The reason for the 30 charges

We should know the charges by tomorrow afternoon. Trump has the legal right to know what charges the left has trumped up against him, and he will share them with us.

Not sure about that. Somebody created a topic that the judge is going to place a gag order on Trump, but I didn't read it. The left also doesn't want any photographs of him being booked because it would turn more people against them. But we shall see.
Not sure about that. Somebody created a topic that the judge is going to place a gag order on Trump, but I didn't read it. The left also doesn't want any photographs of him being booked because it would turn more people against them. But we shall see.
So the American public don’t even get to know what fake charges he’s been brought up on? How convenient.
So the American public don’t even get to know what fake charges he’s been brought up on? How convenient.

Of course not. The charges are probably so bogus they'll try to keep it under covers as much as possible. Even liberal lawyers are stating this is nothing but a bunch of BS.
What will you say if the case is as flimsy as it appears? Will Democrats then admit that it was all political? I won't hold my breath.

It's not as if we don't have precedent for Democrats coming after Trump for purely political reason.

Well you can look at my history. Ive
Said the Bundy’s were asshats but the Judge properly dismissed all charges after the Prosecution was caught in a lie.

I don’t know what others will do. I can only state a few things with any certainty regarding myself. First I will defend the Judge if he does dismiss in similar circumstances. Two. I will not vote for Trump under any circumstances. If like in 2020, I can support neither candidate, I will abstain again.
Well you can look at my history. Ive
Said the Bundy’s were asshats but the Judge properly dismissed all charges after the Prosecution was caught in a lie.

I don’t know what others will do. I can only state a few things with any certainty regarding myself. First I will defend the Judge if he does dismiss in similar circumstances. Two. I will not vote for Trump under any circumstances. If like in 2020, I can support neither candidate, I will abstain again.

Well, at least you won't cast a vote for Biden. He and his administration are the most dangerous administration this country has ever seen. His old and feeble side appeals to many of the brain-dead that vote for him, but nobody who actually wants the US to prosper, who is informed and has an IQ higher than their shoe size should ever vote for the corrupt, compromised old fool.

Trump can be a jerk, but his policies are absolutely exceptional by every measure to Biden's, assuming the actual goal is the benefit the US. If our adversaries could vote or influence our country, they would be smart to vote for and encourage support for Biden(hint...they are influencing).
Twenty- twenty- twenty-four hours to go
I wanna be sedated
Nothin' to do, nowhere to go-oh
I wanna be sedated
Just get me to the airport, put me on a plane
Hurry, hurry, hurry before I go insane
I can't control my fingers, I can't control my brain
Oh, no, oh-oh, oh-oh


I saw them with The Tubes on a Halloween night in Berkeley. With mushrooms.

What a night.
He made obscene comments about women? That’s it? Clinton was a rapist, and you people overlooked THAT.

Talk about a two-tier system of justice! You’re so biased you can’t even see it.
You can't see shit you stupid bitch. Trump has been accused of sexual harrassment by more than a dozen women, many are still in litigation, and yet you have nothing in response. I mean you are beyond stupid, you seriously need to get a different hobby.
Not sure about that. Somebody created a topic that the judge is going to place a gag order on Trump, but I didn't read it. The left also doesn't want any photographs of him being booked because it would turn more people against them. But we shall see.
so. you're not sure. but you queef about it anyway. as usual. Trump’s attorney is on record opposing publication of the mugshot. for you terminal cuck that's the left.
Well, at least you won't cast a vote for Biden. He and his administration are the most dangerous administration this country has ever seen. His old and feeble side appeals to many of the brain-dead that vote for him, but nobody who actually wants the US to prosper, who is informed and has an IQ higher than their shoe size should ever vote for the corrupt, compromised old fool.

Trump can be a jerk, but his policies are absolutely exceptional by every measure to Biden's, assuming the actual goal is the benefit the US. If our adversaries could vote or influence our country, they would be smart to vote for and encourage support for Biden(hint...they are influencing).
Oh FFS you are kidding. Please.

Trump was at best a mediocre President. But that isn’t why I didn’t vote for him in 2020. I voted for him in 2016. But I abstained in 2020.

The reason is Trump. Himself. Trump didn’t set out to drain the swamp. He could have done that in the first thirty days. He didn’t set out to do anything but take control.

Let’s take one of the current situations. The Too Secret documents in his possession. Trump could have declassified tons of information. He could have shown the nation, the world what the Nation was doing to its own citizens. The Domestic spying that Snowden exposed. Confirmed and elaborated upon. Trump could have gone to Congress and demanded a law that would put anyone who spied on Americans without a warrant in prison for life.

