The reasons why the media is considered the enemy of the people.

So you consider reporting disgusting behavior to be slanted? Should disgusting behavior be overlooked for everyone, or just right wingers?

Dont play that game with me, total deflection on how the media is slanted left .

OK. The world is really out to get you. Oh well.

As you sit back and watch sexual commercials on television and listen to crap music ?

You still don't think the world leans left?


Most of the world is very conservative

Of course it is but the Media and school system is not..

Conservatives control most of the counties in this country. Schools are very conservative
We live in a country of left-wing domination of the media for some reason they refuse to see it.

I'm sure it looks that way for those with the Alex Jones mentality.

So in your world of flipping the television channel, it's all Sunday school stuff at 8 pm? And not girls gone wild?

Their indoctrination starts very early as in a lot of them are children of leftwingers....then if they do not get it there they get it pretty quickly in the schools and especially when tlhey are most vulnurable as in college...very few conservative the time they get pit pf college very few will deviate their programming....they have not only been programmed but which is even worse...never taught to think properly--thus they maintain the party line and another big factor is to be fit in with the crowd which usually means extreme devotion to political correctness....not even to mention hollywood and the entertainment they enjoy as a whole...if one is an actor now in hollywood you will get blacklisted if your reveal conservative ideas....then the drugs....the cards are stacked against them unless something unusual happens in their lives to wake them happens occasionally


Consevative pretty much equals morals and stuff..

Lefty = anything goes

Like pussy grabbing, or paying off porn stars?
Trump is a billionaire business man who was hired to do the job by the voters as was to be based upon his resume as a businessman, and of course he's not a grass roots conservative in the complete sense of the word (he sure isn't), but of course you knew that already didn't you ??

You however got to tie him to the Christain conservatives in order to attack him & them together as one.

The conservatives knew what they were getting in a Trump, and it's worked great so far, but it in no way ties the man to every conservative value expressed or not expressed, and so it wasn't ever looked at in that way with a Trump presidency.

He was hired to do a job, and his qualifications for that job were met. What he done in his private life is his business as long as he doesn't bring it into the oval office like Bill Clinton did, and as long as he does the job he was hired for we're all good.
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^^^Examples of stuck in the Matrix. Completely controlled by the ruling class. Sad.


Anytime something is put into the context of the marketplace, they become beholden to market forces.

This applies to…

“We are here to make a profit and report the news”

as well as

“We are here to report the news and make a profit”

In either scenario, the press is no longer free because the existence of a profit motive creates a “no zone” for the press. Put differently, a threat to the profit is a threat to the press and the press is inherently threatening.
The MSM is not a market. It is a cartel controlled by six leading members of the Ruling Class. They clearly do not like Trump, even though he does their bidding.

no point debating with you.
Okay then the MSM is purposely gaslighting a large segment of the people, for profit. I don’t find that acceptable and it is certainly deserving of scorn.

You have a firmly held set of what are largely erroneous beliefs that are fueled by incredible paranoia. There is no point in debating you.
Sorry darling but I aint paranoid, and I don't hold erroneous beliefs.

You are the partisan in this debate. I know the Ds and Rs are essentially one team, but you think them different. You like Ds and hate Rs. This means you are uninformed and ignorant of the truth.

Sorry babes. Just one man's opinion based on the facts.

Anytime something is put into the context of the marketplace, they become beholden to market forces.

This applies to…

“We are here to make a profit and report the news”

as well as

“We are here to report the news and make a profit”

In either scenario, the press is no longer free because the existence of a profit motive creates a “no zone” for the press. Put differently, a threat to the profit is a threat to the press and the press is inherently threatening.
The MSM is not a market. It is a cartel controlled by six leading members of the Ruling Class. They clearly do not like Trump, even though he does their bidding.

no point debating with you.
Okay then the MSM is purposely gaslighting a large segment of the people, for profit. I don’t find that acceptable and it is certainly deserving of scorn.

You have a firmly held set of what are largely erroneous beliefs that are fueled by incredible paranoia. There is no point in debating you.
Sorry darling but I aint paranoid, and I don't hold erroneous beliefs.

You are the partisan in this debate. I know the Ds and Rs are essentially one team, but you think them different. You like Ds and hate Rs. This means you are uninformed and ignorant of the truth.

Sorry babes. Just one man's opinion based on the facts.

Again, you have firmly held beliefs that are based on paranoia about some cabal controlling all you hear and see. From the Warren Commission to 9/11 to today. It’s pointless to debate with you because you always make up a scape goat you can blame ___________ for.

As for the Democrats…

Sometimes, the only thing that makes me more nauseated than Republicans............. is Democrats.

Plenty more posts like that from me as well. Your paranoia makes you sound silly.
There is really only one reason a certain segment of the population considers the media to be an enemy: they are weak-minded enough to fall for tRump's verbal diarrhea.

And no, I'm not being insulting, I'm stating facts as I see them. You can watch it happen in real time right here. tRump blows his tweeter (think Pied Piper) and his loyal tRumplings change direction en masse like a school of fish or a flock of birds, mindlessly following the herd, no thought required or even encouraged.

And then totally unironically say liberals require unthinking obedience, because that's what tRump told them to say.

It's kinda fun to watch, but it is doing irreparable harm to our nation.

You really have nothing else to offer beyond constant Trump hate, and insults of people that support him. Therefore, I am just going to stop reading your posts, as they have become not only boring, but irrelevant.
So, that one hit too close to home for ya then?
So you decide to flame the CDZ?


And that's not media .we are talking about how the media in the USA is slanted left...

So you consider reporting disgusting behavior to be slanted? Should disgusting behavior be overlooked for everyone, or just right wingers?

