The REPUBLICAN governor offered the DEMOCRAT mayor the assistance of the National Guard YESTERDAY

Animals don't randomly destroy or hurt things. Animals have a reason for what they do.
So do these people rioting. They're pissed off. There are always opportunists who will come out when things get rolling to do a little retail therapy. I saw one kid smashing windows who didn't seem to have any wish to go inside. He was just PISSED. Sometimes you just gotta break something.
Sadly, they seem to be rioting over a justified shoot, which sure doesn't win them friends or sympathy.
Oh, totally, I know when I get mad I go over and break my neighbor's windows, and he can understand that and is okay with it because I'm MAD.

Except, no I don't, because I'm a civilized person. They're throwing a temper tantrum, and only trash breaks stuff when they're upset. They have a two year old's mentality. They should all be deported to the middle of the ocean.
I've never participated in a riot, either, but that doesn't mean I can't figure out what the motivation is. Denying their rage is only going to make things worse. There is NOTHING more infuriating than expressing your frustration and having someone tell you to get over it, you're all wet, etc. I'd prefer to see authorities and cops sit down with the community and have a TALK (the looters won't show up anyway--they're just vultures). HOW do we continue to keep you safe if we cannot stop people trying to kill us? HOW do we help you keep your neighborhoods safe? What can we do? What can we do to help YOU do what needs to be done?
At some point, there will be some suggestions. Entering with preconceived, negative judgments on EITHER side will make it impossible to have a real dialogue.
Bogus. Civilized people don't lack self control. This is a failure on the part of the rioters and a failure on the part of their parents, who failed to raise them properly. Most of the people in the United States have never participated in a riot because they have better self control. Again, they should be deported to the middle of the ocean for having the mentality of two year olds.

It's mind boggling there are people trying to condone this stuff. Simply mind boggling
It's not condoning. I'm as much in favor of all this racial tension ending as you are. I hope they've got surveillance video and bust every fucking looter that has been out there the past two nights. Every one of them that threw bricks at the cops and did whatever else. That's not going to PREVENT it happening again. That's what I'm thinking about. And these folks are too fucking used to jail to dream that's going to slow them down.
A bullet will slow them down if all else fails. Break into someone's private property & get SHOT DEAD
It's way beyond a tense situation you fool. Criminal thugs are running wild in the streets looting, burning, physically attacking and shooting at people. It's already escalated into out of control violence, so yeah let's just have the outnumbered police deal with it. Your pathetic approach worked well last night, really taught the criminals a lesson or two, huh?

right. They should have wiped it out first few minutes of first night. ZERO tolerance. They already know what happens. see BALT, STL ....recently.
Wiped it out? How? ZERO tolerance? What does that mean? Shoot the first guy who breaks a window? Do you even understand that you are proposing Tiananmen Square? I would prefer not to live in a totalitarian, militaristic country with no individual rights, thank you.
You're an idiot. Looting is not a right. Shoot these motherfuckers. Sit in your store with a gun. When they break in SHOOT THEM DEAD ON THE SPOT.
It's way beyond a tense situation you fool. Criminal thugs are running wild in the streets looting, burning, physically attacking and shooting at people. It's already escalated into out of control violence, so yeah let's just have the outnumbered police deal with it. Your pathetic approach worked well last night, really taught the criminals a lesson or two, huh?

right. They should have wiped it out first few minutes of first night. ZERO tolerance. They already know what happens. see BALT, STL ....recently.
Wiped it out? How? ZERO tolerance? What does that mean? Shoot the first guy who breaks a window? Do you even understand that you are proposing Tiananmen Square? I would prefer not to live in a totalitarian, militaristic country with no individual rights, thank you.
You're an idiot. Looting is not a right. Shoot these motherfuckers. Sit in your store with a gun. When they break in SHOOT THEM DEAD ON THE SPOT.

You'd be surprised how soon looting would become less frequent
Wiped it out? How? ZERO tolerance? What does that mean? Shoot the first guy who breaks a window? Do you even understand that you are proposing Tiananmen Square? I would prefer not to live in a totalitarian, militaristic country with no individual rights, thank you.

I don't know all? I am not a highly paid politician with cushy retirement waiting.

Rumors of impending activity were out (certainly).
Mayor/Gov "Leader": Curfew at dark. IF you protest you do it peacefully in XXXX park (close to the shooting?) head home before sunset. IF you venture out of the park and disrupt one minute of public activities you will be arrested.

Cuff them to a nearby fence one by one. rubber bullets. Water cannon, Poisson gas..........Dogs...etc. Whatever, not my problem.