There were dozens, hundreds of things he could have done with the simple signature on a piece of paper. He didn’t.

The only reason that Trump fanboys love him is he shouted at the Left and called them names.

What Trump did do is weaken our presence in Europe, just when it was needed most to deter Russia. Trump ordered the withdrawal of a third of our troops from Germany.

When the Right says that Biden is encouraging the opponents, what the fuck do you think removing our troops from their forward positions does?

Kim Jong Un is one of the worst dictators in history. Trump thought he was a great guy, because the guy sent a shallow flattering letter to Trump. I’m surprised Donald didn’t hand over South Korea to the thugs in the north.

I could go on, and on, and list hundreds of examples of his massive failures. But they all can be reduced to one failure. The failure to ever learn what the Presidency is.

It isn’t just another CEO job. It isn’t the same as a corporate leadership job. You have to be able to negotiate. And that isn’t so what I want or else. It is about five and take and being reasonable.

But the biggest thing is something I began calling for within the first year. Someone should have taken a hammer to his phone to shut him out of Twitter.

Let me explain something. How things work in the White House. The President has, or hears an idea he likes. He instructs the staff to look into it. Lawyers examine the idea to see if it is legal. The various departments weigh in to see if there is a problem with current laws or policies. Some of which are agreements and treaties with Allie’s or adversaries.

Then once all that comes back the staff crafts the talking points and the scope of the position within those agreements. Then the position is announced by the Press Secretary. Trump didn’t have patience for that. He would announce a position or ideal at three in the morning and expect the Staff to make it happen. Instead they have to tell him why it can’t work.

Trump wanted to be an Emperor. He wanted to rule like Kaiser Wilhelm. By inspired Devine authority, without anyone to tell him no.

The things Trump could do, he didn’t. The things he couldn’t do, he demanded. The things he shouldn’t do, he did. That isn’t a great President. That is at best, mediocre.
Oh FFS you are kidding. Please.

Trump was at best a mediocre President. But that isn’t why I didn’t vote for him in 2020. I voted for him in 2016. But I abstained in 2020.

The reason is Trump. Himself. Trump didn’t set out to drain the swamp. He could have done that in the first thirty days. He didn’t set out to do anything but take control.

Let’s take one of the current situations. The Too Secret documents in his possession. Trump could have declassified tons of information. He could have shown the nation, the world what the Nation was doing to its own citizens. The Domestic spying that Snowden exposed. Confirmed and elaborated upon. Trump could have gone to Congress and demanded a law that would put anyone who spied on Americans without a warrant in prison for life.

There were dozens, hundreds of things he could have done with the simple signature on a piece of paper. He didn’t.

The only reason that Trump fanboys love him is he shouted at the Left and called them names.

What Trump did do is weaken our presence in Europe, just when it was needed most to deter Russia. Trump ordered the withdrawal of a third of our troops from Germany.

When the Right says that Biden is encouraging the opponents, what the fuck do you think removing our troops from their forward positions does?

Kim Jong Un is one of the worst dictators in history. Trump thought he was a great guy, because the guy sent a shallow flattering letter to Trump. I’m surprised Donald didn’t hand over South Korea to the thugs in the north.

I could go on, and on, and list hundreds of examples of his massive failures. But they all can be reduced to one failure. The failure to ever learn what the Presidency is.

It isn’t just another CEO job. It isn’t the same as a corporate leadership job. You have to be able to negotiate. And that isn’t so what I want or else. It is about five and take and being reasonable.

But the biggest thing is something I began calling for within the first year. Someone should have taken a hammer to his phone to shut him out of Twitter.

Let me explain something. How things work in the White House. The President has, or hears an idea he likes. He instructs the staff to look into it. Lawyers examine the idea to see if it is legal. The various departments weigh in to see if there is a problem with current laws or policies. Some of which are agreements and treaties with Allie’s or adversaries.

Then once all that comes back the staff crafts the talking points and the scope of the position within those agreements. Then the position is announced by the Press Secretary. Trump didn’t have patience for that. He would announce a position or ideal at three in the morning and expect the Staff to make it happen. Instead they have to tell him why it can’t work.

Trump wanted to be an Emperor. He wanted to rule like Kaiser Wilhelm. By inspired Devine authority, without anyone to tell him no.

The things Trump could do, he didn’t. The things he couldn’t do, he demanded. The things he shouldn’t do, he did. That isn’t a great President. That is at best, mediocre.

