The Recovery Thread

Another worms eye view. The second quarter in a row with a profit sharing check. A very small one to be sure, but a little larger than the last.

A few more people hired. More orders, more 5 day weeks now, been two months since the last 3 day week for production. This spring and summer looks good right now.

I would have to say from what I see, the economy is definately improving.
When this war begins, myself and my family are outta here.

Detroit will be the key indicator of how out of control the cities of the US can be. Watch the riots in Detroit and then head back to your native land and the sanity among the farmers of central Canada. You will welcome the safety and security of your native country to the mass mayhem of the United States in the coming months.

Crock of shit, old boy. Didn't happen before, after '29, when things were much, much worse. Won't happen now.

While you may have fantasies of the Alamo, unless there is a very sudden drop in the food supply, you will not see any of the things you are expecting.
California home prices rose 11% compared to last year.

The California housing market is showing more signs of stabilization—at least for now—as sales of bank-owned and bargain-basement homes in inland areas partially give way to sales of costlier homes toward the coast, according to a new report.

California's median home price rose 11.2% in February from February 2009, although home sales in the state slipped for the second consecutive month compared with a year earlier, according to a report released Thursday by MDA DataQuick, a La Jolla, Calif., housing-data provider.

The median home price increased to $249,000 in February from $224,000 a year earlier, DataQuick said. The median price rose 0.8% from January 2010. Home sales in the state fell 3.8% in February from a year earlier to 28,111 sales, but were up 0.9% from January 2010, DataQuick said.

The San Francisco Bay Area's median home price rose 20% from February 2009 to $354,000, while home sales fell from year-earlier levels for the second straight month. In Southern California, the median home price rose 10% to $275,000, led by a 13% rise in San Diego, while the number of home sales rose from year-earlier levels for the 20th consecutive month.

The increase in the statewide median price—the biggest year-over-year jump since March 2006—partially reflected a shift in the types of homes being sold in the state, as fewer foreclosures and stiff competition for bargains ate up inventory at the market's lower end, said DataQuick analyst Andrew LePage. "There has been a shift in what's selling and what's not selling," Mr. LePage said. "The high end has woken up, whereas it was comatose a year ago."

California Home Prices Rose in February -
The economy is still losing hundreds of thousands of jobs every month. When that stops, you'll see the bottom. We aren't there yet....

Economies always bottom before jobs do.
Not true. A statement like that applies to an industrial economy. We are not an industrial economy. We are a predominant service sector economy, and decreasing jobs are an indication of further collapse in the service sector economy.
When this war begins, myself and my family are outta here.

Detroit will be the key indicator of how out of control the cities of the US can be. Watch the riots in Detroit and then head back to your native land and the sanity among the farmers of central Canada. You will welcome the safety and security of your native country to the mass mayhem of the United States in the coming months.

Crock of shit, old boy. Didn't happen before, after '29, when things were much, much worse. Won't happen now.

While you may have fantasies of the Alamo, unless there is a very sudden drop in the food supply, you will not see any of the things you are expecting.
You are obviously an uneducated buffoon who has never studied history. Do you know how many hundreds of riots the United States has had in our history?
California home prices rose 11% compared to last year.

The California housing market is showing more signs of stabilization—at least for now—as sales of bank-owned and bargain-basement homes in inland areas partially give way to sales of costlier homes toward the coast, according to a new report.

California's median home price rose 11.2% in February from February 2009, although home sales in the state slipped for the second consecutive month compared with a year earlier, according to a report released Thursday by MDA DataQuick, a La Jolla, Calif., housing-data provider.

The median home price increased to $249,000 in February from $224,000 a year earlier, DataQuick said. The median price rose 0.8% from January 2010. Home sales in the state fell 3.8% in February from a year earlier to 28,111 sales, but were up 0.9% from January 2010, DataQuick said.

The San Francisco Bay Area's median home price rose 20% from February 2009 to $354,000, while home sales fell from year-earlier levels for the second straight month. In Southern California, the median home price rose 10% to $275,000, led by a 13% rise in San Diego, while the number of home sales rose from year-earlier levels for the 20th consecutive month.

The increase in the statewide median price—the biggest year-over-year jump since March 2006—partially reflected a shift in the types of homes being sold in the state, as fewer foreclosures and stiff competition for bargains ate up inventory at the market's lower end, said DataQuick analyst Andrew LePage. "There has been a shift in what's selling and what's not selling," Mr. LePage said. "The high end has woken up, whereas it was comatose a year ago."

