The reason why LGBTQI+ pride is still needed

LGBTQI+ people are not crazy.

Fairness for Fairies Is a Growth Industry

Shrinks make a lot of money from shirking their responsibilities. Some freak comes running to them every time he is treated badly by healthy social rejection. They are the only ones who tell him he is normal, so he keeps coming back and wasting his money on this lucrative addictive scam.
In this society where people assume others are straight,until told otherwise, LGBT pride is still needed.

Like you ever heard statements like "she would drive any man wild" or "he would drive any woman wild"?

Because pride is still needed in a society that often erases LGBTQI+ people in the world around us.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

First guy was disgusting. he is just different. The second video is Canadian and Canadians are who they are, not sure why they are relevant. The third video was about a guy that claims that there are no homosexuals in most of the animal world. Is he wrong? It may upset you that he is right scientifically but nothing he said was hateful, unless you believe any negative speech is hateful.
You know what, i am sick and tired of people being offended. As a matter of fact a progressive moron, offends me, and should take their shit and leave this country if they dont like it here. Either that or man the fuck up and grow some balls,. So tired of pansy ass pajama boys and their worthless feelings...

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Freedom From Doom

Better that the Red States declare their independence from the fairyphile, thughugging, multicultie, globalist toxic concoction that is Blue-State America. Time is running out before its control of the transnationalist government drains us all into its New Age sewage.
A Molested Generation Loses the Will to Survive

These self-indulgent, immature, nasty and creepy freaks are a threat to a healthy society. Since their fake "sexuality" is unnatural, like spoiled Mamas' Boys they won't be satisfied with it and will go after our children. They have always done this throughout history and even during pre-history.

Aren't most child predators actually straight?

I seen on tv and on AMW when it aired of male predators raping little girls.
Stay out of the schools ,libraries AND LEAVE THE CHILDREN ALONE YOU SICK FUCKS ..
No one care what two or more consenting adults do
Friggin blockheads

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Surely you don't believe all homosexuals are child molesters!

I think most child predators are straight.

like i have seen on the news and on America's most wanted of males raping young girls
Surely you don't believe all homosexuals are child molesters!

I think most child predators are straight.

like i have seen on the news and on America's most wanted of males raping young girls
No, but most homosexuals are victims of child sexual abuse. The ONLY hope is still Jesus Christ and His shed blood at the Cross.
It is odd that there is all of this talk about pedophilia, but there is no uniform age of consent and a patch-work of laws regarding statutory rape and the permissible versus im permissible age differences between the child and the adult. One day you hear someone condemning as a pedophile an adult who approaches a 16-year-old and/or has sex with them, and the following day you hear an adult who approaches a 16-year-old and/or has sex with them being encouraged, high-fived, given some form of congratulations, with no condemnation as a pedophile.

We must determine what age ranges we are talking about when we talk about pedophilia. Until what age does a teenager need to be protected?
One thing i think that can be viewed as prejudiced is avoiding or cutting off contact with family members/relatives because they are LGBT or because they associate with them.

To me it sounds like during the race segregation era when white kids in a family were told to avoid a Black kid, otherwise it would bring shame on the family.

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