The Republican ignorance on abortion

Fox isn't being sued by the gov't, they are having to defend themselves from a private company they slandered. In fact the evidence that the whole election denial was a fantasy was so overwhelming that it won't even be an issue in the case. Their only defense now is that the 1st amendment gives them the right to tell lies. That is the side you're on.
The government is clearly on Dominions side. Was there ever any question about that? This is still a cover up of the 2020 fraud. They are letting us know again we better believe their lies or they will get you.
The government is clearly on Dominions side. Was there ever any question about that? This is still a cover up of the 2020 fraud. They are letting us know again we better believe their lies or they will get you.
Our legal system demands evidence, something totally lacking in this election 'fraud' lie. Trump started the Big Lie, like he has many others, has he offered any evidence? Giuliani admitted he had no evidence beyond what he'd 'read'.
Our legal system demands evidence, something totally lacking in this election 'fraud' lie. Trump started the Big Lie, like he has many others, has he offered any evidence? Giuliani admitted he had no evidence beyond what he'd 'read'.
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.


Does it not seem that the Republicans just don't to win elections. Maybe they enjoy the campaigning and mud slinging more than actually governing. Their stance on abortion sure seems to bear that out.

By a large majority, Americans do not support legislation restriction a woman's right to choose. Why haven't Republicans got the message? They continue to support the phony pro-life indicted Donald Trump who demonstrated his total disregard for women by appointing anti-abortion judges. Look at hard core conservative Kansas who failed to pass a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

Look at "Don't say gay" Ron DeSantis, widely loved by Republicans and viewed as a successor to Donald Trump. Last night he slinks back into Florida from a campaign trip and signs a bill into law that further restricts already restricted abortion access in Florida. And, he did it in the dark of night behind closed doors.

Well, thank goodness the Republicans learned nothing from their 2022 election failures and seem hell bent on losing bigly to Democrats in 2024.

President biden could do no better if he wanted to.
Are Dim baby murderers too lazy to drive to or live in a state that allows infant killing??

Does it not seem that the Republicans just don't to win elections. Maybe they enjoy the campaigning and mud slinging more than actually governing. Their stance on abortion sure seems to bear that out.

By a large majority, Americans do not support legislation restriction a woman's right to choose. Why haven't Republicans got the message? They continue to support the phony pro-life indicted Donald Trump who demonstrated his total disregard for women by appointing anti-abortion judges. Look at hard core conservative Kansas who failed to pass a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

Look at "Don't say gay" Ron DeSantis, widely loved by Republicans and viewed as a successor to Donald Trump. Last night he slinks back into Florida from a campaign trip and signs a bill into law that further restricts already restricted abortion access in Florida. And, he did it in the dark of night behind closed doors.

Well, thank goodness the Republicans learned nothing from their 2022 election failures and seem hell bent on losing bigly to Democrats in 2024.

President biden could do no better if he wanted to.
Most Americans do not support abortion after the first trimester, while Democrats support a woman's right to choose to abort a 9 month old fetus. That is out of step with the American people. Hell, Europe doesn't even support that.

Does it not seem that the Republicans just don't to win elections. Maybe they enjoy the campaigning and mud slinging more than actually governing. Their stance on abortion sure seems to bear that out.

By a large majority, Americans do not support legislation restriction a woman's right to choose. Why haven't Republicans got the message? They continue to support the phony pro-life indicted Donald Trump who demonstrated his total disregard for women by appointing anti-abortion judges. Look at hard core conservative Kansas who failed to pass a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

Look at "Don't say gay" Ron DeSantis, widely loved by Republicans and viewed as a successor to Donald Trump. Last night he slinks back into Florida from a campaign trip and signs a bill into law that further restricts already restricted abortion access in Florida. And, he did it in the dark of night behind closed doors.

Well, thank goodness the Republicans learned nothing from their 2022 election failures and seem hell bent on losing bigly to Democrats in 2024.

President biden could do no better if he wanted to.
But you didn't believe women had a right to choose when it came to getting the jab. And you think its just fine for men in dresses to whoop up on women in sports....
You really don't give a crap about women at all do you stooge?

Does it not seem that the Republicans just don't to win elections. Maybe they enjoy the campaigning and mud slinging more than actually governing. Their stance on abortion sure seems to bear that out.

By a large majority, Americans do not support legislation restriction a woman's right to choose. Why haven't Republicans got the message? They continue to support the phony pro-life indicted Donald Trump who demonstrated his total disregard for women by appointing anti-abortion judges. Look at hard core conservative Kansas who failed to pass a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

Look at "Don't say gay" Ron DeSantis, widely loved by Republicans and viewed as a successor to Donald Trump. Last night he slinks back into Florida from a campaign trip and signs a bill into law that further restricts already restricted abortion access in Florida. And, he did it in the dark of night behind closed doors.