California Home Prices Rose in February -

NOT in any part of California I have been in. Everywhere I go the houses are continuing to decrease in value, my 8 bedroom house included. Just because somebody makes up an outrageous lie like the one you posted does not mean that there is any substance to it. It is all lies at the request of the government.
Rail freight is improving, with volumes rising nearly 4% compared to last year.

CARPE DIEM: Rail Freight Continues to Show Signs of Recovery

Rail freight is a good real-time indicator of the economy since it measures demand being shipped around the nation.

Actually what the four percent increase is measuring is the higher price of fuel for trucks. THAT and nothing more. Come on, Toro, wake up to reality. Have you see the prices of gasoline and diesel soaring like I have in the past few days and months?
Retail sales for February rose 0.3%, 0.8% excluding autos, which was probably affected by the Toyota issue. And this was in a month which saw record snowfalls in the northeast. Electronics led the way, rising 3.7%.

Retail sales rose 4.2% from a year ago.

Econoday Report: Retail Sales*March*12,*2010
Look at the real numbers and then try to post shit like that.

RETAIL SALES -- Retail trade sales are way DOWN from August 2009 and way below last year.
FEB 2010 +0.3% –5.8
JAN 2010 +0.1% -6.1
DEC 2009 – 0.1% -6.2
NOV 2009 +1.3% -6.1
OCT 2009 +1.1% -7.4
SEP 2009 – 2.3 % -8.5
AUG 2009 +2.2% -6.2
JUL 2009 –0.2 -8.4
JUN 2009 +0.8 % -8.2
MAY 2009 +0.5% - 9.0
APR 2009 –0.2% - 9.5
MAR 2009 –1.3% - 9.3
FEB 2009 +0.3% -8.0
JAN 2009 + 1.8% - 8.3
DEC 2008 –3.0% -10.1
NOV 2008 –2.1% -7.1
OCT 2008 –2.9% -5
SEP 2008 –1.2% - 2.1
AUG 2008 –0.4% --0.9
JUL 2008 -0.5%
Last edited:
Rail freight is improving, with volumes rising nearly 4% compared to last year.

CARPE DIEM: Rail Freight Continues to Show Signs of Recovery

Rail freight is a good real-time indicator of the economy since it measures demand being shipped around the nation.

Actually what the four percent increase is measuring is the higher price of fuel for trucks. THAT and nothing more. Come on, Toro, wake up to reality. Have you see the prices of gasoline and diesel soaring like I have in the past few days and months?

It is not measuring fuel costs. It is measuring volumes. The fact that volumes are rising while fuel prices are also rising is impressive.

FedEx said the same thing on Thursday.

FedEx says the global economic recovery is broadening, as the U.S. economy gains steam and Asia continues to show strong growth.

For the U.S., FedEx confirmed what economists have been saying and what government reports have been showing: Manufacturing is leading a slow economic recovery while consumers are keeping purse strings tight.

Last month, U.S. industrial production grew more than expected and the services sector accelerated at the fastest clip in more than two years. But consistently high unemployment and stagnant pay have so far held off any surge in consumer spending.

For FedEx, the company is expanding service in Asia to capitalize on growth there. In the U.S., it's pursuing more commercial business because that's where the growth is at the moment. ...

FedEx also raised its earnings forecast for the fiscal year ending in May, seeing "a continued modest recovery in the global economy."

FedEx, considered an economic bellwether because of the variety of products it ships for businesses and consumers, said Thursday it earned $239 million in the three months ended in February compared with $97 million a year earlier. Revenue rose 7 percent to $8.70 billion. The results exceeded Wall Street expectations.

The company said results were boosted by higher shipping volume, particularly at its international express and Ground units.

Average daily volume in International Priority packages grew 18 percent, led by exports from Asia.

Average daily package volume at FedEx Ground, concentrated in the U.S., grew 5 percent. Most of that growth was due to businesses shipping more packages to other businesses. The company said consumers "remain cautious."

FedEx sees economic recovery spreading - Yahoo! Finance

FedEx is one of the best barometers of the economy and it is seeing a pick-up in activity.
ISM Services Manufacturing index came in at 53, more than expected. A reading above 50 means there is expansion in the services economy.

