The Real Party Of The Rich


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

When it comes to donations if you look closely the Koch brothers are way down the list. Currently 59th on the Open Secrets list.

Democrats have been getting massive offerings from big-time donors, yet they've been telling us that the GOP is the party of the rich. Turns out it's the Democrats.

Yet another lie the Dems have been pushing down our throats.

Heavy Hitters: Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2014 | OpenSecrets


Most in Hollywood lean to the left. Some who have admitted that they were conservative have been literally drummed out of the business.

The richest member in Congress is Nancy Pelosi. (Wonder how she got all of that money)

Many of the richest districts in the country are all leaning Democrat.

So, like the big lie on Obamacare, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, so is the lie that the GOP is the party of the rich, because statistics show it's really Democrats.


Obama and Mark Zuckerberg
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OOOOHHHH this is gonna be a good thread....Cant wait to see the democrat heads explode from frustration that all they believe is a lie.
Democrats do things by the books and keep their donations open. The radical right like the Koch's and Rove hide their funds in secret superpacs or launder funds through organizations like the US chamber of commerce. The GOP bankrolls the piss out their puppets up and beyond the democrats by a long shot.
Democrats do things by the books and keep their donations open. The radical right like the Koch's and Rove hide their funds in secret superpacs or launder funds through organizations like the US chamber of commerce. The GOP bankrolls the piss out their puppets up and beyond the democrats by a long shot.

Yup, the Obama Administration is very transparent........:lol:
Democrats do things by the books and keep their donations open. The radical right like the Koch's and Rove hide their funds in secret superpacs or launder funds through organizations like the US chamber of commerce. The GOP bankrolls the piss out their puppets up and beyond the democrats by a long shot.

LMAO Who are you trying to convince with that lie?
What do you think immigration reform is all about? It ain't about worrying about some Mexican it is taking care of big business and their need for low wage labor. The Democrats do nothing out in the open it is always cloaked in BS. It's for the children, they were born that way, the Republicans are evil, democrats are the party that freed the slaves only the names changed....nothing but crap coming from democrats.
Democrats do things by the books and keep their donations open. The radical right like the Koch's and Rove hide their funds in secret superpacs or launder funds through organizations like the US chamber of commerce. The GOP bankrolls the piss out their puppets up and beyond the democrats by a long shot.

LMAO Who are you trying to convince with that lie?

You can't be this dumb, can you? (Well you are a right winger, so that comes with being incredibly ignorant)

The Koch's alone have been bankrolling the shit out the GOP. Hell they have been spending more than twice alone on the 2014 senate race ads, and 4 times as much on the house races than all the democrats combined.


Koch Brothers, Americans for Prosperity Outspending Democrats - Businessweek
October 8, 2012 by Mytheos Holt

This past Thursday, TheBlaze teased a potential scandal surrounding President Obama’s donors.
Now, we might know what that scandal is.
According to a report by the conservative nonprofit Government Accountability Institute (GAI), and an explosive series of stories on and the Daily Caller,
the Obama campaign website appears to be built with an uncharacteristic lack of security where foreign donations are concerned.

Despite donations from foreign sources being illegal under Federal law, all campaigns, whether at the congressional level or the presidential level, have insufficient security to prevent these donations, according to the GAI Report.
The problem afflicts an alarming number of politicians, across all parties.

However, for reasons that remain unclear, the Obama campaign stands apart from its peers in its lack of security preventing these donations.
The most dangerous vulnerabilities for the campaign appear to lie in two separate channels – specifically, the website, and the lack of a requirement that users input CCV codes when donating online through their credit cards.

To begin with, is owned by Shanghai executive and former Chicago resident Robert Roche, a powerful Obama bundler with enough financial clout to break bread with the President, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and even Chinese President Hu Jintao, at the same time.
Breitbart elaborates on Roche:

In 2011, Mr. Roche obtained one of the most sought-after pieces of real estate in Washington, DC: a seat at the head table for President Obama’s State Dinner for Chinese President Hu Jintao.
How Roche—a man whose infomercial company hawks fitness equipment, cell phones, and breast enhancement products
—landed a seat alongside Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton, Sen. John Kerry, former President Jimmy Carter, and Chinese President Hu Jintao remains unclear.

Since 2009, White House Visitor Logs list the name Robert Roche at least 19 times, despite the fact Mr. Roche’s primary residence is in China.

Mr. Roche, who is originally from Chicago, is a co-chair of the Technology Initiative for the Obama campaign.

According to Acorn International’s prospectus, the success of Mr. Roche’s company hinges on maintaining access to state-run media
and “preferential tax treatments and subsidies” doled out by the People’s Republic of China (PRC).​

EXPLOSIVE REPORT: Obama Campaign Website Lacks Important Tool to Prevent ILLEGAL DONATIONS
Democrats do things by the books and keep their donations open. The radical right like the Koch's and Rove hide their funds in secret superpacs or launder funds through organizations like the US chamber of commerce. The GOP bankrolls the piss out their puppets up and beyond the democrats by a long shot.

