The notebooks, as well as declassified memos sent to North, record that North was repeatedly informed of contra ties to drug trafficking."

Just watched the first episode of narcos on netflix. Looks like it's getting into this.

Also the last season of archer got into this in a hilarious way too

It would be hilarious if thousands of Americans have not been maimed , incarcerated or died because of the "War on Drugs".

Plenty of manpo
We are armed to the teeth, problem is NATO countries who are (by treaty) supposed to be as well find it easier and cheaper to rely on our military power, rather than their own. Yea we might have the most tech advanced military...but china and Russia are pretty tech savvy themselves, and have larger militaries than us, and are also practicing military drills together. Whose going to be able to come to our aid if it turns out we need it?

Armed Americans. We have tons of guns and we know how to use them. Any weaponry we don't have, can be taken away from our adversaries and used against them.
I can agree with Americans being armed it's going to be hard to invade American homeland much like Germany didn't even bother with Switzerland, but how would Americans stop carriers, ballistic missiles, and airstrikes. War with russia and China (pray to god it doesn't happen) is at best a bloody bloody stalemate. I think we can agree that stronger allies not dependent on us is a better deterrent than a population that is only 40% armed

Shoot the fuckers down with captured ground to air missiles, and wear them out with improvised explosive devices made out of their own stuff we take away from them. With all those troops coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan, we shouldn't have a shortage of manpower.
That's a lot harder than a legitimate 2nd theater of war concern coming from NATO countries in Europe, currently it's a bug that they could swat away, and give us a 2nd theater of war with us having to defend Europe. And china definitely has less of a manpower problem then we do.

China has plenty of manpower, but there arms and equipment is inferior to ours. Russia's weaponry is inferior to ours too.. Russia has lost something like 3,000 soldiers during the year they've been in the Ukraine. Many more wounded.
But not by much, they have stealth fighters/bombers and drones too. Germany's had superior equipment to us in WWII (outside of the p51), how did we beat them?
So where are all the indictments then, libtards?

"When the presidents does it it means is not a crime"

Richard Milhous Nixon

No one was indicted after the Waco Massacre or the kidnapping of Little Elian Gonzalez - the feds are a continuing criminal enterprise.


In 1996, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist GARY WEBB (1955–2004) wrote a shocking series of articles for the San Jose Mercury News exposing the CIA’s link to Nicaraguan cocaine smuggled into the US by the Contras, which had fueled the widespread crack epidemic that swept through urban areas. Webb’s bold, controversial reporting was the target of a famously vicious media backlash that ended his career as a mainstream journalist. When Webb persisted with his research and compiled his findings in the bookDark Alliance, some of the same publications that had vilified Webb for his series retracted their criticism and praised him for having the courage to tell the truth about one of the worst official abuses in our nation’s history. Others, including his own former newspaper and the New York Times, continued to treat him like an outlaw for the brilliant and courageous work he’d done. Webb’s death on December 10, 2004, at the age of 49, was determined to be a suicide.

The National Security Archive obtained the hand-written notebooks of Oliver North, the National Security Council aide who helped run the contra war and other Reagan administration covert operations, through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed in 1989. The notebooks, as well as declassified memos sent to North, record that North was repeatedly informed of contra ties to drug trafficking."


Whatever. If it took some underhanded shenanigans to produce some deaded Communists, I'm down with that.






Sanders would be the first communist? How is he different than Obama again?
This is another hit piece by somebody who opposed Ronald Reagans policies. It's not the first and it probably won't be the last. There's no proof, just allegations presented as facts. The left is famous for this kind of shit. Reagans immense popularity and landslide elections drive them crazy and their desperation has driven them to advance a lot of conspiracy theories to try and tear down his legacy. I remember this same story back in the 80s when it was advanced by every left wing kook who had access to the media and nothing was ever substantiated. Just like the "October Surprise" that was investigated repeatedly and turned up nothing. That didn't stop the left from proclaiming it was true though, years after it was debunked. Facts have never stood in their way.
Your no better than an Obama supporter, following him blind no matter what. I can like what Reagan Said but very much disagree with the policy of supporting bad people who are against other bad people, with very bad policy.

