The reasons why the media is considered the enemy of the people.

Only fools and the foolish consider the press the enemy of the people. Those who donā€™t like what is being reported, blame the messenger. Tale as old as time.

The Press is guilty of 2 things in my view.

First, they do not do the journalism that the press used to do. They value the relationship with whom they are innately charged with investigating more than getting to the bottom of whatever the issue is.

Secondly, the rush to be first is flat out stupid. The only people who care are the ones who report the newsā€¦do you know who the ā€œfirstā€ was to report Sandy Hook or when the space shuttle disintegrated on approach? Iā€™m sure some news editor somewhere does but nobody else knows. Or cares.

Some of this isnā€™t the Pressā€™s fault but most is. When a corporation owns your printing press or news studio, youā€™re there for one reason in their view; to make money. Jack Welch, former GE CEO pointed out that CNBC had the ā€œmistakenā€ point of view that they were not there to make money for GE when General Electric bought NBC. So you had news programs replaced with this nutty Cramer fella (I wonder if he was based on the Seinfeld character????). Anyway, they were ā€œfirstā€ to the bottom and the result of the profit over content has been the media we have now. Disney, who owns ABC, does the same thing with ABC News, who ever owns CBS does the same thing with their news castā€¦.

If the press has any goal that is competing with reporting the facts and getting the truth out, it no longer is serving itā€™s true purpose.

The media has always been a mess from way back in colonial times....they lied then even worse than they do now. These so called journalist are all about self promotion...they will do anything that helps them advance.
Only fools and the foolish consider the press the enemy of the people. Those who donā€™t like what is being reported, blame the messenger. Tale as old as time.

The Press is guilty of 2 things in my view.

First, they do not do the journalism that the press used to do. They value the relationship with whom they are innately charged with investigating more than getting to the bottom of whatever the issue is.

Secondly, the rush to be first is flat out stupid. The only people who care are the ones who report the newsā€¦do you know who the ā€œfirstā€ was to report Sandy Hook or when the space shuttle disintegrated on approach? Iā€™m sure some news editor somewhere does but nobody else knows. Or cares.

Some of this isnā€™t the Pressā€™s fault but most is. When a corporation owns your printing press or news studio, youā€™re there for one reason in their view; to make money. Jack Welch, former GE CEO pointed out that CNBC had the ā€œmistakenā€ point of view that they were not there to make money for GE when General Electric bought NBC. So you had news programs replaced with this nutty Cramer fella (I wonder if he was based on the Seinfeld character????). Anyway, they were ā€œfirstā€ to the bottom and the result of the profit over content has been the media we have now. Disney, who owns ABC, does the same thing with ABC News, who ever owns CBS does the same thing with their news castā€¦.

If the press has any goal that is competing with reporting the facts and getting the truth out, it no longer is serving itā€™s true purpose.

The media has always been a mess from way back in colonial times....they lied then even worse than they do now. These so called journalist are all about self promotion...they will do anything that helps them advance.

Mostly folly.
By whom are the media considered an enemy?
If media are 'left', that only means they are presenting views other than the establishment's. That would be a healthy condition in a republic, contributing to conversation by offering different points of view. Any problems with that would be the problems of people who lack skills in evaluation being gullible. Education is the answer to that, not criticizing and attempting to "chill" news outlets.

No , that's not the case. The establishment is totalitarian left, and the media espouses their views and their views only religiously.

That's not investigative journalism, it's all dictated propaganda. They don't want any opposing views heard. Don't you see the leftists attacking Breitbart and the fat guy? They want one singular narrative and coordinate together in order to make it that way as much as they can.
By whom are the media considered an enemy?
If media are 'left', that only means they are presenting views other than the establishment's. That would be a healthy condition in a republic, contributing to conversation by offering different points of view. Any problems with that would be the problems of people who lack skills in evaluation being gullible. Education is the answer to that, not criticizing and attempting to "chill" news outlets.

No , that's not the case. The establishment is totalitarian left, and the media espouses their views and their views only religiously.

