The reason for the 30 charges

We saw it with the surprise MAL raid compared to the advance notice Biden was given.
It was no surprise. Trump had over a years notice that they were coming for the classified marked documents he took from the white house.

They sent Trump requests, they sent Trump the National Archives, they even sent Trump a subpoena. That was strike three.
You poor widdle eternal victims.

Did those mean tweets from Trump keep you up at night? Do I really need to list the litany of programs set forth by Democrats due to their constituency’s perceived victimhood? Their entire platform is built on xyz isn’t fair and envy of other people’s successes. Don’t project Democrat’s idiocy, childishness and warped sense of reality on us.
For votes.

And policy. Whether or not Trump is a Christian at all matters not. The policies he proposes much more closely align with Christian values than those of Democrats. That is why he gets the votes from the Christian community. Do you expect us to vote for any Democrat and their policies? We would have to essentially renounce our religion to do so.
It doesn't matter what charges they actually file & I think they will get convictions no matter what.
It's NYC & they will stack the jury with absolute moronic wokester progbots to ensure this is the case.
They don't care about optics anymore because they think they can control the narrative through Mockingbird & trolls online to gaslight the sheeple.
The ones supporting this have been driven mad by an alternate reality dogma where trannies & tyrants are the good guys while families wanting to protect kids are the evil perps that must be destroyed at all costs.

This will just increase the rate people are waking up & move more support over to DT.
This doesn't matter either.
Unless election systems are fixed no non-establishment UNiparty approved candidate will ever win an office on importance again.
The ones we would need to fix the systems have no desire to change the status quo that brought them wealth & power at the expense of the rest of us.

I'd say DT would have to get over 100 million votes to even have a chance to counter the massive cheating machine they will have in place.
Even then, the Dems would just shut things down, manufacture as many ballots as they need & then come back with 110 million for their puppet

We're living in Altas Shurgged John Galt, have been for a while. As you said, now that they no longer care about optics they will just become more and more bold with their corruption. They've seen that they've gotten away with it, it will only embolden them to go further and further.
Trump respects Christians, like he respects women.

He uses them when he needs them.

Again, us Christians don’t think Trump is an angel by any measure. The proof, however, is in the pudding. Biden claims to be a Christian, but again, the proof is in the pudding.
Trump respects Christians, like he respects women.

He uses them when he needs them.
And Clinton forces his horniness into the mouths of unwilling women. He even paid one off $800,000.
And policy. Whether or not Trump is a Christian at all matters not. The policies he proposes much more closely aligns with Christian values than those of Democrats. That is why he gets the votes from the Christian community. Do you expect us to vote for any Democrat and their policies? We would have to essentially renounce our religion to do so.
yeah, Trump is aligned with your God, not.
We're living in Altas Shurgged John Galt, have been for a while. As you said, now that they no longer care about optics they will just become more and more bold with their corruption. They've seen that they've gotten away with it, it will only embolden them to go further and further.
It’s beyond crazy.
Again, us Christians don’t think Trump is an angel by any measure. The proof, however, is in the pudding. Biden claims to be a Christian, but again, the proof is in the pudding.
Biden has enriched his family by taking money from America’s enemies, using the power of his office. Not very Christian-like.
Again, us Christians don’t think Trump is an angel by any measure. The proof, however, is in the pudding. Biden claims to be a Christian, but again, the proof is in the pudding.
Difference is the pudding, or should I say the ketchup, in Trumps case is like the writing on the wall.

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