I'm sure you against gun running in Benghazi and the overthrow of Libya (which is very similar) but it sounds like it's just because Obama has a D in front of his name.
Your problem is (besides being a phony) that you don't understand the difference between selling weapons to somebody who is helping us and selling weapons to somebody who is using them to kill us. And don't give me that shit about not being a liberal, I'm not stupid.
Ha I'm not at all, unless you're saying I'm a Jeffersonian liberal, then yes I am. And It was Reagan who supported bin laden and the Taliban when ussr was in Afghanistan. That's someone id say who hurt us pretty bad right?
So now Reagan is a bad guy because he couldn't see into the future?

In 1996, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist GARY WEBB (1955–2004) wrote a shocking series of articles for the San Jose Mercury News exposing the CIA’s link to Nicaraguan cocaine smuggled into the US by the Contras, which had fueled the widespread crack epidemic that swept through urban areas. Webb’s bold, controversial reporting was the target of a famously vicious media backlash that ended his career as a mainstream journalist. When Webb persisted with his research and compiled his findings in the bookDark Alliance, some of the same publications that had vilified Webb for his series retracted their criticism and praised him for having the courage to tell the truth about one of the worst official abuses in our nation’s history. Others, including his own former newspaper and the New York Times, continued to treat him like an outlaw for the brilliant and courageous work he’d done. Webb’s death on December 10, 2004, at the age of 49, was determined to be a suicide.

The National Security Archive obtained the hand-written notebooks of Oliver North, the National Security Council aide who helped run the contra war and other Reagan administration covert operations, through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed in 1989. The notebooks, as well as declassified memos sent to North, record that North was repeatedly informed of contra ties to drug trafficking."


This is something conservatives want desperately to go away. Ronald Reagan was the most corrupt individual to ever hold high office and should have spent the rest of his life in prison for high crimes and treason.

He in essence wiped his ass with the Constitution re Iran/Contra when he went behind Congress' back to sell arms to Iran. 138 of Reagan's administration were indicted and/or convicted of crimes.

The fact that he sold drugs as well should be of no surprise to anyone. He was the 1980s Al Capone.
The law you claim Reagan broke was the Boland Amendment, which prohibited the CIA from sending arms to the Contras. It said nothing about the NSA, which are the ones who sent the arms (and rightfully so). He did not break the law or violate the Constitution. Get informed.
This is another hit piece by somebody who opposed Ronald Reagans policies. It's not the first and it probably won't be the last. There's no proof, just allegations presented as facts. The left is famous for this kind of shit. Reagans immense popularity and landslide elections drive them crazy and their desperation has driven them to advance a lot of conspiracy theories to try and tear down his legacy. I remember this same story back in the 80s when it was advanced by every left wing kook who had access to the media and nothing was ever substantiated. Just like the "October Surprise" that was investigated repeatedly and turned up nothing. That didn't stop the left from proclaiming it was true though, years after it was debunked. Facts have never stood in their way.
Your no better than an Obama supporter, following him blind no matter what. I can like what Reagan Said but very much disagree with the policy of supporting bad people who are against other bad people, with very bad policy.

I'm sure you against gun running in Benghazi and the overthrow of Libya (which is very similar) but it sounds like it's just because Obama has a D in front of his name.
Your problem is (besides being a phony) that you don't understand the difference between selling weapons to somebody who is helping us and selling weapons to somebody who is using them to kill us. And don't give me that shit about not being a liberal, I'm not stupid.
Ha I'm not at all, unless you're saying I'm a Jeffersonian liberal, then yes I am. And It was Reagan who supported bin laden and the Taliban when ussr was in Afghanistan. That's someone id say who hurt us pretty bad right?
So now Reagan is a bad guy because he couldn't see into the future?
So he could not discern that the Taliban were bad people?