Just add another American city to the list of "un-visit able". When the money slows, they might care? doubtful. too many are too stupid. Lunatics are reaching the highest level of office.
It's way beyond a tense situation you fool. Criminal thugs are running wild in the streets looting, burning, physically attacking and shooting at people. It's already escalated into out of control violence, so yeah let's just have the outnumbered police deal with it. Your pathetic approach worked well last night, really taught the criminals a lesson or two, huh?

right. They should have wiped it out first few minutes of first night. ZERO tolerance. They already know what happens. see BALT, STL ....recently.
Wiped it out? How? ZERO tolerance? What does that mean? Shoot the first guy who breaks a window? Do you even understand that you are proposing Tiananmen Square? I would prefer not to live in a totalitarian, militaristic country with no individual rights, thank you.
You're an idiot. Looting is not a right. Shoot these motherfuckers. Sit in your store with a gun. When they break in SHOOT THEM DEAD ON THE SPOT.
“Political power grows out of the barrel of the gun...”
Mao Tse-tung
Randomly destroying and hurting sounds like an animal to me. If they don't want to be called that, they shouldn't conduct themselves as such.
Animals don't randomly destroy or hurt things. Animals have a reason for what they do.
So do these people rioting. They're pissed off. There are always opportunists who will come out when things get rolling to do a little retail therapy. I saw one kid smashing windows who didn't seem to have any wish to go inside. He was just PISSED. Sometimes you just gotta break something.
Sadly, they seem to be rioting over a justified shoot, which sure doesn't win them friends or sympathy.
Oh, totally, I know when I get mad I go over and break my neighbor's windows, and he can understand that and is okay with it because I'm MAD.

Except, no I don't, because I'm a civilized person. They're throwing a temper tantrum, and only trash breaks stuff when they're upset. They have a two year old's mentality. They should all be deported to the middle of the ocean.
I've never participated in a riot, either, but that doesn't mean I can't figure out what the motivation is. Denying their rage is only going to make things worse. There is NOTHING more infuriating than expressing your frustration and having someone tell you to get over it, you're all wet, etc. I'd prefer to see authorities and cops sit down with the community and have a TALK (the looters won't show up anyway--they're just vultures). HOW do we continue to keep you safe if we cannot stop people trying to kill us? HOW do we help you keep your neighborhoods safe? What can we do? What can we do to help YOU do what needs to be done?
At some point, there will be some suggestions. Entering with preconceived, negative judgments on EITHER side will make it impossible to have a real dialogue.
Bogus. Civilized people don't lack self control. This is a failure on the part of the rioters and a failure on the part of their parents, who failed to raise them properly. Most of the people in the United States have never participated in a riot because they have better self control. Again, they should be deported to the middle of the ocean for having the mentality of two year olds.
Most of the people in the United States presently have never participated in a riot because they have been treated decently enough to keep them quiet. Riots happen over soccer games. Riots have happened over labor disputes. Over lack of bread. Over harsh governments. That would be one crowded island. It has nothing to do with being civilized. It has to do with being treated civilly. Which you are failing to see.
Who said anything about an island~? Everyone is treated the same, if they have a problem with it, they can be deported to the middle of the ocean... no island~
Animals don't randomly destroy or hurt things. Animals have a reason for what they do.
So do these people rioting. They're pissed off. There are always opportunists who will come out when things get rolling to do a little retail therapy. I saw one kid smashing windows who didn't seem to have any wish to go inside. He was just PISSED. Sometimes you just gotta break something.
Sadly, they seem to be rioting over a justified shoot, which sure doesn't win them friends or sympathy.
Oh, totally, I know when I get mad I go over and break my neighbor's windows, and he can understand that and is okay with it because I'm MAD.

Except, no I don't, because I'm a civilized person. They're throwing a temper tantrum, and only trash breaks stuff when they're upset. They have a two year old's mentality. They should all be deported to the middle of the ocean.
I've never participated in a riot, either, but that doesn't mean I can't figure out what the motivation is. Denying their rage is only going to make things worse. There is NOTHING more infuriating than expressing your frustration and having someone tell you to get over it, you're all wet, etc. I'd prefer to see authorities and cops sit down with the community and have a TALK (the looters won't show up anyway--they're just vultures). HOW do we continue to keep you safe if we cannot stop people trying to kill us? HOW do we help you keep your neighborhoods safe? What can we do? What can we do to help YOU do what needs to be done?
At some point, there will be some suggestions. Entering with preconceived, negative judgments on EITHER side will make it impossible to have a real dialogue.
Bogus. Civilized people don't lack self control. This is a failure on the part of the rioters and a failure on the part of their parents, who failed to raise them properly. Most of the people in the United States have never participated in a riot because they have better self control. Again, they should be deported to the middle of the ocean for having the mentality of two year olds.
Most of the people in the United States presently have never participated in a riot because they have been treated decently enough to keep them quiet. Riots happen over soccer games. Riots have happened over labor disputes. Over lack of bread. Over harsh governments. That would be one crowded island. It has nothing to do with being civilized. It has to do with being treated civilly. Which you are failing to see.
Who said anything about an island~? Everyone is treated the same, if they have a problem with it, they can be deported to the middle of the ocean... no island~
You've been reading your Republic?
At 7am. And she declined it. Just as the local democrat politicians fucked up during Katrina this idiot turned down vital assistance to a volatile situation. So Charlotte burned (figuratively speaking) instead.

