The report of prison conditions for the January 6 protesters

And you just cannot admit that FOX NEWS has lied to you.
Murdoch even acknowledges that his late night hosts are LYING to their audience.
The MAGAtards are way too far gone mentally to allow reality to impinge on their delusions at this point. It would literally put their lives in peril to face the truth. They might kill themselves upon realizing how easily and deeply they have been gaslighted.

But at least the QAnon Shaman came to his senses. He is totally disillusioned with Trump now.
The detainees list several issues. The conditions allegedly include no religious services or visitations, "black mold" and "worms" on the jail's walls and in food, abuse by guards, and vaccine requirements for visits and other services. They also say their clothing sent to laundry is returned covered in "brown stains, pubic hair and or reeking of ripe urine." And they say they've lost eyesight and hair because of "malnourishment.

Fellow Americans this tiny percentage of them who supports the imprisonment of what are mostly peaceful j 6 protesters have continued to believe in the lies such as that “if the j 6 protesters were all black they would be shot. “

Shot by who by the way? by the Capitol Hill police who are black including some who were wearing trumps hats and positively interacting with the crowd?

Right now there is a small percentage of Americans who are completely and utterly brainwashed by people like Chuck Schumer, Bennie Thompson by these types of beasts who do not care about you. They have no care about you they only care about getting more money.

Well in the BLM riots it was the BLM criminals consisting of white and black Americans who represent a tiny tiny portion of Americans …. murdered over 25 people causing billions of dollars worth of damage and including damage to the government buildings. Meanwhile on January 6 the capitol building was not damaged. The protesters killed no one …And there was only a few cases of fistfights that’s it.

In the case of our Lord, in the case of Christianity you just wonder what kind of people are those that support this brutal imprisonment of fellow Americans from j 6 again the vast majority of them walking around the Capitol building peacefully. There’s no more excuses. The Hypocrisy is of stunning levels.

we can all together believe in freedom and we’re starting to see this …more and more Americans are waking up because of the tucker Carlson videos because of the new evidence. it’s a beautiful thing when freedom prevails of over tyranny

Feel that. That’s the power of positive thinking and God towering over the evil that the January 6 committee represents… What an amazing feeling of freedom.

Freedom of speech, American values and equality among man is prevailing over the January 6 committee.

Thank you to Tucker Carlson again.
BS. Who cares? They should not have attacked the Capital, like Un-American scum.

I am shocked, shocked, at the way they are treating our white people in the DC jail!
Most J6 lockup victims are 1st time offenders non-violent offense (usually a ticket and a fine), being tortured as much as possible (Political Persecution).

95% of BLM & ANTIFA go free after 2 years of riots. Burning FED or Police buildings in Portland repeatedly. Burning Treasured Church in DC, trying to go over fence into WH............Minneapolis, ATL, WISC, NY 1000s' cop cars burned., businesses destroyed. $100B damages over two years. Nary a peep outa Commee Politicians and Courts.

Everything is Upside down. The MSM and DC must be held accountable for this Coup, funneling Money to Ukraine, Stolen Elections and Great reset. Sedition or Treason. take your pick..

Many of them are incarcerated simply for being in DC that day.

There goes the tourist industry if it's now a crime to visit what used to be our nation's capitol.

And you just cannot admit that FOX NEWS has lied to you.
Murdoch even acknowledges that his late night hosts are LYING to their audience.
I have no interest in watching Tucker, and I've not watched the last two evenings. Ironically, the more reaction there is to Tucker's coverage, the larger audience it will draw; regardless, I keep seeing naysayers indicate lies .. lies .. lies. Do you have an example of a lie you would share?
So holding people for TWO YEARS in pre-trial detention for misdemeanors is SOP?....Where?
So, I guess you won't be able to mount another attack on the capital when you lose again next time, unless willing to live with what you think is unfair incarceration. Tough sh#t. I hope you people learned from your mistake, losing the election and losing the attempt to take the capital to change it.

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