The rebellion in Michigan Has Begun

This is how "that woman in Michigan" talks to the people who gave her the job. She wont be returning. I voted for Patrick Colbeck.

Matthew Seely, a spokesman for the Michigan Conservative Coalition, said the event is intended to be "nonpartisan."

"We are asking people to become united on this one issue — all Michiganders to say we've gone too far," he said. "We're responsible adults and can be trusted to go out in public."

Whitmer said it's "OK to be frustrated" and "angry."

"I've got thick skin," she said. "And I'm always going to defend your right to free speech. So, I just ask that those who are protesting these orders do so in a safe manner so you don't get sick and you don't subject our first responders to risk, either."
Thanks for the "permission" to be angry 'mom'. This is what a true Nanny State looks like

In my opinion, this NBC "news piece," attacks Betsy Devos and her family, it is largely a hit piece, and not grounded in reality. They really seem to want to paint Whitmer in a favorable light. . . anyone want to guess why? :20:

It deflects blame from Whitmer's terrible policy and populist rage against her authoritarian nonsense.

". . . Nick Wasmiller, a spokesperson for the DeVos family, said the family hasn’t funded the protest and hasn’t offered prior support to the Michigan Conservative Coalition.

“They understand the frustration of fellow Michiganders, however, as elements of the governor’s top-down approach appear to go beyond public safety," he said. "Michigan deserves competent governance – not baseless attacks.”

Betsy DeVos “has nothing to do with that protest,” said Tony Daunt, executive director of the Michigan Freedom Fund.

Daunt said the extent of the Michigan Freedom Fund’s involvement so far was to spend $250 promoting the protest on social media, and said Whitmer “is recklessly playing politics" instead of answering to concerns from constituents about the stay-at-home order.

“She’s seeking to distract from the fact that thousands of people are upset from these actions by suggesting this is only happening because people are bought off,” he said. “It’s offensive.”

good for Whitmer, about time someone did something. fk these power elites.
This is how "that woman in Michigan" talks to the people who gave her the job. She wont be returning. I voted for Patrick Colbeck.

Matthew Seely, a spokesman for the Michigan Conservative Coalition, said the event is intended to be "nonpartisan."

"We are asking people to become united on this one issue — all Michiganders to say we've gone too far," he said. "We're responsible adults and can be trusted to go out in public."

Whitmer said it's "OK to be frustrated" and "angry."

"I've got thick skin," she said. "And I'm always going to defend your right to free speech. So, I just ask that those who are protesting these orders do so in a safe manner so you don't get sick and you don't subject our first responders to risk, either."
Thanks for the "permission" to be angry 'mom'. This is what a true Nanny State looks like
Thinks a protest is a rebellion.^^ lol
not what you said after the vagina march.
Lol, no. Everyone knew that was a protest, not a rebellion.
oh bullshit. why was it aired on every news outlet?
Find one that said it was a rebellion.
This is how "that woman in Michigan" talks to the people who gave her the job. She wont be returning. I voted for Patrick Colbeck.

Matthew Seely, a spokesman for the Michigan Conservative Coalition, said the event is intended to be "nonpartisan."

"We are asking people to become united on this one issue — all Michiganders to say we've gone too far," he said. "We're responsible adults and can be trusted to go out in public."

Whitmer said it's "OK to be frustrated" and "angry."

"I've got thick skin," she said. "And I'm always going to defend your right to free speech. So, I just ask that those who are protesting these orders do so in a safe manner so you don't get sick and you don't subject our first responders to risk, either."
Thanks for the "permission" to be angry 'mom'. This is what a true Nanny State looks like
Thinks a protest is a rebellion.^^ lol
not what you said after the vagina march.
Lol, no. Everyone knew that was a protest, not a rebellion.
oh bullshit. why was it aired on every news outlet?
Find one that said it was a rebellion.
Liberals are dying left and right, but opening Michingan up is kinda dicey. There hasn't been enough testing done there and deaths are still climbing. I'd want around 15K per 1M pop for testing and something like 2.4% mortality rate.
The only real problem is in the Detroit area.

Oakland County (a wealthy area north of Detroit) just now requires ALL WORKERS to wear masks. Shoppers too. At least they're making accommodations for WORK. Whitmers DECREES are described by the Chamber of Commerce as INSANE. There is a lot of pushback beginning.

I wouldn't wear a mask simply because they do absolutely no good and there is no scientific basis to justify them. Therefore their ordering people to wear them is at least frivolous on the best of days.
This is how "that woman in Michigan" talks to the people who gave her the job. She wont be returning. I voted for Patrick Colbeck.

Matthew Seely, a spokesman for the Michigan Conservative Coalition, said the event is intended to be "nonpartisan."

"We are asking people to become united on this one issue — all Michiganders to say we've gone too far," he said. "We're responsible adults and can be trusted to go out in public."

Whitmer said it's "OK to be frustrated" and "angry."