Any more proof needed that Democrats can not lead in times of crisis?
The governor is the guy that has the power to activate the Guard, a mayor does not...
It's way beyond a tense situation you fool. Criminal thugs are running wild in the streets looting, burning, physically attacking and shooting at people. It's already escalated into out of control violence, so yeah let's just have the outnumbered police deal with it. Your pathetic approach worked well last night, really taught the criminals a lesson or two, huh?

right. They should have wiped it out first few minutes of first night. ZERO tolerance. They already know what happens. see BALT, STL ....recently.
Wiped it out? How? ZERO tolerance? What does that mean? Shoot the first guy who breaks a window? Do you even understand that you are proposing Tiananmen Square? I would prefer not to live in a totalitarian, militaristic country with no individual rights, thank you.
You're an idiot. Looting is not a right. Shoot these motherfuckers. Sit in your store with a gun. When they break in SHOOT THEM DEAD ON THE SPOT.
“Political power grows out of the barrel of the gun...”
Mao Tse-tung
"Political stupidity grows out of the mouth of old women"

-- Grampa Murked U
The federal government could bring less lethal tools in to play. Water cannon for example.

Keep in mind, there are no law enforcement here, this is security hired by a private company. Selma? Montgomery? Anything ring a bell. How exactly do private companies get away with having people with dogs that attack Native Americans and cause bodily injury?

What country is this? This reminds me of the way union workers were assualted and killed in the early years of the union movement. Over 100 tribes are now lined up against this pipeline going through because it goes through sacred burial ground as well as natives people's from around the world.

Not exactly the same issue as with police murdering people but you people who think protesters should dress all in pink and carry kneepads for those moments when grovelling is warranted live in some pollyanna world.
Oh, totally, I know when I get mad I go over and break my neighbor's windows, and he can understand that and is okay with it because I'm MAD.

Except, no I don't, because I'm a civilized person. They're throwing a temper tantrum, and only trash breaks stuff when they're upset. They have a two year old's mentality. They should all be deported to the middle of the ocean.
I've never participated in a riot, either, but that doesn't mean I can't figure out what the motivation is. Denying their rage is only going to make things worse. There is NOTHING more infuriating than expressing your frustration and having someone tell you to get over it, you're all wet, etc. I'd prefer to see authorities and cops sit down with the community and have a TALK (the looters won't show up anyway--they're just vultures). HOW do we continue to keep you safe if we cannot stop people trying to kill us? HOW do we help you keep your neighborhoods safe? What can we do? What can we do to help YOU do what needs to be done?
At some point, there will be some suggestions. Entering with preconceived, negative judgments on EITHER side will make it impossible to have a real dialogue.
Bogus. Civilized people don't lack self control. This is a failure on the part of the rioters and a failure on the part of their parents, who failed to raise them properly. Most of the people in the United States have never participated in a riot because they have better self control. Again, they should be deported to the middle of the ocean for having the mentality of two year olds.
Most of the people in the United States presently have never participated in a riot because they have been treated decently enough to keep them quiet. Riots happen over soccer games. Riots have happened over labor disputes. Over lack of bread. Over harsh governments. That would be one crowded island. It has nothing to do with being civilized. It has to do with being treated civilly. Which you are failing to see.
Who said anything about an island~? Everyone is treated the same, if they have a problem with it, they can be deported to the middle of the ocean... no island~
You've been reading your Republic?
Never heard of it. Strangely, though, it occurs to most people to discuss a problem before breaking the property of random strangers and assaulting people. You know, those actually sound like criminal activity. Maybe they should ALL be jailed instead? On second thought, I like the idea of drowning them all better, that way these CRIMINALS don't leech off of tax dollars.
At 7am. And she declined it. Just as the local democrat politicians fucked up during Katrina this idiot turned down vital assistance to a volatile situation. So Charlotte burned (figuratively speaking) instead.

Any more proof needed that Democrats can not lead in times of crisis?

We are witnessing the Detroitification of America. This is what the racist progressives want. They want chaos, they want anarchy, they want destruction. Once all of America is like Detroit, the people will be so desperate they will hand over all freedoms and power to the government to make things better.

