The reason democrats use identity politics.

Assuming a Zero sum.... I'll go with it though. If I exercise my right to free speech, for example, someone else has, by definition, been denied their right. Is that how it works?

Of course not
Why do conservatives suck at analogies?
Then maybe you can clear things up a bit. I said that if you fight for everyone's rights, everyone wins. You said it doesn't work that way. How have I gotten this wrong?

Our rights are established in the Constitution and our laws
Everything else is public policy....taxes, expenditures on schools, military, healthcare, infrastructure, subsidies
All help some more than others

If we build more helps those who are raising children more than those without kids

What you call identity politics
Our rights are established in the Constitution and our laws
I see it differently. Let me reword to demonstrate the difference:

Our rights are guaranteed by the constitution, which is the basis for our laws.

I trust you see the difference. It may seem trivial to some, but it is an important distinction to make. Your statement would lead one to believe that our rights come from government. My statement would lead one to believe that our rights come from somewhere else (ie. a higher authority, or God to some), and are only upheld (guaranteed) by the constitution. Furthermore, our rights are not established by any law, only clarified (at most) by them.
Our rights are guaranteed by the constitution, which is the basis for our laws.

That's correct. Fighting to help a group, such as gay folks, to attain national recognition of their equal rights under the constitution isn't simply identity politics. It's a core principle for liberals of equality and justice.
Ok. How is forcing a baker to do something against their religious beliefs fighting for equality for anyone? Just an example, there are plenty more. I have not heard of even one left leaning person say that situation was wrong.
If you fight for the rights of have to identify them as gays
If you fight for have to identify them as women
If you fight for the rights of blacks or have to identify them as blacks and hispanics

How about fighting for the rights of ALL Americans, instead of dividing them up into specific groups? If anything, society needs LESS labels, not more. We all have the same legal rights under the law, regardless of "group."
Of course not
Why do conservatives suck at analogies?
Then maybe you can clear things up a bit. I said that if you fight for everyone's rights, everyone wins. You said it doesn't work that way. How have I gotten this wrong?

Our rights are established in the Constitution and our laws
Everything else is public policy....taxes, expenditures on schools, military, healthcare, infrastructure, subsidies
All help some more than others

If we build more helps those who are raising children more than those without kids

What you call identity politics
Our rights are established in the Constitution and our laws
I see it differently. Let me reword to demonstrate the difference:

Our rights are guaranteed by the constitution, which is the basis for our laws.

I trust you see the difference. It may seem trivial to some, but it is an important distinction to make. Your statement would lead one to believe that our rights come from government. My statement would lead one to believe that our rights come from somewhere else (ie. a higher authority, or God to some), and are only upheld (guaranteed) by the constitution. Furthermore, our rights are not established by any law, only clarified (at most) by them.
Our rights are guaranteed by the constitution, which is the basis for our laws.

That's correct. Fighting to help a group, such as gay folks, to attain national recognition of their equal rights under the constitution isn't simply identity politics. It's a core principle for liberals of equality and justice.
Ok. How is forcing a baker to do something against their religious beliefs fighting for equality for anyone? Just an example, there are plenty more. I have not heard of even one left leaning person say that situation was wrong.
According to what? The constitution?
Then maybe you can clear things up a bit. I said that if you fight for everyone's rights, everyone wins. You said it doesn't work that way. How have I gotten this wrong?

Our rights are established in the Constitution and our laws
Everything else is public policy....taxes, expenditures on schools, military, healthcare, infrastructure, subsidies
All help some more than others

If we build more helps those who are raising children more than those without kids

What you call identity politics
Our rights are established in the Constitution and our laws
I see it differently. Let me reword to demonstrate the difference:

Our rights are guaranteed by the constitution, which is the basis for our laws.

I trust you see the difference. It may seem trivial to some, but it is an important distinction to make. Your statement would lead one to believe that our rights come from government. My statement would lead one to believe that our rights come from somewhere else (ie. a higher authority, or God to some), and are only upheld (guaranteed) by the constitution. Furthermore, our rights are not established by any law, only clarified (at most) by them.
Our rights are guaranteed by the constitution, which is the basis for our laws.