LMAO Who are you trying to convince with that lie?

You can't be this dumb, can you? (Well you are a right winger, so that comes with being incredibly ignorant)

The Koch's alone have been bankrolling the shit out the GOP. Hell they have been spending more than twice alone on the 2014 senate race ads, and 4 times as much on the house races than all the democrats combined.


Koch Brothers, Americans for Prosperity Outspending Democrats - Businessweek

The Koch Brothers don't hold a candle to many of the Democrats donors.

They're 59th on the list.

They gave just over $18 million in comparison to over $100 million from ActBlue, a Democrat clearing house, Emily's List $31 million, and Unions gave hundreds of millions of dollars to Democrats. If you wonder why Obama supports unions so much just look at the donations.
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Just look at the demographics. Look at all the "rich" places in the US. You have California, New York, the Eastern coast states, Chicago area etc. These are all liberal havens.

I was reading once where all the top CEO's graduate from. Mostly they come from left winged states like New York and Chicago and Harvard etc. The far left has taken over Wall Street, and with firm control of the media no one seems to notice.
October 8, 2012 by Mytheos Holt

This past Thursday, TheBlaze teased a potential scandal surrounding President Obama’s donors.
Now, we might know what that scandal is.
According to a report by the conservative nonprofit Government Accountability Institute (GAI), and an explosive series of stories on and the Daily Caller,
the Obama campaign website appears to be built with an uncharacteristic lack of security where foreign donations are concerned.

Despite donations from foreign sources being illegal under Federal law, all campaigns, whether at the congressional level or the presidential level, have insufficient security to prevent these donations, according to the GAI Report.
The problem afflicts an alarming number of politicians, across all parties.

However, for reasons that remain unclear, the Obama campaign stands apart from its peers in its lack of security preventing these donations.
The most dangerous vulnerabilities for the campaign appear to lie in two separate channels – specifically, the website, and the lack of a requirement that users input CCV codes when donating online through their credit cards.

To begin with, is owned by Shanghai executive and former Chicago resident Robert Roche, a powerful Obama bundler with enough financial clout to break bread with the President, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and even Chinese President Hu Jintao, at the same time.
Breitbart elaborates on Roche:

In 2011, Mr. Roche obtained one of the most sought-after pieces of real estate in Washington, DC: a seat at the head table for President Obama’s State Dinner for Chinese President Hu Jintao.
How Roche—a man whose infomercial company hawks fitness equipment, cell phones, and breast enhancement products
—landed a seat alongside Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton, Sen. John Kerry, former President Jimmy Carter, and Chinese President Hu Jintao remains unclear.

Since 2009, White House Visitor Logs list the name Robert Roche at least 19 times, despite the fact Mr. Roche’s primary residence is in China.

Mr. Roche, who is originally from Chicago, is a co-chair of the Technology Initiative for the Obama campaign.

According to Acorn International’s prospectus, the success of Mr. Roche’s company hinges on maintaining access to state-run media
and “preferential tax treatments and subsidies” doled out by the People’s Republic of China (PRC).​

EXPLOSIVE REPORT: Obama Campaign Website Lacks Important Tool to Prevent ILLEGAL DONATIONS

^^ Damn are you stupid

Ironically, it is conservative blogger Erick Erickson of and CNN, who best demonstrates that the Obama campaign does not accept contributions from foreign donors. In a potentially illegal attempt to provide a point, Erickson acknowledges that he falsely claimed to be Boris Noridnikova of Moscow, Russia and attempted to donate $5 to the Obama campaign online. After giving a fake passport number, the contribution was ultimately rejected after a few days of processing.
The lack of scandal in this report does not, however, mean that foreign nationals may not be influencing U.S. elections. The Center for Public Integrity reported Friday that Restore Our Future, the pro-Romney super PAC, accepted a $1 million contribution from OdysseyRe of Connecticut, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canadian insurance and investment management giant Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited. Thanks to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 Citizens United ruling, this is legal — as long as no foreign nationals direct the spending.

Why The Obama Foreign Donation 'Scandal' Is Pure Fiction
October 8, 2012 by Mytheos Holt

This past Thursday, TheBlaze teased a potential scandal surrounding President Obama’s donors.
Now, we might know what that scandal is.
According to a report by the conservative nonprofit Government Accountability Institute (GAI), and an explosive series of stories on and the Daily Caller,
the Obama campaign website appears to be built with an uncharacteristic lack of security where foreign donations are concerned.

Despite donations from foreign sources being illegal under Federal law, all campaigns, whether at the congressional level or the presidential level, have insufficient security to prevent these donations, according to the GAI Report.
The problem afflicts an alarming number of politicians, across all parties.