Well, thank goodness the Republicans learned nothing from their 2022 election failures and seem hell bent on losing bigly to Democrats in 2024.

President biden could do no better if he wanted to.
As a friend told a MAGA colleague of ours:

You know, the bottom line is that all of you who think that abortion should be illegal in all cases haven't had to deal with it. And I find it so hypocritical that you all who insist you want small government regulations are willing to have the government regulate a woman's body.

It's your preference that your big construction jobs don't have so much government oversight and so much red tape, so much "government control", yet you're willing to sell out all freedom when it comes to regulating a woman's autonomy.

That doesn't even begin to address the total hypocrisy that you don't want any gun control, and your willingness to continue to watch children and adults DIE because of a gross lack of oversight. If you can't see the correlation between the two, or you don't "get" this post or you think it's not relevant, then you don't have any critical thinking skills, period.
That doesn't even begin to address the total hypocrisy that you don't want any gun control, and your willingness to continue to watch children and adults DIE because of a gross lack of oversight.

Abortion kills thousands of innocent children every day, more than a million every year, and has no legitimate purpose at all.

Every single successful abortion results in the death of an innocent human being. Every one. That is its purpose and that is its intent.

Everyone who has any direct willing part in an abortion is directly guilty of murdering an innocent human being.

Gun do serve some legitimate and very important purposes. The overwhelming vast majority of firearms are never used to harm anyone, and the overwhelming vast majority of people who own them never use them to commit any harm to others.

And the number of deaths that occur that are in any way connected with the use of a firearm, are insignificant compared to the number of deaths caused by abortion.

It is no those of us who support the people's right to keep and bear arms, as affirmed in the Second Amendment, but who oppose the gratuitous murder of thousands of innocent children every day; who are the hypocrites, here.

Look in the mirror.

In fact, by supporting abortion, you put the lie, completely, to any concern that you might deceitfully feign for the lives, safety, or well-being of any children.

Does it not seem that the Republicans just don't to win elections. Maybe they enjoy the campaigning and mud slinging more than actually governing. Their stance on abortion sure seems to bear that out.

By a large majority, Americans do not support legislation restriction a woman's right to choose. Why haven't Republicans got the message? They continue to support the phony pro-life indicted Donald Trump who demonstrated his total disregard for women by appointing anti-abortion judges. Look at hard core conservative Kansas who failed to pass a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

Look at "Don't say gay" Ron DeSantis, widely loved by Republicans and viewed as a successor to Donald Trump. Last night he slinks back into Florida from a campaign trip and signs a bill into law that further restricts already restricted abortion access in Florida. And, he did it in the dark of night behind closed doors.

Well, thank goodness the Republicans learned nothing from their 2022 election failures and seem hell bent on losing bigly to Democrats in 2024.

President biden could do no better if he wanted to.
Congratulations on contributing the most irresponsible thread of the year. It truly fizzles. Oh wait! It's the DNC party piddle of the week!
As a friend told a MAGA colleague of ours:

You know, the bottom line is that all of you who think that abortion should be illegal in all cases haven't had to deal with it. And I find it so hypocritical that you all who insist you want small government regulations are willing to have the government regulate a woman's body.

It's your preference that your big construction jobs don't have so much government oversight and so much red tape, so much "government control", yet you're willing to sell out all freedom when it comes to regulating a woman's autonomy.

That doesn't even begin to address the total hypocrisy that you don't want any gun control, and your willingness to continue to watch children and adults DIE because of a gross lack of oversight. If you can't see the correlation between the two, or you don't "get" this post or you think it's not relevant, then you don't have any critical thinking skills, period.
There's no law against a woman moving to an abortion state from an anti-abortion state. So control-freak feminazis really do have a choice and should make the choice of where she lives if she wants to kill her baby by having it penetrated with a sharp metal object, engage in an escape for its life until the knife painfully penetrates its little face into the brain to make it easier for the sucking vacuum to whisk out its little brain before it takes the little body out of the uterus so they can unceremoniously take it to the trash can where it will never have the dignity of being acknowledged, welcomed into the world, jump on a trampoline, read its first book, have a parent who reads it nighttime stories and have it bless its other brothers and sisters after praying "Now I lay me down to sleep..." since the killer mom won't have to be inconvenienced by paying a baby sitter for its care while she works to buy herself beautiful clothes and breast implants to have a perfect figure. Women now have the right to go where they want to go, move where they want to move, etcetera. And they can poison the preborn infant to death with a pill if she chooses to do it herself. Poison is a little slower than abortion, so the death will likely hurt a little more as the baby's last thought in life is "nobody loves me."

