The reasons why the media is considered the enemy of the people.

First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?
That doesnā€™t answer your question. The reason why the corporate media is the enemy of the people, is they are owned and controlled by the ruling class. The ruling class has ALWAYS been the enemy of the people, since the beginning of human civilization.

The rich, the elitists, the ruling class aka the aristocrats of yester-your live in a different world than the rest of us...Thomas Jefferson(aristocrat) wrote the declaration of independence and the infamous phrase 'all men are created equal' whilst he owned 200 slaves and never freed any of them.

BTW I am not against anyone being rich if they get there in a honorable manner....but I do realize they are different and cannot be depended on for fairness to their workers aka.... a honest days pay for a honest days work.

Never expect the rich to be generous just because they could afford to be. It would not be an exaggeration in most cases to say they think everyone is after their money...that is why the rich marry the rich in the majority of cases.

Yes the rich are different but they are also a vital part of a civilized society...if people were not motivated to become rich who would create the jobs?
Ever had a poor man offer you a job?

Look what happened in Russia or any other communist nation....they eliminated not only the rich class but the middle class as well...and the people starved by the millions. Look Venezula--yet liberals see all this and still cling to marxist views on the economy.
First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?
That doesnā€™t answer your question. The reason why the corporate media is the enemy of the people, is they are owned and controlled by the ruling class. The ruling class has ALWAYS been the enemy of the people, since the beginning of human civilization.

The rich, the elitists, the ruling class aka the aristocrats of yester-your live in a different world than the rest of us...Thomas Jefferson(aristocrat) wrote the declaration of independence and the infamous phrase 'all men are created equal' whilst he owned 200 slaves and never freed any of them.

BTW I am not against anyone being rich if they get there in a honorable manner....but I do realize they are different and cannot be depended on for fairness to their workers aka.... a honest days pay for a honest days work.

Never expect the rich to be generous just because they could afford to be. It would not be an exaggeration in most cases to say they think everyone is after their money...that is why the rich marry the rich in the majority of cases.

Yes the rich are different but they are also a vital part of a civilized society...if people were not motivated to become rich who would create the jobs?
Ever had a poor man offer you a job?

Look what happened in Russia or any other communist nation....they eliminated not only the rich class but the middle class as well...and the people starved by the millions. Look Venezula--yet liberals see all this and still cling to marxist views on the economy.
The ruling class is certainly rich, but the ruling class comprises a very small segment of the rich.
Only fools and the foolish consider the press the enemy of the people. Those who donā€™t like what is being reported, blame the messenger. Tale as old as time.

The Press is guilty of 2 things in my view.

First, they do not do the journalism that the press used to do. They value the relationship with whom they are innately charged with investigating more than getting to the bottom of whatever the issue is.

Secondly, the rush to be first is flat out stupid. The only people who care are the ones who report the newsā€¦do you know who the ā€œfirstā€ was to report Sandy Hook or when the space shuttle disintegrated on approach? Iā€™m sure some news editor somewhere does but nobody else knows. Or cares.

Some of this isnā€™t the Pressā€™s fault but most is. When a corporation owns your printing press or news studio, youā€™re there for one reason in their view; to make money. Jack Welch, former GE CEO pointed out that CNBC had the ā€œmistakenā€ point of view that they were not there to make money for GE when General Electric bought NBC. So you had news programs replaced with this nutty Cramer fella (I wonder if he was based on the Seinfeld character????). Anyway, they were ā€œfirstā€ to the bottom and the result of the profit over content has been the media we have now. Disney, who owns ABC, does the same thing with ABC News, who ever owns CBS does the same thing with their news castā€¦.

If the press has any goal that is competing with reporting the facts and getting the truth out, it no longer is serving itā€™s true purpose.
First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?
There is really only one reason a certain segment of the population considers the media to be an enemy: they are weak-minded enough to fall for tRump's verbal diarrhea.

