The Real Thanksgiving... Socialism’s first American Fail. Capitalism’s First American Triumph.

The original settlers adopted a socialist policy of government. It cost them the lives of over half their population, through apathy, and theft. Only after introducing “profit” did their production boon. Thus saving, and ensuring the prosperity of the colonies...

Yup, you need capitalism for society to work thanks to human nature.

Will you agree with me that we need some controls on that capitalism? Once again because of human nature.
Taken to the extreme?


I have this thing that we argue about percentages of capitalism. Should we be 92% capitalist or have that minimum wage law that makes us 91.9% capitalist, that type of thing gets us all riled up and makes name callers out of folks.
No minimum wage. Federally enforced anyway...
If you can’t get workers to show up? Offer more money. That’s capitalism...
Children working in coal mines use to be capitalism too -- but the mean ole government stepped in -- due to the response of labor unions organizing and being mean to capitalism...

Truth of the matter is capitalism couldn't exist without government

We have to include Facebook in the companies to regulate and break up also. We might even be able to do it by preventing further corporate purchases like whoever decided they should be able to buy Instagram. Everyone with a Facebook App on their phone may as well go register their guns.
Yup, you need capitalism for society to work thanks to human nature.

Will you agree with me that we need some controls on that capitalism? Once again because of human nature.
Taken to the extreme?


I have this thing that we argue about percentages of capitalism. Should we be 92% capitalist or have that minimum wage law that makes us 91.9% capitalist, that type of thing gets us all riled up and makes name callers out of folks.
No minimum wage. Federally enforced anyway...
If you can’t get workers to show up? Offer more money. That’s capitalism...
Children working in coal mines use to be capitalism too -- but the mean ole government stepped in -- due to the response of labor unions organizing and being mean to capitalism...

Truth of the matter is capitalism couldn't exist without government

We have to include Facebook in the companies to regulate and break up also. We might even be able to do it by preventing further corporate purchases like whoever decided they should be able to buy Instagram. Everyone with a Facebook App on their phone may as well go register their guns.
That is a slippery slope, policy wise, what exactly is regulating Facebook, Twitter, etc?
Taken to the extreme?


I have this thing that we argue about percentages of capitalism. Should we be 92% capitalist or have that minimum wage law that makes us 91.9% capitalist, that type of thing gets us all riled up and makes name callers out of folks.
No minimum wage. Federally enforced anyway...
If you can’t get workers to show up? Offer more money. That’s capitalism...
Children working in coal mines use to be capitalism too -- but the mean ole government stepped in -- due to the response of labor unions organizing and being mean to capitalism...

Truth of the matter is capitalism couldn't exist without government

We have to include Facebook in the companies to regulate and break up also. We might even be able to do it by preventing further corporate purchases like whoever decided they should be able to buy Instagram. Everyone with a Facebook App on their phone may as well go register their guns.
That is a slippery slope, policy wise, what exactly is regulating Facebook, Twitter, etc?


I think we need to limit the data companies are allowed to collect on individuals. It will hurt internet advertising profits but we're past the point of needing to provide welfare to the internet to get it going. In my mind it is just silly for the NRA to rant about the evils of registering guns when this data is all collected and there for any evil organization to go hack or government to take. You should see how targeted the ads on line even the little company I work for can take out.

I have this thing that we argue about percentages of capitalism. Should we be 92% capitalist or have that minimum wage law that makes us 91.9% capitalist, that type of thing gets us all riled up and makes name callers out of folks.
No minimum wage. Federally enforced anyway...
If you can’t get workers to show up? Offer more money. That’s capitalism...
Children working in coal mines use to be capitalism too -- but the mean ole government stepped in -- due to the response of labor unions organizing and being mean to capitalism...

Truth of the matter is capitalism couldn't exist without government

We have to include Facebook in the companies to regulate and break up also. We might even be able to do it by preventing further corporate purchases like whoever decided they should be able to buy Instagram. Everyone with a Facebook App on their phone may as well go register their guns.
That is a slippery slope, policy wise, what exactly is regulating Facebook, Twitter, etc?