I feel sick. Bye.

Does it not seem that the Republicans just don't to win elections. Maybe they enjoy the campaigning and mud slinging more than actually governing. Their stance on abortion sure seems to bear that out.

By a large majority, Americans do not support legislation restriction a woman's right to choose. Why haven't Republicans got the message? They continue to support the phony pro-life indicted Donald Trump who demonstrated his total disregard for women by appointing anti-abortion judges. Look at hard core conservative Kansas who failed to pass a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

Look at "Don't say gay" Ron DeSantis, widely loved by Republicans and viewed as a successor to Donald Trump. Last night he slinks back into Florida from a campaign trip and signs a bill into law that further restricts already restricted abortion access in Florida. And, he did it in the dark of night behind closed doors.

Well, thank goodness the Republicans learned nothing from their 2022 election failures and seem hell bent on losing bigly to Democrats in 2024.

President biden could do no better if he wanted to.
The only "people" (I use that term loosely) that are adamant to kill the children for the purpose of birth control are the murderous Feminazis.

Does it not seem that the Republicans just don't to win elections. Maybe they enjoy the campaigning and mud slinging more than actually governing. Their stance on abortion sure seems to bear that out.

By a large majority, Americans do not support legislation restriction a woman's right to choose. Why haven't Republicans got the message? They continue to support the phony pro-life indicted Donald Trump who demonstrated his total disregard for women by appointing anti-abortion judges. Look at hard core conservative Kansas who failed to pass a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

Look at "Don't say gay" Ron DeSantis, widely loved by Republicans and viewed as a successor to Donald Trump. Last night he slinks back into Florida from a campaign trip and signs a bill into law that further restricts already restricted abortion access in Florida. And, he did it in the dark of night behind closed doors.

Well, thank goodness the Republicans learned nothing from their 2022 election failures and seem hell bent on losing bigly to Democrats in 2024.

President biden could do no better if he wanted to.

But you see, we don’t live by majority rule. What you see happening is not tyranny by the right, it’s a return to what should have always been. Adherence to the cotus.

The reason why everyone is so upset is because they think a “right” has been taken away from them. Abortion was never a right, and roe didn’t make it a right, but left wing activists took roe and called it a “right”, and every state was forced to allow abortion.

The thing is, scotus doesn’t make laws and they don’t grant rights, all they said in roe is affirm a woman’s right to privacy.

What happened in the overturning of roe was simply the scotus saying that roe was bad precedent and the decision was taken out of the hands of the federal government and returned to the states, where it always should have been.

Like many things in this country, the states should be handling them, not the federal government.
The right, or a solid portion of it, opposes the Constitution. Bob can disagree all he wants, but he supported the attempt of J6 to overthrow the election, so he is the proof in the pudding
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Does it not seem that the Republicans just don't to win elections. Maybe they enjoy the campaigning and mud slinging more than actually governing. Their stance on abortion sure seems to bear that out.

By a large majority, Americans do not support legislation restriction a woman's right to choose. Why haven't Republicans got the message? They continue to support the phony pro-life indicted Donald Trump who demonstrated his total disregard for women by appointing anti-abortion judges. Look at hard core conservative Kansas who failed to pass a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

Look at "Don't say gay" Ron DeSantis, widely loved by Republicans and viewed as a successor to Donald Trump. Last night he slinks back into Florida from a campaign trip and signs a bill into law that further restricts already restricted abortion access in Florida. And, he did it in the dark of night behind closed doors.

Well, thank goodness the Republicans learned nothing from their 2022 election failures and seem hell bent on losing bigly to Democrats in 2024.

President biden could do no better if he wanted to.
Perhaps they care more about the grisly and unholy slaughter of untold millions of innocent unborn children?
Abortion kills thousands of innocent children every day, more than a million every year, and has no legitimate purpose at all.

Every single successful abortion results in the death of an innocent human being. Every one. That is its purpose and that is its intent.

Everyone who has any direct willing part in an abortion is directly guilty of murdering an innocent human being.

Gun do serve some legitimate and very important purposes. The overwhelming vast majority of firearms are never used to harm anyone, and the overwhelming vast majority of people who own them never use them to commit any harm to others.

And the number of deaths that occur that are in any way connected with the use of a firearm, are insignificant compared to the number of deaths caused by abortion.

It is no those of us who support the people's right to keep and bear arms, as affirmed in the Second Amendment, but who oppose the gratuitous murder of thousands of innocent children every day; who are the hypocrites, here.

Look in the mirror.

In fact, by supporting abortion, you put the lie, completely, to any concern that you might deceitfully feign for the lives, safety, or well-being of any children.

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