This is why we should not prop up bad people. Ends do not justify the means
The Reagan Administration sold weapons to Iran in violation of Federal law to fund the Contras, that it might have sold illegal drugs as well isn't hard to believe.
The weapons sold to Iran were obsolete. They were short range (no threat to anyone except Iraq) and Iran paid many times more for them than they were worth. Our government was paid in full for the weapons and it was only the excess profit that was sent to the Contras. And let us know when you have proof of illegal drugs being sold by Reagan.
The Reagan Administration sold weapons to Iran in violation of Federal law to fund the Contras, that it might have sold illegal drugs as well isn't hard to believe.
The weapons sold to Iran were obsolete. They were short range (no threat to anyone except Iraq) and Iran paid many times more for them than they were worth. Our government was paid in full for the weapons and it was only the excess profit that was sent to the Contras. And let us know when you have proof of illegal drugs being sold by Reagan.
Well Afghanistan before the war only made up 7% of the worlds heroin production, now it's 90%. There are stories on Fox News that talk about our troops guarding poppy fields. In a land locked country like Afghanistan where we control the airspace...how are those drugs getting into our country
This is another hit piece by somebody who opposed Ronald Reagans policies. It's not the first and it probably won't be the last. There's no proof, just allegations presented as facts. The left is famous for this kind of shit. Reagans immense popularity and landslide elections drive them crazy and their desperation has driven them to advance a lot of conspiracy theories to try and tear down his legacy. I remember this same story back in the 80s when it was advanced by every left wing kook who had access to the media and nothing was ever substantiated. Just like the "October Surprise" that was investigated repeatedly and turned up nothing. That didn't stop the left from proclaiming it was true though, years after it was debunked. Facts have never stood in their way.
Your no better than an Obama supporter, following him blind no matter what. I can like what Reagan Said but very much disagree with the policy of supporting bad people who are against other bad people, with very bad policy.

I'm sure you against gun running in Benghazi and the overthrow of Libya (which is very similar) but it sounds like it's just because Obama has a D in front of his name.
Your problem is (besides being a phony) that you don't understand the difference between selling weapons to somebody who is helping us and selling weapons to somebody who is using them to kill us. And don't give me that shit about not being a liberal, I'm not stupid.
Ha I'm not at all, unless you're saying I'm a Jeffersonian liberal, then yes I am. And It was Reagan who supported bin laden and the Taliban when ussr was in Afghanistan. That's someone id say who hurt us pretty bad right?
So now Reagan is a bad guy because he couldn't see into the future?
So he could not discern that the Taliban were bad people?
You're not to bright, are you? We were in the process of bankrupting the Soviet Union, so helping Afghanistan was a good move. And no, the Taliban were not our enemy then. You think we should have stood by and let them be slaughtered by the Russians or make it harder and more costly for them? The Soviet Union was the biggest threat to mankind back then, not a bunch of primitive cave men from Afghanistan.
Your no better than an Obama supporter, following him blind no matter what. I can like what Reagan Said but very much disagree with the policy of supporting bad people who are against other bad people, with very bad policy.

I'm sure you against gun running in Benghazi and the overthrow of Libya (which is very similar) but it sounds like it's just because Obama has a D in front of his name.
Your problem is (besides being a phony) that you don't understand the difference between selling weapons to somebody who is helping us and selling weapons to somebody who is using them to kill us. And don't give me that shit about not being a liberal, I'm not stupid.
Ha I'm not at all, unless you're saying I'm a Jeffersonian liberal, then yes I am. And It was Reagan who supported bin laden and the Taliban when ussr was in Afghanistan. That's someone id say who hurt us pretty bad right?
So now Reagan is a bad guy because he couldn't see into the future?
So he could not discern that the Taliban were bad people?
You're not to bright, are you? We were in the process of bankrupting the Soviet Union, so helping Afghanistan was a good move. And no, the Taliban were not our enemy then. You think we should have stood by and let them be slaughtered by the Russians or make it harder and more costly for them? The Soviet Union was the biggest threat to mankind back then, not a bunch of primitive cave men from Afghanistan.
Soviet Union was going bankrupt anyway, that's what happens in Communism. And no I wouldn't support the Taliban, when has the enemy of my enemy is my friend ever work out for us?
Your problem is (besides being a phony) that you don't understand the difference between selling weapons to somebody who is helping us and selling weapons to somebody who is using them to kill us. And don't give me that shit about not being a liberal, I'm not stupid.
Ha I'm not at all, unless you're saying I'm a Jeffersonian liberal, then yes I am. And It was Reagan who supported bin laden and the Taliban when ussr was in Afghanistan. That's someone id say who hurt us pretty bad right?
So now Reagan is a bad guy because he couldn't see into the future?
So he could not discern that the Taliban were bad people?
You're not to bright, are you? We were in the process of bankrupting the Soviet Union, so helping Afghanistan was a good move. And no, the Taliban were not our enemy then. You think we should have stood by and let them be slaughtered by the Russians or make it harder and more costly for them? The Soviet Union was the biggest threat to mankind back then, not a bunch of primitive cave men from Afghanistan.
Soviet Union was going bankrupt anyway, that's what happens in Communism. And no I wouldn't support the Taliban, when has the enemy of my enemy is my friend ever work out for us?
The reason the Soviet Union was going bankrupt is because we were bankrupting them by forcing them to exhaust all their resources. You probably weren't even alive then, because if you were, you would know that Afghanistan and the Taliban were not our enemy at that time. Why would we not help them keep from being slaughtered? You're talking out your ass.

