The real death rate of COVID-19 in the U.S. may be 140 times smaller than what is being reported


Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.

Cool. Does it carry more weight if it's coming from epidemiology experts including Dr. Fauci, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine?

A fatality rate like that of "a severe influenza... considerably less than 1%" -- Dr. Fauci's words, not Danfromsquirrelhill's

That's not a quote from Fauci, Why are you making shit up? Here it is:

On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%.4 In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2

You appear to purposefully remove the "may be".

Here is a very recent interview with Fauci where he describes COVID19 in that it's more contagious and 10 times more lethal than the flu.

We are discussing how lethal it is in this thread. Your claim is based on ignorance, not facts. Fauci doesn't know how lethal it is. He's a TDS moron like you.

No, my claim is based on people who know what they are talking about, not some rando on the internet.

Fauci and Birx are saying 100k-200k deaths most likely in the U.S.

ROFL! Fauci is full of shit. He's spouting the same bullshit your spouting. Fatality rates that are based solely on the people who are tested, when that isn't everyone, are bogus. You like Fouci because he confirms your idiocy.

Oh, I see, you don't even know what Fauci has said. The current mortality rate in the U.S. is 1.8%, he's stated many times he believes it to be around 1%.

That's obviously wrong. That's one reason Fauci is a douchebag.

Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.

Cool. Does it carry more weight if it's coming from epidemiology experts including Dr. Fauci, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine?

A fatality rate like that of "a severe influenza... considerably less than 1%" -- Dr. Fauci's words, not Danfromsquirrelhill's
No, it doesn't carry any more weight. Facts are facts.

You should maybe have your chubby little fingers post facts for a change.
What have I posted that isn't a fact?

The premise of this thread that by looking at Iceland alone and ignoring the rest of the world we can deduce the mortality rate.
You get a more accurate number than going by figures where not all the people who have the disease have been tested. That means the rest of the world, dumbass.

New York has tested more people than anyone else in the United States. What does that tell you?
Just another exercise in bullshitting for Trumpbots?
Turds like you are doing all the bullshitting.

Right...all the medical experts in the whole world are outright lying, while a few enlightened people like yourself are the only ones that know the truth....

Are you truly that stupid or are you, like I said, just exercising your ability to BULLSHIT?

but it's DAN!!!!! from SQUIRREL HILL for GOD'S SAKE!!!!

why are you questioning DAN????????????? he knows EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!! YOU TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.

Cool. Does it carry more weight if it's coming from epidemiology experts including Dr. Fauci, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine?

A fatality rate like that of "a severe influenza... considerably less than 1%" -- Dr. Fauci's words, not Danfromsquirrelhill's

That's not a quote from Fauci, Why are you making shit up? Here it is:

On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%.4 In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2

You appear to purposefully remove the "may be".

Here is a very recent interview with Fauci where he describes COVID19 in that it's more contagious and 10 times more lethal than the flu.

We are discussing how lethal it is in this thread. Your claim is based on ignorance, not facts. Fauci doesn't know how lethal it is. He's a TDS moron like you.

No, my claim is based on people who know what they are talking about, not some rando on the internet.

Fauci and Birx are saying 100k-200k deaths most likely in the U.S.

ROFL! Fauci is full of shit. He's spouting the same bullshit your spouting. Fatality rates that are based solely on the people who are tested, when that isn't everyone, are bogus. You like Fouci because he confirms your idiocy.

Oh, I see, you don't even know what Fauci has said. The current mortality rate in the U.S. is 1.8%, he's stated many times he believes it to be around 1%.

That's obviously wrong. That's one reason Fauci is a douchebag.

No, it's not obviously wrong. I sure as fuck hope you're staying away from people....I mean, sure some of them you are most likely legally required to. But just stay away from the rest as well.

Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.

Cool. Does it carry more weight if it's coming from epidemiology experts including Dr. Fauci, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine?

A fatality rate like that of "a severe influenza... considerably less than 1%" -- Dr. Fauci's words, not Danfromsquirrelhill's
No, it doesn't carry any more weight. Facts are facts.

You should maybe have your chubby little fingers post facts for a change.
What have I posted that isn't a fact?

The premise of this thread that by looking at Iceland alone and ignoring the rest of the world we can deduce the mortality rate.
You get a more accurate number than going by figures where not all the people who have the disease have been tested. That means the rest of the world, dumbass.