And no, I'm not being insulting, I'm stating facts as I see them. You can watch it happen in real time right here. tRump blows his tweeter (think Pied Piper) and his loyal tRumplings change direction en masse like a school of fish or a flock of birds, mindlessly following the herd, no thought required or even encouraged.

And then totally unironically say liberals require unthinking obedience, because that's what tRump told them to say.

It's kinda fun to watch, but it is doing irreparable harm to our nation.
Only fools and the foolish consider the press the enemy of the people. Those who donā€™t like what is being reported, blame the messenger. Tale as old as time.

The Press is guilty of 2 things in my view.

First, they do not do the journalism that the press used to do. They value the relationship with whom they are innately charged with investigating more than getting to the bottom of whatever the issue is.

Secondly, the rush to be first is flat out stupid. The only people who care are the ones who report the newsā€¦do you know who the ā€œfirstā€ was to report Sandy Hook or when the space shuttle disintegrated on approach? Iā€™m sure some news editor somewhere does but nobody else knows. Or cares.

Some of this isnā€™t the Pressā€™s fault but most is. When a corporation owns your printing press or news studio, youā€™re there for one reason in their view; to make money. Jack Welch, former GE CEO pointed out that CNBC had the ā€œmistakenā€ point of view that they were not there to make money for GE when General Electric bought NBC. So you had news programs replaced with this nutty Cramer fella (I wonder if he was based on the Seinfeld character????). Anyway, they were ā€œfirstā€ to the bottom and the result of the profit over content has been the media we have now. Disney, who owns ABC, does the same thing with ABC News, who ever owns CBS does the same thing with their news castā€¦.

If the press has any goal that is competing with reporting the facts and getting the truth out, it no longer is serving itā€™s true purpose.

First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?
There is really only one reason a certain segment of the population considers the media to be an enemy: they are weak-minded enough to fall for tRump's verbal diarrhea.

And no, I'm not being insulting, I'm stating facts as I see them. You can watch it happen in real time right here. tRump blows his tweeter (think Pied Piper) and his loyal tRumplings change direction en masse like a school of fish or a flock of birds, mindlessly following the herd, no thought required or even encouraged.

And then totally unironically say liberals require unthinking obedience, because that's what tRump told them to say.

It's kinda fun to watch, but it is doing irreparable harm to our nation.

^^^Examples of stuck in the Matrix. Completely controlled by the ruling class. Sad.
Only fools and the foolish consider the press the enemy of the people. Those who donā€™t like what is being reported, blame the messenger. Tale as old as time.

The Press is guilty of 2 things in my view.

First, they do not do the journalism that the press used to do. They value the relationship with whom they are innately charged with investigating more than getting to the bottom of whatever the issue is.

Secondly, the rush to be first is flat out stupid. The only people who care are the ones who report the newsā€¦do you know who the ā€œfirstā€ was to report Sandy Hook or when the space shuttle disintegrated on approach? Iā€™m sure some news editor somewhere does but nobody else knows. Or cares.

Some of this isnā€™t the Pressā€™s fault but most is. When a corporation owns your printing press or news studio, youā€™re there for one reason in their view; to make money. Jack Welch, former GE CEO pointed out that CNBC had the ā€œmistakenā€ point of view that they were not there to make money for GE when General Electric bought NBC. So you had news programs replaced with this nutty Cramer fella (I wonder if he was based on the Seinfeld character????). Anyway, they were ā€œfirstā€ to the bottom and the result of the profit over content has been the media we have now. Disney, who owns ABC, does the same thing with ABC News, who ever owns CBS does the same thing with their news castā€¦.

If the press has any goal that is competing with reporting the facts and getting the truth out, it no longer is serving itā€™s true purpose.

First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?
There is really only one reason a certain segment of the population considers the media to be an enemy: they are weak-minded enough to fall for tRump's verbal diarrhea.