That's correct. Fighting to help a group, such as gay folks, to attain national recognition of their equal rights under the constitution isn't simply identity politics. It's a core principle for liberals of equality and justice.
Ok. How is forcing a baker to do something against their religious beliefs fighting for equality for anyone? Just an example, there are plenty more. I have not heard of even one left leaning person say that situation was wrong.
According to what? The constitution?
Well, not precisely. To be exact, it would be the First Amendment, which states in part, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech..." So, there it is, twice it's said that what happened in the case cited is a clear violation of the baker's 1st Amendment rights.
They literally have nothing else. Nothing. It is all they know.

Makes me actually pretty happy that they have not, cause they CANNOT learn their lesson.

It is really not that complicated. They literally know no other way and it really pisses them off that it is no longer working.

Really pisses them off.



They are using Identity Politics, Illegals and Jihadists to weaken American Culture and replace it with Leftist Ideology, which will eventually be replaced by Jihadist or Foreign Ideology when they gain sufficient numbers.




They literally have nothing else. Nothing. It is all they know.

Makes me actually pretty happy that they have not, cause they CANNOT learn their lesson.

It is really not that complicated. They literally know no other way and it really pisses them off that it is no longer working.

Really pisses them off.



They are using Identity Politics, Illegals and Jihadists to weaken American Culture and replace it with Leftist Ideology, which will eventually be replaced by Jihadist or Foreign Ideology when they gain sufficient numbers.




Ahhh yes, their hero Stalin. Just know who I was addressing. There are two different types of liberals (leftists or Marxists that we call liberals.)

There are the ones who know exactly what they are doing by promoting the divide and conquer strategy. Those are the globalists and college graduates who spend time in Marxist think tanks. Controlling narratives. They are cunning liars and determined to crush the free market. That is stalin Mao Goebells etc.

Those are not the ones that post here. The ones that post here are the useful idiots that believe in this fairy tale of a mythical utopia. The useful idiots are the ones I am referring to.

They literally have nothing else. Nothing. It is all they know.

Makes me actually pretty happy that they have not, cause they CANNOT learn their lesson.

It is really not that complicated. They literally know no other way and it really pisses them off that it is no longer working.

Really pisses them off.



They are using Identity Politics, Illegals and Jihadists to weaken American Culture and replace it with Leftist Ideology, which will eventually be replaced by Jihadist or Foreign Ideology when they gain sufficient numbers.




Yes, and Putin thinks Stalin was the cat's meow! "Stalin's 29-year reign, generally seen by Russians in recent years as a dark and bloody chapter in the nation's history, has lately been applauded by Putin and his supporters..."Putin, once critical of Stalin, now embraces Soviet dictator's tactics
The LA Times no less, not exactly critical of liberal though, generally...

Still think it's "inconceivable" that Russia and Putin are not deeply involved with stirring the pot here in America?
"Mr. Putin is working tirelessly to destroy the world order that has stood since the end of the Cold War, especially in Europe, and replace it with one where Russia has the power, influence and military strength to get its way on every issue." could he do that with a strong USA? Answer, he can't, unless he controls it... Don't get me wrong, it matters very little who is sitting in the oval, only for purposes of strategy does Putin even care... Putin's main focus is creating chaos, and division in this country. So, go ahead, keep thinking this is a political "right vs. left" thing, keep playing the "my team is right and yours is wrong" game, you only help Putin and his supporters.
Carry on my comrades, carry on with your chaos, and division. See where it leads...
They literally have nothing else. Nothing. It is all they know.

Makes me actually pretty happy that they have not, cause they CANNOT learn their lesson.

It is really not that complicated. They literally know no other way and it really pisses them off that it is no longer working.

Really pisses them off.



They are using Identity Politics, Illegals and Jihadists to weaken American Culture and replace it with Leftist Ideology, which will eventually be replaced by Jihadist or Foreign Ideology when they gain sufficient numbers.




Yes, and Putin thinks Stalin was the cat's meow! "Stalin's 29-year reign, generally seen by Russians in recent years as a dark and bloody chapter in the nation's history, has lately been applauded by Putin and his supporters..."Putin, once critical of Stalin, now embraces Soviet dictator's tactics
The LA Times no less, not exactly critical of liberal though, generally...

