The Real Reason For The Spread Of The Virus

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And your blob is in Florida instead of Washington.

And the blue state of Virginia has turned red, Republicans shellacked Democrats in recent elections, even Democrats realize they will take another shellacking in the upcoming midterms, probably losing both the House and the Senate, and Biden's approval numbers are in the tank.
LOL.....Well it's not like they have earned the confidence of the general public of late.....This whole deal has set any kind of "science" that a politician gets involved in back a generation.
It' truly amazing how much diametrically opposed science comes out of different branches, often all at the same time and yet the left claims that all of the contradicting information is due to "evolving" science.
It' truly amazing how much diametrically opposed science comes out of different branches, often all at the same time and yet the left claims that all of the contradicting information is due to "evolving" science.
The dems only care about what they can use of the "science" to control us.....Hell bells, they used it to help steal a presidential election for goodness sake while at the same time running around doing what they demanded the public not do.....Under threat of arrest in some cases.

Now I've moved on from that as we have work to do for this November but it will be remembered for a long time when some politician (many whom are low IQ slags to begin with) claim their flavor of "science" is good for us.

there's lots more of this but our lying media won't report it and leftist activist judges will not hear the cases. This is not justice. This isn't even america. The left has turned it into a 3rd world corrupt, banana republic shithole.
Blobbers continue to downplay the virus....completely oblivious to the fact that this is what cost them the White House.

More please.

We're just simply not the victim loving pharmaceutical sponsoring scare-tactic Democrats you've grown to love so much.

ILMAO it cost us the WH. Really, that's a good one. Biden's highest single day COVID count is over a million more than Trump's, what you say now boy?
No it's not Trump supporters. Yes, it is the unmasked and the unvaccinated


We need a law that all deer must wear masks and be vaccinated AND boosted and they cannot be allowed anywhere near people unless they have their vaccine passports.

Lol, I took five doe and one buck this year. Never got sick..
The real reason for the spread of the Wuhan Bat Soup Virus is that it was fucking designed that way; and, to make matters worse, sloppy procedures in fucking China allowed it to escape and get into some tasty bats near a wet market. It didn’t help, of course, that Red China hid it and lied about it so long.
Obama, EcoHealth, Biden, The Defense Department, Dr. Fauci, The Wuhan Lab, and The Communist Chinese is why this thing OUR OWN GOVERNMENT Designed, Unleashed and Spread.

These people and groups should all be on trial or Murder, and Crimes Against Humanity.
What’s really suspicious is that the NIH was prohibited by funding gain-of-function research due to its potential for calamity, and two weeks before Obama left office, he cancelled the ban and allowed Fauci the money to develop a deadly virus.
The real reason for the spread of the Wuhan Bat Soup Virus is that it was fucking designed that way; and, to make matters worse, sloppy procedures in fucking China allowed it to escape and get into some tasty bats near a wet market. It didn’t help, of course, that Red China hid it and lied about it so long.
Well, IMO, there ain't a virus that hasn't been out and about for centuries. crazy people say otherwise.
Well, IMO, there ain't a virus that hasn't been out and about for centuries. crazy people say otherwise.
You don’t think viruses have been created in labs? They may be deliberately mutated viruses with different genetic coding than their precursor viruses. But I say it’s crazy not to recognize the new viruses when they start escaping from crazy ass labs.
You don’t think viruses have been created in labs? They may be deliberately mutated viruses with different genetic coding than their precursor viruses. But I say it’s crazy not to recognize the new viruses when they start escaping from crazy ass labs.
I’m sure labs test against viruses sure. Not this one. It’s the flu. Get over it
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