However, for reasons that remain unclear, the Obama campaign stands apart from its peers in its lack of security preventing these donations.
The most dangerous vulnerabilities for the campaign appear to lie in two separate channels – specifically, the website, and the lack of a requirement that users input CCV codes when donating online through their credit cards.

To begin with, is owned by Shanghai executive and former Chicago resident Robert Roche, a powerful Obama bundler with enough financial clout to break bread with the President, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and even Chinese President Hu Jintao, at the same time.
Breitbart elaborates on Roche:

In 2011, Mr. Roche obtained one of the most sought-after pieces of real estate in Washington, DC: a seat at the head table for President Obama’s State Dinner for Chinese President Hu Jintao.
How Roche—a man whose infomercial company hawks fitness equipment, cell phones, and breast enhancement products
—landed a seat alongside Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton, Sen. John Kerry, former President Jimmy Carter, and Chinese President Hu Jintao remains unclear.

Since 2009, White House Visitor Logs list the name Robert Roche at least 19 times, despite the fact Mr. Roche’s primary residence is in China.

Mr. Roche, who is originally from Chicago, is a co-chair of the Technology Initiative for the Obama campaign.

According to Acorn International’s prospectus, the success of Mr. Roche’s company hinges on maintaining access to state-run media
and “preferential tax treatments and subsidies” doled out by the People’s Republic of China (PRC).​

EXPLOSIVE REPORT: Obama Campaign Website Lacks Important Tool to Prevent ILLEGAL DONATIONS

^^ Damn are you stupid

Ironically, it is conservative blogger Erick Erickson of and CNN, who best demonstrates that the Obama campaign does not accept contributions from foreign donors. In a potentially illegal attempt to provide a point, Erickson acknowledges that he falsely claimed to be Boris Noridnikova of Moscow, Russia and attempted to donate $5 to the Obama campaign online. After giving a fake passport number, the contribution was ultimately rejected after a few days of processing.
The lack of scandal in this report does not, however, mean that foreign nationals may not be influencing U.S. elections. The Center for Public Integrity reported Friday that Restore Our Future, the pro-Romney super PAC, accepted a $1 million contribution from OdysseyRe of Connecticut, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canadian insurance and investment management giant Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited. Thanks to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 Citizens United ruling, this is legal — as long as no foreign nationals direct the spending.

Why The Obama Foreign Donation 'Scandal' Is Pure Fiction

You actually believe a story from ThinkProgress, a Billionaire George Soros funded news and false information source? Might as well access the Media Matters, Mother Jones, or The Onion.
For example, this list does not include casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. He and his wife Miriam donated nearly $93 million in 2012 alone to conservative super PACs — enough to put him at No. 2 on this list. Similarly, the list excludes former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has donated more than $19 million in the past two years, largely to groups that support gun control. Neither Adelson nor Bloomberg — or the organizations they report as their employers — qualifies as a "heavy hitter" under our current definition. It's also important to note that we aren't including donations to politically active dark money groups, like Americans for Prosperity, a group linked to the Koch brothers, or the liberal group Patriot Majority — because these groups hide their donors; see a list of top donors that we've been able to identify to such groups. We are working to revise this list to take into account the new realities of campaign finance created by the Citizens United decision, but as it currently stands, there are significant omissions.

Damn Muddy. Did you read your link? The paragraph above is from your link?

What does it say Muddy about what you propose? Does it say that there is so much "dark money" floating around that they can't determine just how much money is being given and by whom?

Yes sir. That's what they said.

And #2 giver Sheldon Adelson didn't even make the list. But if he did, he would be number two by himself.

You need to try try try again if you really want to convince people that Dems give more than Repubs.
For example, this list does not include casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. He and his wife Miriam donated nearly $93 million in 2012 alone to conservative super PACs — enough to put him at No. 2 on this list. Similarly, the list excludes former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has donated more than $19 million in the past two years, largely to groups that support gun control. Neither Adelson nor Bloomberg — or the organizations they report as their employers — qualifies as a "heavy hitter" under our current definition. It's also important to note that we aren't including donations to politically active dark money groups, like Americans for Prosperity, a group linked to the Koch brothers, or the liberal group Patriot Majority — because these groups hide their donors; see a list of top donors that we've been able to identify to such groups. We are working to revise this list to take into account the new realities of campaign finance created by the Citizens United decision, but as it currently stands, there are significant omissions.

Damn Muddy. Did you read your link? The paragraph above is from your link?

What does it say Muddy about what you propose? Does it say that there is so much "dark money" floating around that they can't determine just how much money is being given and by whom?

Yes sir. That's what they said.

And #2 giver Sheldon Adelson didn't even make the list. But if he did, he would be number two by himself.

You need to try try try again if you really want to convince people that Dems give more than Repubs.