And no, I'm not being insulting, I'm stating facts as I see them. You can watch it happen in real time right here. tRump blows his tweeter (think Pied Piper) and his loyal tRumplings change direction en masse like a school of fish or a flock of birds, mindlessly following the herd, no thought required or even encouraged.

And then totally unironically say liberals require unthinking obedience, because that's what tRump told them to say.

It's kinda fun to watch, but it is doing irreparable harm to our nation.

^^^Examples of stuck in the Matrix. Completely controlled by the ruling class. Sad.
Classic example of rwnj brainwashing and how effective it is on an easily influenced individual.

It's worse when they run in packs.
Only fools and the foolish consider the press the enemy of the people. Those who donā€™t like what is being reported, blame the messenger. Tale as old as time.

The Press is guilty of 2 things in my view.

First, they do not do the journalism that the press used to do. They value the relationship with whom they are innately charged with investigating more than getting to the bottom of whatever the issue is.

Secondly, the rush to be first is flat out stupid. The only people who care are the ones who report the newsā€¦do you know who the ā€œfirstā€ was to report Sandy Hook or when the space shuttle disintegrated on approach? Iā€™m sure some news editor somewhere does but nobody else knows. Or cares.

Some of this isnā€™t the Pressā€™s fault but most is. When a corporation owns your printing press or news studio, youā€™re there for one reason in their view; to make money. Jack Welch, former GE CEO pointed out that CNBC had the ā€œmistakenā€ point of view that they were not there to make money for GE when General Electric bought NBC. So you had news programs replaced with this nutty Cramer fella (I wonder if he was based on the Seinfeld character????). Anyway, they were ā€œfirstā€ to the bottom and the result of the profit over content has been the media we have now. Disney, who owns ABC, does the same thing with ABC News, who ever owns CBS does the same thing with their news castā€¦.

If the press has any goal that is competing with reporting the facts and getting the truth out, it no longer is serving itā€™s true purpose.

First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?
There is really only one reason a certain segment of the population considers the media to be an enemy: they are weak-minded enough to fall for tRump's verbal diarrhea.

And no, I'm not being insulting, I'm stating facts as I see them. You can watch it happen in real time right here. tRump blows his tweeter (think Pied Piper) and his loyal tRumplings change direction en masse like a school of fish or a flock of birds, mindlessly following the herd, no thought required or even encouraged.

And then totally unironically say liberals require unthinking obedience, because that's what tRump told them to say.

It's kinda fun to watch, but it is doing irreparable harm to our nation.

^^^Examples of stuck in the Matrix. Completely controlled by the ruling class. Sad.


Anytime something is put into the context of the marketplace, they become beholden to market forces.

This applies toā€¦

ā€œWe are here to make a profit and report the newsā€

as well as

ā€œWe are here to report the news and make a profitā€

In either scenario, the press is no longer free because the existence of a profit motive creates a ā€œno zoneā€ for the press. Put differently, a threat to the profit is a threat to the press and the press is inherently threatening.
The rich, the elitists, the ruling class aka the aristocrats of yester-your live in a different world than the rest of us...Thomas Jefferson(aristocrat) wrote the declaration of independence and the infamous phrase 'all men are created equal' whilst he owned 200 slaves and never freed any of them.

BTW I am not against anyone being rich if they get there in a honorable manner....but I do realize they are different and cannot be depended on for fairness to their workers aka.... a honest days pay for a honest days work.

Never expect the rich to be generous just because they could afford to be. It would not be an exaggeration in most cases to say they think everyone is after their money...that is why the rich marry the rich in the majority of cases.

Yes the rich are different but they are also a vital part of a civilized society...if people were not motivated to become rich who would create the jobs?
Ever had a poor man offer you a job?

Look what happened in Russia or any other communist nation....they eliminated not only the rich class but the middle class as well...and the people starved by the millions. Look Venezula--yet liberals see all this and still cling to marxist views on the economy.