Still think it's "inconceivable" that Russia and Putin are not deeply involved with stirring the pot here in America?
"Mr. Putin is working tirelessly to destroy the world order that has stood since the end of the Cold War, especially in Europe, and replace it with one where Russia has the power, influence and military strength to get its way on every issue." could he do that with a strong USA? Answer, he can't, unless he controls it... Don't get me wrong, it matters very little who is sitting in the oval, only for purposes of strategy does Putin even care... Putin's main focus is creating chaos, and division in this country. So, go ahead, keep thinking this is a political "right vs. left" thing, keep playing the "my team is right and yours is wrong" game, you only help Putin and his supporters.
Carry on my comrades, carry on with your chaos, and division. See where it leads...
I don't blame Putin. He represents his country and their interests.

The commies have been controlling our culture since they started taking over our media, entertainment industry and the education system here. Dating back to the 30s or before. Certainly was the goal of Roger Baldwin who had founded the aclu and their stated goal was to turn America into the USSR.

McCarthy to this day is completely demonized by that very commie Hollywood and media. Yet, when their paradise collapsed, ex kgb agents confirmed McCarthy was right about a lot. As stated in the venona papers.

The KGB has done a lot more damage than that. It was also confirmed that they shaped the narrative that the CIA killed JFK. To this day, even very intelligent people believe that. I did for a while, until I talked to a retired secret service agent. Also, I read the Venona papers. Oswald did it. Hard to believe, but the commies in the media and Hollywood here could not allow that. So, through mass propaganda along with perfect scenarios like Oswald being killed, it was an easy sell.

Believed by most Americans to this day. It is scary how controlled we are.
They literally have nothing else. Nothing. It is all they know.

Makes me actually pretty happy that they have not, cause they CANNOT learn their lesson.

It is really not that complicated. They literally know no other way and it really pisses them off that it is no longer working.

Really pisses them off.



They are using Identity Politics, Illegals and Jihadists to weaken American Culture and replace it with Leftist Ideology, which will eventually be replaced by Jihadist or Foreign Ideology when they gain sufficient numbers.




Yes, and Putin thinks Stalin was the cat's meow! "Stalin's 29-year reign, generally seen by Russians in recent years as a dark and bloody chapter in the nation's history, has lately been applauded by Putin and his supporters..."Putin, once critical of Stalin, now embraces Soviet dictator's tactics
The LA Times no less, not exactly critical of liberal though, generally...

Still think it's "inconceivable" that Russia and Putin are not deeply involved with stirring the pot here in America?
"Mr. Putin is working tirelessly to destroy the world order that has stood since the end of the Cold War, especially in Europe, and replace it with one where Russia has the power, influence and military strength to get its way on every issue." could he do that with a strong USA? Answer, he can't, unless he controls it... Don't get me wrong, it matters very little who is sitting in the oval, only for purposes of strategy does Putin even care... Putin's main focus is creating chaos, and division in this country. So, go ahead, keep thinking this is a political "right vs. left" thing, keep playing the "my team is right and yours is wrong" game, you only help Putin and his supporters.
Carry on my comrades, carry on with your chaos, and division. See where it leads...
Putin got an awesome start on controlling America when Obama Bin Spying was elected, and he and Hillary sold him 20% of our Uranium for $200 Million in Bribes.

Heck even HRC and Obama Bin Lying went to him to Collude with Putin to RIG THE ELECTION for Hillary....and he produced The Fake Russian Dossier masterpiece of propaganda for them for a cool $14 Million between The DNC, Clinton & Obama.

That Putin.....Such a Generous Guy!
They literally have nothing else. Nothing. It is all they know.

Makes me actually pretty happy that they have not, cause they CANNOT learn their lesson.

It is really not that complicated. They literally know no other way and it really pisses them off that it is no longer working.

Really pisses them off.



They are using Identity Politics, Illegals and Jihadists to weaken American Culture and replace it with Leftist Ideology, which will eventually be replaced by Jihadist or Foreign Ideology when they gain sufficient numbers.




Yes, and Putin thinks Stalin was the cat's meow! "Stalin's 29-year reign, generally seen by Russians in recent years as a dark and bloody chapter in the nation's history, has lately been applauded by Putin and his supporters..."Putin, once critical of Stalin, now embraces Soviet dictator's tactics
The LA Times no less, not exactly critical of liberal though, generally...

