The real reason Chris Matthews got fired

I can see collusion between madcow and that other broad- not surprised at this at all.
Anyone that does this for a living and makes the money he does and has to fall back on cheap Nazi references should be fired.
I heard last night on the Inside Edition show I believe it was about what he was supposed to have said to at least one woman. What in the world is wrong with her? Would she rather the guy give her a dirty look and say that she is nothing but an old hag?

God bless you and him always!!!

I heard last night on the Inside Edition show I believe it was about what he was supposed to have said to at least one woman. What in the world is wrong with her? Would she rather the guy give her a dirty look and say that she is nothing but an old hag?

God bless you and him always!!!


Why is it that she shouldn't simply expect him to act professionally?
Men need to wake the fuck up, and take their balls back or feminists are going to use their Teflon steam rollers to run men straight into the ground.
I heard last night on the Inside Edition show I believe it was about what he was supposed to have said to at least one woman. What in the world is wrong with her? Would she rather the guy give her a dirty look and say that she is nothing but an old hag?

God bless you and him always!!!

Why is it that she shouldn't simply expect him to act professionally?
I was only trying to point out that the man could've been guilty of much worse.

God bless you and him always!!!

Did you guys read the article? It’s not about sexual harassment, it’s because he dared to be critical of Hillary and Warren, so they used the harassment thing as an excuse. The author to the hit piece admits it.

Maddox can lie all day and she is ok. Matthews exposes some truth that is counter to the narrative of the left and he is forced out.

The left hates the truth.
Chris Matthews has not been defended by anyone he has worked with in the news industry, has he?

I have heard he is a huge jerk and when he got accused NO ONE DEFENDED him because of that more than anything else.
I thought it is interesting that Mr. Matthews got the proverbial ax for complementing an attractive broad on her appearance, but the liberal bosses at MSNBC were copacetic with Matthews admitting that B. Hussein O gave him tingles up the leg.

The left has real problems it seems with Normative Behavior in the current era.

But no tears for the Tweety Bird here from me. He was a long time veteran propagandist with the Far Left and knew what could happen. Like Trotsky , he lived by the Ice Pick, he had to expect to die by the Ice Pick.
I thought it is interesting that Mr. Matthews got the proverbial ax for complementing an attractive broad on her appearance, but the liberal bosses at MSNBC were copacetic with Matthews admitting that B. Hussein O gave him tingles up the leg.

The left has real problems it seems with Normative Behavior in the current era.

But no tears for the Tweety Bird here from me. He was a long time veteran propagandist with the Far Left and knew what could happen. Like Trotsky , he lived by the Ice Pick, he had to expect to die by the Ice Pick.

If you read about the background you will read that he was not asked to leave over one thing. He was asked to leave because he had been told numerous times about his actions.

In any place of work when someone gets fired it's not generally over one thing. It's just that the one thing was the final thing.
I thought it is interesting that Mr. Matthews got the proverbial ax for complementing an attractive broad on her appearance, but the liberal bosses at MSNBC were copacetic with Matthews admitting that B. Hussein O gave him tingles up the leg.

The left has real problems it seems with Normative Behavior in the current era.

But no tears for the Tweety Bird here from me. He was a long time veteran propagandist with the Far Left and knew what could happen. Like Trotsky , he lived by the Ice Pick, he had to expect to die by the Ice Pick.

If you read about the background you will read that he was not asked to leave over one thing. He was asked to leave because he had been told numerous times about his actions.

In any place of work when someone gets fired it's not generally over one thing. It's just that the one thing was the final thing.

That's a fair enough analysis. There just wasn't one thing that got Trotsky ice picked out of his liberal gig either.

But Matthews participated in plots against others, so he couldn't have been surprised when he was chosen this time.
It's hilarious that asshole Matthews got run off by the very people who are radical LIBs. He is/was a card carrying radical LIB.
They murdered one of their own on the 'PC' altar of man-hate.
Chrissy tried to 'phone in' his opinions to the MSNBC primary night coverage team led by the loathsome Nicole Wallace.
He was calling from Duffy's bar.
She wouldn't pick up the phone. HAAAA HAAAAA!!!!!!!!

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