Trump's entire political mentality was get along with his foes. He complimented Putin and for the first time in history, a US President went to NK to meet with their leader. Forming those relationships didn't give us everything we wanted, but he got Dong to quit firing off test missiles and Russia to sit back quietly. As arrogant as Trump is, he wasn't too proud to kiss the asses of other people so we didn't end up in conflicts like we have today.

Outside of Hillary he campaigned on getting along with Democrats. That included keeping some of their people in place instead of cleaning house. His first week in the White House he invited their key leaders over for a bowling match just to break the ice.

What worked with leaders of other countries didn't work with Democrats. Trump never realized the sleezy and underhanded way they work. They stabbed him in the back repeatedly and if he ever gets back in the White House again, I hope he learned the lesson that Democrats are not his friends, they are his mortal enemy.

If you're looking for a Republican (or any rep for that matter) that's going to do all the things you wish, be prepared to wait for the rest of your life. I didn't care for his early release of prisoners to try and get the black vote. I wish he would have eliminated at least one-third of our bureaucracies. I didn't like his getting rid of bump stocks because outside of one incident they weren't a problem. But when I see our country today and compare that to pre-covid Trump days, there is no comparison. And not voting for Trump (if he ends up the nominee) is asking for more of what we have today.
The things Trump could do, he didn’t. The things he couldn’t do, he demanded. The things he shouldn’t do, he did. That isn’t a great President. That is at best, mediocre

And yet our country is far worse off under Biden than under Trump. I mean, you can spin, talk about the failures of Trump, about him being a jerk, not negotiating, etc. but the bottom line is we were far better off and would be at this time had he been re-elected. Do I really need to go down the list of the abysmal Biden record? The man has weakened us on every single front. Russia invaded Ukraine on his watch and that is no accident. Trump tried to talk some sense into Germany regarding their energy dependance on Russia but Merkyl wouldn’t listen. They have since reversed policy, but too late.

I should also remind you of the Democrats consistent pursuit of Trump meant as a distraction. No other president in history has had such purely political theatre to deal with.

Do what you want, but don’t pretend that Trump wasn’t a far superior choice to Biden. There is absolutely no comparison.
The vindictive DA out to remove an opponent from running for president is throwing everything and anything at the wall, hoping one sticks. He knows he has a weak, if non-existent, case and hope the jury will compromise by agreeing to a conviction on at least one.
Did someone unseal the indictment and hand it to you?

No? You're talking out your voluminous ass again?
Trump's entire political mentality was get along with his foes. He complimented Putin and for the first time in history, a US President went to NK to meet with their leader. Forming those relationships didn't give us everything we wanted, but he got Dong to quit firing off test missiles and Russia to sit back quietly. As arrogant as Trump is, he wasn't too proud to kiss the asses of other people so we didn't end up in conflicts like we have today.

Outside of Hillary he campaigned on getting along with Democrats. That included keeping some of their people in place instead of cleaning house. His first week in the White House he invited their key leaders over for a bowling match just to break the ice.

What worked with leaders of other countries didn't work with Democrats. Trump never realized the sleezy and underhanded way they work. They stabbed him in the back repeatedly and if he ever gets back in the White House again, I hope he learned the lesson that Democrats are not his friends, they are his mortal enemy.

If you're looking for a Republican (or any rep for that matter) that's going to do all the things you wish, be prepared to wait for the rest of your life. I didn't care for his early release of prisoners to try and get the black vote. I wish he would have eliminated at least one-third of our bureaucracies. I didn't like his getting rid of bump stocks because outside of one incident they weren't a problem. But when I see our country today and compare that to pre-covid Trump days, there is no comparison. And not voting for Trump (if he ends up the nominee) is asking for more of what we have today.

I don’t know where you were. Trump’s first hundred days in office was a parade that had the clear message. Do what I want or else.

Almost everything was illegal, or a violation of international agreements. This is evidenced by judges almost universally placing holds or stays on everything that Trump tried to do.

As for getting rid of the bureaucracy, hundreds of appointments were never made. Trump said that these were just jobs that didn’t need filled. Well those positions, if filled by qualified people, might have kept Trump from violating existing case law, international agreements, and suffering the embarrassment of defeats at every single challenge. If he had understood that simple mechanism he might have managed to be more effective than a cartoon joke.

The first hundred days were a disaster. And it went downhill from there.

In his business and life Trump believed that Lawyers existed to get him out of trouble. They came into play after the fact. In Politics, Lawyers exist to keep you from getting into trouble. Trump never learned that.

