The Republican case against Biden is fizzling

Who won the 2020 US presidential election?
Not Sloppy Joe but a cabal of corrupt FBI, DOJ retrogrades and similarly corrupt Dem / Marxist cast of clowns manipulating a leftist media which acted as bagmen for Dems / Marxists.

Poll results show clearly that had the public been aware of the lies, slander and falsehoods pressed as a part of the Russia collusion fraud perpetrated by the Dems / Marxists, the results would have been different.
That's really the remarkable part. The very people who voted in the Dems / Marxists who brought crime, drugs, homelessness, illegals to their cities are now the people living in the pig styes they voted for.
Those that can afford to, are fleeing…the last time we saw an exodus like this Stalin had to build a wall…expect the demafacist to use similar tactics…
Dems / Marxists tend not to understand that interest rates resulting from their tax and spend policies and deficit spending have caused everything from morgage rates, to loan rates for cars and home improvements to credit card payments to skyrocket. Real earnings have decreased for more than two years.

From what to what?

Keep in mind that mortgage rates under Reagan were over 10%
Not Sloppy Joe but a cabal of corrupt FBI, DOJ retrogrades and similarly corrupt Dem / Marxist cast of clowns manipulating a leftist media which acted as bagmen for Dems / Marxists.

Poll results show clearly that had the public been aware of the lies, slander and falsehoods pressed as a part of the Russia collusion fraud perpetrated by the Dems / Marxists, the results would have been different.
And all because you say so.

In adult company such logorrhea would subject the speaker to a sound thrashing.

Here it must be treated as an opinion, valid as any other.

This is why America is no longer great.

From what to what?

Keep in mind that mortgage rates under Reagan were over 10%
Keep in mind Reagan is not president.

Keep in mind that fixed rate mortgages are hovering at nearly 7%. Oh, and did you know that Sloppy Joe wants people who are responsible with their finances to pay additional money to subsidize high risk borrowers?

Ain't ''equity' just grand?
Yes but under Reagan they dropped…under xiden they have climbed

Looks like they've leveled off well below the 10+% of the Reagan years

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