The reasons I believe Kavanaugh

Reasons to discredit Ford are numerous..

1. A person with PTSD has point recall of events. Freeze frame vision allows precise and detailed recollection. She cant remember even minor details...

2. She has a police record of false accusations..

I could go on but these two fully discredit her.
I’m gonna venture a guess here and say no LefTard will engage...they know they can’t provide a logical explanation as to why they believe Frod...I mean Ford.
The reason all Tards have and yet none will admit goes like this...”I hate Trump”
One reason I have is that she told her therapist in 2012 long before Kav was up for SC justice. Why would she just randomly make up something like that without a crystal ball?

The details with regard to that keep changing...what’s the latest? Did she name Kavanaugh in the account she gave to her therapist?
Yes she named Kav.
not according to her therapist... this is a fabrication done very recently..
Show us what her therapist said. From a credible source of course. No info wars
You don't get to decide who or what is credible... Even FOX and ABC have shown those records..
There is no proof for either side, so all we have is reasonable doubt. I will now supply the reasonable doubt to exclude the testimony of Christine Ford.

1. It happened 30 or 40 some years ago. Why wait this long? Sure, it is possible that she was traumatized from the attack, but we all know if Kav was not being put on the Supreme Court, nothing would have ever been said about it. And from what I understand, she does not even claimed to have been raped.
2. Dims did this with Clearance Thomas as well. It is now an established pattern to accuse conservative nominees of some sort of sexual misconduct without any evidence
3. Ford has a history of hating Trump and is active in protesting him and even wrote the ACLU that Trump was abusing children at the border. She is obviously apart of the "resist" movement, thus explaining these accusations.
4. The allegations were known as far back as July, but were held back by Feinstein. Why? Now that it is known, Ford is refusing to testify and insists a lengthy investigation be conducted first by the FBI. Well excuse me, I thought giving testimony was apart of the investigation process. In fact, her testimony is all the evidence we have, so why not present it before the world to see? This conduct is indicative of merely delaying this process as long as possible.
5. There are no witnesses that will corroborate her story. None.
6. Women Kav has known and dated have come forth to back him. Not having a pattern of behavior indicates that no such behavior exists.
7. Judge Kavaugh ruled against Ford's parents in a foreclosure ruling in the past. More bad blood.

Now it's your turn Dims. Why should we believe Ford?
The reason --- not reasons --- you believe Kavanaugh is obvious.

Let's be honest here, if there was video of him sexually assaulting this woman, you would still be fine with him being nominated and appointed to the SC.
You’re a tool.
Reasons to discredit Ford are numerous..

1. A person with PTSD has point recall of events. Freeze frame vision allows precise and detailed. She cant remember even minor details...

2. She has a police record of false accusations..

I could go on but these two fully discredit her.

BUT, BUT, BUT.....I hate Trump so her fairytale must be true.
The reason --- not reasons --- you believe Kavanaugh is obvious.

Let's be honest here, if there was video of him sexually assaulting this woman, you would still be fine with him being nominated and appointed to the SC.
How about YOU being honest ? Your post is absurd.
I’m gonna venture a guess here and say no LefTard will engage...they know they can’t provide a logical explanation as to why they believe Frod...I mean Ford.
The reason all Tards have and yet none will admit goes like this...”I hate Trump”
One reason I have is that she told her therapist in 2012 long before Kav was up for SC justice. Why would she just randomly make up something like that without a crystal ball?

I have no idea where you got your information, but you're wrong. There is not a single record provided by her therapist that shows she named Kavanaugh as the one who attacked her.

“Ford also produced notes from a 2012 couple’s therapy session as corroboration of her account: “The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students ‘from an elitist boys’ school’ who went on to become ‘highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.’”

Brett Kavanaugh Sexual Allegations Could Derail His Supreme Court Chances – Rolling Stone

Woman Alleging Misconduct by Kavanaugh in High School Steps Forward
There is no proof for either side, so all we have is reasonable doubt. I will now supply the reasonable doubt to exclude the testimony of Christine Ford.

