The religion of the left: Climate Change

CC is not a belief, that's like believing the Moon orbits the Earth, it's just a scientific fact,belief is not required.

Not quite .. both the Moon and Earth travel along straight lines through space ... it is space that curves the two around each other ...

Never forget ... gravity is a pseudo-force ... an artifact of our frame-of-reference ... so Einstein says ...
Have you got any evidence for your CC denial, I'd like to see it.

IPCC Report AR5 1WG Fig 12-5 and associated text ... at the more realistic RCP4.5 scenario, we only see 3ºC temperature increase in total due to man's carbon emissions ... which doesn't change climate ...

Instead of -7ºC in Fargo, it will be -4ºC ... same climate ... Humid Continental ...
We can’t, much like we had no control over the last Ice Age or the drastic shifts in the oceans due to polar shifting. Yeah, we can’t, duh. They are playing many(including many scientists themselves) like a fiddle and it all revolves around $$$$$.
That’s kind of dumb. We had no control because there were so few humans and they weren’t burning fossil fuels ( coal, fuel oil) in industries…..What burning that was done was wood which when replaced, mitigated the CO2 by converting it. That’s why managed forest burn for energy is renewable.

The industrial revolution to now shows the highest Rate of change in global warming EVER. Now, look up rate of change.

You non math people think linearly and not exponentially. You have no idea about time and age of our planet vs our industrial revolution. Its hilarious. So, tell us how old the earth is and do you believe in EVOLUTION ???
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That’s kind of dumb. We had no control because there were so few humans and they weren’t burning fossil fuels ( coal, fuel oil) in industries…..What burning that was done was wood which when replaced, mitigated the CO2 by converting it. That’s why managed forest burn for energy is renewable.

The industrial revolution to now shows the highest Rate of change in global warming EVER. Now, look up rate of change.

You non math people think linearly and not exponentially. You have no idea about time and age of our planet vs our industrial revolution. Its hilarious. So, tell us how old the earth is and do you believe in EVOLUTION ???

Tell us how random mutations enhance evolution when the odds of a beneficial mutation are 10^77 to 1
Tell us how random mutations enhance evolution when the odds of a beneficial mutation are 10^77 to 1
Dah…so you do or don’t believe in evolution ? You used the word evolution in your attempt at what, disproving it or proving you’re not a math/science person ?
Not quite .. both the Moon and Earth travel along straight lines through space ... it is space that curves the two around each other ...

Never forget ... gravity is a pseudo-force ... an artifact of our frame-of-reference ... so Einstein says ...
Bull shit, the moon does actually orbit the earth.
IPCC Report AR5 1WG Fig 12-5 and associated text ... at the more realistic RCP4.5 scenario, we only see 3ºC temperature increase in total due to man's carbon emissions ... which doesn't change climate ...

Instead of -7ºC in Fargo, it will be -4ºC ... same climate ... Humid Continental ...
It does change climate, it's doing so right now.
It does change climate, it's doing so right now.

How so ... is not the wind direction the same? ... humidity and pressure? ... show me where rainfall rates have changed over the past 100 years ... climate includes all these factors, and a small change in just one, temperature, is almost meaningless ... why does Fargo's climate change if it's -9ºF today? ... instead of -7ºF ...
Tucker nails it yet again.

The left are a religious cult and have made Climate Change their state religion.

It does seem to me to be a form of religion. No proof needed, just belief on faith. No evidence of anything like it actually happening, but faith in it anyway.

But mainly this kind of belief system, including religion mainly functions as a way to tell allies from foes. It's a sort of loyalty oath: you can't be in the Dem club unless you believe in Global Warming, and if we are Republicans, we can't believe in Global Warming.

Oh, and they have to call it "Climate Change" in case it switches around hot to cold, like in the movie Day After Tomorrow.

All religions serve that function, too. Catholics versus Protestants in Ireland, Christians versus pagans in Scandination 1000 AM, and in Rome earlier. The one that wins kills all the others.
Dah…so you do or don’t believe in evolution ? You used the word evolution in your attempt at what, disproving it or proving you’re not a math/science person ?

Religions require belief; science relies on proofs and never ending testing
Carlson is an idiot. The left don't believe in climate change we accept it as a scientific fact. It's you denying Chumps who have to believe in what's not happening.
Screaming "fact, fact, fact" is all you have. It's pathetic. It's unscientific but you are not intelligent enough to realize that.
Your handlers flew hundreds of Lear Jets to Switzerland to pat each other on the back and tell you panicked lemmings to ride the bus and cut back while they live life very large.

Cult of Climate Change.jpg
Religions require belief; science relies on proofs and never ending testing
That’s a sophomoric way of looking at science and religion, neither of each is complete. Religion requires faith which is belief in the ABSENCE of evidence. In science, there are no “ poofs”. You’re thinking of a closed system like geometry. In science, there are hypotheses and theories after demonstrations and trials, resulting in evidence that supports a usable theory and better understanding of a topic. That’s it. It doesn't get any better. It’s rediculous declaring anything else. Only religion has the luxury of being ”declared” absolutely true, and ultimately wrong.
Screaming "fact, fact, fact" is all you have. It's pathetic. It's unscientific but you are not intelligent enough to realize that.
Your handlers flew hundreds of Lear Jets to Switzerland to pat each other on the back and tell you panicked lemmings to ride the bus and cut back while they live life very large.

View attachment 756330
From the poster who denies the periodic table.
That’s a sophomoric way of looking at science and religion, neither of each is complete. Religion requires faith which is belief in the ABSENCE of evidence. In science, there are no “ poofs”. You’re thinking of a closed system like geometry. In science, there are hypotheses and theories after demonstrations and trials, resulting in evidence that supports a usable theory and better understanding of a topic. That’s it. It doesn't get any better. It’s rediculous declaring anything else. Only religion has the luxury of being ”declared” absolutely true, and ultimately wrong.

But you keep asking why we don't "believe" in climate change and/or evolution?! It sounds like a religion

But you keep asking why we don't "believe" in climate change and/or evolution?! It sounds like a religion

Nope…. Science doesn’t ask you to believe anything. They show evidence as a result of research. You’re welcome to not believe it. But if you’re in a position of authority like the GOP is on occasion, they’d better fking show why they need to Fk with the environment and show their evidence to support it. They never have. In light of every university and climate research facility in the world saying you’re FOS, you go with the odds and say so..
yes, but it’s not a proof. It’s more evidence and understanding how it works and how we can use it. Just like QT replaced Newtonian physics, we still use Newtonian physics

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