The Republican Embrace of Louis Farrakhan

Interesting. In looking up the Lavon prank (Suradie has to go all the way back to 1954 to find an incident, I see….she is surr in a crusade against the Jew country), I came across another example of how the antisemitic Muslims are always having to paint Israel as the bas country: this one was claiming Israel sent them dead insects with virus.

On a broader scale, the crap Suradie is pulling as part of her anti-Israel crusade aligns with the usual leftist trend to blame good people and defend bad people.
Interesting. In looking up the Lavon prank (Suradie has to go all the way back to 1954 to find an incident, I see….she is surr in a crusade against the Jew country), I came across another example of how the antisemitic Muslims are always having to paint Israel as the bas country: this one was claiming Israel sent them dead insects with virus.

On a broader scale, the crap Suradie is pulling as part of her anti-Israel crusade aligns with the usual leftist trend to blame good people and defend bad people.


The Defense Minister released a collection of documents on Thursday from more than 50 years ago relating to the Lavon Affair. Code-named Operation Susannah by IDF military intelligence, it involved a Jewish terror cell in Egypt that was sought to undermine Cairo’s relations with the United States and Britain. The newly released documents show that the head of the IDF Intelligence Corps, Binyamin Gibli, made major but unsuccessful efforts to clear his name over the matter.

The top 5 times Israeli policy shot itself in the foot
1955: Egypt executes two Israeli saboteurs
Mossad takes pride in one of its worst debacles
The cell, whose members were arrested in the summer of 1954, had planned to plant bombs in movie houses, a post office, and U.S. institutions in Cairo and Alexandria, making it look like the bombs were the work of Egyptians. Then-Prime Minister Moshe Sharett apparently had no advance knowledge of the operation, but it forced the resignation of then-Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon.
WHATEVER, you Jew-hater. You are going all the way back 70 years to a single incident in your crusade against Jews??

What about the fact that your fellow Muslims in Arab countries murdered 1,000 Jews in the 1940s - and this after Hitler had just finished wiping out 6 million of them - which triggered a mass exodus of Jews throughout the Middle East?

You downplayed the decades-long fleeing of Jews from their native lands, in which Muslims ended up with their property and land, as “the Jews left.” The Jews FLED!

I‘ve had it with you sanctimonious liberals who go on and on about how we have to help the poor victimized blacks, and how awful this racist country is, and then so freely spew antisemitic things about Jews!

Odd, but this thread started out about Farrakhan - the most notorious antisemite alive (and ironically, one who cries about bigotry against blacks) - and yet antisemitic libersls have hijacked it to dump on the Jew Country.
I'm not a Muslim..

The Lavon Affair - Jewish Virtual Library
The Lavon Affair is a spy story in Israel’s early years that left a nasty mark on the young state, with reverberations for the following 20 years. ... They learned how to make delayed action devices, letter bombs, and the intricacies of photography. In early 1952, most of them secretly came to Israel to learn sabotage and underground ...

[PDF]Bulletin 5 of the Atomic Scientists
The Lavon Affair: How a false-flag operation led to war and the Israeli bomb Leonard Weiss Abstract The Lavon Affair, a failed Israeli covert operation directed against Egypt in 1954, triggered a chain of events that have had profound consequences for power relationships in the Middle East; the affairs effects still reverberate today.
"I'm not a Muslim.." << from suradie. The people who inundated my childhood town with islamo-nazi
propaganda were not muslims either. I learned about the Lavon prank from their delightful literature
plus MORE as I grew older. "triggered a chain of
events....." is a really WEAK argument no matter who
made it. The "CHAIN" started long ago ---even before Muhummad's bevy of sluts giggled as the
minions of the rapist pig dragged teenaged boys
of Yathrib to entertain his sluts by knocking their
heads off----the islamic version of the AUTO DE FE


The Defense Minister released a collection of documents on Thursday from more than 50 years ago relating to the Lavon Affair. Code-named Operation Susannah by IDF military intelligence, it involved a Jewish terror cell in Egypt that was sought to undermine Cairo’s relations with the United States and Britain. The newly released documents show that the head of the IDF Intelligence Corps, Binyamin Gibli, made major but unsuccessful efforts to clear his name over the matter.