That's not investigative journalism, it's all dictated propaganda. They don't want any opposing views heard. Don't you see the leftists attacking Breitbart and the fat guy? They want one singular narrative and coordinate together in order to make it that way as much as they can. is all about following the party line like a bunch of lemmings.

They are the enemy of the people....undeniable.
For over 200 years, the media has protected us from the excesses of government

That is why Trump hates them

Nonsense....they have treated Trump very unfairly. BTW Name me one case where the media protected us from excesses of government?

Journalists are a bunch of charlatans with low i.q.'s A moron can get a degree in journalism. Yet they want to pretend they have the right to tell Americans what they should do, what they should believe etc.
Nonsense.....they have treated Trump too leniently

No other President has gotten away with the constant lies and abuses that Trump has
For over 200 years, the media has protected us from the excesses of government

That is why Trump hates them

Nonsense....they have treated Trump very unfairly. BTW Name me one case where the media protected us from excesses of government?

Journalists are a bunch of charlatans with low i.q.'s A moron can get a degree in journalism. Yet they want to pretend they have the right to tell Americans what they should do, what they should believe etc.

One case where the media protected us from the excesses of government?

Vietnam War
Civil Rights movement
For over 200 years, the media has protected us from the excesses of government

That is why Trump hates them

Nonsense....they have treated Trump very unfairly. BTW Name me one case where the media protected us from excesses of government?

Journalists are a bunch of charlatans with low i.q.'s A moron can get a degree in journalism. Yet they want to pretend they have the right to tell Americans what they should do, what they should believe etc.

One case where the media protected us from the excesses of government?

Vietnam War
Civil Rights movement
Only fools and the foolish consider the press the enemy of the people. Those who donā€™t like what is being reported, blame the messenger. Tale as old as time.

The Press is guilty of 2 things in my view.

First, they do not do the journalism that the press used to do. They value the relationship with whom they are innately charged with investigating more than getting to the bottom of whatever the issue is.

Secondly, the rush to be first is flat out stupid. The only people who care are the ones who report the newsā€¦do you know who the ā€œfirstā€ was to report Sandy Hook or when the space shuttle disintegrated on approach? Iā€™m sure some news editor somewhere does but nobody else knows. Or cares.

Some of this isnā€™t the Pressā€™s fault but most is. When a corporation owns your printing press or news studio, youā€™re there for one reason in their view; to make money. Jack Welch, former GE CEO pointed out that CNBC had the ā€œmistakenā€ point of view that they were not there to make money for GE when General Electric bought NBC. So you had news programs replaced with this nutty Cramer fella (I wonder if he was based on the Seinfeld character????). Anyway, they were ā€œfirstā€ to the bottom and the result of the profit over content has been the media we have now. Disney, who owns ABC, does the same thing with ABC News, who ever owns CBS does the same thing with their news castā€¦.

If the press has any goal that is competing with reporting the facts and getting the truth out, it no longer is serving itā€™s true purpose.

The first part is true.

On the second part, there is no "rush to be first" anymore. A very few "journalists" from the AP decide what the news should be and dictate it to all the networks, who then regurgitate it with their own little spin.

No major network journalists are out there digging for the truth anymore. They're waiting on the talking points memo from the AP.

As for the last part, the press definitely has a goal that is directly competing with reporting the facts and getting the truth out.

A) Pushing the leftist narrative

B) Not offending or treading into AP territory, or publishing anything contrary, else the daily flow of "news" stops.

C) Profits.

I did a study on this a couple years ago..wish I could find it.
It is the media that protects us from the abuses of government

NOT the second amendment
For over 200 years, the media has protected us from the excesses of government

That is why Trump hates them

Nonsense....they have treated Trump very unfairly. BTW Name me one case where the media protected us from excesses of government?

Journalists are a bunch of charlatans with low i.q.'s A moron can get a degree in journalism. Yet they want to pretend they have the right to tell Americans what they should do, what they should believe etc.

One case where the media protected us from the excesses of government?

Vietnam War
Civil Rights movement
For over 200 years, the media has protected us from the excesses of government

That is why Trump hates them

Nonsense....they have treated Trump very unfairly. BTW Name me one case where the media protected us from excesses of government?