Dont play that game with me, total deflection on how the media is slanted left .

OK. The world is really out to get you. Oh well.

As you sit back and watch sexual commercials on television and listen to crap music ?

You still don't think the world leans left?


That's just goofy. The world, including America, does lean left, but music and TV commercials aren't why. Just admit you are a small minority, and you won't always get your way.
Expectedly, your claims are the same discredited claims made by the president. Constant repetition of those discredited claims won't make them true.

OR repetition of the truth is meaningless to TDSers. No only their all consuming hatred counts.

If you say so. That makes as much sense as all your other goofy claims. Too bad for you it's just bullshit.
The MSM is not a market. It is a cartel controlled by six leading members of the Ruling Class. They clearly do not like Trump, even though he does their bidding.

no point debating with you.
Okay then the MSM is purposely gaslighting a large segment of the people, for profit. I don’t find that acceptable and it is certainly deserving of scorn.

You have a firmly held set of what are largely erroneous beliefs that are fueled by incredible paranoia. There is no point in debating you.
Sorry darling but I aint paranoid, and I don't hold erroneous beliefs.

You are the partisan in this debate. I know the Ds and Rs are essentially one team, but you think them different. You like Ds and hate Rs. This means you are uninformed and ignorant of the truth.

Sorry babes. Just one man's opinion based on the facts.

Again, you have firmly held beliefs that are based on paranoia about some cabal controlling all you hear and see. From the Warren Commission to 9/11 to today. It’s pointless to debate with you because you always make up a scape goat you can blame ___________ for.

As for the Democrats…

Sometimes, the only thing that makes me more nauseated than Republicans............. is Democrats.

Plenty more posts like that from me as well. Your paranoia makes you sound silly.
So sorry.
I'm sure it looks that way for those with the Alex Jones mentality.

So in your world of flipping the television channel, it's all Sunday school stuff at 8 pm? And not girls gone wild?

Their indoctrination starts very early as in a lot of them are children of leftwingers....then if they do not get it there they get it pretty quickly in the schools and especially when tlhey are most vulnurable as in college...very few conservative the time they get pit pf college very few will deviate their programming....they have not only been programmed but which is even worse...never taught to think properly--thus they maintain the party line and another big factor is to be fit in with the crowd which usually means extreme devotion to political correctness....not even to mention hollywood and the entertainment they enjoy as a whole...if one is an actor now in hollywood you will get blacklisted if your reveal conservative ideas....then the drugs....the cards are stacked against them unless something unusual happens in their lives to wake them happens occasionally


Consevative pretty much equals morals and stuff..

Lefty = anything goes

Like pussy grabbing, or paying off porn stars?
Trump is a billionaire business man who was hired to do the job by the voters as was to be based upon his resume as a businessman, and of course he's not a grass roots conservative in the complete sense of the word (he sure isn't), but of course you knew that already didn't you ??

You however got to tie him to the Christain conservatives in order to attack him & them together as one.

The conservatives knew what they were getting in a Trump, and it's worked great so far, but it in no way ties the man to every conservative value expressed or not expressed, and so it wasn't ever looked at in that way with a Trump presidency.

He was hired to do a job, and his qualifications for that job were met. What he done in his private life is his business as long as he doesn't bring it into the oval office like Bill Clinton did, and as long as he does the job he was hired for we're all good.

Got it. All your spouting about morality is just for when it's convenient. It's not like it matters when you want something.
Expectedly, your claims are the same discredited claims made by the president. Constant repetition of those discredited claims won't make them true.

OR repetition of the truth is meaningless to TDSers. No only their all consuming hatred counts.

If you say so. That makes as much sense as all your other goofy claims. Too bad for you it's just bullshit.

I could say the same about your goofy claims.
Expectedly, your claims are the same discredited claims made by the president. Constant repetition of those discredited claims won't make them true.

OR repetition of the truth is meaningless to TDSers. No only their all consuming hatred counts.

If you say so. That makes as much sense as all your other goofy claims. Too bad for you it's just bullshit.

I could say the same about your goofy claims.

You can say what you want. Doesn't make it real.
Expectedly, your claims are the same discredited claims made by the president. Constant repetition of those discredited claims won't make them true.

OR repetition of the truth is meaningless to TDSers. No only their all consuming hatred counts.

If you say so. That makes as much sense as all your other goofy claims. Too bad for you it's just bullshit.

I could say the same about your goofy claims.

You can say what you want. Doesn't make it real.

Yeah look in the mirror. You are doing the same thing you accuse me of doing.
Expectedly, your claims are the same discredited claims made by the president. Constant repetition of those discredited claims won't make them true.

OR repetition of the truth is meaningless to TDSers. No only their all consuming hatred counts.

If you say so. That makes as much sense as all your other goofy claims. Too bad for you it's just bullshit.

I could say the same about your goofy claims.

You can say what you want. Doesn't make it real.

Yeah look in the mirror. You are doing the same thing you accuse me of doing.

But I have real facts backing up what I say, not some rant by Alex Jones, or that Doocy guy on fox, or the obese orange liar in chief.
OR repetition of the truth is meaningless to TDSers. No only their all consuming hatred counts.

If you say so. That makes as much sense as all your other goofy claims. Too bad for you it's just bullshit.

I could say the same about your goofy claims.

You can say what you want. Doesn't make it real.

Yeah look in the mirror. You are doing the same thing you accuse me of doing.

But I have real facts backing up what I say, not some rant by Alex Jones, or that Doocy guy on fox, or the obese orange liar in chief.

You only say you have facts, you don't. I can tell because all your posts are Democrat talking points.

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