The top 5 times Israeli policy shot itself in the foot
1955: Egypt executes two Israeli saboteurs
Mossad takes pride in one of its worst debacles
The cell, whose members were arrested in the summer of 1954, had planned to plant bombs in movie houses, a post office, and U.S. institutions in Cairo and Alexandria, making it look like the bombs were the work of Egyptians. Then-Prime Minister Moshe Sharett apparently had no advance knowledge of the operation, but it forced the resignation of then-Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon.
Yeah? so? how many islamic political heads are
going to roll because a 14 year old muslimah slut
stuck a knife in the back of a jewish mother as she
walked her kids to school-----the muslimah slut did not toss a harmless smoke bomb. The bitch with
the knife will probably be PAID BIG by the minions
of the rapist pig
Yeah? so? how many islamic political heads are
going to roll because a 14 year old muslimah slut
stuck a knife in the back of a jewish mother as she
walked her kids to school-----the muslimah slut did not toss a harmless smoke bomb. The bitch with
the knife will probably be PAID BIG by the minions
of the rapist pig

They killed 107 men, women and children at Deir Yassin in 1948 and then they killed the livestock. Ariel Sharon was the hero in that event.

Deir Yassin Massacre (1948) - University of Arizona

Document B The 1948 War Deir Yassin Massacre Deir Yassin Massacre (1948) Early in the morning of April 9, 1948, commandos of the Irgun (headed by Menachem Begin) and the Stern Gang attacked Deir Yassin, a village with about 750 Palestinian residents. The village lay outside of the area to be assigned by the United Nations to the Jewish State ...
They killed 107 men, women and children at Deir Yassin in 1948 and then they killed the livestock. Ariel Sharon was the hero in that event.

Deir Yassin Massacre (1948) - University of Arizona

Document B The 1948 War Deir Yassin Massacre Deir Yassin Massacre (1948) Early in the morning of April 9, 1948, commandos of the Irgun (headed by Menachem Begin) and the Stern Gang attacked Deir Yassin, a village with about 750 Palestinian residents. The village lay outside of the area to be assigned by the United Nations to the Jewish State ...
really? I did not know that Sharon was involved
in that battle. Did you notice that Israeli soldiers
died too? <of course not> Are you aware of
the Fact that Deir Yassin was involved in your all
time FAVE islamic pass time-----the STARVATION
SIEGE of the jewish population of East Jerusalem?
you seem to have left that part out in your JOY
at dancing on the dead bodies of starved
children as in the MANY other instances of
starvation sieges (like the murder of more than
a million Biafran children, the murder of fleeing
hindu children from the islamic cesspit how called
"bangla desh" Are you salivating at the
thought of dead kids for the GLORY OF THE
RAPIST PIG? ----talk to a zoroastrian
really? I did not know that Sharon was involved
in that battle. Did you notice that Israeli soldiers
died too? <of course not> Are you aware of
the Fact that Deir Yassin was involved in your all
time FAVE islamic pass time-----the STARVATION
SIEGE of the jewish population of East Jerusalem?
you seem to have left that part out in your JOY
at dancing on the dead bodies of starved
children as in the MANY other instances of
starvation sieges (like the murder of more than
a million Biafran children, the murder of fleeing
hindu children from the islamic cesspit how called
"bangla desh" Are you salivating at the
thought of dead kids for the GLORY OF THE
RAPIST PIG? ----talk to a zoroastrian
How can you even TALK with that brainwashed Muslim? To her, the Arabs can do no wrong.

I just can’t get past how liberals can base their entire campaign on how awful America is to blacks….and blacks are victimized…..and blacks are oppressed by people racist against them….and then spew their bigotry against Jews!