Still think it's "inconceivable" that Russia and Putin are not deeply involved with stirring the pot here in America?
"Mr. Putin is working tirelessly to destroy the world order that has stood since the end of the Cold War, especially in Europe, and replace it with one where Russia has the power, influence and military strength to get its way on every issue." could he do that with a strong USA? Answer, he can't, unless he controls it... Don't get me wrong, it matters very little who is sitting in the oval, only for purposes of strategy does Putin even care... Putin's main focus is creating chaos, and division in this country. So, go ahead, keep thinking this is a political "right vs. left" thing, keep playing the "my team is right and yours is wrong" game, you only help Putin and his supporters.
Carry on my comrades, carry on with your chaos, and division. See where it leads...
I don't blame Putin. He represents his country and their interests.

The commies have been controlling our culture since they started taking over our media, entertainment industry and the education system here. Dating back to the 30s or before. Certainly was the goal of Roger Baldwin who had founded the aclu and their stated goal was to turn America into the USSR.

McCarthy to this day is completely demonized by that very commie Hollywood and media. Yet, when their paradise collapsed, ex kgb agents confirmed McCarthy was right about a lot. As stated in the venona papers.

The KGB has done a lot more damage than that. It was also confirmed that they shaped the narrative that the CIA killed JFK. To this day, even very intelligent people believe that. I did for a while, until I talked to a retired secret service agent. Also, I read the Venona papers. Oswald did it. Hard to believe, but the commies in the media and Hollywood here could not allow that. So, through mass propaganda along with perfect scenarios like Oswald being killed, it was an easy sell.

Believed by most Americans to this day. It is scary how controlled we are.
Oswald Pulled the trigger, but it was The Federal Reserve that gave the order to do it.
They literally have nothing else. Nothing. It is all they know.

Makes me actually pretty happy that they have not, cause they CANNOT learn their lesson.

It is really not that complicated. They literally know no other way and it really pisses them off that it is no longer working.

Really pisses them off.



They are using Identity Politics, Illegals and Jihadists to weaken American Culture and replace it with Leftist Ideology, which will eventually be replaced by Jihadist or Foreign Ideology when they gain sufficient numbers.




Yes, and Putin thinks Stalin was the cat's meow! "Stalin's 29-year reign, generally seen by Russians in recent years as a dark and bloody chapter in the nation's history, has lately been applauded by Putin and his supporters..."Putin, once critical of Stalin, now embraces Soviet dictator's tactics
The LA Times no less, not exactly critical of liberal though, generally...

Still think it's "inconceivable" that Russia and Putin are not deeply involved with stirring the pot here in America?
"Mr. Putin is working tirelessly to destroy the world order that has stood since the end of the Cold War, especially in Europe, and replace it with one where Russia has the power, influence and military strength to get its way on every issue." could he do that with a strong USA? Answer, he can't, unless he controls it... Don't get me wrong, it matters very little who is sitting in the oval, only for purposes of strategy does Putin even care... Putin's main focus is creating chaos, and division in this country. So, go ahead, keep thinking this is a political "right vs. left" thing, keep playing the "my team is right and yours is wrong" game, you only help Putin and his supporters.
Carry on my comrades, carry on with your chaos, and division. See where it leads...
I don't blame Putin. He represents his country and their interests.

The commies have been controlling our culture since they started taking over our media, entertainment industry and the education system here. Dating back to the 30s or before. Certainly was the goal of Roger Baldwin who had founded the aclu and their stated goal was to turn America into the USSR.

McCarthy to this day is completely demonized by that very commie Hollywood and media. Yet, when their paradise collapsed, ex kgb agents confirmed McCarthy was right about a lot. As stated in the venona papers.

The KGB has done a lot more damage than that. It was also confirmed that they shaped the narrative that the CIA killed JFK. To this day, even very intelligent people believe that. I did for a while, until I talked to a retired secret service agent. Also, I read the Venona papers. Oswald did it. Hard to believe, but the commies in the media and Hollywood here could not allow that. So, through mass propaganda along with perfect scenarios like Oswald being killed, it was an easy sell.

Believed by most Americans to this day. It is scary how controlled we are.
Oswald Pulled the trigger, but it was The Federal Reserve that gave the order to do it.
They literally have nothing else. Nothing. It is all they know.

