The religion of the left: Climate Change

Nope…. Science doesn’t ask you to believe anything. They show evidence as a result of research. You’re welcome to not believe it. But if you’re in a position of authority like the GOP is on occasion, they’d better fking show why they need to Fk with the environment and show their evidence to support it. They never have. In light of every university and climate research facility in the world saying you’re FOS, you go with the odds and say so..

yes, but it’s not a proof. It’s more evidence and understanding how it works and how we can use it. Just like QT replaced Newtonian physics, we still use Newtonian physics
We use Gravitational Lensing and we recalibrate GPS satellites every day because their time drifts.
Nope…. Science doesn’t ask you to believe anything. They show evidence as a result of research. You’re welcome to not believe it. But if you’re in a position of authority like the GOP is on occasion, they’d better fking show why they need to Fk with the environment and show their evidence to support it. They never have. In light of every university and climate research facility in the world saying you’re FOS, you go with the odds and say so..

yes, but it’s not a proof. It’s more evidence and understanding how it works and how we can use it. Just like QT replaced Newtonian physics, we still use Newtonian physics
“Science doesn’t ask you to believe in anything.”

But you keep asking why we don't "believe" in climate change and/or evolution?! It sounds like a religion

Thats because so much depends on it.
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I think the "politics" model is a better fit to the current CCC Hysteria ... rather than religion ... though I can certainly see why some would say "religion" ... both require any opposition to be silenced ...

Science, OTOP, mandates opposition ... we wouldn't still be testing relativity if there weren't folks who oppose such a reckoning ... and there are good reasons to doubt GR ... too many counter-examples ... starting with galaxies not flying apart when they should be ...

There are mathematical proofs ... and physics requires these for any theory to be valid ... [smile] ... so what mathematical proof can anyone offer to prove CCC? ... or any climate change for that matter ... when will Iowa change to a Humid Subtropical climate? ... when will the Sun shine in Britain? ...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...
That’s kind of dumb. We had no control because there were so few humans and they weren’t burning fossil fuels ( coal, fuel oil) in industries…..What burning that was done was wood which when replaced, mitigated the CO2 by converting it. That’s why managed forest burn for energy is renewable.

The industrial revolution to now shows the highest Rate of change in global warming EVER. Now, look up rate of change.

You non math people think linearly and not exponentially. You have no idea about time and age of our planet vs our industrial revolution. Its hilarious. So, tell us how old the earth is and do you believe in EVOLUTION ???

Seriously, I am talking about the very small sample size scientists are using for analysis and you are talking about the industrial revolution, which was about 250 years ago. Neat, a blip on the timeline that seems to show a rise. The blip is not large enough on the timeline to assume a pattern, thus why scientists have changed their terminology over the last 50 years back and forth from global cooling to global warming and now to climate change. They don’t know because their data is woefully insufficient, however, continuing to investigate this relatively insignificant blip pays well on many levels so they will continue ad infinitim or until we all starve/freeze to death for the supposed sake of the planet.

I believe that God created the entire universe and all its extremely complex mechanisms and organisms which science has not even begun to be able to explain. In the grand scheme of things, we aren’t even scratching the surface in any field of science. Evolution is our best educated guess, minus the actual orgin, of how living organisms have come to be. It has many holes, which scientists hope to fill someday, but at the end of the day, without full context(origin), it is still just a guess, which can often be misleading.

Seriously, I am talking about the very small sample size scientists are using for analysis and you are talking about the industrial revolution, which was about 250 years ago. Neat, a blip on the timeline that seems to show a rise. The blip is not large enough on the timeline to assume a pattern, thus why scientists have changed their terminology over the last 50 years back and forth from global cooling to global warming and now to climate change. They don’t know because their data is woefully insufficient, however, continuing to investigate this relatively insignificant blip pays well on many levels so they will continue ad infinitim or until we all starve/freeze to death for the supposed sake of the planet.