"I've got thick skin," she said. "And I'm always going to defend your right to free speech. So, I just ask that those who are protesting these orders do so in a safe manner so you don't get sick and you don't subject our first responders to risk, either."
Thanks for the "permission" to be angry 'mom'. This is what a true Nanny State looks like

In my opinion, this NBC "news piece," attacks Betsy Devos and her family, it is largely a hit piece, and not grounded in reality. They really seem to want to paint Whitmer in a favorable light. . . anyone want to guess why? :20:

It deflects blame from Whitmer's terrible policy and populist rage against her authoritarian nonsense.

". . . Nick Wasmiller, a spokesperson for the DeVos family, said the family hasn’t funded the protest and hasn’t offered prior support to the Michigan Conservative Coalition.

“They understand the frustration of fellow Michiganders, however, as elements of the governor’s top-down approach appear to go beyond public safety," he said. "Michigan deserves competent governance – not baseless attacks.”

Betsy DeVos “has nothing to do with that protest,” said Tony Daunt, executive director of the Michigan Freedom Fund.

Daunt said the extent of the Michigan Freedom Fund’s involvement so far was to spend $250 promoting the protest on social media, and said Whitmer “is recklessly playing politics" instead of answering to concerns from constituents about the stay-at-home order.

“She’s seeking to distract from the fact that thousands of people are upset from these actions by suggesting this is only happening because people are bought off,” he said. “It’s offensive.”

good for Whitmer, about time someone did something. fk these power elites.
She isn't doing shit but stripping folks freedom.

I have a TON of liberal friends that voted for her, loved her to pieces. . .

Now that she has basically told them that they can't go out and prepare to plant their gardens and get ready for spring. . . that she is threatening to ruin their whole planting season?

THEY ARE PISSED. This doesn't seem to be about the virus anymore, it seems to be about control.

She is getting hammered virus has uncovered some little Tyrants masquerading as governors and mayors....
I'm afraid these little dictators have grown to like this newly discovered power. They wont easily give it up. Watch them fight Oresident Trump every step of the way as he opens up the country

He could resign, then, problem solved!

Are you a big Mike Pence fan?
This is how "that woman in Michigan" talks to the people who gave her the job. She wont be returning. I voted for Patrick Colbeck.

Matthew Seely, a spokesman for the Michigan Conservative Coalition, said the event is intended to be "nonpartisan."

"We are asking people to become united on this one issue — all Michiganders to say we've gone too far," he said. "We're responsible adults and can be trusted to go out in public."

Whitmer said it's "OK to be frustrated" and "angry."

"I've got thick skin," she said. "And I'm always going to defend your right to free speech. So, I just ask that those who are protesting these orders do so in a safe manner so you don't get sick and you don't subject our first responders to risk, either."
Thanks for the "permission" to be angry 'mom'. This is what a true Nanny State looks like

If you idiots could conduct yourselves as adults, you wouldn't need to be talked down to and shamed like children.

Well, New York is really tearing it up.
Liberals are dying left and right, but opening Michingan up is kinda dicey. There hasn't been enough testing done there and deaths are still climbing. I'd want around 15K per 1M pop for testing and something like 2.4% mortality rate.
The only real problem is in the Detroit area.

Oakland County (a wealthy area north of Detroit) just now requires ALL WORKERS to wear masks. Shoppers too. At least they're making accommodations for WORK. Whitmers DECREES are described by the Chamber of Commerce as INSANE. There is a lot of pushback beginning.

I wouldn't wear a mask simply because they do absolutely no good and there is no scientific basis to justify them. Therefore their ordering people to wear them is at least frivolous on the best of days.

Next time you have surgery, I want you to demand that none of your doctors or nurses wear them since they don't work.

This is how "that woman in Michigan" talks to the people who gave her the job. She wont be returning. I voted for Patrick Colbeck.

Matthew Seely, a spokesman for the Michigan Conservative Coalition, said the event is intended to be "nonpartisan."

"We are asking people to become united on this one issue — all Michiganders to say we've gone too far," he said. "We're responsible adults and can be trusted to go out in public."

Whitmer said it's "OK to be frustrated" and "angry."

"I've got thick skin," she said. "And I'm always going to defend your right to free speech. So, I just ask that those who are protesting these orders do so in a safe manner so you don't get sick and you don't subject our first responders to risk, either."
Thanks for the "permission" to be angry 'mom'. This is what a true Nanny State looks like
Those people are savages



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She is getting hammered virus has uncovered some little Tyrants masquerading as governors and mayors....
I'm afraid these little dictators have grown to like this newly discovered power. They wont easily give it up. Watch them fight Oresident Trump every step of the way as he opens up the country

He could resign, then, problem solved!

Are you a big Mike Pence fan?

No, but his leadership couldn't be any worse that the Orange Virus.
Most people have taken this "crisis" as a joke or an unnecessary hysteria.

Then, the government is doing its best to get people's nerves, increasing the quarantine with night curfews, ordering food stores to force people making lanes outside their buildings, no visitors between friends house to house, etc.

Just waiting for chaos to be triggered so the government can send troops to maintain control.

The wiser solution is to comply and show no resistance.

Otherwise the out coming will be uglier.

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