The REPUBLICAN governor offered the DEMOCRAT mayor the assistance of the National Guard YESTERDAY

They are people behaving badly, not animals, feral or otherwise.
'People behaving badly'?! LOL!

These are not 'people behaving badly' these are CRIMINAL THUGS, DEVIANTS, TERRORISTS, THIEVES mindlessly reacting by victimizing innocents through assaults, shootings, arson, destruction, looting, destruction of property, attacks on cops, etc.

'Behaving badly'?! Try 'committing crimes'!
The left thinks the feral animals are entitled to loot, riot, beat up people and act like out of control animals. Hint: They are not
They are people behaving badly, not animals, feral or otherwise. I see absolutely no hope of ending riots with that type of language.
Her language is not responsible for the riots. Your deflection is absurd. Do I have the right to burn down my neighbors house when some liberal calls me names?
Why do you people constantly make excuses for animalistic behavior?
They are people behaving badly, not animals, feral or otherwise.
'People behaving badly'?! LOL!

These are not 'people behaving badly' these are CRIMINAL THUGS, DEVIANTS, TERRORISTS, THIEVES mindlessly reacting by victimizing innocents through assaults, shootings, arson, destruction, looting, destruction of property, attacks on cops, etc.

'Behaving badly'?! Try 'committing crimes'!
They are not animals, feral or otherwise. "People committing crimes" is fine.
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They are people behaving badly, not animals, feral or otherwise.
'People behaving badly'?! LOL!

These are not 'people behaving badly' these are CRIMINAL THUGS, DEVIANTS, TERRORISTS, THIEVES mindlessly reacting by victimizing innocents through assaults, shootings, arson, destruction, looting, destruction of property, attacks on cops, etc.

'Behaving badly'?! Try 'committing crimes'!
They are not animals, feral or otherwise. People committing crimes is fine.
And those same people then complain that they are over represented in prisons or during police stops.

The stupidity is astonishing
The Jack-Boot Thug contingent has now been heard from.
So your solution is to let them to continue to assault, vandalize, shoot, burn, loot, and destroy ... UNTIL THEY GET TIRED / HAVE HAD ENOUGH?!

The message needs to be driven home - 'Got it, you're upset...but you do NOT have the right to engage in massive criminal activity, jeopardiz9ing and harming innocent people and destroying and stealing the property of innocent people. That will NOT be tolerated.'

You want to appease and pacify thugs and criminals, great. I want to restore order, protect innocents, end enforce the laws.

Very sad people that have an inborn desire to grovel at the feet of the police and beg not to be killed for no reason. Ever see Close Encounters? When the citizens are all sitting in the helicopter and Niri asks who wants to escape? A number of people sitting in the chopoper say "well if the government doesn't want us here we shouldn't be here". That is you. Don't project your ignorant bliss onto everyone else.

That was a make believe movie, Charlotte is a real place.
The left thinks the feral animals are entitled to loot, riot, beat up people and act like out of control animals. Hint: They are not
They are people behaving badly, not animals, feral or otherwise. I see absolutely no hope of ending riots with that type of language.
Her language is not responsible for the riots. Your deflection is absurd. Do I have the right to burn down my neighbors house when some liberal calls me names?
Why do you people constantly make excuses for animalistic behavior?
I'm not deflecting or making excuses. How the fuck do YOU plan to cool racial tensions so there isn't a riot every time a black guy gets shot by police? By taking the approach that they're animals? Yes, that will surely work! (sarc)
BTW, I didn't blame Sassy for the riots. She's smart enough to know what I meant.
I'm not deflecting or making excuses. How the fuck do YOU plan to cool racial tensions so there isn't a riot every time a black guy gets shot by police? By taking the approach that they're animals? Yes, that will surely work! (sarc)

One thing is for sure -- appeasing and allowing them to assault, shoot, vandalize, burn, and loot is going to get the message across that THIS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED...PERIOD?!
The left thinks the feral animals are entitled to loot, riot, beat up people and act like out of control animals. Hint: They are not
They are people behaving badly, not animals, feral or otherwise. I see absolutely no hope of ending riots with that type of language.
Her language is not responsible for the riots. Your deflection is absurd. Do I have the right to burn down my neighbors house when some liberal calls me names?
Why do you people constantly make excuses for animalistic behavior?
I'm not deflecting or making excuses. How the fuck do YOU plan to cool racial tensions so there isn't a riot every time a black guy gets shot by police? By taking the approach that they're animals? Yes, that will surely work! (sarc)
BTW, I didn't blame Sassy for the riots. She's smart enough to know what I meant.
It's not my job to protect American citizens & property. THE US GOVERNMENT is tasked with that job. It's in the constitution. The mayor failed
The left thinks the feral animals are entitled to loot, riot, beat up people and act like out of control animals. Hint: They are not
They are people behaving badly, not animals, feral or otherwise. I see absolutely no hope of ending riots with that type of language.
Randomly destroying and hurting sounds like an animal to me. If they don't want to be called that, they shouldn't conduct themselves as such.
Nah you just like to grovel.