Also, these things are aligned, and the more Muslims that America welcomes in, and the more that elected Democrats - and their antisemitic base - rally in defense of antisemitic Muslims like Omar and Tliab, despite what they say or do, the more antisemitism will spread in the Democrat Party.
really? I did not know that Sharon was involved
in that battle. Did you notice that Israeli soldiers
died too? <of course not> Are you aware of
the Fact that Deir Yassin was involved in your all
time FAVE islamic pass time-----the STARVATION
SIEGE of the jewish population of East Jerusalem?
you seem to have left that part out in your JOY
at dancing on the dead bodies of starved
children as in the MANY other instances of
starvation sieges (like the murder of more than
a million Biafran children, the murder of fleeing
hindu children from the islamic cesspit how called
"bangla desh" Are you salivating at the
thought of dead kids for the GLORY OF THE
RAPIST PIG? ----talk to a zoroastrian

The Zionist terror gangs attacked the wrong village... They were lead by Ariel Sharon.

Eisenhower was so pissed he threated to stop all food aid to Israel.

Deir Yassin Remembered 2002: Full text of Gerald Kaufman's ...
In 1948, the Palestinians denounced what they described as a massacre in the village of Deir Yassin.

It was denied that there was such a massacre, but it was later officially established by the incoming Israeli Government that 254 Palestinians had been murdered wantonly by Begin's Irgun and the Stern gang, led by Yitzhak Shamir--later, like Begin and Sharon, a Likud Prime Minister.
How can you even TALK with that brainwashed Muslim? To her, the Arabs can do no wrong.

I just can’t get past how liberals can base their entire campaign on how awful America is to blacks….and blacks are victimized…..and blacks are oppressed by people racist against them….and then spew their bigotry against Jews!

Also, these things are aligned, and the more Muslims that America welcomes in, and the more that elected Democrats - and their antisemitic base - rally in defense of antisemitic Muslims like Omar and Tliab, despite what they say or do, the more antisemitism will spread in the Democrat Party.

You don't know anything about Israel.
How can you even TALK with that brainwashed Muslim? To her, the Arabs can do no wrong.

I just can’t get past how liberals can base their entire campaign on how awful America is to blacks….and blacks are victimized…..and blacks are oppressed by people racist against them….and then spew their bigotry against Jews!

Also, these things are aligned, and the more Muslims that America welcomes in, and the more that elected Democrats - and their antisemitic base - rally in defense of Muslims, despite what they say or do, the more antisemitism will spread in the Democrat Party.

It is a "DEMOCRAT THING" only lately and IMO---
an aberration. The pro-islamonazi pigs town of
my childhood was dense republican and largely
the descendants of a EPISCOPALIANS (that is---
Anglicans) It was located in one of the original
13 colonies
Qibya massacre - Wikipedia
The Qibya massacre occurred during "Operation Shoshana", a reprisal operation that occurred in October 1953 when Israeli troops under Ariel Sharon attacked the village of Qibya in the West Bank.

At least sixty-nine Palestinian villagers were killed, two-thirds of them women and children. Forty-five houses, a school, and a mosque were destroyed. The attack followed cross-border raids from the Jordani…
The Zionist terror gangs attacked the wrong village... They were lead by Ariel Sharon.

Eisenhower was so pissed he threated to stop all food aid to Israel.

Deir Yassin Remembered 2002: Full text of Gerald Kaufman's ...
In 1948, the Palestinians denounced what they described as a massacre in the village of Deir Yassin.

It was denied that there was such a massacre, but it was later officially established by the incoming Israeli Government that 254 Palestinians had been murdered wantonly by Begin's Irgun and the Stern gang, led by Yitzhak Shamir--later, like Begin and Sharon, a Likud Prime Minister.
read it again oh SEMI-LITERATE. The fact that
Begin and Sharon were both of the LIKUD party
does not make Sharon a player in the Deir Yassin
Battle against the village complicit in the starvation
Siege of East Jerusalem. Arabs living in Judea at
at that time were not YET being called "PALESTINIAN" -----Politically----the people of the
MAPAI PARTY actually hated Begin and the IRGUN
and the "STERN GANG"------SO? gee,
you are remarkably ignorant of simple facts
It is a "DEMOCRAT THING" only lately and IMO---
an aberration. The pro-islamonazi pigs town of
my childhood was dense republican and largely
the descendants of a EPISCOPALIANS (that is---
Anglicans) It was located in one of the original
13 colonies
Yes, I agree with the “lately.” My family were staunch Democrats while I was growing up, and the party was strongly pro-Israel.