Journalists are a bunch of charlatans with low i.q.'s A moron can get a degree in journalism. Yet they want to pretend they have the right to tell Americans what they should do, what they should believe etc.

One case where the media protected us from the excesses of government?

Vietnam War
Civil Rights movement

Surely you jest...........Watergate in no way protected the American People....all Watergate did was to replace one of our stronger and better presidents with Gerald Ford who paved the way for Jimmy Carter...our worst President in modern times until obama.

The media helped turn The American people against the Vietnam War thus insuring we would not win. If we had won that war we would not be having the problem we are now having with China.

The civil rights movement was one of the worst things that ever happened to America...and the media play a huge role in that.

All the civil rights legislation did was to turn our traditional servant class into a bunch of parasites who took up violence and criminal behavior on a level they had never exhibited before.

The media is definitely a enemy of Real Americans and more and more are beginning to understand that.
For over 200 years, the media has protected us from the excesses of government

That is why Trump hates them

Nonsense....they have treated Trump very unfairly. BTW Name me one case where the media protected us from excesses of government?

Journalists are a bunch of charlatans with low i.q.'s A moron can get a degree in journalism. Yet they want to pretend they have the right to tell Americans what they should do, what they should believe etc.

One case where the media protected us from the excesses of government?

Vietnam War
Civil Rights movement
For over 200 years, the media has protected us from the excesses of government

That is why Trump hates them

Nonsense....they have treated Trump very unfairly. BTW Name me one case where the media protected us from excesses of government?

Journalists are a bunch of charlatans with low i.q.'s A moron can get a degree in journalism. Yet they want to pretend they have the right to tell Americans what they should do, what they should believe etc.

One case where the media protected us from the excesses of government?

Vietnam War
Civil Rights movement

Surely you jest...........Watergate in no way protected the American People....all Watergate did was to replace one of our stronger and better presidents with Gerald Ford who paved the way for Jimmy Carter...our worst President in modern times until obama.

The media helped turn The American people against the Vietnam War thus insuring we would not win. If we had won that war we would not be having the problem we are now having with China.

The civil rights movement was one of the worst things that ever happened to America...and the media play a huge role in that.

All the civil rights legislation did was to turn our traditional servant class into a bunch of parasites who took up violence and criminal behavior on a level they had never exhibited before.

The media is definitely a enemy of Real Americans and more and more are beginning to understand that.
I was going to give it a shot

But your reply is not worth an honest response
For over 200 years, the media has protected us from the excesses of government

That is why Trump hates them

Nonsense....they have treated Trump very unfairly. BTW Name me one case where the media protected us from excesses of government?

Journalists are a bunch of charlatans with low i.q.'s A moron can get a degree in journalism. Yet they want to pretend they have the right to tell Americans what they should do, what they should believe etc.

One case where the media protected us from the excesses of government?

Vietnam War
Civil Rights movement
For over 200 years, the media has protected us from the excesses of government

That is why Trump hates them

Nonsense....they have treated Trump very unfairly. BTW Name me one case where the media protected us from excesses of government?

Journalists are a bunch of charlatans with low i.q.'s A moron can get a degree in journalism. Yet they want to pretend they have the right to tell Americans what they should do, what they should believe etc.

One case where the media protected us from the excesses of government?

Vietnam War
Civil Rights movement

Surely you jest...........Watergate in no way protected the American People....all Watergate did was to replace one of our stronger and better presidents with Gerald Ford who paved the way for Jimmy Carter...our worst President in modern times until obama.

The media helped turn The American people against the Vietnam War thus insuring we would not win. If we had won that war we would not be having the problem we are now having with China.

The civil rights movement was one of the worst things that ever happened to America...and the media play a huge role in that.

All the civil rights legislation did was to turn our traditional servant class into a bunch of parasites who took up violence and criminal behavior on a level they had never exhibited before.

The media is definitely a enemy of Real Americans and more and more are beginning to understand that.
I was going to give it a shot

But your reply is not worth an honest response

Not important...most of your remarks are not worth anyone's time anyhow......but thanks for giving me a chance to say something that needed to be said and most know it is the truth.
I'm sure it looks that way for those with the Alex Jones mentality.