Jefferson, and society AT THAT TIME, did not consider Negroes as evolved humans. They considered them savages, like the American Indians. Therefore, they were not considered part of 'the People".

Do not apply today's views, morals, nor ideals to the past. You can not view the past through the prism of today, or just about everyone would be considered MONSTERS.
First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?
That doesnā€™t answer your question. The reason why the corporate media is the enemy of the people, is they are owned and controlled by the ruling class. The ruling class has ALWAYS been the enemy of the people, since the beginning of human civilization.

The rich, the elitists, the ruling class aka the aristocrats of yester-your live in a different world than the rest of us...Thomas Jefferson(aristocrat) wrote the declaration of independence and the infamous phrase 'all men are created equal' whilst he owned 200 slaves and never freed any of them.

BTW I am not against anyone being rich if they get there in a honorable manner....but I do realize they are different and cannot be depended on for fairness to their workers aka.... a honest days pay for a honest days work.

Never expect the rich to be generous just because they could afford to be. It would not be an exaggeration in most cases to say they think everyone is after their money...that is why the rich marry the rich in the majority of cases.

Yes the rich are different but they are also a vital part of a civilized society...if people were not motivated to become rich who would create the jobs?
Ever had a poor man offer you a job?

Look what happened in Russia or any other communist nation....they eliminated not only the rich class but the middle class as well...and the people starved by the millions. Look Venezula--yet liberals see all this and still cling to marxist views on the economy.
The ruling class is certainly rich, but the ruling class comprises a very small segment of the rich.

Not everyone in the ruling class seeks office but there are other ways to exert their power as in hiring lobbyists, contributing money to the candidate of their choice etc.

Not all politicians were rich at least before they took office. But very few get elected that do not have the support of the ruling class.
The rich, the elitists, the ruling class aka the aristocrats of yester-your live in a different world than the rest of us...Thomas Jefferson(aristocrat) wrote the declaration of independence and the infamous phrase 'all men are created equal' whilst he owned 200 slaves and never freed any of them.

BTW I am not against anyone being rich if they get there in a honorable manner....but I do realize they are different and cannot be depended on for fairness to their workers aka.... a honest days pay for a honest days work.

Never expect the rich to be generous just because they could afford to be. It would not be an exaggeration in most cases to say they think everyone is after their money...that is why the rich marry the rich in the majority of cases.

Yes the rich are different but they are also a vital part of a civilized society...if people were not motivated to become rich who would create the jobs?
Ever had a poor man offer you a job?

Look what happened in Russia or any other communist nation....they eliminated not only the rich class but the middle class as well...and the people starved by the millions. Look Venezula--yet liberals see all this and still cling to marxist views on the economy.

Jefferson, and society AT THAT TIME, did not consider Negroes as evolved humans. They considered them savages, like the American Indians. Therefore, they were not considered part of 'the People".

Do not apply today's views, morals, nor ideals to the past. You can not view the past through the prism of today, or just about everyone would be considered MONSTERS.

I think our ancestors had more respect for the Indians....a lot of white folk married Indians but very few married Negroes back then if any.

The common view of the Negro back then was that they were not quite human....which has not changed in a lot of cases even today based in large part on how they committ so many horrendous crimes, their low average i.q.--lower than any other race.

Also the fact they have a whole continent loaded with natural resources and never advanced until the white man came and taught them how to do things.
For over 200 years, the media has protected us from the excesses of government

That is why Trump hates them
There is really only one reason a certain segment of the population considers the media to be an enemy: they are weak-minded enough to fall for tRump's verbal diarrhea.

And no, I'm not being insulting, I'm stating facts as I see them. You can watch it happen in real time right here. tRump blows his tweeter (think Pied Piper) and his loyal tRumplings change direction en masse like a school of fish or a flock of birds, mindlessly following the herd, no thought required or even encouraged.