New York has tested more people than anyone else in the United States. What does that tell you?
They didn't test everyone, so it tells you nothing.

Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.

Cool. Does it carry more weight if it's coming from epidemiology experts including Dr. Fauci, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine?

A fatality rate like that of "a severe influenza... considerably less than 1%" -- Dr. Fauci's words, not Danfromsquirrelhill's
No, it doesn't carry any more weight. Facts are facts.

You should maybe have your chubby little fingers post facts for a change.
What have I posted that isn't a fact?

The premise of this thread that by looking at Iceland alone and ignoring the rest of the world we can deduce the mortality rate.

One of the other Trumpbot clowns was trying to base his argument on Taiwan's infection rate.

Can they truly be this stupid or are they just exercising their bullshitting skills?

Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.

Cool. Does it carry more weight if it's coming from epidemiology experts including Dr. Fauci, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine?

A fatality rate like that of "a severe influenza... considerably less than 1%" -- Dr. Fauci's words, not Danfromsquirrelhill's

That's not a quote from Fauci, Why are you making shit up? Here it is:

On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%.4 In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2

You appear to purposefully remove the "may be".

Here is a very recent interview with Fauci where he describes COVID19 in that it's more contagious and 10 times more lethal than the flu.

We are discussing how lethal it is in this thread. Your claim is based on ignorance, not facts. Fauci doesn't know how lethal it is. He's a TDS moron like you.

No, my claim is based on people who know what they are talking about, not some rando on the internet.

Fauci and Birx are saying 100k-200k deaths most likely in the U.S.

ROFL! Fauci is full of shit. He's spouting the same bullshit your spouting. Fatality rates that are based solely on the people who are tested, when that isn't everyone, are bogus. You like Fouci because he confirms your idiocy.

Oh, I see, you don't even know what Fauci has said. The current mortality rate in the U.S. is 1.8%, he's stated many times he believes it to be around 1%.

That's obviously wrong. That's one reason Fauci is a douchebag.

No, it's not obviously wrong. I sure as fuck hope you're staying away from people....I mean, sure some of them you are most likely legally required too. But just stay away from the rest as well.

It is obviously wrong (not long), but you're too fucking stupid to understand why.

Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.

Cool. Does it carry more weight if it's coming from epidemiology experts including Dr. Fauci, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine?

A fatality rate like that of "a severe influenza... considerably less than 1%" -- Dr. Fauci's words, not Danfromsquirrelhill's

That's not a quote from Fauci, Why are you making shit up? Here it is:

On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%.4 In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2

You appear to purposefully remove the "may be".

Here is a very recent interview with Fauci where he describes COVID19 in that it's more contagious and 10 times more lethal than the flu.

We are discussing how lethal it is in this thread. Your claim is based on ignorance, not facts. Fauci doesn't know how lethal it is. He's a TDS moron like you.

No, my claim is based on people who know what they are talking about, not some rando on the internet.

Fauci and Birx are saying 100k-200k deaths most likely in the U.S.

ROFL! Fauci is full of shit. He's spouting the same bullshit your spouting. Fatality rates that are based solely on the people who are tested, when that isn't everyone, are bogus. You like Fouci because he confirms your idiocy.

Oh, I see, you don't even know what Fauci has said. The current mortality rate in the U.S. is 1.8%, he's stated many times he believes it to be around 1%.

That's obviously wrong. That's one reason Fauci is a douchebag.

No, it's not obviously wrong. I sure as fuck hope you're staying away from people....I mean, sure some of them you are most likely legally required too. But just stay away from the rest as well.

It is obviously wrong (not long), but you're too fucking stupid to understand why.


I understand what Dan is trying to do and the only reason you agree with him is because he's telling you what you want to hear.

Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.

Cool. Does it carry more weight if it's coming from epidemiology experts including Dr. Fauci, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine?

A fatality rate like that of "a severe influenza... considerably less than 1%" -- Dr. Fauci's words, not Danfromsquirrelhill's
No, it doesn't carry any more weight. Facts are facts.

You should maybe have your chubby little fingers post facts for a change.
What have I posted that isn't a fact?

The premise of this thread that by looking at Iceland alone and ignoring the rest of the world we can deduce the mortality rate.

One of the other Trumpbot clowns was trying to base his argument on Taiwan's infection rate.