So in your world of flipping the television channel, it's all Sunday school stuff at 8 pm? And not girls gone wild?

Their indoctrination starts very early as in a lot of them are children of leftwingers....then if they do not get it there they get it pretty quickly in the schools and especially when tlhey are most vulnurable as in college...very few conservative the time they get pit pf college very few will deviate their programming....they have not only been programmed but which is even worse...never taught to think properly--thus they maintain the party line and another big factor is to be fit in with the crowd which usually means extreme devotion to political correctness....not even to mention hollywood and the entertainment they enjoy as a whole...if one is an actor now in hollywood you will get blacklisted if your reveal conservative ideas....then the drugs....the cards are stacked against them unless something unusual happens in their lives to wake them happens occasionally


Consevative pretty much equals morals and stuff..

Lefty = anything goes

Like pussy grabbing, or paying off porn stars?

So you decide to flame the CDZ?


Mentioning pertinent verified facts is not flaming, even if it does describe disgusting behavior.
First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?

As competition for readers and viewers increased, the bigger outlets that are owned by the robber barons started buying up their competition and consolidating them to the point that six mega-corporations control 90 percent of ALL media, print, radio, TV and because alternative media has found it's niche with those that found that the MSM is full of shit, the mega corporations ( whose heads all have a seat on the CFR and Committee of 300 and send reps to the Bilderburg meetings) are using censoring methods like shutting down channels on youtube that offer an alternative side to what MSM lamely attempts to pass off as journalism and silencing prolific users of social media like Facebook, Twitter and Insta-gram . You can find PLENTY of leftwing slanted channels, Twitter users and Facebook touting the ways of socialism and communism while demonizing anyone that disagrees with them as "racists and fascists". Control the content, you control the narrative, control the narrative and no other viewpoint is ever presented. It was rather slanted twenty years ago but it has gone over the top. I watched a youtube video of a CNN program with some little fat bald guy...Brian Stelter and I fast forwarded it until his guest panelists come on. I did a bio search of them all and they ALL worked for very far left propaganda outlets. Now, I know that the Home Shopping Network probably has much better ratings but HOLY shit! How can they even attempt to claim that they are even a legitimate news channel? You should read some of the comments....nothing objective, no vetting of the information to discuss....nothing but rabid little commies repeating verbatim as to what they had just swallowed.
So in your world of flipping the television channel, it's all Sunday school stuff at 8 pm? And not girls gone wild?

Their indoctrination starts very early as in a lot of them are children of leftwingers....then if they do not get it there they get it pretty quickly in the schools and especially when tlhey are most vulnurable as in college...very few conservative the time they get pit pf college very few will deviate their programming....they have not only been programmed but which is even worse...never taught to think properly--thus they maintain the party line and another big factor is to be fit in with the crowd which usually means extreme devotion to political correctness....not even to mention hollywood and the entertainment they enjoy as a whole...if one is an actor now in hollywood you will get blacklisted if your reveal conservative ideas....then the drugs....the cards are stacked against them unless something unusual happens in their lives to wake them happens occasionally


Consevative pretty much equals morals and stuff..

Lefty = anything goes

Like pussy grabbing, or paying off porn stars?

So you decide to flame the CDZ?


And that's not media .we are talking about how the media in the USA is slanted left...

So you consider reporting disgusting behavior to be slanted? Should disgusting behavior be overlooked for everyone, or just right wingers?
Their indoctrination starts very early as in a lot of them are children of leftwingers....then if they do not get it there they get it pretty quickly in the schools and especially when tlhey are most vulnurable as in college...very few conservative the time they get pit pf college very few will deviate their programming....they have not only been programmed but which is even worse...never taught to think properly--thus they maintain the party line and another big factor is to be fit in with the crowd which usually means extreme devotion to political correctness....not even to mention hollywood and the entertainment they enjoy as a whole...if one is an actor now in hollywood you will get blacklisted if your reveal conservative ideas....then the drugs....the cards are stacked against them unless something unusual happens in their lives to wake them happens occasionally


Consevative pretty much equals morals and stuff..