What has happened is that today‘s Democrats have divided the world into oppressed and oppressors, and the way they determine who falls into which category is based on if they are living successful lives. There is never any allowance made for the fact that they are living successful lives due to their own responsible life decisions, and positive traits such as discipline, motivation, intelligence, and so forth.

All Dems know that if people are successful, they must be the oppressors, and if they are failures, it’s because others are oppressing them. That’s what Dems are soft on black criminals, for example. It’s also why they defend illegal aliens. On the flip side, it’s why they say nasty things about Jews, and feel free making awful decisions against Asians, such as limiting their admission to Harvard because of their personalities.
read it again oh SEMI-LITERATE. The fact that
Begin and Sharon were both of the LIKUD party
does not make Sharon a player in the Deir Yassin
Battle against the village complicit in the starvation
Siege of East Jerusalem. Arabs living in Judea at
at that time were not YET being called "PALESTINIAN" -----Politically----the people of the
MAPAI PARTY actually hated Begin and the IRGUN
and the "STERN GANG"------SO? gee,
you are remarkably ignorant of simple facts

The Demonization of Ariel Sharon - HonestReporting
Feb 14, 2010 · Qibya In October 1953, Ariel Sharon led Israeli troops in an attack on the West Bank town of Qibya in retaliation for the killing of three Israelis near Tel Aviv two days before. The attack resulted in the near total destruction of the town and the deaths of 69 civilians.
Qibya massacre - Wikipedia
The Qibya massacre occurred during "Operation Shoshana", a reprisal operation that occurred in October 1953 when Israeli troops under Ariel Sharon attacked the village of Qibya in the West Bank.

At least sixty-nine Palestinian villagers were killed, two-thirds of them women and children. Forty-five houses, a school, and a mosque were destroyed. The attack followed cross-border raids from the Jordani…
I see you‘re picking one or two incidences thar were made against Arabs,

Anything to say about the dozens of anti-Jew massacres and pograms carried out by your fellow Jew-hating Muslims, like these?
Return of the Terrorist: The Crimes of Ariel Sharon : Indybay
Aug 04, 2003 · In October of 1953 came the attack by Sharon's unit 101 on the Jordanian village of Qibya, whose "stain" Israel's foreign minister at the time, Moshe Sharett, confided to his diary "would stick to us and not be washed away for many years". He was wrong. Though even strongly pro-Israel commentators in the West compared it to Lidice, Qibya and Sharon's role are scarcely evoked in the West today ...
You don't know anything about Israel.
You got a LINK to demonstrate the veracity of your
ARDENT claim that the fight with the filth of the
terrorist arab village Deir Yassin was headed by
Arial Sharon? I cannot find that "fact".
-----you know lots of STANDARD islamo-nazi
You got a LINK to demonstrate the veracity of your
ARDENT claim that the fight with the filth of the
terrorist arab village Deir Yassin was headed by
Arial Sharon? I cannot find that "fact".
-----you know lots of STANDARD islamo-nazi
Don’t fall for what she’s trying to get you to do: defend Israel in an effort to deflect away from the dozens of heinous massacres carried about by Arabs against Jews! It’s a classic leftist debating tactic.
I see you‘re picking one or two incidences thar were made against Arabs,

Anything to say about the dozens of anti-Jew massacres and pograms carried out by your fellow Jew-hating Muslims, like these?

The Israelis invaded both Syria and Lebanon frequently to steal topsoil.. They killed farmers who armed themselves with hoes and rakes.

This was reported by BBC, VOA on a weekly basis.. If you think everyone is lying except Israel, read Moshe Dayan or Sharett... or read up on Ariel Sharon's military unit #101.

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