And then totally unironically say liberals require unthinking obedience, because that's what tRump told them to say.

It's kinda fun to watch, but it is doing irreparable harm to our nation.

You really have nothing else to offer beyond constant Trump hate, and insults of people that support him. Therefore, I am just going to stop reading your posts, as they have become not only boring, but irrelevant.
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For over 200 years, the media has protected us from the excesses of government

That is why Trump hates them

Nonsense....they have treated Trump very unfairly. BTW Name me one case where the media protected us from excesses of government?

Journalists are a bunch of charlatans with low i.q.'s A moron can get a degree in journalism. Yet they want to pretend they have the right to tell Americans what they should do, what they should believe etc.
First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?
That doesnā€™t answer your question. The reason why the corporate media is the enemy of the people, is they are owned and controlled by the ruling class. The ruling class has ALWAYS been the enemy of the people, since the beginning of human civilization.

The rich, the elitists, the ruling class aka the aristocrats of yester-your live in a different world than the rest of us...Thomas Jefferson(aristocrat) wrote the declaration of independence and the infamous phrase 'all men are created equal' whilst he owned 200 slaves and never freed any of them.

BTW I am not against anyone being rich if they get there in a honorable manner....but I do realize they are different and cannot be depended on for fairness to their workers aka.... a honest days pay for a honest days work.

Never expect the rich to be generous just because they could afford to be. It would not be an exaggeration in most cases to say they think everyone is after their money...that is why the rich marry the rich in the majority of cases.

Yes the rich are different but they are also a vital part of a civilized society...if people were not motivated to become rich who would create the jobs?
Ever had a poor man offer you a job?

Look what happened in Russia or any other communist nation....they eliminated not only the rich class but the middle class as well...and the people starved by the millions. Look Venezula--yet liberals see all this and still cling to marxist views on the economy.
The ruling class is certainly rich, but the ruling class comprises a very small segment of the rich.

Not everyone in the ruling class seeks office but there are other ways to exert their power as in hiring lobbyists, contributing money to the candidate of their choice etc.

Not all politicians were rich at least before they took office. But very few get elected that do not have the support of the ruling class.
Yes pols are supported by the Ruling Class, which is why they do the bidding of the Ruling Class. They know where the money is.
Only fools and the foolish consider the press the enemy of the people. Those who donā€™t like what is being reported, blame the messenger. Tale as old as time.

The Press is guilty of 2 things in my view.

First, they do not do the journalism that the press used to do. They value the relationship with whom they are innately charged with investigating more than getting to the bottom of whatever the issue is.

Secondly, the rush to be first is flat out stupid. The only people who care are the ones who report the newsā€¦do you know who the ā€œfirstā€ was to report Sandy Hook or when the space shuttle disintegrated on approach? Iā€™m sure some news editor somewhere does but nobody else knows. Or cares.

Some of this isnā€™t the Pressā€™s fault but most is. When a corporation owns your printing press or news studio, youā€™re there for one reason in their view; to make money. Jack Welch, former GE CEO pointed out that CNBC had the ā€œmistakenā€ point of view that they were not there to make money for GE when General Electric bought NBC. So you had news programs replaced with this nutty Cramer fella (I wonder if he was based on the Seinfeld character????). Anyway, they were ā€œfirstā€ to the bottom and the result of the profit over content has been the media we have now. Disney, who owns ABC, does the same thing with ABC News, who ever owns CBS does the same thing with their news castā€¦.

If the press has any goal that is competing with reporting the facts and getting the truth out, it no longer is serving itā€™s true purpose.

First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?
There is really only one reason a certain segment of the population considers the media to be an enemy: they are weak-minded enough to fall for tRump's verbal diarrhea.

And no, I'm not being insulting, I'm stating facts as I see them. You can watch it happen in real time right here. tRump blows his tweeter (think Pied Piper) and his loyal tRumplings change direction en masse like a school of fish or a flock of birds, mindlessly following the herd, no thought required or even encouraged.

