The Republican Embrace of Louis Farrakhan

Return of the Terrorist: The Crimes of Ariel Sharon : Indybay
Aug 04, 2003 · In October of 1953 came the attack by Sharon's unit 101 on the Jordanian village of Qibya, whose "stain" Israel's foreign minister at the time, Moshe Sharett, confided to his diary "would stick to us and not be washed away for many years". He was wrong. Though even strongly pro-Israel commentators in the West compared it to Lidice, Qibya and Sharon's role are scarcely evoked in the West today ...
"crimes of Ariel Sharon" are something like the
republican list of "crimes of Franklin D. Roosevelt" I am not impressed.
You got a LINK to demonstrate the veracity of your
ARDENT claim that the fight with the filth of the
terrorist arab village Deir Yassin was headed by
Arial Sharon? I cannot find that "fact".
-----you know lots of STANDARD islamo-nazi

JERUSALEM: Massacre in Jenin, Deir Yassin relived ...
Apr 15, 2002 · Every April 9 is the day of "Deir Yassin Remembered." Coincidentally, this April 9, 2002, as happens very 19 years, was also Holocaust memorial day. At 10am sirens ... then-General and now-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is the architect. And the world, in large part, is doing very little. Categories. Palestine. ADDRESS
"crimes of Ariel Sharon" are something like the
republican list of "crimes of Franklin D. Roosevelt" I am not impressed.

You should be impressed ..Ariel Sharon slaughter hundreds of unarmed civilians.

The life and times of Ariel Sharon | Gallery | Al Jazeera
Jan 13, 2014 · Sharon created Israel (***)s modern "military norms" through his founding of a secretive "retribution squad", Unit 101, that operated through the 1950s and 1960s. Former Israeli Prime Minister ...
The Israelis invaded both Syria and Lebanon frequently to steal topsoil.. They killed farmers who armed themselves with hoes and rakes.

This was reported by BBC, VOA on a weekly basis.. If you think everyone is lying except Israel, read Moshe Dayan or Sharett... or read up on Ariel Sharon's military unit #101.
Huh??! I just pointed out that you condemn ONLY Israel, and I listed dozens of anti-Jew massacres carried out by Arabs, pointing out that you always steer away from those, and what do you do? You steer away those, and go right back to dumping on Israel. You are too brainwashed with Arab propaganda to even debate.

AGAIN, here’s what your beloved Arabs you love so much have done to Jews:

You should be impressed ..Ariel Sharon slaughter hundreds of unarmed civilians.

The life and times of Ariel Sharon | Gallery | Al Jazeera
Jan 13, 2014 · Sharon created Israel (***)s modern "military norms" through his founding of a secretive "retribution squad", Unit 101, that operated through the 1950s and 1960s. Former Israeli Prime Minister ...
You continue to quote standard islamo-nazi
propaganda. Want to read about hubby's cousin
who ended up "IN PARTS" when he went to see
to his goat in his own backyard? Want to read
about hubby's grandfather's wife and two babies
back there in arabia? They were CIVILIANS too
BUT had no involvement in any of those starvation
sieges and rapes and murders that so delight you
There is no moral equivalency between Israelis and Arabs…..NONE.

The Israel Save-A-Heart Foundation has delivered lifesaving heart operations, free of charge, to children throughout the world. Fully half of these children are from the Palestinian Authority and other Arab lands. Many others are from African countries. Our synagogue, as do Synagogues throughout the country and Israel, donate to this wonderful group.

Now I ask: how many Arab countries would give life-saving heart operations, with money raised by Muslims, to save the lives of thousands of Jewish Israeli children?

There is no moral equivalency between Israelis and Arabs…..NONE.

The Israel Save-A-Heart Foundation has delivered lifesaving heart operations, free of charge, to children throughout the world. Fully half of these children are from the Palestinian Authority and other Arab lands. Many others are from African countries. Our synagogue, as do Synagogues throughout the country and Israel, donate to this wonderful group.

Now I ask: how many Arab countries would give life-saving heart operations, with money raised by Muslims, to save the lives of thousands of Jewish Israeli children?

Saudi Arabia treated 1400 Palestinian child amputees during the second Intifada. Why don't you appeal to Israel to do the right thing for once?

Jason Maoz: Ike and Israel | History News Network
Mar 30, 2009 · In October 1953, a unit of Israeli commandos, under the leadership of a young colonel named Ariel Sharon, crossed over the border into Jordan …

t follows, then, that the Eisenhower administration's attitude toward Israel - one that can only be described as irritable ambivalence straining for proper cordiality - must have come directly from the man at the top.

