The REAL reason the nomination of Trump calls the GOP's judgement into question:

The REAL reason the nomination of Trump calls the GOP's judgement into question:

GOP'ers are tired of being lied to by liberals, RINOs, and other big-govt pushers.

The nomination of Trump shows they are smart enough to start booting the leftists out.
But Trump is not a right winger! That is a problem if you wish to kick only leftists out.

Trump is just as effective, if not more so, at kicking ideological conservatives and libertarians out of the party as well! You are left with right wing nutjobs and unprincipled partisans as your base.

This is why Trump nomination is considered disruptive! It turns the GOP into an extremist party in which negotiations and compromise are impossible.

The party has become unelectable!
A provision halting funding to Planned Parenthood, for which Republicans had been pushing since a series of undercover videos were released this summer.

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

“Fetal cells hold unique promise for biomedical research due to their ability to rapidly divide, grow, and adapt to new environments. This makes fetal tissue research relevant to a wide variety of diseases and medical conditions.”

According to the Guttmacher Institute, a nonprofit focused on sexual and reproductive health, tissue from fetuses has been used since the 1930s for a variety of purposes. Perhaps most famously, the 1954 Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded to researchers who managed to grow polio vaccine in fetal kidney cell cultures.

In another example, Leonard Hayflick created a cell line from an aborted fetus in the early 1960s that has been used to create vaccines against measles, rubella, shingles and other diseases. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told the journal Nature in 2013 that “[t]hese cells from one fetus have no doubt saved the lives of millions of people.”

Bogus videos filled with lies from editing. I swear, Republicans are the most dishonest people on earth.

Millions of Republicans have benefited from such research. Their children more than anyone.

It would be a violation of my neighbor's rights if I were to use force to take his money in order to then give it to planned parenthood. Thus, I can't support anyone else doing so on my behalf, including people in the government.

You don't get to fund only those things you personally believe in. Pacifists have to pay for police and military, even if they don't like what they do. You have to find poor women's health care even if you don't like it.

Abortion should be illegal after any point in time the developing child can feel pain. I believe that is a reasonable take.
You don't get to fund only those things you personally believe in. Pacifists have to pay for police and military, even if they don't like what they do. You have to find poor women's health care even if you don't like it.

Yes, I understand that the government forces everyone to pay regardless of his personal opinion.

My point is that taking other people's money by force and giving it to planned parenthood is a violation of their rights. That's why I think the law authorizing this is stupid and unethical.
A provision halting funding to Planned Parenthood, for which Republicans had been pushing since a series of undercover videos were released this summer.

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

“Fetal cells hold unique promise for biomedical research due to their ability to rapidly divide, grow, and adapt to new environments. This makes fetal tissue research relevant to a wide variety of diseases and medical conditions.”

According to the Guttmacher Institute, a nonprofit focused on sexual and reproductive health, tissue from fetuses has been used since the 1930s for a variety of purposes. Perhaps most famously, the 1954 Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded to researchers who managed to grow polio vaccine in fetal kidney cell cultures.

In another example, Leonard Hayflick created a cell line from an aborted fetus in the early 1960s that has been used to create vaccines against measles, rubella, shingles and other diseases. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told the journal Nature in 2013 that “[t]hese cells from one fetus have no doubt saved the lives of millions of people.”

Bogus videos filled with lies from editing. I swear, Republicans are the most dishonest people on earth.

Millions of Republicans have benefited from such research. Their children more than anyone.

It would be a violation of my neighbor's rights if I were to use force to take his money in order to then give it to planned parenthood. Thus, I can't support anyone else doing so on my behalf, including people in the government.
Radical Islamic's who are American and pay taxes have their money taken from them all the time to protect this country from their kind. Republicans kill doctors in churches and blow up clinics. I have no problem with taking their money to protect the country from their kind.
The REAL reason the nomination of Trump calls the GOP's judgement into question:

GOP'ers are tired of being lied to by liberals, RINOs, and other big-govt pushers.

The nomination of Trump shows they are smart enough to start booting the leftists out.
But Trump is not a right winger! That is a problem if you wish to kick only leftists out.

Trump is just as effective, if not more so, at kicking ideological conservatives and libertarians out of the party as well! You are left with right wing nutjobs and unprincipled partisans as your base.

This is why Trump nomination is considered disruptive! It turns the GOP into an extremist party in which negotiations and compromise are impossible.

The party has become unelectable!
Trump is a right winger. Believe it.
Radical Islamic's who are American and pay taxes have their money taken from them all the time to protect this country from their kind. Republicans kill doctors in churches and blow up clinics. I have no problem with taking their money to protect the country from their kind.

I'm not quite sure of how your response relates to what I wrote.

Let's back up.