In 1996, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist GARY WEBB (1955–2004) wrote a shocking series of articles for the San Jose Mercury News exposing the CIA’s link to Nicaraguan cocaine smuggled into the US by the Contras, which had fueled the widespread crack epidemic that swept through urban areas. Webb’s bold, controversial reporting was the target of a famously vicious media backlash that ended his career as a mainstream journalist. When Webb persisted with his research and compiled his findings in the bookDark Alliance, some of the same publications that had vilified Webb for his series retracted their criticism and praised him for having the courage to tell the truth about one of the worst official abuses in our nation’s history. Others, including his own former newspaper and the New York Times, continued to treat him like an outlaw for the brilliant and courageous work he’d done. Webb’s death on December 10, 2004, at the age of 49, was determined to be a suicide.

The National Security Archive obtained the hand-written notebooks of Oliver North, the National Security Council aide who helped run the contra war and other Reagan administration covert operations, through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed in 1989. The notebooks, as well as declassified memos sent to North, record that North was repeatedly informed of contra ties to drug trafficking."

Someone was watching HBO...

In 1996, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist GARY WEBB (1955–2004) wrote a shocking series of articles for the San Jose Mercury News exposing the CIA’s link to Nicaraguan cocaine smuggled into the US by the Contras, which had fueled the widespread crack epidemic that swept through urban areas. Webb’s bold, controversial reporting was the target of a famously vicious media backlash that ended his career as a mainstream journalist. When Webb persisted with his research and compiled his findings in the bookDark Alliance, some of the same publications that had vilified Webb for his series retracted their criticism and praised him for having the courage to tell the truth about one of the worst official abuses in our nation’s history. Others, including his own former newspaper and the New York Times, continued to treat him like an outlaw for the brilliant and courageous work he’d done. Webb’s death on December 10, 2004, at the age of 49, was determined to be a suicide.

The National Security Archive obtained the hand-written notebooks of Oliver North, the National Security Council aide who helped run the contra war and other Reagan administration covert operations, through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed in 1989. The notebooks, as well as declassified memos sent to North, record that North was repeatedly informed of contra ties to drug trafficking."


Whatever. If it took some underhanded shenanigans to produce some deaded Communists, I'm down with that.






Fuck you, cocksucker and fuck Bernie Sanders with the same rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. You don't speak for me and you don't speak for the American people. Sanders will not be elected and as far as I' care, there only good communist is a dead communist.





In 1996, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist GARY WEBB (1955–2004) wrote a shocking series of articles for the San Jose Mercury News exposing the CIA’s link to Nicaraguan cocaine smuggled into the US by the Contras, which had fueled the widespread crack epidemic that swept through urban areas. Webb’s bold, controversial reporting was the target of a famously vicious media backlash that ended his career as a mainstream journalist. When Webb persisted with his research and compiled his findings in the bookDark Alliance, some of the same publications that had vilified Webb for his series retracted their criticism and praised him for having the courage to tell the truth about one of the worst official abuses in our nation’s history. Others, including his own former newspaper and the New York Times, continued to treat him like an outlaw for the brilliant and courageous work he’d done. Webb’s death on December 10, 2004, at the age of 49, was determined to be a suicide.

The National Security Archive obtained the hand-written notebooks of Oliver North, the National Security Council aide who helped run the contra war and other Reagan administration covert operations, through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed in 1989. The notebooks, as well as declassified memos sent to North, record that North was repeatedly informed of contra ties to drug trafficking."


Whatever. If it took some underhanded shenanigans to produce some deaded Communists, I'm down with that.






Fuck you, cocksucker and fuck Bernie Sanders with the same rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. You don't speak for me and you don't speak for the American people. Sanders will not be elected and as far as I' care, there only good communist is a dead communist.




Would you mind not shouting?

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