U.S. Economy: Services Expand More Than Anticipated (Update2) -

More total nonsense, Toro. When the Service sector is shedding half a million jobs a week, there is a serious problem in that sector. Pay attention to what is really going on, and do not believe the lies of the shills.

employment is not the only indicator of economic heath within an industry. every economic cycle will shed jobs in the trough, and combine hiring and capital expenditure late in the recovery. as a trend, this hiring/spending reflex is pushing higher(later) in the incline. furthermore, job losses dont have much equivalence in other means of production/provision when cut-backs are required (leases & rents, maybe?). employment takes it on the nose more and more. During the recovery, the ration of the expenditure on other factors are increasing against employment.

you know that; perhaps you havent digested its real impact on now defunct universal employment, and are clinging to the idea that jobs=health for the economy into the future as much as it had in the 50 years ago.
Rail freight is improving, with volumes rising nearly 4% compared to last year.

CARPE DIEM: Rail Freight Continues to Show Signs of Recovery

Rail freight is a good real-time indicator of the economy since it measures demand being shipped around the nation.

Actually what the four percent increase is measuring is the higher price of fuel for trucks. THAT and nothing more. Come on, Toro, wake up to reality. Have you see the prices of gasoline and diesel soaring like I have in the past few days and months?

It is not measuring fuel costs. It is measuring volumes. The fact that volumes are rising while fuel prices are also rising is impressive.

FedEx said the same thing on Thursday.

FedEx says the global economic recovery is broadening, as the U.S. economy gains steam and Asia continues to show strong growth.

For the U.S., FedEx confirmed what economists have been saying and what government reports have been showing: Manufacturing is leading a slow economic recovery while consumers are keeping purse strings tight.

Last month, U.S. industrial production grew more than expected and the services sector accelerated at the fastest clip in more than two years. But consistently high unemployment and stagnant pay have so far held off any surge in consumer spending.

For FedEx, the company is expanding service in Asia to capitalize on growth there. In the U.S., it's pursuing more commercial business because that's where the growth is at the moment. ...

FedEx also raised its earnings forecast for the fiscal year ending in May, seeing "a continued modest recovery in the global economy."

FedEx, considered an economic bellwether because of the variety of products it ships for businesses and consumers, said Thursday it earned $239 million in the three months ended in February compared with $97 million a year earlier. Revenue rose 7 percent to $8.70 billion. The results exceeded Wall Street expectations.

The company said results were boosted by higher shipping volume, particularly at its international express and Ground units.

Average daily volume in International Priority packages grew 18 percent, led by exports from Asia.

Average daily package volume at FedEx Ground, concentrated in the U.S., grew 5 percent. Most of that growth was due to businesses shipping more packages to other businesses. The company said consumers "remain cautious."

FedEx sees economic recovery spreading - Yahoo! Finance

FedEx is one of the best barometers of the economy and it is seeing a pick-up in activity.

Toro, what you are posting is deliberately misleading. Either you have bought in to the outrageous lies of the administration, or you are trying to be funny. I am not amused. A five percent increase for ground is an improvement, but is in no way an indication of recovery.

Remember, most of FedEx's increase in profit came from overseas, mostly in Asian accounts. A five percent increase in American ground shipments says only that people are using Fed Ex more than they are using the US postal service for shipment of boxes. The theft rate in the US postal service is still very high.

Were it not for the recent raise in rates for Fed Ex delivery, Fed Ex would have lost money in the US. They now charge ten dollars to come out to business addresses to pick up a six dollar Fed Ex Express envelope. They used to make routine daily stops at business locations that had a fed ex station and there was no charge for pickup. If the volume is still there, they still come out daily, but in other cases, you have to call them and that is ten dollars on top of the fee for the envelope. Fed Ex has a corner on that market because you do not have to weigh the parcel and put the proper postage on it like with the postal service. The Postal Service was losing so many customers to FedEx that they started the pre-sized boxes commercials. "If it ships, it fits." The program is gaining momentum for the USPS, so I'd expect the Fed Ex numbers for ground to go down in the coming months as more and more people realize that they don't have to put the proper postage on anymore. Just a fee for the size of the box.
"NEW YORK (AP) -- FedEx says the global economic recovery is broadening, as the U.S. economy gains steam and Asia continues to show strong growth.

For the U.S., FedEx confirmed what economists have been saying and what government reports have been showing: Manufacturing is leading a slow economic recovery while consumers are keeping purse strings tight."