1. It happened 30 or 40 some years ago. Why wait this long? Sure, it is possible that she was traumatized from the attack, but we all know if Kav was not being put on the Supreme Court, nothing would have ever been said about it. And from what I understand, she does not even claimed to have been raped.
2. Dims did this with Clearance Thomas as well. It is now an established pattern to accuse conservative nominees of some sort of sexual misconduct without any evidence
3. Ford has a history of hating Trump and is active in protesting him and even wrote the ACLU that Trump was abusing children at the border. She is obviously apart of the "resist" movement, thus explaining these accusations.
4. The allegations were known as far back as July, but were held back by Feinstein. Why? Now that it is known, Ford is refusing to testify and insists a lengthy investigation be conducted first by the FBI. Well excuse me, I thought giving testimony was apart of the investigation process. In fact, her testimony is all the evidence we have, so why not present it before the world to see? This conduct is indicative of merely delaying this process as long as possible.
5. There are no witnesses that will corroborate her story. None.
6. Women Kav has known and dated have come forth to back him. Not having a pattern of behavior indicates that no such behavior exists.
7. Judge Kavaugh ruled against Ford's parents in a foreclosure ruling in the past. More bad blood.

Now it's your turn Dims. Why should we believe Ford?
The reason --- not reasons --- you believe Kavanaugh is obvious.

Let's be honest here, if there was video of him sexually assaulting this woman, you would still be fine with him being nominated and appointed to the SC.

Now you be honest, you would not care about this story if Kavanugh were not being put on the Supreme Court.
Sure I would care. I care about all women being sexually or otherwise assaulted.

But what makes it important politically --- and this is a political message board, --- is that this a lifetime appointment, not some two-year-term where the person can be voted out.

So you care about women who have been assaulted?

How about Keith Ellison, the co-chair of the DNC?

Two women have accused him of assaulting him, with a witness who said it happened.

This is far more than we have on Kav.

Do you really give a damn, or are you just a partisan hack?
You're the partisan hack, not me. Once again, since you obviously didn't get it the first time:

Sure I would care. I care about ALL women being sexually or otherwise assaulted.
There is no proof for either side, so all we have is reasonable doubt. I will now supply the reasonable doubt to exclude the testimony of Christine Ford.

1. It happened 30 or 40 some years ago. Why wait this long? Sure, it is possible that she was traumatized from the attack, but we all know if Kav was not being put on the Supreme Court, nothing would have ever been said about it. And from what I understand, she does not even claimed to have been raped.
2. Dims did this with Clearance Thomas as well. It is now an established pattern to accuse conservative nominees of some sort of sexual misconduct without any evidence
3. Ford has a history of hating Trump and is active in protesting him and even wrote the ACLU that Trump was abusing children at the border. She is obviously apart of the "resist" movement, thus explaining these accusations.
4. The allegations were known as far back as July, but were held back by Feinstein. Why? Now that it is known, Ford is refusing to testify and insists a lengthy investigation be conducted first by the FBI. Well excuse me, I thought giving testimony was apart of the investigation process. In fact, her testimony is all the evidence we have, so why not present it before the world to see? This conduct is indicative of merely delaying this process as long as possible.
5. There are no witnesses that will corroborate her story. None.
6. Women Kav has known and dated have come forth to back him. Not having a pattern of behavior indicates that no such behavior exists.
7. Judge Kavaugh ruled against Ford's parents in a foreclosure ruling in the past. More bad blood.

Now it's your turn Dims. Why should we believe Ford?
The reason --- not reasons --- you believe Kavanaugh is obvious.

Let's be honest here, if there was video of him sexually assaulting this woman, you would still be fine with him being nominated and appointed to the SC.
You’re a tool.
That's all you got, huh? Figures.
. If the story is true, you have a 17 year old kid drunk and out of control and attempted to have sex in a forceful manner and failed for whatever reason.

Then he lives the rest of his life without a blemish.

Should we punish him for the rest of his life for this?
No, we should NOT punish someone much later in life if they had done something really stupid as a drunken teenager. Frankly, who hasn't done something really stupid when they were a teenager ? (drunk or not)

And in a case where an accuser shows up 36 years late, perfectly in time for a Supreme Court nomination with zero evidence, this clown show shouldn't even be dignified by talking about it at all.
I’m gonna venture a guess here and say no LefTard will engage...they know they can’t provide a logical explanation as to why they believe Frod...I mean Ford.
The reason all Tards have and yet none will admit goes like this...”I hate Trump”
One reason I have is that she told her therapist in 2012 long before Kav was up for SC justice. Why would she just randomly make up something like that without a crystal ball?