Me too!
The left thinks the feral animals are entitled to loot, riot, beat up people and act like out of control animals. Hint: They are not
They are people behaving badly, not animals, feral or otherwise. I see absolutely no hope of ending riots with that type of language.
Randomly destroying and hurting sounds like an animal to me. If they don't want to be called that, they shouldn't conduct themselves as such.
Animals don't randomly destroy or hurt things. Animals have a reason for what they do.
So do these people rioting. They're pissed off. There are always opportunists who will come out when things get rolling to do a little retail therapy. I saw one kid smashing windows who didn't seem to have any wish to go inside. He was just PISSED. Sometimes you just gotta break something.
Sadly, they seem to be rioting over a justified shoot, which sure doesn't win them friends or sympathy.
The National Guard is not always the best response to a protest. At best, it can preserve peace and property. At worst it will escalate raw feelings and make a bad situation worse

Look at the job they did at Kent State
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The left thinks the feral animals are entitled to loot, riot, beat up people and act like out of control animals. Hint: They are not
They are people behaving badly, not animals, feral or otherwise. I see absolutely no hope of ending riots with that type of language.
Randomly destroying and hurting sounds like an animal to me. If they don't want to be called that, they shouldn't conduct themselves as such.
Animals don't randomly destroy or hurt things. Animals have a reason for what they do.
So do these people rioting. They're pissed off. There are always opportunists who will come out when things get rolling to do a little retail therapy. I saw one kid smashing windows who didn't seem to have any wish to go inside. He was just PISSED. Sometimes you just gotta break something.
Sadly, they seem to be rioting over a justified shoot, which sure doesn't win them friends or sympathy.
Oh, totally, I know when I get mad I go over and break my neighbor's windows, and he can understand that and is okay with it because I'm MAD.

Except, no I don't, because I'm a civilized person. They're throwing a temper tantrum, and only trash breaks stuff when they're upset. They have a two year old's mentality. They should all be deported to the middle of the ocean.
The Jack-Boot Thug contingent has now been heard from.
You're nothing more than an enabler

Nah you just like to grovel. Freedom isn't free, ever heard that? Exercising rights, even to an extreme and sometimes going over the line, is as American as it gets. That is the only thing that keeps the line pushed back so that freedom can stretch it's arms without bumping into the wall.

What about the rights of those being assaulted for no reason,or the rights of the business owner who's business just got torched?
The left thinks the feral animals are entitled to loot, riot, beat up people and act like out of control animals. Hint: They are not
They are people behaving badly, not animals, feral or otherwise. I see absolutely no hope of ending riots with that type of language.
Randomly destroying and hurting sounds like an animal to me. If they don't want to be called that, they shouldn't conduct themselves as such.
Animals don't randomly destroy or hurt things. Animals have a reason for what they do.
So do these people rioting. They're pissed off. There are always opportunists who will come out when things get rolling to do a little retail therapy. I saw one kid smashing windows who didn't seem to have any wish to go inside. He was just PISSED. Sometimes you just gotta break something.
Sadly, they seem to be rioting over a justified shoot, which sure doesn't win them friends or sympathy.
Oh, totally, I know when I get mad I go over and break my neighbor's windows, and he can understand that and is okay with it because I'm MAD.

Except, no I don't, because I'm a civilized person. They're throwing a temper tantrum, and only trash breaks stuff when they're upset. They have a two year old's mentality. They should all be deported to the middle of the ocean.
I've never participated in a riot, either, but that doesn't mean I can't figure out what the motivation is. Denying their rage is only going to make things worse. There is NOTHING more infuriating than expressing your frustration and having someone tell you to get over it, you're all wet, etc. I'd prefer to see authorities and cops sit down with the community and have a TALK (the looters won't show up anyway--they're just vultures). HOW do we continue to keep you safe if we cannot stop people trying to kill us? HOW do we help you keep your neighborhoods safe? What can we do? What can we do to help YOU do what needs to be done?
At some point, there will be some suggestions. Entering with preconceived, negative judgments on EITHER side will make it impossible to have a real dialogue.
The National Guard is not always the best response to a protest. At best, it can preserve peace and property. At worst it will escalate raw feelings and make a bad situation worse

Look at the job they did at Kent State
Open your fuckin' eyes and ears! Rioting, burning, looting, etc. is not a protest. They are criminal acts that endanger human life and cause costly damage to private and civic property. Bring in the Guard and this time, unlike Kent State, they'd be justified in shooting these criminals endangering others' lives.

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