* * *

Eisenhower remarked on more than one occasion that, had he been president in the late 1940s, he would not have supported the creation of Israel. He added, however, that since the Jewish state was now a reality, he wished it well. And though it is impossible in all fairness to question the sincerity behind the latter sentiment, the record of the Eisenhower administration toward Israel does at least call it into question.
Saudi Arabia treated 1400 Palestinian child amputees during the second Intifada. Why don't you appeal to Israel to do the right thing for once?

Jason Maoz: Ike and Israel | History News Network
Mar 30, 2009 · In October 1953, a unit of Israeli commandos, under the leadership of a young colonel named Ariel Sharon, crossed over the border into Jordan …

t follows, then, that the Eisenhower administration's attitude toward Israel - one that can only be described as irritable ambivalence straining for proper cordiality - must have come directly from the man at the top.

* * *

Eisenhower remarked on more than one occasion that, had he been president in the late 1940s, he would not have supported the creation of Israel. He added, however, that since the Jewish state was now a reality, he wished it well. And though it is impossible in all fairness to question the sincerity behind the latter sentiment, the record of the Eisenhower administration toward Israel does at least call it into question.
the record of Eisenhower as a president calls
Eisenhower into question----but he was a fairly
good general and golfer. His judgement in
vice presidents STANK
the record of Eisenhower as a president calls
Eisenhower into question----but he was a fairly
good general and golfer. His judgement in
vice presidents STANK

Why attack Eisenhower's VP?

This is about your accusations of antisemitism.
Saudi Arabia treated 1400 Palestinian child amputees during the second Intifada. Why don't you appeal to Israel to do the right thing for once?

Jason Maoz: Ike and Israel | History News Network
Mar 30, 2009 · In October 1953, a unit of Israeli commandos, under the leadership of a young colonel named Ariel Sharon, crossed over the border into Jordan …

t follows, then, that the Eisenhower administration's attitude toward Israel - one that can only be described as irritable ambivalence straining for proper cordiality - must have come directly from the man at the top.

* * *

Eisenhower remarked on more than one occasion that, had he been president in the late 1940s, he would not have supported the creation of Israel. He added, however, that since the Jewish state was now a reality, he wished it well. And though it is impossible in all fairness to question the sincerity behind the latter sentiment, the record of the Eisenhower administration toward Israel does at least call it into question.

I just linked to an Israeli organization that has saved the lives - at no cost to their families - of thousands of Arab and Muslim families, and your response is to say that an Arab country has provided help to Muslim children?

The point is, you deranged antisemite, is that ISRAEL IS SAVING THE LIVES OF THOUSANDS OF MUSLIM CHILDREN - with funds donated by Jews! - and you’d never find an Arab organization saving lives of Jewish children, and with money raised by Muslims.

You have been so brainwashed that you are very, very sick and don’t even realize the insanity of your responses. I AM DONE TALKING TO SOMEONE SO SICK.

Open the page and read! It is all about the Jews saving Muslim children!


I just linked to an Israeli organization that has saved the lives - at no cost to their families - of thousands of Arab and Muslim families, and your response is to say that an Arab country has provided help to Muslim children?

The point is, you deranged antisemite, is that ISRAEL IS SAVING THE LIVES OF THOUSANDS OF MUSLIM CHILDREN - with funds donated by Jews! - and you’d never find an Arab organization saving lives of Jewish children, and with money raised by Muslims.

You have been so brainwashed that you are very, very sick and don’t even realize the insanity of your responses. I AM DONE TALKING TO SOMEONE SO SICK.

The Arabs provide far more charity than the Israelis and they haven't been getting foreign aid since 1948. Stop making excuses and do the right thing.
The Arabs provide far more charity than the Israelis and they haven't been getting foreign aid since 1948. Stop making excuses and do the right thing.
Oh? Arabs have a multi-million dollar charitable foundation to save the lives of little Israeli Jewish children?

And Its doubtful that Arabs give more than Jews. Jews are known for being among the most charitable people on Earth.
Also, when you talk about Arabs giving more, they outnumber the Jews manifold. On a per capita basis, Jews top the list of charitable giving.

(Pretty said that on a thread that started about Farrakhan, we have the resident Jew-haters show up to start condemning Jews. it’s quite disgusting, really.)

Oh? Arabs have a multi-million dollar charitable foundation to save the lives of little Israeli Jewish children?

And Its doubtful that Arabs give more than Jews. Jews are known for being among the most charitable people on Earth.