And then totally unironically say liberals require unthinking obedience, because that's what tRump told them to say.

It's kinda fun to watch, but it is doing irreparable harm to our nation.

^^^Examples of stuck in the Matrix. Completely controlled by the ruling class. Sad.


Anytime something is put into the context of the marketplace, they become beholden to market forces.

This applies toā€¦

ā€œWe are here to make a profit and report the newsā€

as well as

ā€œWe are here to report the news and make a profitā€

In either scenario, the press is no longer free because the existence of a profit motive creates a ā€œno zoneā€ for the press. Put differently, a threat to the profit is a threat to the press and the press is inherently threatening.
The MSM is not a market. It is a cartel controlled by six leading members of the Ruling Class. They clearly do not like Trump, even though he does their bidding.
Only fools and the foolish consider the press the enemy of the people. Those who donā€™t like what is being reported, blame the messenger. Tale as old as time.

The Press is guilty of 2 things in my view.

First, they do not do the journalism that the press used to do. They value the relationship with whom they are innately charged with investigating more than getting to the bottom of whatever the issue is.

Secondly, the rush to be first is flat out stupid. The only people who care are the ones who report the newsā€¦do you know who the ā€œfirstā€ was to report Sandy Hook or when the space shuttle disintegrated on approach? Iā€™m sure some news editor somewhere does but nobody else knows. Or cares.

Some of this isnā€™t the Pressā€™s fault but most is. When a corporation owns your printing press or news studio, youā€™re there for one reason in their view; to make money. Jack Welch, former GE CEO pointed out that CNBC had the ā€œmistakenā€ point of view that they were not there to make money for GE when General Electric bought NBC. So you had news programs replaced with this nutty Cramer fella (I wonder if he was based on the Seinfeld character????). Anyway, they were ā€œfirstā€ to the bottom and the result of the profit over content has been the media we have now. Disney, who owns ABC, does the same thing with ABC News, who ever owns CBS does the same thing with their news castā€¦.

If the press has any goal that is competing with reporting the facts and getting the truth out, it no longer is serving itā€™s true purpose.

First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?
There is really only one reason a certain segment of the population considers the media to be an enemy: they are weak-minded enough to fall for tRump's verbal diarrhea.

And no, I'm not being insulting, I'm stating facts as I see them. You can watch it happen in real time right here. tRump blows his tweeter (think Pied Piper) and his loyal tRumplings change direction en masse like a school of fish or a flock of birds, mindlessly following the herd, no thought required or even encouraged.

And then totally unironically say liberals require unthinking obedience, because that's what tRump told them to say.

It's kinda fun to watch, but it is doing irreparable harm to our nation.

^^^Examples of stuck in the Matrix. Completely controlled by the ruling class. Sad.


Anytime something is put into the context of the marketplace, they become beholden to market forces.

This applies toā€¦

ā€œWe are here to make a profit and report the newsā€

as well as

ā€œWe are here to report the news and make a profitā€

In either scenario, the press is no longer free because the existence of a profit motive creates a ā€œno zoneā€ for the press. Put differently, a threat to the profit is a threat to the press and the press is inherently threatening.
The MSM is not a market. It is a cartel controlled by six leading members of the Ruling Class. They clearly do not like Trump, even though he does their bidding.

no point debating with you.
First of all they lie and or will not report a lot of truths. Keeping the public in the dark as regards to what is really going on.

A people who lack the knowledge or the facts of what is happening in this country cannot be expected to know what the problems are ---much less demand their politicians fix the problem.

They constantly seek to divide the people by making everything about white racism. When generation after generation of blacks are indoctrinated into believing that whites are evil not be supprised when they try to tear it down. As in Obama promising to 'fundamentally' change America...what are the fundamentals he wanted to change?
Only the right wing claims that. The left knows the Press is an important part of open government.

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