I believe that God created the entire universe and all its extremely complex mechanisms and organisms which science has not even begun to be able to explain. In the grand scheme of things, we aren’t even scratching the surface in any field of science. Evolution is our best educated guess, minus the actual orgin, of how living organisms have come to be. It has many holes, which scientists hope to fill someday, but at the end of the day, without full context(origin), it is still just a guess, which can often be misleading.

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You just supported AGW. The industrial revolution is indeed a small part of the time man has been here in earth. And yet, the rate of change in weather is dramatically more then at anyother compatible time. deniers like to point at isolated evidence and find holes in it. The problem they have is that ALL branches of science contribute to AGW. The evidence is too overwhelming to be refuted with any vigor at all.
It’s obvious. Not one Climate research facility or one of the 10s of thousands universities in the entire world, contests it.
Let’s get real, if any institution of any substance agreed with you, you’d post it… can’t .
Seriously, I am talking about the very small sample size scientists are using for analysis and you are talking about the industrial revolution, which was about 250 years ago. Neat, a blip on the timeline that seems to show a rise. The blip is not large enough on the timeline to assume a pattern, thus why scientists have changed their terminology over the last 50 years back and forth from global cooling to global warming and now to climate change. They don’t know because their data is woefully insufficient, however, continuing to investigate this relatively insignificant blip pays well on many levels so they will continue ad infinitim or until we all starve/freeze to death for the supposed sake of the planet.

I believe that God created the entire universe and all its extremely complex mechanisms and organisms which science has not even begun to be able to explain. In the grand scheme of things, we aren’t even scratching the surface in any field of science.
really… long did it take ?
Evolution is our best educated guess, minus the actual orgin, of how living organisms have come to be. It has many holes, which scientists hope to fill someday, but at the end of the day, without full context(origin), it is still just a guess, which can often be misleading.
Science is NEVER exact. That’s why they call them theories.
But the evidence is supportive enough to triple your life expectancy and literally feed the world. The off shoots Of evolution theory, genetics have generated life saving treatments for decades. Nothing is close. Even praying to your god has not been as reliable.

Do you want to compare the odds of survival from cancers between praying to your gods and cancer treatment developed through evolution supporting theories ?
Everytime a life is extended, it because more supporting evidence for evolution.

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And yet, the rate of change in weather is dramatically more then at anyother compatible time

Again, we don't have enough information in the grand scheme to make that claim.

There are scientists who do not agree in AGW, however, they are quickly shot down by scientists who see it as a sort of religion, not to mention their source of funding. Universities are notoriously liberal and yes politics plays a HUGE role.

Look, you can buy into it and believe we are all going to be under water soon if you please. I don't really care what you believe. The science on this has been extremely fluid over the last 50 years. There is a reason for that. If AGW was verifiably and undeniably true, 100% of all scientists would agree, much like they agree with, say, gravity. They don't all agree, though admittedly, the majority do.

There are many inconsistencies in climate data. For example, have had no fewer than 5-6 warming and cooling periods just over the last 200 years. The earth has had warming periods throughout history that are warmer than we are currently despite CO2 levels being lower. No matter, we are not in an emergency situation regardless of your opinion. No reason for such a tizzy by the left and activists, but again, $$$$ talks.
really… long did it take ?

Science is NEVER exact. That’s why they call them theories.
But the evidence is supportive enough to triple your life expectancy and literally feed the world. The off shoots Of evolution theory, genetics have generated life saving treatments for decades. Nothing is close. Even praying to your god has not been as reliable.

Do you want to compare the odds of survival from cancers between praying to your gods and cancer treatment developed through evolution supporting theories ?
Everytime a life is extended, it because more supporting evidence for evolution.

Yes, God gave us the ability to learn, though we will never fully figure it all out. That is by design. To believe everything was ultimately created by pure chance and spontaneously combusted is antithetical to common sense and, ironically, science itself.
Again, we don't have enough information in the grand scheme to make that claim.

There are scientists who do not agree in AGW, however, they are quickly shot down by scientists who see it as a sort of religion, not to mention their source of funding. Universities are notoriously liberal and yes politics plays a HUGE role.
So you’ve now declared that all the Chinese and Russian universities are notoriously liberal ? Read…the ENTIRE WORLD.
Look, you can buy into it and believe we are all going to be under water soon if you please. I don't really care what you believe. The science on this has been extremely fluid over the last 50 years.