I’m making more money now than I was when Trump was doing fine. His last “good” year. 2019. I’m making more money. We have statistical full employment. The same conditions that existed when Trump was President. Only now it’s all awful because Biden is in office.

The reason you don’t acknowledge these truths is because you consume a steady diet of propaganda from RW sources that reinforce your beliefs.

Oh and before you start pointing at Biden and saying he’s worse. Remember. I said I didn’t vote in 2020 because both were steaming piles of shit and I refused to vote for either steaming pile of shit pretending that it was better in some imaginary way.

You are all such frightened little bitches. We don't know what the charges are yet or what the evidence is and yet you children are in a panic. The courtroom is where Donald Trump gets to make his case. If he's innocent he will have the oppurtunity to present that evidence to the court and to the public. This is how the system is supposed to work.
Another one who thinks the defendant has to prove innocence…
I don’t know where you were. Trump’s first hundred days in office was a parade that had the clear message. Do what I want or else.

Almost everything was illegal, or a violation of international agreements. This is evidenced by judges almost universally placing holds or stays on everything that Trump tried to do.

As for getting rid of the bureaucracy, hundreds of appointments were never made. Trump said that these were just jobs that didn’t need filled. Well those positions, if filled by qualified people, might have kept Trump from violating existing case law, international agreements, and suffering the embarrassment of defeats at every single challenge. If he had understood that simple mechanism he might have managed to be more effective than a cartoon joke.

The first hundred days were a disaster. And it went downhill from there.

In his business and life Trump believed that Lawyers existed to get him out of trouble. They came into play after the fact. In Politics, Lawyers exist to keep you from getting into trouble. Trump never learned that.

I’m making more money now than I was when Trump was doing fine. His last “good” year. 2019. I’m making more money. We have statistical full employment. The same conditions that existed when Trump was President. Only now it’s all awful because Biden is in office.

The reason you don’t acknowledge these truths is because you consume a steady diet of propaganda from RW sources that reinforce your beliefs.

Oh and before you start pointing at Biden and saying he’s worse. Remember. I said I didn’t vote in 2020 because both were steaming piles of shit and I refused to vote for either steaming pile of shit pretending that it was better in some imaginary way.

Well then congrats, because by not keeping Dementia out of the White House, you have what we have today. Now why don't you tell us the last President that got everything they campaigned on. While you're at it, tell us the last President that never stretched the truth.

Every single President in history made mistakes or made the wrong judgements, so don't act like Trump is the first one. I could write several paragraphs on what he did accomplish. Yes, commie judges stopped him temporarily from carrying out his plans, but he managed to beat a good number of them out too, particularly when it came to the border.

Realistically there are only two choices we Americans have when it comes to electing a President. Voting a third party, you might as well save your time and not vote at all. Elections for most of my life is choosing the least of two evils. I realized from young on you're never going to find a perfect candidate running. The best you can hope for is the person that wins does as much good as they can in our complicated system of government. We don't live in an autocracy.
I don’t know where you were. Trump’s first hundred days in office was a parade that had the clear message. Do what I want or else.

Almost everything was illegal, or a violation of international agreements. This is evidenced by judges almost universally placing holds or stays on everything that Trump tried to do.

As for getting rid of the bureaucracy, hundreds of appointments were never made. Trump said that these were just jobs that didn’t need filled. Well those positions, if filled by qualified people, might have kept Trump from violating existing case law, international agreements, and suffering the embarrassment of defeats at every single challenge. If he had understood that simple mechanism he might have managed to be more effective than a cartoon joke.

The first hundred days were a disaster. And it went downhill from there.

In his business and life Trump believed that Lawyers existed to get him out of trouble. They came into play after the fact. In Politics, Lawyers exist to keep you from getting into trouble. Trump never learned that.

I’m making more money now than I was when Trump was doing fine. His last “good” year. 2019. I’m making more money. We have statistical full employment. The same conditions that existed when Trump was President. Only now it’s all awful because Biden is in office.

The reason you don’t acknowledge these truths is because you consume a steady diet of propaganda from RW sources that reinforce your beliefs.

Oh and before you start pointing at Biden and saying he’s worse. Remember. I said I didn’t vote in 2020 because both were steaming piles of shit and I refused to vote for either steaming pile of shit pretending that it was better in some imaginary way.
You didn’t vote, so your opinion means nothing
So has Joe Biden or Hunter Biden or Hillary Clinton been proven guilty of anything?



No because nobody would go after them outside of Hillary. Being guilty of something is different than being convicted. Or do you think OJ was innocent?


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