Mostly they ignore Israel and the Jews. Aren't you still getting reparations from Germany in addition to US foreign aid?

German Holocaust Reparations - Jewish Virtual Library
On September 10, 1952, after six months of negotiations, an agreement on reparations between Israel and West Germany was signed in Luxembourg by Sharett and Adenauer. The agreement was ratified and came into effect on March 21, 1953, after a delay caused …

The Jerusalem Post has proposed that Germany pay off its remaining Holocaust reparations in military hardware for Israel. No financial compensation can make up for history's greatest crimes — but it shouldn’t be used against Palestinians in the present.
Also, when you talk about Arabs giving more, they outnumber the Jews manifold. On a per capita basis, Jews top the list of charitable giving.

(Pretty said that on a thread that started about Farrakhan, we have the resident Jew-haters show up to start condemning Jews. it’s quite disgusting, really.)

I am NOT a Jew-hater.. I am just sick of your lies and excuses.
Saudi Arabia treated 1400 Palestinian child amputees during the second Intifada. Why don't you appeal to Israel to do the right thing for once?

Jason Maoz: Ike and Israel | History News Network
Mar 30, 2009 · In October 1953, a unit of Israeli commandos, under the leadership of a young colonel named Ariel Sharon, crossed over the border into Jordan …

t follows, then, that the Eisenhower administration's attitude toward Israel - one that can only be described as irritable ambivalence straining for proper cordiality - must have come directly from the man at the top.

* * *

Eisenhower remarked on more than one occasion that, had he been president in the late 1940s, he would not have supported the creation of Israel. He added, however, that since the Jewish state was now a reality, he wished it well. And though it is impossible in all fairness to question the sincerity behind the latter sentiment, the record of the Eisenhower administration toward Israel does at least call it into question.
Saudi citizens funded the barbaric actions of the
Intifada filth and actually lionized the filthy idea.
Saudis also funded the bombing of the WTC ---
saudis tout a filthy "ideology" supporting the
imposition of the Stench of Shariah on the world
Saudi citizens funded the barbaric actions of the
Intifada filth and actually lionized the filthy idea.
Saudis also funded the bombing of the WTC ---
saudis tout a filthy "ideology" supporting the
imposition of the Stench of Shariah on the world

Stop with the lies, rosie..

Struggle and Solidarity: Writing Toward Palestinian Liberation

Struggle and Solidarity: Writing Toward Palestinian Liberation
Iam a first-generation American. My Jewish parents fled Germany as the horrors of the Holocaust were unfolding. They left behind family who perished in camps and were killed as they fled from their homes while being chased and shot at by Nazis.

My great-grandfather, grandfather and father had a thriving butcher business in Frankfurt. They lived in the apartment building next to the butcher shop. My father always said he barely realized he was Jewish until Hitler arrived. It was always Deutschland über alles.

My mother’s family were wheat traders in Wetzlar. After the rise of Hitler, my mother fled Germany first so that she could learn the language in her new country and make enough money to bring over her parents and brother. They came to the U.S. without much money and like many, had to build a life from the bottom up.

Once the war was over, Germany gave my father reparations for the loss of his business as well as for the crime of persecution. He received a monthly check until his death at the age of 91. Both of my parents were welcomed back by the German government and told they could get their passports and citizenship returned.

Those born to Holocaust survivors who can prove that their father was forced from his homeland between the years 1933-1945 have the right to become German citizens along with all of their children, grandchildren and all future progeny forever. Last year, my children, grandchildren and I became German citizens, and were given European passports.

As I think about my own family and its history, I wonder why the 750,000 Palestinians forced from their homes and land in 1948 when Israel was founded are not entitled to the same treatment my family received after WWII ended. But the war on Palestinians was never over. Instead, Israel continues to this day its policy of ethnic cleansing, as evidenced by the current expulsions in Sheikh Jarrah and other parts of East Jerusalem.

B’Tselem, a human rights organization in Israel, and Human Rights Watch have documented and denounced the continuing maltreatment of Palestinians by the Israeli government and the settler movement, including the confiscation of Palestinians’ lands and houses; the restrictions on movement; the limitations on rights of free speech and assembly; the denial of building permits; the denial of many basic civil rights and the terrorizing by Jewish settler extremists backed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Human Rights Watch has concluded that conduct toward the Palestinians amounts to persecution and apartheid, which are crimes against humanity under international law.

It is somewhat ironic that thousands of Jews in Israel are getting reparations and passports from Germany because of expulsion, loss of property and persecution, yet Israel will not allow Palestinians to return to a land from which they were expelled.

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