Makes me actually pretty happy that they have not, cause they CANNOT learn their lesson.

It is really not that complicated. They literally know no other way and it really pisses them off that it is no longer working.

Really pisses them off.



They are using Identity Politics, Illegals and Jihadists to weaken American Culture and replace it with Leftist Ideology, which will eventually be replaced by Jihadist or Foreign Ideology when they gain sufficient numbers.




Yes, and Putin thinks Stalin was the cat's meow! "Stalin's 29-year reign, generally seen by Russians in recent years as a dark and bloody chapter in the nation's history, has lately been applauded by Putin and his supporters..."Putin, once critical of Stalin, now embraces Soviet dictator's tactics
The LA Times no less, not exactly critical of liberal though, generally...

Still think it's "inconceivable" that Russia and Putin are not deeply involved with stirring the pot here in America?
"Mr. Putin is working tirelessly to destroy the world order that has stood since the end of the Cold War, especially in Europe, and replace it with one where Russia has the power, influence and military strength to get its way on every issue." could he do that with a strong USA? Answer, he can't, unless he controls it... Don't get me wrong, it matters very little who is sitting in the oval, only for purposes of strategy does Putin even care... Putin's main focus is creating chaos, and division in this country. So, go ahead, keep thinking this is a political "right vs. left" thing, keep playing the "my team is right and yours is wrong" game, you only help Putin and his supporters.
Carry on my comrades, carry on with your chaos, and division. See where it leads...
I don't blame Putin. He represents his country and their interests.

The commies have been controlling our culture since they started taking over our media, entertainment industry and the education system here. Dating back to the 30s or before. Certainly was the goal of Roger Baldwin who had founded the aclu and their stated goal was to turn America into the USSR.

McCarthy to this day is completely demonized by that very commie Hollywood and media. Yet, when their paradise collapsed, ex kgb agents confirmed McCarthy was right about a lot. As stated in the venona papers.

The KGB has done a lot more damage than that. It was also confirmed that they shaped the narrative that the CIA killed JFK. To this day, even very intelligent people believe that. I did for a while, until I talked to a retired secret service agent. Also, I read the Venona papers. Oswald did it. Hard to believe, but the commies in the media and Hollywood here could not allow that. So, through mass propaganda along with perfect scenarios like Oswald being killed, it was an easy sell.

Believed by most Americans to this day. It is scary how controlled we are.
Oswald Pulled the trigger, but it was The Federal Reserve that gave the order to do it.

The Federal Reserve also by their own ADMISSION worked with THE IRS to cause The Great Depression, and exterminated with extreme prejudice 30,000 privately owned community banks as they were a competitive threat to The Federal Reserve System, and they confiscated Billions of dollars in property, homes, savings, farms, businesses, currencies, and precious metals. The Fed called it "Banking Consolidation"

Then comes JFK and tells them, we don't want your Federal Reserve Notes anymore, and we are going to start printing Treasury Notes backed by Silver, so they killed him...

You know...because....of MONEY.

But this is what Socialists do....they crush and oppress the people they rule over and they strangulate freedom, rob you of your hard earned money, & abuse and crush a people's dreams.

And then they will assault you or kill you if you stand in their way.
Last edited:
They literally have nothing else. Nothing. It is all they know.

Makes me actually pretty happy that they have not, cause they CANNOT learn their lesson.

It is really not that complicated. They literally know no other way and it really pisses them off that it is no longer working.

Really pisses them off.

First you have to prove to us the GOP works for the middle class. We tried that 2000-2008 and it led to the greatest recession since the Great Depression.

So don't get cocky just yet. You just took over and you lost 30,000 jobs last month after Obama had 75 straight months of job gains. A recession is 3 straight months of losses. Lets hope Trump doesn't have a recession.

He promised better numbers than Obama. If Obama only had 3% growth, what is Trumps number? It's not 4 yet. So let us know when he delivers on his promise. And show us the debt doesn't double.

And show us blue collar jobs coming back to America and paying a good wage. These are all the things we are measuring. Not the stock market that was already good. Not the "fake" unemployment number. We want to see Trump fix the real unemployment numbers.

There are some things I like about Trump. I'm prone to nationalism too. i like cutting immigration in half. but overall not a fan of Trumps. Hope a Democrat wins in 2020.

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