The reason for the 30 charges

The vindictive DA out to remove an opponent from running for president is throwing everything and anything at the wall, hoping one sticks. He knows he has a weak, if non-existent, case and hope the jury will compromise by agreeing to a conviction on at least one.
You'll always have Uranium One...
No because nobody would go after them outside of Hillary. Being guilty of something is different than being convicted. Or do you think OJ was innocent?

Sounds like the whole "innocent until proven guilty" this is pretty subjective for you folks

Hypocrites all
Sounds like the whole "innocent until proven guilty" this is pretty subjective for you folks

Hypocrites all

Hillary was guilty, it's just that they refused to pursue it. Watch the video of what Comey found and testified finding.
How so? Comey testified that she did indeed break several laws. She was never charged or convicted of them. So what's hypocritical about that?
Because Comey isn't a grand jury...

The IG report stated that NONE of the federal prosecutors who opined on the matter recommended prosecution.

A far better example would be the two impeachments of Grifty.
Because Comey isn't a grand jury...

The IG report stated that NONE of the federal prosecutors who opined on the matter recommended prosecution.

A far better example would be the two impeachments of Grifty.

We're not talking about judge or jury, we're talking about guilty or not. We're talking about evidence. If evidence is presented of a crime but nobody prosecutes it, does that mean the evidence is non existent?
Because Comey isn't a grand jury...

The IG report stated that NONE of the federal prosecutors who opined on the matter recommended prosecution.

A far better example would be the two impeachments of Grifty.
Impeachments mean nothing when they’re just a nasty witch-hunt from hateful Dems.
Well then congrats, because by not keeping Dementia out of the White House, you have what we have today. Now why don't you tell us the last President that got everything they campaigned on. While you're at it, tell us the last President that never stretched the truth.

Every single President in history made mistakes or made the wrong judgements, so don't act like Trump is the first one. I could write several paragraphs on what he did accomplish. Yes, commie judges stopped him temporarily from carrying out his plans, but he managed to beat a good number of them out too, particularly when it came to the border.

Realistically there are only two choices we Americans have when it comes to electing a President. Voting a third party, you might as well save your time and not vote at all. Elections for most of my life is choosing the least of two evils. I realized from young on you're never going to find a perfect candidate running. The best you can hope for is the person that wins does as much good as they can in our complicated system of government. We don't live in an autocracy.

Look up my history. I’ve said many times that nobody is ready on day one. I’ve said I expect people and Presidents to make mistakes. I also expect the people to learn from this mistakes.

As for not getting what you campaigned on. That’s a given. That is where a fair deal and negotiation comes into play. Want to know what a fair deal is? It is where nobody is happy but everyone can live with it. But that is almost impossible to get if you start with victory or death. That is the last position, not the opening.

As an example. Ann Coulter is correct in saying that Israel can’t really negotiate with the enemies surrounding her. They want all Jews dead. What will they accept as a middle ground? Only half the Jews dead?

After you’ve tried to do it by executive order and gotten spanked by the court. Demanding that Congress give you what you want isn’t strong. It’s weak as hell. You have to be willing to negotiate first. Not second. If you’ve already lost there is no reason to negotiate the loser to victory.

Let me give you an example. Let’s say we are neighbors. I put in a driveway and it crosses over into your property. You point this out to me. I denounce you and call you names. The dispute escalates and a surveyor is hired. My driveway is on your property. Imagine your reaction if I now came to you demanding that you give me the land that I have taken illegally.

This is why you consult with the experts. To make sure your move is going to work. Now as I said I expect people and Presidents to make mistakes. But Trump never learned. He kept pushing for victory or death making negotiations impossible.

After the first setback, a really smart man would start to talk to the experts. After the third setback, a moderately intelligent man would realize he was in need of some advice. After a year of setbacks anyone smart enough to tie their own shoes would be looking for someone to help them.

Trump’s actions were nothing more than the Rock Concert shout out to the city. The crowd goes wild. The band loves being in Cleveland. They just said so.

At some point people around Trump had to be saying. “Sir, we need to consult with the Councils office. We need to figure out what we can do.” If they did, and he didn’t listen. That’s on Trump. If they didn’t and he picked them because in his opinion they were the best. That’s on him too.

It’s easy to denounce the career bureaucrats. But they are the experts who know how to keep the machine running. They know all the interconnected gears that allow the machine to move.

Take the Wall. If Trump had asked what will it take to build the wall. They would have told him a detailed survey. Environmental impacts. Consultation with the Core of Engineers for what kind of construction will work in each area. Consultation with the Geological Society to determine the type of materials the terrain will support. Then we have to start negotiating with the property owners and respecting private property. We need to consider animals that might migrate.

There are a thousand things that have to be done, by law, before you can start building. Now you may say that is the problem, the laws won’t let you do what needs to be done. But you don’t ignore the laws. You get them changed. You don’t demand that your people ignore the laws and get busy. You negotiate and compromise to get what you can get in reality.

Politics is the art of the possible. And that lesson Trump still hasn’t learned. That is why Trumps administration was at best Mediocre and why I will never vote for him again. Because Trump refuses to learn he isn’t a CEO where the entire apparatus jumps when he says so.
You didn’t vote, so your opinion means nothing

I voted in 2022. I voted for Kemp for Governor of Georgia. And I voted for Warnock for Senator.

Want me to vote for your side in 2024? Give us a decent candidate.

And in 2020 you idiots were blaming me for sitting it out and letting Georgia elect Biden.
I voted in 2022. I voted for Kemp for Governor of Georgia. And I voted for Warnock for Senator.

Want me to vote for your side in 2024? Give us a decent candidate.

And in 2020 you idiots were blaming me for sitting it out and letting Georgia elect Biden.
You don’t sit out a vote because you’ve decided that neither of the two are ”decent”! One is better than the other, and that’s whom you vote for, or you are helping the worse one get in. And the worse is clearly Biden.
We're not talking about judge or jury, we're talking about guilty or not. We're talking about evidence. If evidence is presented of a crime but nobody prosecutes it, does that mean the evidence is non existent?
We're not talking about judge or jury, we're talking about guilty or not. We're talking about evidence

You need to sit down and think about this.

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