The reality of being standed in an EV in a snowstorm

Desperate deflection as it is very rare despite having 100 plus MILLIONS of Gas vehicles on the road.

EV does worse in cold weather because Lithium batteries performance declines naturally in low temperatures which is terrible because standard recharging rate is now impossible without damaging the battery if out in the deep cold.

If that is an issue that concerns you, perhaps you shouldn't buy an electrc powered car. There are, and will be plenty of gasoline powered cars for quite a while.
So what do you think might happen if an EV runs low on power?

Have to send a flatbed. Put EV on flatbed, drag EV to power station. Plug it in.......and WAIT.

Have to send a flatbed. Put EV on flatbed, drag EV to power station. Plug it in.......and WAIT.


Doub they will do that because it will take many hours at a very low charge rate due to a cold battery.
Have to send a flatbed. Put EV on flatbed, drag EV to power station. Plug it in.......and WAIT.

Yes, we are all aware that the EV has reached it's maximum point as far as solving any any more problems with the use of electric powered cars. The technology today is now complete, and no improvements will ever be possible. No one wll ever come up with a smaller auxillary battery that might be about the size of a can of gas to get you a few miles to a charging station. All those multinational car companies should have asked you before they invested so much in the development of EV technology. Since all the gasoline powered vehicles will just disappear over night, we really will have a problem on our hands, won't we?
If that is an issue that concerns you, perhaps you shouldn't buy an electrc powered car. There are, and will be plenty of gasoline powered cars for quite a while.

Yeah, I knew it was a bad idea taking a Toyota Prius down that three-digit logging road ... but the city-slicker driving told me to fuck off, GPS says this way was a half mile shorter ... maybe but we're stopping every quarter mile digging brush out from underneath the fool rig ... no, we didn't bring a chain-saw either ...

I thought the whole affair was funny ... but I can see where if it was winter, and a big snowstorm was inbound, I'd've squawked ... break the oil pan and no cell service ... we'd've died ... it was summer and I was having fun teasing the driver about the directions he got from his son ... ha ha ha ... "I think he's sending you a message" ...

Blind stupid taking an EV up there ... just blind stupid ... his son ain't stupid, knew perfectly well how the Prius would perform up there ... going after that inheritance early, I say ...

Do I have a Point? ... maybe not ... oh wait, yes I do ... use the rig that suits the job ... if you need to haul a ton of diesel fuel up into the mountains, get a one-ton pick-up ... if you just need a motorized wheelbarrow to haul groceries home, get an EV ...

... and watch the weather forecasts ... you shouldn't be out driving in snowstorms with any rig ... and I'll always question the sanity of anyone who lives where it snows ... that's just stupid ... blind stupid ... snow country is inhospitable to any life of any kind ...
Here's the thing....

The climate crusaders have the political IQ of a handball.

When this was made public a couple of months back....seeing lines of cars buried in snow and trapped, maybe 6 people saw the photos and said, "Geez...this would be cool to happen if I was in an EV!! Can't wait to try it!"

So you are standed in an EV in a snowstorm;

"On the plus side, and EV can keep you warm quite well. Most EVs have electric seat heaters, which will keep one side of you toasty and keep you alive, even if the other side gets cold. They only draw about 60 watts (per seat) but a 20% degraded EV battery can provide that from full for almost a month! (That’s not true in a Tesla TSLA -3.5%, which won’t turn on the seat heater without running he computer, and the computer draws 240 watts and would only last a week.) A gasoline car, on the other hand, uses around 0.16 gallons/hour to idle, and thus can not idle for nearly that long, though that keeps the whole car warm. Idling an engine to keep you warm is vastly less efficient than doing it directly with wires in your seat.

Of course, drivers would prefer to heat the whole interior — but a full battery should be able to do that for around 3 days. Nobody has a full battery, but it’s still likely to beat the gasoline car. Particularly because with an EV, you can set the heat low and use less energy, which is not the case with the idling gas car."

Can't you carry a candle and some blankets :dunno:
Can't you carry a candle and some blankets :dunno:

Old Rocks....dang....the guy just an intellectual cripple...

"most EV's have electric seat heaters"


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