The reasons why the media is considered the enemy of the people.


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?
Expectedly, your claims are the same discredited claims made by the president. Constant repetition of those discredited claims won't make them true.
We live in a country of left-wing domination of the media for some reason they refuse to see it.

I will never get why the left denies this stuff that our entire media/ schools are slanted left..

We live in a country of left-wing domination of the media for some reason they refuse to see it.


I'm sure it looks that way for those with the Alex Jones mentality.

No, It looks that way because that's the way it is. You see, I remember a time when it was not that way, and things have definitely changed.
First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?

"What do we want, DEAD COPS, when do we want it .. NOW" (Democrats on parade) BLM

Obama embraced left wing racism, lawlessness and in your face divisive politics. The results are 24/7 hate politics and a bumper crop of parasite media seditionists.
I will never get why the left denies this stuff that our entire media/ schools are slanted left..
What, Fox and Breitbart are not media?

One channel out of hundreds???

Turn on the commercial's .

It's all slanted left

By whom are the media considered an enemy?
If media are 'left', that only means they are presenting views other than the establishment's. That would be a healthy condition in a republic, contributing to conversation by offering different points of view. Any problems with that would be the problems of people who lack skills in evaluation being gullible. Education is the answer to that, not criticizing and attempting to "chill" news outlets.
We live in a country of left-wing domination of the media for some reason they refuse to see it.

I'm sure it looks that way for those with the Alex Jones mentality.

So in your world of flipping the television channel, it's all Sunday school stuff at 8 pm? And not girls gone wild?

Their indoctrination starts very early as in a lot of them are children of leftwingers....then if they do not get it there they get it pretty quickly in the schools and especially when tlhey are most vulnurable as in college...very few conservative the time they get out of college very few will deviate their programming....they have not only been programmed but which is even worse...never taught to think properly--thus they maintain the party line and another big factor is to be fit in with the crowd which usually means extreme devotion to political correctness....not even to mention hollywood and the entertainment they enjoy as a whole...if one is an actor now in hollywood you will get blacklisted if your reveal conservative ideas....then the drugs....the cards are stacked against them unless something unusual happens in their lives to wake them happens occasionally
We live in a country of left-wing domination of the media for some reason they refuse to see it.

I'm sure it looks that way for those with the Alex Jones mentality.

So in your world of flipping the television channel, it's all Sunday school stuff at 8 pm? And not girls gone wild?

Their indoctrination starts very early as in a lot of them are children of leftwingers....then if they do not get it there they get it pretty quickly in the schools and especially when tlhey are most vulnurable as in college...very few conservative the time they get pit pf college very few will deviate their programming....they have not only been programmed but which is even worse...never taught to think properly--thus they maintain the party line and another big factor is to be fit in with the crowd which usually means extreme devotion to political correctness....not even to mention hollywood and the entertainment they enjoy as a whole...if one is an actor now in hollywood you will get blacklisted if your reveal conservative ideas....then the drugs....the cards are stacked against them unless something unusual happens in their lives to wake them happens occasionally


Consevative pretty much equals morals and stuff..

Lefty = anything goes
By whom are the media considered an enemy?
If media are 'left', that only means they are presenting views other than the establishment's. That would be a healthy condition in a republic, contributing to conversation by offering different points of view. Any problems with that would be the problems of people who lack skills in evaluation being gullible. Education is the answer to that, not criticizing and attempting to "chill" news outlets.

You do not have a clue.....the establishment is right in there with the media well as the elitists aka the Aristocrats from another era....aka the rich. Do you know the difference between education and indoctrination?

The news outlets now are little more than radical leftwingers...extremely biased and constantly trying to cram negroes down your throat with all their idiotic commericials and constantly whining about the victimhood of negroes.
We live in a country of left-wing domination of the media for some reason they refuse to see it.


I'm sure it looks that way for those with the Alex Jones mentality.

No, It looks that way because that's the way it is. You see, I remember a time when it was not that way, and things have definitely changed.

Yes, things have changed. Anybody with a crazy opinion can reach lots of like minded nuts.
I will never get why the left denies this stuff that our entire media/ schools are slanted left..

There are channels that are so leftist that you can only watch about 2 minutes of them before having to change the channels.... There is way to much realization these days of how to aquire power, and then to use that power in an evil way.

More and more we have seen this to be the case today. The crazy thing these days is the blatant insult to everyone's intelligence that all of it has had on society to date, but it just keeps rolling on no matter what. Are the left a bunch of spoiled rotten generational citizens who will destroy their own country if they don't get their spoiled rotten ways in life ??? The media seems to represent that spoileditus.

So is the main stream media full of spoiled rotten leftist ?? If so, how did this happen over time ?? Was it blind promotion of without proper long term assessment before hiring and promotion were given to those who would abuse their positions that are then gained without proper assessment of prior to those positions being gained ??

Did the government play a role in it all ??

Was the nation forced into it all ??
We live in a country of left-wing domination of the media for some reason they refuse to see it.


I'm sure it looks that way for those with the Alex Jones mentality.

No, It looks that way because that's the way it is. You see, I remember a time when it was not that way, and things have definitely changed.

Yes, things have changed. Anybody with a crazy opinion can reach lots of like minded nuts.

Liberalism has been well defined as a mental disorder...what else can you call it when its disciples would rather take care of others than their own...aka globalism, open borders and so on.

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