She never named Kavanaugh to her therapist and there are discrepancies with the therapists notes that Ford blames on the therapist.
Yes. He should be punished by not being confirmed.
HA HA HA. And the clown show continues. PHEEEEW!!! (high-pitched whistle)

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I’m gonna venture a guess here and say no LefTard will engage...they know they can’t provide a logical explanation as to why they believe Frod...I mean Ford.
The reason all Tards have and yet none will admit goes like this...”I hate Trump”
One reason I have is that she told her therapist in 2012 long before Kav was up for SC justice. Why would she just randomly make up something like that without a crystal ball?

I have no idea where you got your information, but you're wrong. There is not a single record provided by her therapist that shows she named Kavanaugh as the one who attacked her.

“Ford also produced notes from a 2012 couple’s therapy session as corroboration of her account: “The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students ‘from an elitist boys’ school’ who went on to become ‘highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.’”

Brett Kavanaugh Sexual Allegations Could Derail His Supreme Court Chances – Rolling Stone

Woman Alleging Misconduct by Kavanaugh in High School Steps Forward
I have to check where I got that she told her doctor. I cant find it anywhere now.
There is no proof for either side, so all we have is reasonable doubt. I will now supply the reasonable doubt to exclude the testimony of Christine Ford.

1. It happened 30 or 40 some years ago. Why wait this long? Sure, it is possible that she was traumatized from the attack, but we all know if Kav was not being put on the Supreme Court, nothing would have ever been said about it. And from what I understand, she does not even claimed to have been raped.
2. Dims did this with Clearance Thomas as well. It is now an established pattern to accuse conservative nominees of some sort of sexual misconduct without any evidence
3. Ford has a history of hating Trump and is active in protesting him and even wrote the ACLU that Trump was abusing children at the border. She is obviously apart of the "resist" movement, thus explaining these accusations. In fact, I fully expect deanrd to make similar accusations when these fall through to delay the process even farther.
4. The allegations were known as far back as July, but were held back by Feinstein. Why? Now that it is known, Ford is refusing to testify and insists a lengthy investigation be conducted first by the FBI. Well excuse me, I thought giving testimony was apart of the investigation process. In fact, her testimony is all the evidence we have, so why not present it before the world to see? This conduct is indicative of merely delaying this process as long as possible.
5. There are no witnesses that will corroborate her story. None.
6. Women Kav has known and dated have come forth to back him. Not having a pattern of behavior indicates that no such behavior exists.
7. Judge Kavaugh ruled against Ford's parents in a foreclosure ruling in the past. More bad blood.

Now it's your turn Dims. Why should we believe Ford?

Were he Democrat, you wouldn't need reasonable doubt, would you?
There is no proof for either side, so all we have is reasonable doubt. I will now supply the reasonable doubt to exclude the testimony of Christine Ford.

1. It happened 30 or 40 some years ago. Why wait this long? Sure, it is possible that she was traumatized from the attack, but we all know if Kav was not being put on the Supreme Court, nothing would have ever been said about it. And from what I understand, she does not even claimed to have been raped.
2. Dims did this with Clearance Thomas as well. It is now an established pattern to accuse conservative nominees of some sort of sexual misconduct without any evidence
3. Ford has a history of hating Trump and is active in protesting him and even wrote the ACLU that Trump was abusing children at the border. She is obviously apart of the "resist" movement, thus explaining these accusations.
4. The allegations were known as far back as July, but were held back by Feinstein. Why? Now that it is known, Ford is refusing to testify and insists a lengthy investigation be conducted first by the FBI. Well excuse me, I thought giving testimony was apart of the investigation process. In fact, her testimony is all the evidence we have, so why not present it before the world to see? This conduct is indicative of merely delaying this process as long as possible.
5. There are no witnesses that will corroborate her story. None.
6. Women Kav has known and dated have come forth to back him. Not having a pattern of behavior indicates that no such behavior exists.
7. Judge Kavaugh ruled against Ford's parents in a foreclosure ruling in the past. More bad blood.

Now it's your turn Dims. Why should we believe Ford?
The reason --- not reasons --- you believe Kavanaugh is obvious.

Let's be honest here, if there was video of him sexually assaulting this woman, you would still be fine with him being nominated and appointed to the SC.

I don't know how I would feel to be honest. If the story is true, you have a 17 year old kid drunk and out of control and attempted to have sex in a forceful manner and failed for whatever reason.

Then he lives the rest of his life without a blemish.

Should we punish him for the rest of his life for this?

Now you be honest, you would not care about this story if Kavanugh were not being put on the Supreme Court.
whomever is on the supreme court affects you and me and the professor for the rest of our lives, and what this country stands for... it's more important than our own selves...

her coming forward, knowing what holy hell you are going to do to her and her family and say about her and her family and her livelihood and the threats that will come to her and her family's and their safety...

