The Republican Embrace of Louis Farrakhan

You called the Lavon affair a prank.. Israel was getting foreign aid from the US when she played that prank that drove Nasser into the arms of the Soviets. They were also getting US foreign aid when they betrayed Reagan. Savage betryals.
BAATHIST PIG----long before the Lavon
Prank which was carefully and successfully
planned to cause no deaths-----sorta like the
CENTER (in the islamic mind) and the massacre
by the PIG in Khaybar
Surada is just deflecting because on post 158 she stated that Israel is the cause of war in the Middle East which is absolute nonsense and I called her on it by pointing out someof the other wars that occurred in the Middle East that had absolutely nothing to do with Israel…She loves to blame Israel but really secretly the Jews for all ills . She can hide behind attacking that state so she can come across as being fair minded… lol ….pretty funny as her hatred is out here for all to see and observe…It is rather humorous as I catch her time and time again but She is a one trick pony who keeps harping on it on every different thread she visits … Further she claims to be Christian from Libya but has been all over the Middle East . She is using Taqiyya to try to promote her views which is half truths lies and distortions which is a tried and true method of the Muslim faith….Further if I was to make an educated quess as to where she really is from I would say Pakistan, India or Bangladesh or there about because of her name which derives from India and when I mentioned the Hindu Kush where no Hindus live because they were either enslaved or pushed out or slaughtered by the Muslims who now control the area she glossed over that fact and ignored it…No Surada has hijacked this thread and every other one she can to post anti Israel and anti Jewish sentiments plus she/ he floods all the threads to coverup when caught or called on her nonsense…
Surada is just deflecting because on post 158 she stated that Israel is the cause of war in the Middle East which is absolute nonsense and I called her on it by pointing out someof the other wars that occurred in the Middle East that had absolutely nothing to do with Israel…She loves to blame Israel but really secretly the Jews for all ills . She can hide behind attacking that state so she can come across as being fair minded… lol ….pretty funny as her hatred is out here for all to see and observe…It is rather humorous as I catch her time and time again but She is a one trick pony who keeps harping on it on every different thread she visits … Further she claims to be Christian from Libya but has been all over the Middle East . She is using Taqiyya to try to promote her views which is half truths lies and distortions which is a tried and true method of the Muslim faith….Further if I was to make an educated quess as to where she really is from I would say Pakistan, India or Bangladesh or there about because of her name which derives from India and when I mentioned the Hindu Kush where no Hindus live because they were either enslaved or pushed out or slaughtered by the Muslims who now control the area she glossed over that fact and ignored it…No Surada has hijacked this thread and every other one she can to post anti Israel and anti Jewish sentiments plus she/ he floods all the threads to coverup when caught or called on her nonsense…

I wouldn’t even say she “secretly” hates the Jews. She has made no secret of her disdain, and when crapping all over Israel, she often “slips” and makes hostile comments about Jews in general.

In a way, that’s good: she demonstrates the overlap between Israel-hate and Jew-hate. In most cases, anti-Israel sentiment is driven by antisemitism.
What have Jews said about Jesus and Christians? I'm not holding a grudge.

Muhammad's views on Jews - Wikipedia
The Islamic prophet Muhammad's views on Jews were formed through the contact he had with Jewish tribes living in and around Medina.His views on Jews include his theological teaching of them as People of the Book (Ahl al-Kitab), his description of them as earlier receivers of Abrahamic revelation; and the failed political alliances between the Muslim and Jewish communities.
for what jews SAY about Jesus ----I advise Suradie
to go to synagogues ----and LISTEN to the "sermons" a few hundred times.-----LISTEN CAREFULLY and try to pay CLOSE ATTENTION-----
If you hear the word "Jesus" or "christian"---
YOU WILL WIN A PRIZE. ----then attend one dozen
Khutbah Jumaat feces flings
for what jews SAY about Jesus ----I advise Suradie
to go to synagogues ----and LISTEN to the "sermons" a few hundred times.-----LISTEN CAREFULLY and try to pay CLOSE ATTENTION-----
If you hear the word "Jesus" or "christian"---
YOU WILL WIN A PRIZE. ----then attend one dozen
Khutbah Jumaat feces flings
Great point. I’ve been going to the synagogue for more than 60 years, including Shabbos services, holidays, holiday parties, Hebrew School, Sunday school, other classes as an adult, and so forth. I just did a quick estimate: figuring at least 5 times per month, or 60 synagogue visits a year, x 63 years, equals almost 3,800 times to synagogue. Never in class… books… sermons…..did the word “Jesus” or “Christian” every appear.