I think we need to limit the data companies are allowed to collect on individuals. It will hurt internet advertising profits but we're past the point of needing to provide welfare to the internet to get it going. In my mind it is just silly for the NRA to rant about the evils of registering guns when this data is all collected and there for any evil organization to go hack or government to take. You should see how targeted the ads on line even the little company I work for can take out.
If there was not some ambiguous evil entity (Facebook, Google, etc) to point to - organizations like the NRA would have a harder time using that fear to fund raise off of
No minimum wage. Federally enforced anyway...
If you can’t get workers to show up? Offer more money. That’s capitalism...

Maybe we can get together on this one.

I like some federal laws so our relatively easy to buy aldermen can't go competing with each other to pick the winners in this world by paying for Amazon centers or football stadiums.

If Springfield 14 wants to lower taxes to attract businesses, great. I just don't think they should offer money for any ONE business and I don't know how to stop that w/o federal regulation.
Anarcho-capitalism fixes this. Once one combines the power of a “state, (which also means power of violent force)...
It’s no longer true capitalism...

I'm pretty moderate. We've done well with what we have so Anarcho-capitalism sounds like a needless risk to me.

What can we do to keep 50 Springfields from all competing against eachother to the detriment of America and the benefit of a corporation?
Anarchies capitalism...
Which would prevent corporations from amassing enough power, to influence government to assist them in stifling competition...

The word Anarchy worries me but we're shooting for the same goal. Perhaps you can shoot me a link or explain better.

When I hear anarchy I think about folks ignoring stop signs lol.
Most people only consider the negative, in regard to anarchy. It’s become nearly synonymous with mayhem.
The only Thanksgiving threads I've seen so far have been by right wingers trashing the left--the out of control insane crazy socialist lefties who all hate Thanksgiving are home making cranberry sauce and stuffing and getting ready for a house full tomorrow.


You people are absolutely hateful. But I hope you have a good Thanksgiving, anyway.
You claim to be an educator yourself; no? Why not suffer yourself, a taste of your own “medicine” on behalf of those you would pretend to “ educate”. It’s all factual, and likely completely unknown to you. It’s called “non-Fiction”. And it’s the real story of “Thanksgiving”.
But fret not. I’ll save you the trouble, and posit on your behalf “TL; DW”...

Can you explain it to me? I despise videos. Listening is SOOO much slower than reading.
The original settlers adopted a socialist policy of government. It cost them the lives of over half their population, through apathy, and theft. Only after introducing “profit” did their production boon. Thus saving, and ensuring the prosperity of the colonies...
The myth of the "People's Republic of Plymouth" was promulgated during the Cold War in a column by Henry Hazlit warning against the temptations of socialism.

“Down with the Commies! Let’s eat!”

The Right-Wing Myth That Thanksgiving Celebrates the Pilgrims’ Triumph Over Socialism

"The idea, which has the twin virtues of reaffirming the wisdom of the free-market system and discounting the modern multiculturalist notion that the pilgrims succeeded with the help of Native Americans, is rooted in historical accounts. I

"t has some flaws, though.

As Kate Zernike of the New York Times pointed out in 2010, the timeline doesn’t quite work.

"The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621.

"The system of collective ownership known as the 'common course' was abandoned in 1623.

"And it was abandoned not because of famine but because the settlers wanted to make more money.

"As for Jamestown, their biggest problems were drought and malaria, not socialism."

Plymouth was a capitalist project, and its colonists still had to answer to their investors back in England.
Lol! The opinion piece you quote reaffirms that collectivism was a failure. And as such, was abandoned...
Lol! The opinion piece you quote reaffirms that collectivism was a failure. And as such, was abandoned...
Since this is a political opinion forum...

Here's another opinion for you: The initial failure of the corporate colonists was another Tragedy of the Commons brought to you by the same greedy parasite (investor) class which got rich from an earlier version.

