The Republican Embrace of Louis Farrakhan

The Arabs provide far more charity than the Israelis and they haven't been getting foreign aid since 1948. Stop making excuses and do the right thing.
Zakat is NOT CHARITY-----it can be used ONLY
IN THE INTEREST OF ISLAM -----even the extorted
filth called JIZYA is used ONLY IN THE INTEREST OF
Stop with the lies, rosie..

Struggle and Solidarity: Writing Toward Palestinian Liberation

Struggle and Solidarity: Writing Toward Palestinian Liberation
Iam a first-generation American. My Jewish parents fled Germany as the horrors of the Holocaust were unfolding. They left behind family who perished in camps and were killed as they fled from their homes while being chased and shot at by Nazis.

My great-grandfather, grandfather and father had a thriving butcher business in Frankfurt. They lived in the apartment building next to the butcher shop. My father always said he barely realized he was Jewish until Hitler arrived. It was always Deutschland über alles.

My mother’s family were wheat traders in Wetzlar. After the rise of Hitler, my mother fled Germany first so that she could learn the language in her new country and make enough money to bring over her parents and brother. They came to the U.S. without much money and like many, had to build a life from the bottom up.

Once the war was over, Germany gave my father reparations for the loss of his business as well as for the crime of persecution. He received a monthly check until his death at the age of 91. Both of my parents were welcomed back by the German government and told they could get their passports and citizenship returned.

Those born to Holocaust survivors who can prove that their father was forced from his homeland between the years 1933-1945 have the right to become German citizens along with all of their children, grandchildren and all future progeny forever. Last year, my children, grandchildren and I became German citizens, and were given European passports.

As I think about my own family and its history, I wonder why the 750,000 Palestinians forced from their homes and land in 1948 when Israel was founded are not entitled to the same treatment my family received after WWII ended. But the war on Palestinians was never over. Instead, Israel continues to this day its policy of ethnic cleansing, as evidenced by the current expulsions in Sheikh Jarrah and other parts of East Jerusalem.

B’Tselem, a human rights organization in Israel, and Human Rights Watch have documented and denounced the continuing maltreatment of Palestinians by the Israeli government and the settler movement, including the confiscation of Palestinians’ lands and houses; the restrictions on movement; the limitations on rights of free speech and assembly; the denial of building permits; the denial of many basic civil rights and the terrorizing by Jewish settler extremists backed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Human Rights Watch has concluded that conduct toward the Palestinians amounts to persecution and apartheid, which are crimes against humanity under international law.

It is somewhat ironic that thousands of Jews in Israel are getting reparations and passports from Germany because of expulsion, loss of property and persecution, yet Israel will not allow Palestinians to return to a land from which they were expelled.
the above is a typical piece of islamo nazi excrement. NO JEWS get "reparations" simply
for a family history of living in Germany or the lands
in which the nazis murdered jews. Reparations are
It is not at all "IRONIC" that islamo nazis and their
supporters make the claim of "we lived there so we
by conquest, rape, murder and oppression is
SHARIAH LAW and the teachings of the rapist pig.
I am all for REPARATIONS for confiscated property--
the islamic world OWES LOTS
Zakat is NOT CHARITY-----it can be used ONLY
IN THE INTEREST OF ISLAM -----even the extorted
filth called JIZYA is used ONLY IN THE INTEREST OF

The Saudis give more foreign aid per capita than the US. Zakat is charity and giving alms is fundamental to Islam.

Jizya was only paid by able-bodied men who opted out of defending the community.
The Saudis give more foreign aid per capita than the US. Zakat is charity and giving alms is fundamental to Islam.

Jizya was only paid by able-bodied men who opted out of defending the community.
Jizya was paid by DHIMMIS----to wit non muslims
and had NOTHING TO DO WITH "opting out of
defending the community" That which suradie by
DESPERATELY REFERS is a kind of RARE instance of
Jizya lifted in cases of actual SIGNIFICANT participation by dhimmis in the filth of Jihad. Hubby
was born in Arabia and his beleaguered community had been living there for more than 1000 years before the tragedy of ISLAM HAPPENED TO THEM. As Suradie knows or SHOULD KNOW----Dhimmis were
COMPLETELY DENIED the use of aramaments or even
the right to use the vehicles of war----to wit, horses and camels------she likes to play STUPID
LOL you have been shown DOZENS of examples of Muslim rape murder and massacre and you refuse to comment on them, there are literally THPUSANDS od examples of Muslim attacks on Israeli citizens and you refuse to acknowledge them.
She’s truly deranged. I showed her dozens of massacres on Jews by Muslims, noting how she ignores any horrific wrongdoings by her beloved antisemitic Muslims and instead goes right back to isolated incidents of Jewish incidents, and what is her response? She ignores the the dozens of examples, and goes right back to the Jewish incidents.

Unfortunately, this is the level of antisemitic insanity becoming more and more prevalent on the left (while they ironically claim how opposed they are to prejudice against blacks).
from rosie to suradie-----you accused me of lying,
suradie----can you provide an example of my "lie" ?
When Jewish Space Lasers just are not quite crazy enough...

That is your best "explanation" of how 600F burning jet fuel produced 2200F molten steel in the South Tower....

Commander Worf fired phasers at the wrong target...

That is your best "explanation" of how 600F burning jet fuel produced 2200F molten steel in the South Tower....

Commander Worf fired phasers at the wrong target...
  • FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800 to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, not hot enough to melt steel (2750 degrees Fahrenheit). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need to melt, they just had to lose some of their structural strength—and that required exposure to much less heat.
  • Debunking the 9/11 Myths: The World Trade Center.
Steel will start collapsing at 1400 degrees.........Jet fuel can burn that hot..........If you have never seen a major fire and what it probably will continue to believe the hype..........We had a major fire in a refinery once where I work.........the steel was twisted and too the ground after it was over.....And this steel had fire retardent on it as well.

In regards to burning steel...........Once it starts burning you aren't ever gonna put it out. It will BURN FOREVER..........Class Delta Fire.
  • FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800 to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, not hot enough to melt steel (2750 degrees Fahrenheit). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need to melt, they just had to lose some of their structural strength—and that required exposure to much less heat.
  • Debunking the 9/11 Myths: The World Trade Center.
Steel will start collapsing at 1400 degrees.........Jet fuel can burn that hot..........If you have never seen a major fire and what it probably will continue to believe the hype..........We had a major fire in a refinery once where I work.........the steel was twisted and too the ground after it was over.....And this steel had fire retardent on it as well.

In regards to burning steel...........Once it starts burning you aren't ever gonna put it out. It will BURN FOREVER..........Class Delta Fire.
Fret not----not ALL american people passed high school chemistry and physics

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