Now pick up a copy of the Quran or the New Testament, and see what they have to say about Jews. Hint: not nice things.
You called the Lavon affair a prank.. Israel was getting foreign aid from the US when she played that prank that drove Nasser into the arms of the Soviets. They were also getting US foreign aid when they betrayed Reagan. Savage betryals.
the Lavon prank happened in the early to mid 1950s---anyone know just what "FOREIGN AID" from the US to Israel consisted of? The islamo nazi literature that I read in the mid 1950s evinced HYSTERIA because the aid US housewives donated to Israeli orphanages was (<GASP>) tax-deductable ---my mom donated two dollars per year. Israel
"betrayed" Reagan too?
the Lavon prank happened in the early to mid 1950s---anyone know just what "FOREIGN AID" from the US to Israel consisted of? The islamo nazi literature that I read in the mid 1950s evinced HYSTERIA because the aid US housewives donated to Israeli orphanages was (<GASP>) tax-deductable ---my mom donated two dollars per year. Israel
"betrayed" Reagan too?

Time to face facts.

Total U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel (1949-Present)
75 rows · U.S. aid to the Middle East has always been one-sided in favor of Israel. Israel doesn’t need U.S. military assistance. U.S. aid subsidizes Israeli defense contractors at the expense of American industry. 1 Military aid: 1959-1973 (Loans); 1974-1984 (Loans & Grants); 1984-Present (Grants). 2 Other defense funds are separate from military ...
Time to face facts.

Total U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel (1949-Present)
75 rows · U.S. aid to the Middle East has always been one-sided in favor of Israel. Israel doesn’t need U.S. military assistance. U.S. aid subsidizes Israeli defense contractors at the expense of American industry. 1 Military aid: 1959-1973 (Loans); 1974-1984 (Loans & Grants); 1984-Present (Grants). 2 Other defense funds are separate from military ...
ROFLMAO----just what FACT do you imagine in
your allah al nabi mind did you present? The
LAVON prank happened before 1959. I read the
Islamo nazi propaganda of the 1950s from the late
1950s ---and counting. I also spoke to the victims
of that filth from the late 1960s and counting.......
Ie. the crap upon which you, TOO, were suckled, to
wit, medical school graduates from Southeast
Asia-------of the Islamic persuasion. You are
ROFLMAO----just what FACT do you imagine in
your allah al nabi mind did you present? The
LAVON prank happened before 1959. I read the
Islamo nazi propaganda of the 1950s from the late
1950s ---and counting. I also spoke to the victims
of that filth from the late 1960s and counting.......
Ie. the crap upon which you, TOO, were suckled, to
wit, medical school graduates from Southeast
Asia-------of the Islamic persuasion. You are

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia

The Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954.

As part of the false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to deton…
ROFLMAO----just what FACT do you imagine in
your allah al nabi mind did you present? The
LAVON prank happened before 1959. I read the
Islamo nazi propaganda of the 1950s from the late
1950s ---and counting. I also spoke to the victims
of that filth from the late 1960s and counting.......
Ie. the crap upon which you, TOO, were suckled, to
wit, medical school graduates from Southeast
Asia-------of the Islamic persuasion. You are
Rosie, you do realize that Surada‘s antisemitism is driving her hatred of the Jew country, I hope. It’s the same thing with 95% of all the Israel haters, the majority of which are in the Democrat Party.


The Lavon Affair was a dramatic and divisive political crisis that shook the entire Israeli political system, led to the resignation of prime minister David Ben-Gurion in July 1963, and caused major shifts in political alignments in the state. Its roots lay in what the Israeli press nicknamed Esek ha-Bish (the "Mishap").

A dormant group of Israeli-trained Egyptian Jews who were prepared for missions of espionage and sabotage in the event of war were ill-advisedly activated in June 1954 under orders from Colonel Benjamin Gibli (Givly), the head of the Intelligence Division of the Israeli Defense Forces. They were instructed to detonate firebombs in a few U.S. and British cultural institutions in Cairo and Alexandria in order to disrupt the negotiations, which were nearing conclusion, on the evacuation of British troops from bases along the Suez Canal.

The group was captured by Egyptian security services. Two of the leading saboteurs were sentenced and hanged, an Israeli spy committed suicide in prison, and the others were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment.
Rosie, you do realize that Surada‘s antisemitism is driving her hatred of the Jew country, I hope. It’s the same thing with 95% of all the Israel haters, the majority of which are in the Democrat Party.

Do you also think the Lavon affair was a prank?
Do you also think the Lavon affair was a prank?
I’m staying out of it because I never heard of it. I do see that you’re linking to WIKI as a source, and WIKI is liberal. Thus, they will side with Muslims against Jews.

Regardless, even it is was something bad that Israel did, every country has some bad incidents in its history. There is NO end to the horrible things the Muslim countries have done, yet you in your bias - as do all antisemites - focus solely on any wrongdoing of Israel’s and ignore, downplay, or outright lie about the much worse wrongdoings of the Arabs.