Lefty = anything goes

Like pussy grabbing, or paying off porn stars?

So you decide to flame the CDZ?


And that's not media .we are talking about how the media in the USA is slanted left...

So you consider reporting disgusting behavior to be slanted? Should disgusting behavior be overlooked for everyone, or just right wingers?

liberals had no problem in overlooking bubba clintons raping of women etc.etc.etc. No problem with hillary standing by her rapist husband...lest we forget JFK one of the most notorious womanizers to ever occupy the white house is still considered by liberals to be one of our greatest presidents.

Can anyone say hypocrite?
First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?

As competition for readers and viewers increased, the bigger outlets that are owned by the robber barons started buying up their competition and consolidating them to the point that six mega-corporations control 90 percent of ALL media, print, radio, TV and because alternative media has found it's niche with those that found that the MSM is full of shit, the mega corporations ( whose heads all have a seat on the CFR and Committee of 300 and send reps to the Bilderburg meetings) are using censoring methods like shutting down channels on youtube that offer an alternative side to what MSM lamely attempts to pass off as journalism and silencing prolific users of social media like Facebook, Twitter and Insta-gram . You can find PLENTY of leftwing slanted channels, Twitter users and Facebook touting the ways of socialism and communism while demonizing anyone that disagrees with them as "racists and fascists". Control the content, you control the narrative, control the narrative and no other viewpoint is ever presented. It was rather slanted twenty years ago but it has gone over the top. I watched a youtube video of a CNN program with some little fat bald guy...Brian Stelter and I fast forwarded it until his guest panelists come on. I did a bio search of them all and they ALL worked for very far left propaganda outlets. Now, I know that the Home Shopping Network probably has much better ratings but HOLY shit! How can they even attempt to claim that they are even a legitimate news channel? You should read some of the comments....nothing objective, no vetting of the information to discuss....nothing but rabid little commies repeating verbatim as to what they had just swallowed.

Well said.............Bravo!
We live in a country of left-wing domination of the media for some reason they refuse to see it.


I'm sure it looks that way for those with the Alex Jones mentality.

Bulldog reminds me of this guy that wanted to pay me to hook up his brand new entertainment buys like a new DVD player, video cassette player, television, stereo with surround sound with 4 speakers...tie them into his cable and program the remotes. This was back in the Fall of 1994 and that memory is still as vivid today as it was 24 years ago. Nice guy, he was divorced and his son (mid twenties) lived there. He umped softball games and that is how we met. After playing so many years at a particular ball park, you get to know the umps and score keepers. When he found out that I was in the electronics field, he said that would would gladly compensate me generously for my time...what the hell, right? He was about five minutes from where I lived so I agreed. His son was the only one there and when he answered the door, the smell of dog shit and urine hit me like a cloud of poisonous, noxious fumes. I stepped back off of the front step while fighting back the urge to puke and not winning the fight. I will admit..... I had this morbid curiosity as to what the hell was going on in there which I regretted later.

I would make a conservative estimate that they had 16, 17 dogs and not little ones either......and they were allowed to piss and shit anywhere they wanted. He looked at me confused because I was holding my breath until I went back outside ....waaaay on the sidewalk.

"What's wrong? Are you ok? Do you want to come in and get a drink of water?" That did it......I blew chunks and emptied the entire contents of my stomach as well as some bile. I didn't want to be mean and rude so I told him that it must have been something I ate and just hit me when I got to his home. I politely told him that I needed to get home and he nodded and said "No problem, let me know what your schedule is so I can plan to be here".....

That house should have been condemned as a health hazard not to just their next door neighbors, but the entire friggin' neighborhood....but this father/son duo had gotten so use to the filth and smell that they had developed a resistance to it and couldn't see how someone might react with a vomiting session. That father/son team and their resistance to the filth and odor is how the leftard clown posse members like Bulldog see MSM...they have become so accustomed to the filth and noxious odor of the filth that comes across their TV that they are totally oblivious as to how someone that has the ability for critical thinking could be as repulsed as I was the day I went to that house.
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