Can they truly be this stupid or are they just exercising their bullshitting skills?
Got a link? I can't find any article making that claim.

Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.

Cool. Does it carry more weight if it's coming from epidemiology experts including Dr. Fauci, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine?

A fatality rate like that of "a severe influenza... considerably less than 1%" -- Dr. Fauci's words, not Danfromsquirrelhill's

That's not a quote from Fauci, Why are you making shit up? Here it is:

On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%.4 In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2

You appear to purposefully remove the "may be".

Here is a very recent interview with Fauci where he describes COVID19 in that it's more contagious and 10 times more lethal than the flu.

We are discussing how lethal it is in this thread. Your claim is based on ignorance, not facts. Fauci doesn't know how lethal it is. He's a TDS moron like you.

No, my claim is based on people who know what they are talking about, not some rando on the internet.

Fauci and Birx are saying 100k-200k deaths most likely in the U.S.

ROFL! Fauci is full of shit. He's spouting the same bullshit your spouting. Fatality rates that are based solely on the people who are tested, when that isn't everyone, are bogus. You like Fouci because he confirms your idiocy.

Oh, I see, you don't even know what Fauci has said. The current mortality rate in the U.S. is 1.8%, he's stated many times he believes it to be around 1%.

That's obviously wrong. That's one reason Fauci is a douchebag.

No, it's not obviously wrong. I sure as fuck hope you're staying away from people....I mean, sure some of them you are most likely legally required too. But just stay away from the rest as well.

It is obviously wrong (not long), but you're too fucking stupid to understand why.


I understand what Dan is trying to do and the only reason you agree with him is because he's telling you what you want to hear.

I agree with him because his claim is based on numerical fact. Fauci's claim is based on bullshit.
Just another exercise in bullshitting for Trumpbots?
Turds like you are doing all the bullshitting.

Right...all the medical experts in the whole world are outright lying, while a few enlightened people like yourself are the only ones that know the truth....

Are you truly that stupid or are you, like I said, just exercising your ability to BULLSHIT?

but it's DAN!!!!! from SQUIRREL HILL for GOD'S SAKE!!!!

why are you questioning DAN????????????? he knows EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!! YOU TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can't argue with what he says so you engage in ad hominem attacks.

Typical TDS moron.
Since all that matters is the number of total deaths, I do not see at all how it matters if more people have gotten COVID-19 and a lower % have fatal results?

It is likely true. But it still makes sense to do precautions in order to reduce transmission speed.
So you don't see any difference in how we should react between a mortality rate of 10% and a mortality rate of 0.01%?

That's utterly idiotic. We all know why the TDS morons are trying to make the mortality rate as high as possible: Because the want to instill the maximum amount of hysteria possible.
And they roll out the utterly sappy “if One life is saved it’s all worth it”. Tell thatbto the 30,000 restaurant owners who will never reopen. 750,000 employees and owners down that drain so that some 80 year olds who have multiple life taking issues can avoid being dead from Corona.

Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.
Unlike TDS morons, he can do simple math.

He picked a single country (Iceland) to compare to the US population to determine the COVID-19 mortality rate. Why Iceland? Why not Italy?
Cause Iceland have a tiny population...

Wyoming has a population 50% bigger than than in Iceland.

Iceland just happens to large land mass with hardly any boy on most of it...

Picture by night, gives North Korea run for its money

See that dot of light at the bottom. That is the village of Vik population 291...


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Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.

Cool. Does it carry more weight if it's coming from epidemiology experts including Dr. Fauci, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine?

A fatality rate like that of "a severe influenza... considerably less than 1%" -- Dr. Fauci's words, not Danfromsquirrelhill's
No, it doesn't carry any more weight. Facts are facts.

You should maybe have your chubby little fingers post facts for a change.
What have I posted that isn't a fact?

The premise of this thread that by looking at Iceland alone and ignoring the rest of the world we can deduce the mortality rate.
You get a more accurate number than going by figures where not all the people who have the disease have been tested. That means the rest of the world, dumbass.

New York has tested more people than anyone else in the United States. What does that tell you?
They didn't test everyone, so it tells you nothing.

Iceland has tested less than 4% of their people. That seems to be a lot less than 'everyone'.

But what might authorities learn if people were tested randomly instead? Some early clues may be found in the tiny country of Iceland. So far, the country has tested 11,727 people—about 3.2% of its population of 364,000. It has done so in part by enlisting the country’s prized biopharma company deCODE Genetics to help tackle the crisis.