In fact, the double standard you apply where Israel is concerned is one of the “tells” of an antisemite.
Do you also think the Lavon affair was a prank?
I’m staying out of it because I never heard of it. I do see that you’re linking to WIKI as a source, and WIKI is liberal. Thus, they will side with Muslims against Jews.

Regardless, even it is was something bad that Israel did, every country has some bad incidents in its history. There is NO end to the horrible things the Muslim countries have done, yet you in your bias - as so all antisemites - focus solely on any wrongdoing of Israel’s and ignore, downplay, or outright lie about the much worse wrongdoings of the Arabs.

In fact, the double standard you apply where Israel is concerned is one of the “tells” of an antisemite.
Lisa----I heard of it----there were no BOMBS
IN PUBLIC PLACES-----suradie is engaging in
wishful thinking AGAIN. They did "smoke
bombs" the kind american teenaged boys used
to make in the 1950s. They are even more
harmless than tear gas-----notice I asked
Suradie ----'how many people were killed' and
she MUTED UP. It is true that the prank was
a big scandal in Israel and, of course, the islamo-
nazis grabbed the propaganda "value"----in the
USA the use of a smoke bomb was barely a
misdemeanor. for an islamo-nazi it would not be worth so much as an ALLAHUAKBAR
Rosie, you do realize that Surada‘s antisemitism is driving her hatred of the Jew country, I hope. It’s the same thing with 95% of all the Israel haters, the majority of which are in the Democrat Party.
actually, the majority are muslims----the stuff she
parrots is taught in mosques and muslim schools
world wide. Even muslim kids in the USA fart it
I’m staying out of it because I never heard of it. I do see that you’re linking to WIKI as a source, and WIKI is liberal. Thus, they will side with Muslims against Jews.

Regardless, even it is was something bad that Israel did, every country has some bad incidents in its history. There is NO end to the horrible things the Muslim countries have done, yet you in your bias - as do all antisemites - focus solely on any wrongdoing of Israel’s and ignore, downplay, or outright lie about the much worse wrongdoings of the Arabs.

In fact, the double standard you apply where Israel is concerned is one of the “tells” of an antisemite.

This isn't wiki... and they weren't smoke bombs. Eisenhower was furious.

actually, the majority are muslims----the stuff she
parrots is taught in mosques and muslim schools
world wide. Even muslim kids in the USA fart it

The Lavon Affair: How a false-flag operation led to war ...
Nov 04, 2016 · The operation began on July 2, 1954, with bombs set off inside the Alexandria post office; on July 14, incendiary devices were set off in US consulate libraries in Alexandria and Cairo.

On July 23, bombs went off in two cinemas, the railway terminal, and the central post office in Cairo (Isseroff, 2003). There were no casualties, as the bombs were detonated when no one was likely to be present.

Lisa----I heard of it----there were no BOMBS
IN PUBLIC PLACES-----suradie is engaging in
wishful thinking AGAIN. They did "smoke
bombs" the kind american teenaged boys used
to make in the 1950s. They are even more
harmless than tear gas-----notice I asked
Suradie ----'how many people were killed' and
she MUTED UP. It is true that the prank was
a big scandal in Israel and, of course, the islamo-
nazis grabbed the propaganda "value"----in the
USA the use of a smoke bomb was barely a
misdemeanor. for an islamo-nazi it would not be worth so much as an ALLAHUAKBAR
Thanks. Makes complete sense. Antisemitic Muslims like Suradie will jump on a harmless prank that Israel does, and then clam up when Muslim extremists do the most unspeakable acts. You know, like “when some people did something.”

That said, my curiosity is of course aroused. I’ll look up the Lavon prank on a non-liberal site and read up on it.
Thanks. Makes complete sense. Antisemitic Muslims like Suradie will jump on a harmless prank that Israel does, and then clam up when Muslim extremists do the most unspeakable acts. You know, like “when some people did something.”

That said, my curiosity is of course aroused. I’ll look up the Lavon prank on a non-liberal site and read up on it.

I'm not a Muslim..

The Lavon Affair - Jewish Virtual Library
The Lavon Affair is a spy story in Israel’s early years that left a nasty mark on the young state, with reverberations for the following 20 years. ... They learned how to make delayed action devices, letter bombs, and the intricacies of photography. In early 1952, most of them secretly came to Israel to learn sabotage and underground ...

[PDF]Bulletin 5 of the Atomic Scientists
The Lavon Affair: How a false-flag operation led to war and the Israeli bomb Leonard Weiss Abstract The Lavon Affair, a failed Israeli covert operation directed against Egypt in 1954, triggered a chain of events that have had profound consequences for power relationships in the Middle East; the affairs effects still reverberate today.

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