There is no benefit to her, by coming forward...

but there is a benefit for our country to not reward someone... for being dishonest, or a drunkard even if it was in high school, or for any man that puts a girl through, what this woman claims he and his co-conspirator friend put her through...

even if he repented and changed his life yadahdahdahdahdah... there are other conservative judges on Trump's list, with a clean character their entire lives, even when at 17... that deserve and can be trusted with, the most powerful and honorable position as the Supreme Court Justice position and would better represent our country in an honest manner....

NOTE! This opinion is all from the perspective of Him being dishonest about this incident...and it being evident that he is being dishonest... you were asked or told that you would support him, even if guilty....

and this is what my response is to...

if it appeared like he was being dishonest, and he did put the professor through this when she was 15, what does that say about your character if you really didn't mind him being a SC Justice, when the whole world could see that he was lying about what he did to her at 17....? HOW would every female citizen feel about a bunch of old men in the Senate appointing / rewarding a man that is obviously being dishonest about his mistreatment of a 15 year old girl long ago?

The country deserves better than that...

Females deserve better than that...

The Supreme court deserves better than that...
I just found out Ford wont testify unless the FBI investigates. Thats another reason I believe her. If she was just a dem plant then she wouldnt hand Kav a confirmation on a silver platter.
I’m gonna venture a guess here and say no LefTard will engage...they know they can’t provide a logical explanation as to why they believe Frod...I mean Ford.
The reason all Tards have and yet none will admit goes like this...”I hate Trump”
One reason I have is that she told her therapist in 2012 long before Kav was up for SC justice. Why would she just randomly make up something like that without a crystal ball?

I have no idea where you got your information, but you're wrong. There is not a single record provided by her therapist that shows she named Kavanaugh as the one who attacked her.

“Ford also produced notes from a 2012 couple’s therapy session as corroboration of her account: “The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students ‘from an elitist boys’ school’ who went on to become ‘highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.’”

Brett Kavanaugh Sexual Allegations Could Derail His Supreme Court Chances – Rolling Stone

Woman Alleging Misconduct by Kavanaugh in High School Steps Forward
I have to check where I got that she told her doctor. I cant find it anywhere now.
she didn't name him but described what happened, and described the position he held in 2012 to where it all ties in with being Kavenaugh, AND the same time as this therapy was going on, she told her husband it was Kavanaugh...
I’m gonna venture a guess here and say no LefTard will engage...they know they can’t provide a logical explanation as to why they believe Frod...I mean Ford.
The reason all Tards have and yet none will admit goes like this...”I hate Trump”
One reason I have is that she told her therapist in 2012 long before Kav was up for SC justice. Why would she just randomly make up something like that without a crystal ball?

I have no idea where you got your information, but you're wrong. There is not a single record provided by her therapist that shows she named Kavanaugh as the one who attacked her.

“Ford also produced notes from a 2012 couple’s therapy session as corroboration of her account: “The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students ‘from an elitist boys’ school’ who went on to become ‘highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.’”

Brett Kavanaugh Sexual Allegations Could Derail His Supreme Court Chances – Rolling Stone

Woman Alleging Misconduct by Kavanaugh in High School Steps Forward
I have to check where I got that she told her doctor. I cant find it anywhere now.
she didn't name him but described what happened, and described the position he held in 2012 to where it all ties in with being Kavenaugh, AND the same time as this therapy was going on, she told her husband it was Kavanaugh...
Ah. Thats where I got it from. I cant even find that though.
I just found out Ford wont testify unless the FBI investigates. Thats another reason I believe her. If she was just a dem plant then she wouldnt hand Kav a confirmation on a silver platter.

Investigate what exactly? Whether or not three individuals jumped on a bed and fell off at a party :p The only crime theoretically is the underage drinking by the complainant. :21:
I’m gonna venture a guess here and say no LefTard will engage...they know they can’t provide a logical explanation as to why they believe Frod...I mean Ford.
The reason all Tards have and yet none will admit goes like this...”I hate Trump”
One reason I have is that she told her therapist in 2012 long before Kav was up for SC justice. Why would she just randomly make up something like that without a crystal ball?

The details with regard to that keep changing...what’s the latest? Did she name Kavanaugh in the account she gave to her therapist?
Yes she named Kav.

No she didn't. Here you go.

The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room.

California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assault

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