The real reason Romney doesn't want you to see his tax returns

Because he doesn't have to? I'm still waiting to see Bill Clinton's medical history. It wasn't mandatory but it was traditional for a president to release his medical history until we got us a bubba redneck who couldn't keep his peter in his pants. Today he is a keynote speaker in democrat politics. It figures.
Whats the real reason Obama won't release his transcripts?
If you are rich, you are most definitely better off than you were four years ago. I have pointed out many times that the rich are doing just fine under Obama.

If you are middle class or poor, you are fucked. There aren't any rich people in that 12.5 million unemployed figure hanging around Obama's neck like an albatross, that's for damned sure.

except he is releasing the tax returns he promised next month so we will be able to see how much money he made these past two years....

So you think he is so afraid of his tax returns that he is going to release them right before teh election?

Are you guys seriously thinking this is a smart train of thought?
The real reason Romney doesn't want you to see his tax returns - it would reveal he's better off than he was 4 years ago.

Now that is some deep thinking... Ever think it's because any more of Romney's Tax Returns are none of your damn business?
That's the reason Obama attacks success, you know. To distract attention away from his complete failure to help the common man.

"Don't look at my failures. Let's attack success so we feel better."

If you are rich, you are most definitely better off than you were four years ago. I have pointed out many times that the rich are doing just fine under Obama.

If you are middle class or poor, you are fucked. There aren't any rich people in that 12.5 million unemployed figure hanging around Obama's neck like an albatross, that's for damned sure.


Not true. Mitt Romney is unemployed and he's rich.
The real reason Romney doesn't want you to see his tax returns - it would reveal he's better off than he was 4 years ago.

Now that is some deep thinking... Ever think it's because any more of Romney's Tax Returns are none of your damn business?

If Mitt is none of my business then what the fuck is he doing trying to run for President?
If your going to start a distraction thread use something like this instead it will at least make the thread interesting.
What he has released has already been attacked. No one wants to believe $20,000 is enough for them to pay part time housekeepers.

You only want him to release them so the left can shift the focus to Romney's tax returns and off Obama's failed policies. I'm more worried about what Obama is doing with Taxpayer money than I am how much Romney pays his maid.
The real reason Romney doesn't want you to see his tax returns - it would reveal he's better off than he was 4 years ago.

Now that is some deep thinking... Ever think it's because any more of Romney's Tax Returns are none of your damn business?

If Mitt is none of my business then what the fuck is he doing trying to run for President?

His Tax Returns idiot... You know, like Obama's transcripts we are not allowed to see. Hypocrites.

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