The reason why Trump is smarter than The CDC.

Are you saying the whole world is biased against poor little donnie, so they are faking their results?
Oh please

everyone is well aware of the lib game called Dueling Academic Studies

We have been assaulted with them for decades

the malaria drug cant save everyone but it seems to help in many cases
"everyone is well aware of the lib game called Dueling Academic Studies ". From around the world, even in countries more effectively dealing with the pandemic? Or is that a generalized statement specific to the internal political mess this country has become? As much as I would give you on the Malaria drug, is that if my doctor chose to try it on me, if I was hospitalized, I would take it. He actually knows me and cares, not related to a political standpoint. I rarely have had to fire people because I evaluated or chose poorly, and I usually go with the recommendations of the experts.
From around the world, even in countries more effectively dealing with the pandemic?
Yes even foreign academics engage in US politics

Remember obama getting the nobel peace prize within months of taking office?
Back in February I could see some reason for calling this the "Chinese Virus".

No more. Now it's the "Trump Virus" and the "Trump Pandemic"!
A drug that has been used for decades is now deemed "dangerous". Funny how that happened all-of-a-sudden like, innit?
All-of-a-sudden? What's funny is that you think that any drug being labelled potentially dangerous is something new! That's one of the first lessons medical professionals learn.
"Potentially dangerous" after being used for decades as a prophylactic for international travelers?

Go peddle your know-nothing bullshit to someone dumb enough to buy it.
Neither. I think that all scientists in the medical research community are pulling out the stops and trying everything in the book presently and writing new chapters in the attempt to combat the problem.
So you think the liberal academics are doing the best they can with a difficult problem?

maybe so or maybe not

From them you do not expect perfection

but not so with president trump

thats just the usual lib rules of heads you win and tails we lose
Neither. I think that all scientists in the medical research community are pulling out the stops and trying everything in the book presently and writing new chapters in the attempt to combat the problem.
So you think the liberal academics are doing the best they can with a difficult problem?

maybe so or maybe not

From them you do not expect perfection

but not so with president trump

thats just the usual lib rules of heads you win and tails we lose
Exactly.....This is the pattern every time from the leftbats.

They ask what your solution to a given problem would be, then demand perfection as the only acceptable alternative to maintaining the dysfunctional status quo.
Neither. I think that all scientists in the medical research community are pulling out the stops and trying everything in the book presently and writing new chapters in the attempt to combat the problem.
So you think the liberal academics are doing the best they can with a difficult problem?

maybe so or maybe not

From them you do not expect perfection

but not so with president trump

thats just the usual lib rules of heads you win and tails we lose
I believe the liberal academics and the non-liberal academics are "doing the best they can with a difficult problem."
No I do not expect perfection from either side.
For trump it appears to be political and that is counter to science in general and always has been in the history of science. His negative leadership and influence on his followers has put us at a disadvantage and bolstered resistance to controlling the spread. Nothing he can do now, just like there is nothing Cuomo can do now to make up for his direct ordering of policy that lit the bonfire in New York nursing homes. They are both two sides of the same coin of $hit, only we as a country can flush the trump influence in November, though we cannot correct the damage done as applied to the coronavirus epidemic in either case. Kind of like in football, incidental punishment after the ball is called dead or in this case the patients are pronounced dead. There is now law that will punish either of those two for their stupid crap. Wish there were.
For trump it appears to be political and that is counter to science in general and always has been in the history of science.
Its clearly political for the trump haters

so trump has to be political too
A drug that has been used for decades is now deemed "dangerous".

Funny how that happened all-of-a-sudden like, innit?

Hydroxychloroquine is designed to treat malaria. Malaria is a caused by a parasite, not a virus. It wasn't being used for a covid virus which attacks the heart, kidneys, lungs and vascular systems, and it was always dangerous for people with heart conditions, which is why it's use was highly restricted.

Hydroxychloroquine was also tried in the treatment of both SARS and MERS - two viruses closely related to Covid19, and it wasn't helpful for either of them, either.

Saying that hydroxychloroquine has been used for years and should be safe to treat covid, is like saying that birth control pill have been used for years, and should be used to treat covid19. The purpose hydroxychloroquine is to treat a parasite, not a virus.
For trump it appears to be political and that is counter to science in general and always has been in the history of science.
Its clearly political for the trump haters

so trump has to be political too
Not if it is counter productive to the real problem. That would be stupid and that is the problem with his handling of the problem, when he had to think of the relative importance of the problem vs the politics, he chose the politics.
Neither. I think that all scientists in the medical research community are pulling out the stops and trying everything in the book presently and writing new chapters in the attempt to combat the problem.
So you think the liberal academics are doing the best they can with a difficult problem?

maybe so or maybe not

From them you do not expect perfection

but not so with president trump

thats just the usual lib rules of heads you win and tails we lose

ALL academics are doing the best they can with a difficult problem. The virus and it's treatments have been politicized by Donald Trump, and not by the scientific community. The rest of the world ignores Donald Trump because he's an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing, and refuses to listen to the scientists.

Watching Trump's decision making in this pandemic makes it readily apparent why he is the most unsuccessful businessman in American history. He doesn't read, doesn't listen to experts and goes with whatever he thinks is right. He says he goes with "his gut". 7 bankruptcies and counting - the most of any American businessman, 3000+ lawsuits, and 145,000 dead Americans say it's time to listen to the experts because his gut doesn't know jack shit.

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