It would be a violation of my neighbor's rights if I were to use force to take his money in order to then give it to planned parenthood. Agree? Disagree?
Radical Islamic's who are American and pay taxes have their money taken from them all the time to protect this country from their kind. Republicans kill doctors in churches and blow up clinics. I have no problem with taking their money to protect the country from their kind.

I'm not quite sure of how your response relates to what I wrote.

Let's back up.

It would be a violation of my neighbor's rights if I were to use force to take his money in order to then give it to planned parenthood. Agree? Disagree?

If you take a gun and rob your neighbour for any reason you get arrested.

If the duly elected government votes to fund organizations which contribute to the health and well being of its citizens, in accordance with the wishes of their constituents, that is neither theft nor force.
We handed a stable Iraq to Obama and he promptly cut and ran. Then he created, funded, and armed ISIS to fight more imaginary boogeyman. That moron, Clinton, was in lockstep the entire way. Seems certain ME countries did not donate to the Clinton slush fund so they had to go.

How was Iraq "Stable", exactly?? A country that had already broken up into three factions is harldy stable.

The rest of your post is crazy conspiracy shit.
Donald Trump has been going on and on about how Hillary's vote for Iraq calls her judgement into question.

Trump claims the Iraq invasion was a horrible mistake,

Trump: We Have to 'Admit' Iraq War Was A Mistake, Or Dems Will Win

Trump on Iraq: How Could We Have Been So Stupid? "One Of The Worst Decisions In The History Of The Country"

Donald Trump Accuses George W. Bush Of Lying To Invade Iraq

Iraq was the Republican's war. Remember how they insisted any American opposing the Iraq invasion was a traitor? How Democrats were "soft"?

Now they insist Hillary's vote for the war shows she has "bad judgement".

Well, if Republicans had the bad judgement to trick America into invading Iraq, then how do we know they don't have bad judgement again after electing George W. Bush and nominating Mitt Romney? Remember the Bush Tax cuts were supposed to create jobs. Again "bad judgement".

Republicans need to retire from politics for awhile. At least until they get over this period of "bad judgement".

It wasn't bad judgement. It was pure and simple corruption.

The DICK Cheney had a company on the ropes. We had to invade Iraq to save it. Fair is fair!
You're an idiot!
Gulf War 2 Aug. 1990-28 Feb. 1991
Desert Storm 17 Jan. 1991-28 Feb. 1991
During this time Cheney was a politician. He had NO connection with Haliburton. He owned NO shares!
Four years LATER when he was no longer in politics he became the CEO of Haliburton.
You REALLY need to get your head out of your ass!

You are a liar. There was a big controversy when as VP he had to make adjustments to his holdings. That is neither here or there as it is easy to construct a ghost position in any company like Haliburton and collect your "winnings" at a later date. Cheney is a fucking snake and you are lower than a snake. How do you find his dick to suck on when he crawls on his belly all of the time. You must be part mole.
Donald Trump has been going on and on about how Hillary's vote for Iraq calls her judgement into question.

Trump claims the Iraq invasion was a horrible mistake,

Trump: We Have to 'Admit' Iraq War Was A Mistake, Or Dems Will Win

Trump on Iraq: How Could We Have Been So Stupid? "One Of The Worst Decisions In The History Of The Country"

Donald Trump Accuses George W. Bush Of Lying To Invade Iraq

Iraq was the Republican's war. Remember how they insisted any American opposing the Iraq invasion was a traitor? How Democrats were "soft"?

Now they insist Hillary's vote for the war shows she has "bad judgement".

Well, if Republicans had the bad judgement to trick America into invading Iraq, then how do we know they don't have bad judgement again after electing George W. Bush and nominating Mitt Romney? Remember the Bush Tax cuts were supposed to create jobs. Again "bad judgement".

Republicans need to retire from politics for awhile. At least until they get over this period of "bad judgement".

It wasn't bad judgement. It was pure and simple corruption.

The DICK Cheney had a company on the ropes. We had to invade Iraq to save it. Fair is fair!

You shouldn't post while drinking.

I don't drink very often. I had a beer sometime last summer. I believe I had a drink at a bar playing pool with a friend sometime last fall. I do add a smidgen of Kahlua to a cup of coffee once in a blue moon when it gets real cold. I've had the same bottle of Kahlua sitting on my fridge for over a year. It's a little over half gone.
FUCK OFF! Who the fuck cares about your drinking habits!
Permanent Ignore!

Piss off plant.
If you take a gun and rob your neighbour for any reason you get arrested.

If the duly elected government votes to fund organizations which contribute to the health and well being of its citizens, in accordance with the wishes of their constituents, that is neither theft nor force.

So if one person uses force to take his neighbor's property it's wrong. But if another person uses force to take his neighbor's property it's okay. Are ethical rules universal, or do different ethical rules apply to different people?

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