The religion of the left: Climate Change

Oh so they are corrupt by "they" those pesky controllers of all things. Idiot.

Nope......the government stooges who believe in man made global warming who control the budgeting process in left wing bureaucratic D.C.....
CC is not a belief, that's like believing the Moon orbits the Earth, it's just a scientific fact,belief is not required.

Yep....climate change happens ....without any input from man that effects the world.....locally? Sure...slap down black top and it traps heat....but for the entire planet? That is insane bullshit..........bullshit you idiots simply use to gain money and power.
Yep....climate change happens ....without any input from man that effects the world.....locally? Sure...slap down black top and it traps heat....but for the entire planet? That is insane bullshit..........bullshit you idiots simply use to gain money and power.
Have you got any evidence for your CC denial, I'd like to see it.
Have you got any evidence for your CC denial, I'd like to see it.

I have presented at least two links........and the fact that climate has changed since God created it....without needing any help from men............
Y'all move to Florida. Really. Perfect place for all MAGAts. Highest point is under 400 ft.

Apparently, a lot of left wing assholes are also moving to Florida...seems that not being murdered by democrat party welfare wards of the state, having homeless camp out in front of your home, having criminals rob your place of business weekly, and not having the state take over half your income in taxes is appealing to even leftwing asshats...
CC is not a belief, that's like believing the Moon orbits the Earth, it's just a scientific fact,belief is not required.
Natural or anthropogenic?

First huge clue you are a dufus and shill is you don't distinguish between the two.

Most of we so called "deniers" accept there is natural climate changes and have been ever since there has been climates. (Note the plural because there are several climatic zones on Earth.)

What we don't see to be a scientific "fact" is the human caused/anthropogenic effect on recent climate flux due largely to levels of carbon dioxide ~ CO2. At 400ppm = parts per million, that works out to ONE PART CO2 per 2,500 parts 'other' such as Nitrogen and Oxygen and even Argon (which is large % than CO2).

Only two types advance the case of ACC/AGW;
1) those whom get paid to claim so or see profits to be scammed from such ...
2) Those whom are too stupid to know basic science and will blindly follow~listen to so-called "experts".

It's clear you fall into the latter.
I have presented at least two links........and the fact that climate has changed since God created it....without needing any help from men............
Yeah but right now it is changing very rapidly because of Man's emissions of GHGs.
Natural or anthropogenic?

First huge clue you are a dufus and shill is you don't distinguish between the two.

Most of we so called "deniers" accept there is natural climate changes and have been ever since there has been climates. (Note the plural because there are several climatic zones on Earth.)

What we don't see to be a scientific "fact" is the human caused/anthropogenic effect on recent climate flux due largely to levels of carbon dioxide ~ CO2. At 400ppm = parts per million, that works out to ONE PART CO2 per 2,500 parts 'other' such as Nitrogen and Oxygen and even Argon (which is large % than CO2).

Only two types advance the case of ACC/AGW;
1) those whom get paid to claim so or see profits to be scammed from such ...
2) Those whom are too stupid to know basic science and will blindly follow~listen to so-called "experts".

It's clear you fall into the latter.
So what you are saying is that CO2 is not a GHG when it's been known for over 100 years that it is.
Yeah but right now it is changing very rapidly because of Man's emissions of GHGs. isn't. If it was really a problem, the high priests of your cult...obama and the rest, wouldn't be buying up all the mansions on the coasts...........
Sure. Did you hear Mitch McConnell was just baptized into the cult, as was every university in the world, every military and major corporation. The religion is catching on. So, repugnants are atheists, right .
Bitch McConnell is a globo homo clown. isn't. If it was really a problem, the high priests of your cult...obama and the rest, wouldn't be buying up all the mansions on the coasts...........
How bloody stupid. You right wing really do have a very narrow view of life, who cares where Obama lives, millions of people are threatened by rising sea especially in the Pacific ocean. Where I live you'd struggle to get you house insured in some parts near the coast, South Florida will be the same but the local Nazi Fuhrer down there is still in denial.
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Carlson is an idiot. The left don't believe in climate change we accept it as a scientific fact. It's you denying Chumps who have to believe in what's not happening.

Not many say it isn’t happening, but those of us with some common sense are able to see that this isn’t the first time the earth has experienced a change in the climate. If the earth is as old as scientists say it is, one would think they would consider the fact that the infantesmely small data set used(relative to the the age of the planet) to determine that humans are causing this change, is woefully insufficient to come to such a conclusion.
How bloody stupid. You right wing really do have a very narrow view of life, who cares where Obama lives, millions of people are threatened by rising sea especially in the Pacific ocean. Where I live you'd struggle to get you house insured in some parts near the coast, South Florida will be the same but the local Nazi Fuhrer down there is still in denial.

Could be, it isn’t because of any climate change that we can stop or control.
Not many say it isn’t happening, but those of us with some common sense are able to see that this isn’t the first time the earth has experienced a change in the climate. If the earth is as old as scientists say it is, one would think they would consider the fact that the infantesmely small data set used(relative to the the age of the planet) to determine that humans are causing this change, is woefully insufficient to come to such a conclusion.
You can’t be serious. The so called “ data set is huge”
How fking hilarious it is that bozos with little to no science / math background can come to such conclusions. They are either unaware of their ignorance or their sole intent, like the teabaggers of old, is to just disrupt. Cause really, these
posts are insane.
Could be, it isn’t because of any climate change that we can stop or control.
That’s ridiculous. You seem to trying to cover all the bases of denialism. It’s not happening, if it is we Didn’t cause it, if we did we can’t do anything, and finally, it’s too late which is your goal regardless.
You can’t be serious. The so called “ data set is huge”
How fking hilarious it is that bozos with little to no science / math background can come to such conclusions. They are either unaware of their ignorance or their sole intent, like the teabaggers of old, is to just disrupt. Cause really, these
posts are insane.

They focus on data that is what, 1000 years old at most? Relative to the purported age of the planet, that is TINY.
That’s ridiculous. You seem to trying to cover all the bases of denialism. It’s not happening, if it is we Didn’t cause it, if we did we can’t do anything, and finally, it’s too late which is your goal regardless.

We can’t, much like we had no control over the last Ice Age or the drastic shifts in the oceans due to polar shifting. Yeah, we can’t, duh. They are playing many(including many scientists themselves) like a fiddle and it all revolves around $$$$$.

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