No it has not on this front.
There is a reason for that. If AGW was verifiably and undeniably true, 100% of all scientists would agree, much like they agree with, say, gravity. They don't all agree, though admittedly, the majority do.
So stop using religion v AGW. It’s out of your league.
There are many inconsistencies in climate data. For example, have had no fewer than 5-6 warming and cooling periods just over the last 200 years.
Big fking deal. It’s the RATE OF CHANGE. look up “ rate of change” non math oerson.m
The earth has had warming periods throughout history that are warmer than we are currently despite CO2 levels being lower.
It’s not j stb warming trends in AGW. It’s the rate of change in the warming trends.
No matter, we are not in an emergency situation regardless of your opinion. No reason for such a tizzy by the left and activists, but again, $$$$ talks.
So, the left in your opinion is controlling the AGW argument throughout the entire world ? You’re amazingly ignorant in making the left in the United states so powerful they can control every religion, govt and major corporation……but can’t elect a liberal house.
How did liberals get so powerful and still not have universal healthcare …..sad.
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Yes, God gave us the ability to learn, though we will never fully figure it all out. That is by design. To believe everything was ultimately created by pure chance and spontaneously combusted is antithetical to common sense and, ironically, science itself.
You need to read a little more. You aren’t Catholic are you ? Gregor Mendel helped pave the way for evolution. That’s inconvenient isn’t it ? Kind of throws a wrench into your bogus arguments.
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So you’ve now declared that all the Chinese and Russian universities are notoriously liberal ? Read…the ENTIRE WORLD.

Funny, stuff. Yes, they are going to say what they want you to hear. The Chinese and Russian governments don't believe the is a real problem. They put on a show that they care, so that spoiled, gullible nations in Western Europe and the US will be dumb enough to follow along with their show. They aren't interested in cutting anything. They want us to make the sacrifices while they take over. It is amazing just how naïve some people can be.

So stop using religion v AGW. It’s out of your league.

Yeah, way out of my league. We can't all be as smart as you lefties and liberal minded folks claim to be.

So, the left in your opinion is controlling the AGW argument throughout the entire world ? You’re amazingly ignorant in making the left in the United states so powerful they can control every religion, govt and major corporation……but can’t elect a liberal house.
How did liberals get so powerful and still not have universal healthcare …..sad.

Globalism is a thing. Sheep will follow. That is also a thing. Don't be a sheep.
You need to read a little more. You aren’t Catholic are you ? Gregor Mendel helped pave the way for evolution. That’s in inconvenient isn’t it ? Kind of throws a mi key wrench into your bogus arguments,

Nope, not Catholic.
The left don't believe in climate change we accept it as a scientific fact.
What exactly has changed? All the effects of AGW has so far been to perhap augment some weather events at the extreme ends, Hurricanes, tornados, floods and droughts are not signs of a changing climate. Those are features of our climate.
Seriously, I am talking about the very small sample size scientists are using for analysis and you are talking about the industrial revolution, which was about 250 years ago. Neat, a blip on the timeline that seems to show a rise. The blip is not large enough on the timeline to assume a pattern, thus why scientists have changed their terminology over the last 50 years back and forth from global cooling to global warming and now to climate change. They don’t know because their data is woefully insufficient, however, continuing to investigate this relatively insignificant blip pays well on many levels so they will continue ad infinitim or until we all starve/freeze to death for the supposed sake of the planet.

I believe that God created the entire universe and all its extremely complex mechanisms and organisms which science has not even begun to be able to explain. In the grand scheme of things, we aren’t even scratching the surface in any field of science. Evolution is our best educated guess, minus the actual orgin, of how living organisms have come to be. It has many holes, which scientists hope to fill someday, but at the end of the day, without full context(origin), it is still just a guess, which can often be misleading.

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Nope, not Catholic.
Which Christian sect are you ? Chances are you violate the edicts of your leaders.

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