The real reason Romney doesn't want you to see his tax returns

What's the real reason Obama won't release his transcripts?

The real reason? The only reason a person would seal their records is if they are hiding something. We already know that Baracchio Obama is a pathological liar. It's time for him to release his college transcripts and Romney should make a deal. Release yours, I'll release my taxes.

search youtube for "Obama Cover up: Obama Still Won't Release College Transcripts"

Obama has spent millions to keep them sealed.
If your going to start a distraction thread use something like this instead it will at least make the thread interesting.

Is there something about that waterfall you wanted us to see?
It is a very good looking waterfall.
The real reason Romney doesn't want you to see his tax returns

It's none of your damned business.
The real reason Romney doesn't want you to see his tax returns - it would reveal he's better off than he was 4 years ago.

So what?

Tell me who would you want to make financial decisions for you someone who is better or worse off than they were 4 years ago?
I know the real reason and I've posted it already but that's not a bad joke lol

Crap I might have to rep you.
Now that is some deep thinking... Ever think it's because any more of Romney's Tax Returns are none of your damn business?

If Mitt is none of my business then what the fuck is he doing trying to run for President?

His Tax Returns idiot... You know, like Obama's transcripts we are not allowed to see. Hypocrites.

Mitt's tax returns are actually more like Obama'a tax returns - which we are allowed to see for several years going back.
If Mitt is none of my business then what the fuck is he doing trying to run for President?

His Tax Returns idiot... You know, like Obama's transcripts we are not allowed to see. Hypocrites.

Mitt's tax returns are actually more like Obama'a tax returns - which we are allowed to see for several years going back.

And Mitt put out two years of Returns in March, and you loons went crazy... Why should he allow you idiots the satisfaction of picking him apart even more than you already are... He shouldn't. Now go ask mommy for another sheet of tinfoil... The one on your head isn't thick enough.
His Tax Returns idiot... You know, like Obama's transcripts we are not allowed to see. Hypocrites.

Mitt's tax returns are actually more like Obama'a tax returns - which we are allowed to see for several years going back.

And Mitt put out two years of Returns in March, and you loons went crazy... Why should he allow you idiots the satisfaction of picking him apart even more than you already are... He shouldn't. Now go ask mommy for another sheet of tinfoil... The one on your head isn't thick enough.

If he isnt hiding anything there's nothing to "pick apart".
The real reason Romney doesn't want you to see his tax returns - it would reveal he's better off than he was 4 years ago.

Now that is some deep thinking... Ever think it's because any more of Romney's Tax Returns are none of your damn business?

If Mitt is none of my business then what the fuck is he doing trying to run for President?

You didn't seem to have a problem voting for a guy in 2008 that sealed every personal record from his past. Why do you have a bee up your butt this time? Hypocrite much?
Now that is some deep thinking... Ever think it's because any more of Romney's Tax Returns are none of your damn business?

If Mitt is none of my business then what the fuck is he doing trying to run for President?

You didn't seem to have a problem voting for a guy in 2008 that sealed every personal record from his past. Why do you have a bee up your butt this time? Hypocrite much?

He released everything that had to be and you guys still called it fake ad blah blah blah. Whats good for one is good for all time for mitt to put up or shut up.
Now that is some deep thinking... Ever think it's because any more of Romney's Tax Returns are none of your damn business?

If Mitt is none of my business then what the fuck is he doing trying to run for President?

You didn't seem to have a problem voting for a guy in 2008 that sealed every personal record from his past. Why do you have a bee up your butt this time? Hypocrite much?

Because the guy he voted for in 2008 was Black... That was all the background information he needed to cast a well informed vote.
If Mitt is none of my business then what the fuck is he doing trying to run for President?

You didn't seem to have a problem voting for a guy in 2008 that sealed every personal record from his past. Why do you have a bee up your butt this time? Hypocrite much?

He released everything that had to be and you guys still called it fake ad blah blah blah. Whats good for one is good for all time for mitt to put up or shut up.

Hey dumb ass, Romney has provided the standard number of tax returns. Obama's records are still sealed. What's he so afraid of that he has to hide it? See how that works?
If Mitt is none of my business then what the fuck is he doing trying to run for President?

You didn't seem to have a problem voting for a guy in 2008 that sealed every personal record from his past. Why do you have a bee up your butt this time? Hypocrite much?

He released everything that had to be and you guys still called it fake ad blah blah blah. Whats good for one is good for all time for mitt to put up or shut up.

He didn't release his transcripts, or his Birth Certificate in 2008. For someone attending College... Your grammar really sucks.
Now that is some deep thinking... Ever think it's because any more of Romney's Tax Returns are none of your damn business?

If Mitt is none of my business then what the fuck is he doing trying to run for President?

You didn't seem to have a problem voting for a guy in 2008 that sealed every personal record from his past. Why do you have a bee up your butt this time? Hypocrite much?
Obama actually released 6 years of tax returns for the 2008 election.

But hey - facts - who cares? We shouldn't let "fact checkers dictate" our reality to us, right?
The real reason Romney doesn't want you to see his tax returns - it would reveal he's better off than he was 4 years ago.

Cool. Why would we want a victim of our current President to be the next one? Let's get someone better...
You didn't seem to have a problem voting for a guy in 2008 that sealed every personal record from his past. Why do you have a bee up your butt this time? Hypocrite much?

He released everything that had to be and you guys still called it fake ad blah blah blah. Whats good for one is good for all time for mitt to put up or shut up.

He didn't release his transcripts, or his Birth Certificate in 2008. For someone attending College... Your grammar really sucks.

He didn't "release" his birth certificate? Sure, if by posting a copy of it online for the entire world to see you mean "didn't release" - you're right.

Hey - don't let thos fact checkers dictate to you! Facts are stupid!
You didn't seem to have a problem voting for a guy in 2008 that sealed every personal record from his past. Why do you have a bee up your butt this time? Hypocrite much?

He released everything that had to be and you guys still called it fake ad blah blah blah. Whats good for one is good for all time for mitt to put up or shut up.

He didn't release his transcripts, or his Birth Certificate in 2008. For someone attending College... Your grammar really sucks.

Ooooo i didn't know this was a English class :lol:

He released his birth Certificate even Mitt has said so and says that issue is over with.
Ooooo i[sic] didn't know this was a[sic] English class :lol:

If it were, you would be failing it just like all your other classes at whatever joke of a school that made the mistake of accepting you.

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