The reason for the 30 charges

So if Trump is convicted of a crime...will that mean you are less likely to vote for him in the primaries or general election?
Hillary committed a crime but the FBI refused to pursue it. But it was a crime. She admittedly deleted over 30,000 emails that were under subpoena.

So an admitted criminal ran for president. Did you still vote for her anyway?

I know, I know...she was never convicted.

That being said, if OJ simpson ran for president against Donald Trump, seeing as he was not convicted of murder, would you vote for him anyway?
So if Trump is convicted of a crime...will that mean you are less likely to vote for him in the primaries or general election?
It would depend on the "crime." If Trump was convicted of murder, or rape, or homosexuality ... I would NOT vote for him. If he were convicted for paying a liberal whore to stay quiet ... then I'd strike it up to a past mistake (something we've all done) and cast my vote his way. The current idiot in chief has done far worse.
The vindictive DA out to remove an opponent from running for president is throwing everything and anything at the wall, hoping one sticks. He knows he has a weak, if non-existent, case and hope the jury will compromise by agreeing to a conviction on at least one.
Lol, another idiot claiming to know the details of a sealed indictment. Lol. Were you on the jury? Are you a part of the New York DA office? Or are you just another idiot running their mouth on shitvthey know nothing about? I think we all know which one. Hilarious 😂. Another turd full of nothing but hot air. AKA the Republican Party these days.

You are all such frightened little bitches. We don't know what the charges are yet or what the evidence is and yet you children are in a panic. The courtroom is where Donald Trump gets to make his case. If he's innocent he will have the oppurtunity to present that evidence to the court and to the public. This is how the system is supposed to work.

No, the prosecution has to prove guilt, the defense just has to refute the charges. Our legal system isn’t based on the accused having to prove their innocence. All the defense has to do is defend against the charges. It’s the prosecutions job to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, not the defense prove innocence beyond a reasonable doubt.

Maybe it’s just how you worded it, but, pelosi said the same thing, and how she stated it is backwards from how the legal system works.
The country was light years ahead pre-COVID under the Trump administration. The Biden administration is a complete and utter disaster from foreign policy to domestic policy, to economic policy to environmental policy to national defense. That is the pudding. I am frankly astounded that so many Americans can be so disillusioned not to see it

The vindictive DA out to remove an opponent from running for president is throwing everything and anything at the wall, hoping one sticks. He knows he has a weak, if non-existent, case and hope the jury will compromise by agreeing to a conviction on at least one.
You've seen the charges? Is the indictment unsealed already? Or are you just making stuff up as you whine?
The Trumptards have always snarkily asked what crimes Trump has committed. Now that they are finding out, their brains are melting down.

This indictment in New York is just the beginning.

Trump is the most corrupt president in American history. They that dance must pay the piper.

You are all such frightened little bitches. We don't know what the charges are yet or what the evidence is and yet you children are in a panic. The courtroom is where Donald Trump gets to make his case. If he's innocent he will have the oppurtunity to present that evidence to the court and to the public. This is how the system is supposed to work.
They seem to forget that everyone is innocent til proven guilty....why are MAGAts so worried already about guilt?
The Trumptards have always snarkily asked what crimes Trump has committed. Now that they are finding out, their brains are melting down.

This indictment in New York is just the beginning.

Trump is the most corrupt president in American history. They that dance must pay the piper.
I can think of MANY reasons for the charge.

Right off hand, I can think of the following reasons

Klaus Schwab
George Soros
Bill Gates
Mark Zuckerberg
Jeff Bezos
Børge Brende
Julien Gattoni
Jeremy Jurgens
Adrian Monck
Sarita Nayyar
Olivier M. Schwab
Saadia Zahidi
Alois Zwinggi
The vindictive DA out to remove an opponent from running for president is throwing everything and anything at the wall, hoping one sticks. He knows he has a weak, if non-existent, case and hope the jury will compromise by agreeing to a conviction on at least one.

If you take a salami and cut it into 30 pieces, it's still a salami. It's like when somebody gets into an accident while drunk. They include violation of seat belt laws, failure to control, going over the double yellow line and BS like that. Everything else gets thrown out except the DUI.
Clinton didn’t just have an affair - he forced a woman (Paula Jones). You better learn the meaning of “willing participant,” or you might find yourself charged with sexual assault too.

Trump didn’t rape anyone. How you can condemn Trump for having sex with a willing participant and accept Clinton who sexually assaulted women shows how brainwashed Democrats are - and why it is doubtful Trump can get a fair trial. There will be a dozen Moonglows on the jury.
He did not. You don't even know what the Clinton stuff was. :heehee: Clinton didn't rape anyone.....

But if you are con-cerned about sexual assault, why aren't you con-cerned about your orange god bragging about sexually assaulting women?

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