Keep in mind, there are no law enforcement here, this is security hired by a private company. Selma? Montgomery? Anything ring a bell. How exactly do private companies get away with having people with dogs that attack Native Americans and cause bodily injury?

What country is this? This reminds me of the way union workers were assualted and killed in the early years of the union movement. Over 100 tribes are now lined up against this pipeline going through because it goes through sacred burial ground as well as natives people's from around the world.

Not exactly the same issue as with police murdering people but you people who think protesters should dress all in pink and carry kneepads for those moments when grovelling is warranted live in some pollyanna world.

Gee, trespassing on private property and attacking people. Of course the people working should be protected by violent thugs attacking them. They are acting like innocent victims, but the video shows them jumping the fences and attacking.

You ask what kind of country this is, it's one that values property rights. So no, you don't get to trespass and attack people. One of the idiots declares "land doesn't belong to anyone". Clearly these are socialist retards that don't believe in property rights. Even if it is land owned by the government, it doesn't give them the right to trespass on it. How the property owners remove or defend themselves is irrelevant, whether it's private security or police, they have the right to kick people off their land and defend themselves from attack.
I've never participated in a riot, either, but that doesn't mean I can't figure out what the motivation is. Denying their rage is only going to make things worse. There is NOTHING more infuriating than expressing your frustration and having someone tell you to get over it, you're all wet, etc. I'd prefer to see authorities and cops sit down with the community and have a TALK (the looters won't show up anyway--they're just vultures). HOW do we continue to keep you safe if we cannot stop people trying to kill us? HOW do we help you keep your neighborhoods safe? What can we do? What can we do to help YOU do what needs to be done?
At some point, there will be some suggestions. Entering with preconceived, negative judgments on EITHER side will make it impossible to have a real dialogue.
Bogus. Civilized people don't lack self control. This is a failure on the part of the rioters and a failure on the part of their parents, who failed to raise them properly. Most of the people in the United States have never participated in a riot because they have better self control. Again, they should be deported to the middle of the ocean for having the mentality of two year olds.
Most of the people in the United States presently have never participated in a riot because they have been treated decently enough to keep them quiet. Riots happen over soccer games. Riots have happened over labor disputes. Over lack of bread. Over harsh governments. That would be one crowded island. It has nothing to do with being civilized. It has to do with being treated civilly. Which you are failing to see.
Who said anything about an island~? Everyone is treated the same, if they have a problem with it, they can be deported to the middle of the ocean... no island~
You've been reading your Republic?
Never heard of it. Strangely, though, it occurs to most people to discuss a problem before breaking the property of random strangers and assaulting people. You know, those actually sound like criminal activity. Maybe they should ALL be jailed instead? On second thought, I like the idea of drowning them all better, that way these CRIMINALS don't leech off of tax dollars.
Well, last night's peaceful protest may have had something to do with the 44 arrests made Wednesday night. Got some of those criminals in jail. 70% were imported from out of state, according to the police chief.
The Republic was a book by Plato, an ancient philosopher, about his idea of an ideal state. He proposed throwing all the lawyers in the ocean--couldn't figure out how to have a perfect society with them around.:)
At 7am. And she declined it. Just as the local democrat politicians fucked up during Katrina this idiot turned down vital assistance to a volatile situation. So Charlotte burned (figuratively speaking) instead.

Any more proof needed that Democrats can not lead in times of crisis?

You get what you vote for.

Keep in mind, there are no law enforcement here, this is security hired by a private company. Selma? Montgomery? Anything ring a bell. How exactly do private companies get away with having people with dogs that attack Native Americans and cause bodily injury?

What country is this? This reminds me of the way union workers were assualted and killed in the early years of the union movement. Over 100 tribes are now lined up against this pipeline going through because it goes through sacred burial ground as well as natives people's from around the world.

Not exactly the same issue as with police murdering people but you people who think protesters should dress all in pink and carry kneepads for those moments when grovelling is warranted live in some pollyanna world.

Gee, trespassing on private property and attacking people. Of course the people working should be protected by violent thugs attacking them. They are acting like innocent victims, but the video shows them jumping the fences and attacking.

You ask what kind of country this is, it's one that values property rights. So no, you don't get to trespass and attack people. One of the idiots declares "land doesn't belong to anyone". Clearly these are socialist retards that don't believe in property rights. Even if it is land owned by the government, it doesn't give them the right to trespass on it. How the property owners remove or defend themselves is irrelevant, whether it's private security or police, they have the right to kick people off their land and defend themselves from attack.

It's not socialism, Native Americans believe the Earth/land is owned by God, and we humans are merely the care takers.

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