The Republican ignorance on abortion

Because those already born are sentient, and therefore have the right to choose to life.
It is only before sentience that they do not care.

But we are way beyond the sustainable population of the earth.
We are surviving almost entirely due to fossil fuels, which are running out.
And the death and destruction over the remaining fossil fuels, will be millions of times worse than all the abortions put together.

Again, you're the one claiming there are too many people.

If you want other to die, to reduce the excess population, then start with yourself, or shut the fuck up about it.

If you're not willing to sacrifice yourself for that purpose, then you are full of shit in demanding that anyone else be sacrificed.

We have a whole fucking Congress that does not care about Americans. Quit your bitching it is not just one party. It is both together putting on clown shows. It is hard to believe a thing they say. But so many morons here think it is patriotic to believe lies from a destructive government.
On this one issue, it is just one party that is ignoring the will of the majority. But so many morons here think it is patriotic to believe lies from a destructive government ideology and former President.
On this one issue, it is just one party that is ignoring the will of the majority. But so many morons here think it is patriotic to believe lies from a destructive government ideology and former President.
They are not morons for expecting an investigation after 147 members of Congress called for one. On J6 we had no idea if they were lies. Swing states were not cooperating and the evidence they were withholding left people with no definitive answer just the word of political and government hacks. All siding with the traitors by not investigating.

Those are facts you cannot change. It was an obvious theft.
On this one issue, it is just one party that is ignoring the will of the majority. ....

Hmmmm... It used to be "the will of the majority" to maintain slavery. It used to be "the will of the majority" to maintain segregation. It used to be "the will of the majority" to make interracial marriage illegal. What was billed as the "will of the majority" at a certain point in German history? Do you get the fucking point?
No amount of right wing incel fuckery on this message board will change the fact that most Americans hate these new abortion laws and will only cause more women to get out and vote against them.
Of course you do. You're exactly what is wrong with this country, you believe lies even Fox News doesn't believe and you insist on hearing them.
It is not a lie. Why do you think Trump was ejected from Twitter and everyone who mentioned fraud was fired or sued? Use your head for something else than a shoulder decoration.
what about when the baby has a heartbeat ?
About 17 to 20 weeks? Still it doesn't make the fetus viable outside the womb just because the heart finally develops chambers enough to start circulating blood with each beat.
About 17 to 20 weeks? Still it doesn't make the fetus viable outside the womb just because the heart finally develops chambers enough to start circulating blood with each beat.
You are out of the womb and I see nothing viable coming from you. Are you an abortion survivor?
It is not a lie. Why do you think Trump was ejected from Twitter and everyone who mentioned fraud was fired or sued? Use your head for something else than a shoulder decoration.
Fox News is learning they too should have ejected everyone who mentioned fraud, BECAUSE THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE OFFERED to support it. That is why top people at Fox realized they were lying to the public but they thought the public, people like YOU, would tune out if they Fox offered facts not fantasy.
Fox News is learning they too should have ejected everyone who mentioned fraud, BECAUSE THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE OFFERED to support it. That is why top people at Fox realized they were lying to the public but they thought the public, people like YOU, would tune out if they Fox offered facts not fantasy.
No. They figured out that if they did not tell government lies there would be Hell to pay. No more than intimidation on an industrial scale. Wise up traitor.
No. They figured out that if they did not tell government lies there would be Hell to pay. No more than intimidation on an industrial scale. Wise up traitor.
Fox isn't being sued by the gov't, they are having to defend themselves from a private company they slandered. In fact the evidence that the whole election denial was a fantasy was so overwhelming that it won't even be an issue in the case. Their only defense now is that the 1st amendment gives them the right to tell lies. That is the side you're on.
It seems that Republicans want to commit electoral suicide. Around half of the Republicans in Congress are urging the Supreme Court to uphold the ruling of a criminal judge on the abortion pill. Voters are even more outraged at this decision than they are on Roe vs Wade. 70% oppose this decision. There are clearly no constitutional issues involved. This is about a dispute between the FDA and certain members of Congress. The Congress can override the decision if they want. The courts have no business being involved. They are right wing Nazis.

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