The real reason muslims wear rags on their heads.


Mar 19, 2015
You saw it here first.
Cute. On you tube, I saw a guy missing half his head, another guy putting a finger up his mouth and it's coming out his left eye socket. No eye, just a hole. Years ago, I had a Muslim guy try to recruit me, he took being open minded for being fool. Well before 9/11. Muslims disgust me. Like that guy that stuck his finger out of his face, vile. Putrid. But at least those freaks weren't trying to recruit other folks for evil deeds,,,
Its truly alarming how utterly stupid and ignorant some Americans are.
It's truly alarming how many people don't have a sense of humor. Of course, people like you think it's OK to make fun of conservatives or Christians, but if someone makes fun of one of your sacred cows, they're being mean. Grow up!
Lighten up, Jeez. That's funny. You know damn well if someone posted a picture of a Christian with a weird shaped head you'd be LOLing all over yourselves.
This is the humor forum? Wow. Is there a sadness forum with the identical thread, because I couldn't tell the difference. Muslims. Rag Heads, 9/11, yuck it up. But I am crying here, it ain't no joke.
You think IS will "lighten up"? Chop off a few heads, do a few suicide mass murders, yuck it up. Hardy har har. It's all a big joke.
You think IS will "lighten up"? Chop off a few heads, do a few suicide mass murders, yuck it up. Hardy har har. It's all a big joke.
Last time I checked this was 'Merica, we make fun of everybody especially our enemies.
race humor can be funny if intelligent or it can be thinly veiled racism and hate

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