Testing is great and it could have been very beneficial for us but we dropped the ball in the U.S.

Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.
Unlike TDS morons, he can do simple math.

He picked a single country (Iceland) to compare to the US population to determine the COVID-19 mortality rate. Why Iceland? Why not Italy?
Cause Iceland have a tiny population...

Wyoming has a population 50% bigger than than in Iceland.

Iceland just happens to large land mass with hardly any boy on most of it...

Picture by night, gives North Korea run for its money
View attachment 317164

See that dot of light at the bottom. That is the village of Vik population 291...

Unrelated side note. I've been to Vik. Awesome drive from Reykjavik and there is almost nobody in between except for other tourists and waterfalls.

Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.
Unlike TDS morons, he can do simple math.

He picked a single country (Iceland) to compare to the US population to determine the COVID-19 mortality rate. Why Iceland? Why not Italy?
Cause Iceland have a tiny population...

Wyoming has a population 50% bigger than than in Iceland.

Iceland just happens to large land mass with hardly any boy on most of it...

Picture by night, gives North Korea run for its money
View attachment 317164

See that dot of light at the bottom. That is the village of Vik population 291...
It doesn't matter how many people are in the population. All the matters is if they are all tested. Guessing based on people who are tested because they are already showing symptoms produces unrealistically large numbers.
Just another exercise in bullshitting for Trumpbots?
Turds like you are doing all the bullshitting.

Right...all the medical experts in the whole world are outright lying, while a few enlightened people like yourself are the only ones that know the truth....

Are you truly that stupid or are you, like I said, just exercising your ability to BULLSHIT?

but it's DAN!!!!! from SQUIRREL HILL for GOD'S SAKE!!!!

why are you questioning DAN????????????? he knows EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!! YOU TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can't argue with what he says so you engage in ad hominem attacks.

Typical TDS moron.

yaaaaaaaaa that's the ticket! it couldn't possibly be that good ol' dan has zero credentials & his article is actually just a blog & not anything written in a peer reviewed scholarly journal... my god man - it's like a poll that exclusively asks trump voters if he's doing a good job.... & you point to it & say see? SEE? americans think donny is doing great!!! SEE!!!!

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Danfromsquirrelhill has an opinion and a Wordpress page.
Unlike TDS morons, he can do simple math.

He picked a single country (Iceland) to compare to the US population to determine the COVID-19 mortality rate. Why Iceland? Why not Italy?
I'm sure the marxo-leninist Iceland health care system is way inferior to the US too.

(btw, I'm being sarcastic, for those too dumb)

On any other day Iceland is doughboy's perfect Communist shithole, but not today.
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The way the flu Mortality rate is calculated by the CDC is by taking Hospitalizations/deaths- then extrapolating to the population. So if we had 225,000 hospitalized from flu, the resulted in 22,500 deaths = 10% - they then "extrapolate" and end up with a 0.1% death rate.

If they did the same with Covid 19 (which they cannot do as of this time due to lack of data) the reported "death rate" would be significantly lower than the fear inducing 3.4% that the WHO used to freak everyone out.

Here is a simple chart that even a Covfefe-16 sufferer can understand:


Starting on the left, there are two sequential boxes with arrows that lead to a pyramid. The left-most box is labelled “Reported rate of hospitalization”. There is an arrow leading right to the next box, which is labelled “Adjusted rate of hospitalization”, and over the arrow is a label “1. Correct for under-detection”. From the box, labelled “Adjusted rate of hospitalization”, is an arrow leading right to the middle of the pyramid, which is labelled “Hospitalized” and over the arrow is a label “2. Extrapolate to U.S. population”. In the pyramid, the base is labelled “Symptomatic Illness”, the middle section is labelled “Hospitalized”, and the top is labelled “Died”. On the right-side of the pyramid are arrows coming from the middle section, with one leading up to the top section, labelled “Died”, and another arrow leading down to the bottom section, labelled “Symptomatic Illness”. Next to the arrow leading up to “Died” is a label stating “3. Calculate deaths equals multiply by ratio deaths to hospitalizations”. On the arrow leading from the middle of the pyramid down to the base, which is labelled “Symptomatic Illnesses”, there is a label stating “4. Calculate illnesses equals multiply by ratio of cases to hospitalizations”.


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