You're not serious?

Bloomberg is a Republican in name only. He's a liberal. I think his job is to act like an asshole so Democrats could win more elections.
October 8, 2012 by Mytheos Holt

This past Thursday, TheBlaze teased a potential scandal surrounding President Obama’s donors.
Now, we might know what that scandal is.
According to a report by the conservative nonprofit Government Accountability Institute (GAI), and an explosive series of stories on and the Daily Caller,
the Obama campaign website appears to be built with an uncharacteristic lack of security where foreign donations are concerned.

Despite donations from foreign sources being illegal under Federal law, all campaigns, whether at the congressional level or the presidential level, have insufficient security to prevent these donations, according to the GAI Report.
The problem afflicts an alarming number of politicians, across all parties.

However, for reasons that remain unclear, the Obama campaign stands apart from its peers in its lack of security preventing these donations.
The most dangerous vulnerabilities for the campaign appear to lie in two separate channels – specifically, the website, and the lack of a requirement that users input CCV codes when donating online through their credit cards.

To begin with, is owned by Shanghai executive and former Chicago resident Robert Roche, a powerful Obama bundler with enough financial clout to break bread with the President, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and even Chinese President Hu Jintao, at the same time.
Breitbart elaborates on Roche:

In 2011, Mr. Roche obtained one of the most sought-after pieces of real estate in Washington, DC: a seat at the head table for President Obama’s State Dinner for Chinese President Hu Jintao.
How Roche—a man whose infomercial company hawks fitness equipment, cell phones, and breast enhancement products
—landed a seat alongside Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton, Sen. John Kerry, former President Jimmy Carter, and Chinese President Hu Jintao remains unclear.

Since 2009, White House Visitor Logs list the name Robert Roche at least 19 times, despite the fact Mr. Roche’s primary residence is in China.

Mr. Roche, who is originally from Chicago, is a co-chair of the Technology Initiative for the Obama campaign.

According to Acorn International’s prospectus, the success of Mr. Roche’s company hinges on maintaining access to state-run media
and “preferential tax treatments and subsidies” doled out by the People’s Republic of China (PRC).​

EXPLOSIVE REPORT: Obama Campaign Website Lacks Important Tool to Prevent ILLEGAL DONATIONS

^^ Damn are you stupid

Ironically, it is conservative blogger Erick Erickson of and CNN, who best demonstrates that the Obama campaign does not accept contributions from foreign donors. In a potentially illegal attempt to provide a point, Erickson acknowledges that he falsely claimed to be Boris Noridnikova of Moscow, Russia and attempted to donate $5 to the Obama campaign online. After giving a fake passport number, the contribution was ultimately rejected after a few days of processing.
The lack of scandal in this report does not, however, mean that foreign nationals may not be influencing U.S. elections. The Center for Public Integrity reported Friday that Restore Our Future, the pro-Romney super PAC, accepted a $1 million contribution from OdysseyRe of Connecticut, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canadian insurance and investment management giant Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited. Thanks to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 Citizens United ruling, this is legal — as long as no foreign nationals direct the spending.

Why The Obama Foreign Donation 'Scandal' Is Pure Fiction

You actually believe a story from ThinkProgress, a Billionaire George Soros funded news and false information source? Might as well access the Media Matters, Mother Jones, or The Onion.

Apparently Beck and Breitfart are factual sources to you :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Speaking of the SPPpoooOOOooOOOOoOOOOOky George Soros, where is he on your list? :eusa_think:

*SPOILER* He isn't :lol:
^^ Damn are you stupid

Ironically, it is conservative blogger Erick Erickson of and CNN, who best demonstrates that the Obama campaign does not accept contributions from foreign donors. In a potentially illegal attempt to provide a point, Erickson acknowledges that he falsely claimed to be Boris Noridnikova of Moscow, Russia and attempted to donate $5 to the Obama campaign online. After giving a fake passport number, the contribution was ultimately rejected after a few days of processing.
The lack of scandal in this report does not, however, mean that foreign nationals may not be influencing U.S. elections. The Center for Public Integrity reported Friday that Restore Our Future, the pro-Romney super PAC, accepted a $1 million contribution from OdysseyRe of Connecticut, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canadian insurance and investment management giant Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited. Thanks to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 Citizens United ruling, this is legal — as long as no foreign nationals direct the spending.

Why The Obama Foreign Donation 'Scandal' Is Pure Fiction

You actually believe a story from ThinkProgress, a Billionaire George Soros funded news and false information source? Might as well access the Media Matters, Mother Jones, or The Onion.

Apparently Beck and Breitfart are factual sourced to you :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Speaking of the SPPpoooOOOooOOOOoOOOOOky George Soros, where is he on your list? :eusa_think:

*SPOILER* He isn't :lol:

Wonder why?

So much for being transparent.

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