To deny what Fed Ex says simply because you hate Obama is insanity, how typically right wing of you
Florida Foreclosures Create Log Jam in Courts

A crushing backlog of foreclosure cases has pushed Florida's courts to request a one-time payment of $9.6 million to help purge the system and quicken a market recovery.
The Florida State Courts Administration estimates 500,000 property foreclosures are pending, including 36,880 in Broward, 80,100 in Miami-Dade and 55,000 in Palm Beach.
Without additional resources to clear the cases, judges fear the bottleneck will continue to drag down home values, which aren't expected to stabilize until the glut of foreclosures moves through the system.
It's routine in Florida for foreclosures to take more than a year to settle, leaving deteriorating homes, unpaid association fees and families facing uncertain futures.
``We want to be good partners in the economic recovery, not part of the problem,'' said Peter Blanc, chief judge of the 15th Judicial Circuit Court in Palm Beach County. ``We want to get properties through the courts and back onto the market. The numbers are just overwhelming.''
A Barclays Capital report last week found Florida has one of the highest foreclosure backlogs nationally, even singling out South Florida -- Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties -- saying it is ``remarkable'' that the area may only be 18 percent finished with liquidating its delinquent property loans through foreclosure.
Somebody was pretending that house values were going up. That, of course, is crazy.

The FHFA Housing Price Index for December was down –1.6 and falling.

The Case Shiller 20 City Home Index for December was down –3.08 and falling
"NEW YORK (AP) -- FedEx says the global economic recovery is broadening, as the U.S. economy gains steam and Asia continues to show strong growth.

For the U.S., FedEx confirmed what economists have been saying and what government reports have been showing: Manufacturing is leading a slow economic recovery while consumers are keeping purse strings tight."

To deny what Fed Ex says simply because you hate Obama is insanity, how typically right wing of you

Truthmatters, Why do you lie like that? I don't hate Obama. I'd drink a beer with him in a second, and I like the man personally. I do hate the fact that he is allowing the crooks to continue to run WallStreet and the Big Banks all across this nation.

If he were to earnestly try to correct the satanic corruption that has destroyed this once great country, I'd be his best friend. Unfortunately, he let his advisers tell him to get into bed with the corrupt bankers . He did and he is getting reamed, and the American public is getting screwed by proxy.

I am a registered Democrat. When Obama ran, I thought that he was a breath of fresh air. All that I have seen now that he is in office is a continuance of all of the evil corruption that has become the norm in the past quarter of a century. And you are probably going to tell me that THAT is OK as it is the American Way. Rome fell because of corruption. The United States has fallen, too for the same reason.

Well, Truth Matters to me. I want to kill or incarcerate all of those corrupt nincompoops in Washington and in the State houses all across this land. Anybody who has sold his moral ethics (soul) in the Washington and other political games in our country should be put to death. That is the only way we can save America. It is too corrupt otherwise.
"NEW YORK (AP) -- FedEx says the global economic recovery is broadening, as the U.S. economy gains steam and Asia continues to show strong growth.

For the U.S., FedEx confirmed what economists have been saying and what government reports have been showing: Manufacturing is leading a slow economic recovery while consumers are keeping purse strings tight."

To deny what Fed Ex says simply because you hate Obama is insanity, how typically right wing of you

There were two strings of lies in your post, so I am going to respond to your blatant dishonesty a second time.

I have never denied that Manufacturing is improving in part of this country. I was the first to point it out with the IP numbers months ago. At the time, I pointed out that even during the Great Depression there were segments of the economy that did well regardless of the collapse around them. I also cautioned everybody who would believe the corrupt politicians spin that this was proof positive of recovery in the economy. There is no recovery. Manufacturing is ten percent of our economy. That is a pittance compared to the service sector which is seventy percent of the economy. The service sector is still shedding a million jobs a month, and I can see no recovery in that. Manufacturing nationally is still shedding jobs. Our country is still collapsing, no matter how many lies you repeat about our economic boom.
You are fucking insane.
As usual, more of your badinage. All you do is lie all of the time. Have you ever told the truth once in your life? I note that you openly embrace the corruption. Why?

i literally havent heard badinage since my father passed away.:thup:

maybe its a more serious statement. manufacturing is a substantial part of the economy in terms of receipts and expenditures, especially in wages. youve played that way down. thats a danger in conservative economic planning. as you are looking to judge the recovery, you are looking to bubbled sectors for signs where their role in the mix should be bearish.

a weaker buck, and a reset on demand all play into the hands of the domestic mfr sector. maybe thats what we're seeing realized?

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