The Right-Wing Myth That Thanksgiving Celebrates the Pilgrims’ Triumph Over Socialism

"...'Under the terms of the contract … for the first seven years no individual settler could own a plot of land.

"To ensure that each farmer received his fair share of good or bad land, the slices were rotated each year, but this was counterproductive.

"Nobody had any reason to put in extra hours and effort to improve a plot if next season another family received the benefit.”

"The pilgrims’ transition—which, again, happened after the first Thanksgiving—can indeed be used to illustrate the benefits of individualism or the tragedy of the commons.

"But the Rush Limbaugh crowd should note that the settlers at Plymouth were rebelling against the rules set by a corporation, not against the strictures of some Stalinist collective farm or a hippie commune."
Lol! The opinion piece you quote reaffirms that collectivism was a failure. And as such, was abandoned...
Since this is a political opinion forum...

Here's another opinion for you: The initial failure of the corporate colonists was another Tragedy of the Commons brought to you by the same greedy parasite (investor) class which got rich from an earlier version.

The Right-Wing Myth That Thanksgiving Celebrates the Pilgrims’ Triumph Over Socialism

"...'Under the terms of the contract … for the first seven years no individual settler could own a plot of land.

"To ensure that each farmer received his fair share of good or bad land, the slices were rotated each year, but this was counterproductive.

"Nobody had any reason to put in extra hours and effort to improve a plot if next season another family received the benefit.”

"The pilgrims’ transition—which, again, happened after the first Thanksgiving—can indeed be used to illustrate the benefits of individualism or the tragedy of the commons.

"But the Rush Limbaugh crowd should note that the settlers at Plymouth were rebelling against the rules set by a corporation, not against the strictures of some Stalinist collective farm or a hippie commune."
Precisely. That wasn’t free market capitalism.
Its too bad schools don’t teach history anymore. If they did; this current generation of Millenial Socialists would already know how this story ends. After all it’s been told before. Time, and time again. But for the Millenial it’s brand new! Unfortunately this tale is as old as human nature. And it always ends the same way...
So for my Capitalist friends I bring you this tiding of Holiday knowledge. And for our leftist NPCs I’ll save you the trouble of educating yourselves by positing on your behalf... “TL; DW”... Damned attention span...
So for all the board; I present to you... the real Story of...
Enjoy! Or cry into your pillow... Whichever you prefer...

Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid.
Lol! The opinion piece you quote reaffirms that collectivism was a failure. And as such, was abandoned...
Since this is a political opinion forum...

Here's another opinion for you: The initial failure of the corporate colonists was another Tragedy of the Commons brought to you by the same greedy parasite (investor) class which got rich from an earlier version.

The Right-Wing Myth That Thanksgiving Celebrates the Pilgrims’ Triumph Over Socialism

"...'Under the terms of the contract … for the first seven years no individual settler could own a plot of land.

"To ensure that each farmer received his fair share of good or bad land, the slices were rotated each year, but this was counterproductive.

"Nobody had any reason to put in extra hours and effort to improve a plot if next season another family received the benefit.”

"The pilgrims’ transition—which, again, happened after the first Thanksgiving—can indeed be used to illustrate the benefits of individualism or the tragedy of the commons.

"But the Rush Limbaugh crowd should note that the settlers at Plymouth were rebelling against the rules set by a corporation, not against the strictures of some Stalinist collective farm or a hippie commune."
Precisely. That wasn’t free market capitalism.
It seems to have had more in common with plantation capitalism:

The Economy of Plymouth Colony – History of Massachusetts Blog

"The Plymouth Company investors initially invested about £1200 to £1600 in the colony before the Mayflower even sailed.

"The colonists had to pay this money back over seven years by harvesting supplies and shipping them back to the investors in England to be sold.

"Each investor in the Plymouth Company was issued shares worth £10 and each adult colonist received one share and were given options to purchase more shares later on.

"For the first seven years, everything was to remain in the 'common stock' which was owned by all the shareholders."

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