The Real Reason Trump is a Threat

One more time, Bob.
My father was an immigrant.
My wife is an immigrant.

I have no problem with immigrants.

I'm going to assume that they both came here legally. If so, then you insult them grievously by likening them to the foreign criminals that are illegally invading our country.
Under the law, there is a defined process for seeking asylum. That process is ignored by the Biden open border policy
Full... Stop.... You literally have no idea what you're babbling about.

He knows. He's a traitorous piece of shit. He wants this country to be invaded; he wants this country to be harmed.
This is what I've been saying for literally 7 years now....Trump can't be allowed to succeed because he represents a threat to the collectivism that progs yearn for....So, this election the decision will be upon us....Do we want a central authority telling us what to do, and how to live? I say no....

My signature. All apply.
This is what I've been saying for literally 7 years now....Trump can't be allowed to succeed because he represents a threat to the collectivism that progs yearn for....So, this election the decision will be upon us....Do we want a central authority telling us what to do, and how to live? I say no....
Also a lying idiot scumbag dictator wannabe
Like when he sent out billions of dollars in "free" money?

Or maybe you're talking about when he illegally told every renter in America they didn't have to pay.

Or maybe you're referring to the farm subsidies he handed out after his Chinese tariffs?
What did any of those do to put the country in jeopardy? Nothing. Are you awake and see what is happening?
An admission to something that has long been obvious about you, but which you've denied in the past—If you had the ability, and thought you could get away with it, you'd as happily murder Mormons en-masse as your folks in The Old Country were happy to murder Jews and other Untermenschen. I don't doubt that you'd almost as happily murder Jews as well. You are certainly happy enough to defend and support the murder of thousands of the most innocent of all human beings every day, over a million a year.

You realize tha Thanos' glove is an imaginary thing, right, Bob? Or did you think the MCU was a documentary?

Fortunately, you're just an old, fat, weak pussy, that doesn't have the courage to do anything,

Uh, sorry, Bob, only one of us has a DD214, and it isn't you.
You realize tha [sic] Thanos' glove is an imaginary thing, right, Bob? Or did you think the MCU was a documentary?

That's entirely beside the point that you as much as admitted that if you had the ability, you would happily murder Mormons en-masse. That you described a fictional means of doing so doesn't change the obvious intent.

Uh, sorry, Bob, only one of us has a DD214, and it isn't you.

That'd be funny to see you try to murder someone with your discharge papers, or try to use them to defend yourself against your intended victim beating the shit out of you.
I'm going to assume that they both came here legally. If so, then you insult them grievously by likening them to the foreign criminals that are illegally invading our country.

Okay, let's review that.

My dad came here as a baby. My grandfather left Germany in 1925 (at the time, the French were occupying the section of Germany he lived in and the economy was shit). Now, unlike today, when you have to get a sponsor, just getting on the boat and getting here was good enough. He had his citizenship by 1929. We'd have no problems today if we had the same rules we had in place in 1925.

For my wife, this is a great example of why our system is broken. She came here in 2015 on an asylum claim. (She belonged to an organization that the Chi-Coms don't approve of). She still hasn't gotten an asylum hearing nearly 9 years later. They just kept pushing her off and approving her work permit every two years. We decided that we would go with a marriage sponsorship. In order to get that, I've had to spend about $4000 and submit 200+ pages of documentation to prove to Immigration that this is an actual marriage and not a scam to get a green card. In another year, she will get her legal residency and two years after that citizenship.

Now, the aslyum seekers are not breaking the law. They are following the awful system we have, a system that Trump did a lot to break to try to discourage people from coming. Many of the people who are coming now are from Central America and Venezuela, where the economic and political hardships they are facing were caused by DECADES of bad American policy.
That's entirely beside the point that you as much as admitted that if you had the ability, you would happily murder Mormons en-masse. That you described a fictional means of doing so doesn't change the obvious intent.

Well, to be truthful, I'd rather see Mormonism disappear because you all realized Joseph Smith was a lying sack of crap... but we know most of you cultists are too indoctrinated to do that.

Yes, clearly a joke about a fantasy comic book items should be taken seriously.

That'd be funny to see you try to murder someone with your discharge papers, or try to use them to defend yourself against your intended victim beating the shit out of you.

Well, I'd probably use a gun, if I really, really had to murder someone. A knife would work well, too. Of course, I don't need to murder anyone, and certainly, have no good reason to. But your cult is still kind of fucked up, bro.
If you are a renter -- regardless of whether it's in a house or apartment -- you are protected by the moratorium through the end of the year, so long as you meet the following requirements:
  • You qualified for a stimulus check under the CARES Act, meaning that you earn less than $99,000 in 2020, or $198,000 if filing jointly
  • You must make the "best effort" to obtain all government assistance available to cover rent
  • You must be able to prove you are unable to pay your rent due to a coronavirus-related job loss or income reduction
  • You can prove that you are likely to become homeless or moved into congregated housing if you were to be evicted
Makes sense to me. I guess you wanted 40 million people homeless during the winter months. Nazi.
His support for shutdowns came to a halt when he realized they were unnecessary and destructive. Personally, I did not agree with the shutdown once the vaccines were ready. Of course, we now know the vaccines didn't do much if anything. But, that's politics. Now, stop ragging on Trump. He did what the scientists were telling him to do. Biden did far worse once he got into office and knew the masks and shutdowns were a crock. Especially with children and schools.
What?? People earning $100,000 don’t have to pay their rent? Wth?

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