The REAL question politicians refuse to ask on healthcare!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
Let me make this short and to the point!

Obamacare? Ryancare? Trumpcare? Which should you support! That is how it is being played, isn't it! That is the question you are being asked.

Well, I have a few better questions for you as Americans; questions that politicians of either side refuse to ask you, namely because they don't want you to put 2 and 2 together or you might tell them all to go to hell.


1. How much more are you willing to pay to make sure every American is covered? (And probably some illegals too). 10, 20, 30% more?

2. How much coverage for your healthcare dollars are you willing to surrender so as all Americans can get coverage?

3. If/when the deficit, thus national debt continues to rise and the government has to borrow, and print more dollars; how much loss of buying power on your savings are you willing to accept? (An evil hidden tax the uninformed do not even know they are paying)

No matter how you cut it, 1, if not all 3 of these things along with others are happening today, and will continue to happen, if we as American taxpayers don't demand answers to these questions. So, are you going to ask? Or rather, are you going to buy into the nonsense that this is a BINARY choice?

Don't let either party pull the wool over your eyes! Do YOU want to subsidize another entitlement program, no matter which party creates it! They have done so well with the other programs collectively, we should give them another to fund, now shouldn't we!

And I remind all of you......after this is done, they have to save SS and Medicare. Guess who is going to pay for that too! So what is it actually going to cost YOU and your FAMILY to institute this, AND save the other 2?

Oh, you mean they didn't mention that to you? And you are surprised how!

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Let me make this short and to the point!

Obamacare? Ryancare? Trumpcare? Which should you support! That is how it is being played, isn't it! That is the question you are being asked.

Well, I have a few better questions for you as Americans; questions that politicians of either side refuse to ask you, namely because they don't want you to put 2 and 2 together or you might tell them all to go to hell.


1. How much more are you willing to pay to make sure every American is covered? (And probably some illegals too). 10, 20, 30% more?

2. How much coverage for your healthcare dollars are you willing to surrender so as all Americans can get coverage?

3. If/when the deficit, thus national debt continues to rise and the government has to borrow, and print more dollars; how much loss of buying power on your savings are you willing to accept? (An evil hidden tax the uninformed do not even know they are paying)

No matter how you cut it, 1, if not all 3 of these things along with others are happening today, and will continue to happen, if we as American taxpayers don't demand answers to these questions. So, are you going to ask? Or rather, are you going to buy into the nonsense that this is a BINARY choice?

Don't let either party pull the wool over your eyes! Do YOU want to subsidize another entitlement program, no matter which party creates it! They have done so well with the other programs collectively, we should give them another to fund, now shouldn't we!

And I remind all of you......after this is done, they have to save SS and Medicare. Guess who is going to pay for that too! So what is it actually going to cost YOU and your FAMILY to institute this, AND save the other 2?

Oh, you mean they didn't mention that to you? And you are surprised how!

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A little caveat to add to the above---->

Have you heard about the MASSIVE tax break we are all told we might get?

Yes, me too!

But, to fund healthcare, save SS and Medicare, are we possibly being fed a bait and switch?

What do I mean?

Well, we need REAL dollars to institute this plan or keep Obamacare, and also dollars to save SS and Medicare; even the left agrees to this. And so, they lower income taxes, but raise SS taxes along with Medicare?!?!?

I believe the old bait and switch is going to be pulled here, and both left/right will do it with a straight face while claiming victory, since all taxes go into the general fund anyway.

Why are they doing healthcare before saving the other 2?

Simple, if they let you know what it is going to personally cost YOU to save the other 2 first, you would tell them to pound sand on healthcare, and that is the honest truth!

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