The reason for the 30 charges

Biden has enriched his family by taking money from America’s enemies, using the power of his office. Not very Christian-like.

Democratic policies and Biden are the anti-thesis of Christian or any moral values. The thing is, you can’t argue with these folks. They are blinded by an ideology and that is no accident.
Instead of seeing the corruption in both parties, you people want to be myopic and only see half the corruption, that is destroying America.
And we saw him get into trouble over it and he cried less than Trump.
And was a Republican DA clamoring to throw him in jail?

I think Trump is holding up amazingly well given the Democrat Frontal Attack against him, with falsified charges and made-up dossiers, and midnight raids for purposes of optics while Biden gets advance notice from the FBI to destroy the classified info he stole because they are coming for him….in two weeks,
The two-tier system of justice Is that between Dems and Republicans. We see it with this case here.

We also saw it with how the non-violent Jan 6 protestors were treated compared to the violent BLM savages.

We saw it with the surprise MAL raid compared to the advance notice Biden was given.
Tens of thousands of BLM protestors were arrested, hundreds have been convicted of crimes and dozens are serving long sentences, up to life. And as been pointed out the MAL raid was easily anticipated. You see things through a prism, live in a fantasy world, and have to touch with reality.
Democratic policies and Biden are the anti-thesis of Christian or any moral values. The thing is, you can’t argue with these folks. They are blinded by an ideology and that is no accident.
We have not seen any moral activity by the Church either or church members they all sin and are therefore imperfect.
And was a Republican DA clamoring to throw him in jail?

I think Trump is holding up amazingly well given the Democrat Frontal Attack against him, with falsified charges and made-up dossiers, and midnight raids for purposes of optics while Biden gets advance notice from the FBI to destroy the classified info he stole because they are coming for him….in two weeks,
Yes, in fact, they went after Bill and Hillary for six out of eight years in office.
Democratic policies and Biden are the anti-thesis of Christian or any moral values. The thing is, you can’t argue with these folks. They are blinded by an ideology and that is no accident.
Yup. I’ve never seen such deranged sickness. They’re actually arguing that paying off a slut who had consensual sex is worse, or just as bad, as a sexual assault.
Difference is the pudding, or should I say the ketchup, in Trumps case is like the writing on the wall.

The country was light years ahead pre-COVID under the Trump administration. The Biden administration is a complete and utter disaster from foreign policy to domestic policy, to economic policy to environmental policy to national defense. That is the pudding. I am frankly astounded that so many Americans can be so disillusioned not to see it., but then again, ~50% of our country don’t even pay federal income taxes and the vast majority of those folks are Democrats so it stands to reason that they wouldn’t have a clue as to what is going on. More ”free” stuff and the “rich are evil and owe them” is a deep as their thought processes reach.
The country was light years ahead pre-COVID under the Trump administration. The Biden administration is a complete and utter disaster from foreign policy to domestic policy, to economic policy to environmental policy to national defense. That is the pudding. I am frankly astounded that so many Americans can be so disillusioned not to see it., but then again, ~50% of our country don’t even pay federal income taxes and the vast majority of those folks are Democrats so it stands to reason that they wouldn’t have a clue as to what is going on. More ”free” stuff and the “rich are evil and owe them” is a deep as their thought processes reach.
It will only get worse as the millions of uneducated foreigners the Dems are importing get to vote - which is part of their plan. As it is, we already have illegals holding elected office in some leftist locales.
The vindictive DA out to remove an opponent from running for president is throwing everything and anything at the wall, hoping one sticks. He knows he has a weak, if non-existent, case and hope the jury will compromise by agreeing to a conviction on at least one.
Time for someone to investigate that dirty DA. I'm sure there's plenty of dirt hidden somewhere in his past.
We have not seen any moral activity by the Church either or church members they all sin and are therefore imperfect.

Nobody said we were perfect. We all sin. That itself is biblical. The difference is that those of us that are truly Christian recognize our sins and make an effort to avoid them. Non-religious folks, the vast majority of which are Democrats or Independents, don’t entertain this idea. If they think they can get away with it legally, they will do it, over and over again. If it feels good do it pretty much sums up their ideology.
Trump respects Christians, like he respects women.

He uses them when he needs them.
That would be true if he weren’t pushing policies important to Christians. How are Democrats polling these days among Christians?

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