The reality of Fossil Fuels!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Well.......seems they took a poll yesterday. How many people say the US is not doing enough to increase the production of gas and oil resources?



75% Say U.S. Not Doing Enough To Develop Its Gas And Oil Resources - Rasmussen Reports™

Seems hardly a day goes by when you dont see more and more bad news for the hysterical alarmist environmental nut jobs. Been saying for a long, long time that their shit is fringe.......and they cant find a single solitarty link to prove otherwise.

Never thought I'd see the day, but it appears the public is finally wising up.

Indeed.........they know that the alternative energy companies are going to get their pockets lined handsomely just like the oil companies. They also look out on the landscape and have come to the conclusion that that global warming alarmists are confused and represent a fringe of society........and its COSTING them. Real Americans who have to make ends meet and balance the checkbook can think on the margin.........unlike the fcukking loons on the left. THATS why that number above is 75%.

Thats also why I am 100% corrrect in stating that the science doesnt matter anymore except to the radicals. Nobody is calling their representative and leaving a message, "This global warming shit is out of control..........DO SOMETHING about it!!!".

The phones are silent...................

And I'm laughing my fcukking balls off!!!!!!!!
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I've never taken a position one way or another re: globular warmation. But I do know that domestic oil and gas production carries a plethora of economic benefits to this country.
I've never taken a position one way or another re: globular warmation. But I do know that domestic oil and gas production carries a plethora of economic benefits to this country.

You wait H.........the time is coming when the stupid-ass idealism of the uber-k00ky environmentalists will be heavily trumped by economic need. Look at the current political landscape........the left, as usual, has overreached and a lurch back to the right is well underway. Thems the facts..........

Write it down..............the k00k stranglehold on the environment is sliding faster than a 12 year old riding the 300 ft. shoot at a water park. And you know what? They know it too..........

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