The Republican party is dead

Republicans are so "dead" they control 27 state legislatures and have 29 Governorships.
Yeah but those are only in flyover states. Not the states that really matter.

The Democrats will become the party of the increasingly concentrated Gimmes in some states on the coasts.
There is a reason they are called "hate sites" instead of "really true truth sites.."

Called "hate sites" by whom? Radical left-wing degenerates who want homosexual child rape to be the law of the land? You're no doubt referring to the Southern Poverty Law Center, founded by Morris Dees. They're your barometer for what is and what isn't a "hate site"?
the award for the best line of total bullshit in a thread goes to Tom Sweetnam

The eXtreme Right have ruined their brand.
Define extreme right.
Anyone to the right of Olympia Snowe, for these jokers.

Right, like the Harvard professor who said that the school in no way practiced ideological exclusivity, because aside from its prevailing left-wing advocacy, Harvard also welcomed liberal thought as well.
If the Republican party dies, probably 100 million democrats will die out front of our trenches first. No, wait a minute...that's not right. About a million democrats will die, because the other 140 million will shit their pants and surrender the second an armed group of American Patriots says "boo!" It should be a real short war.
If republican leadership continues to enable democrats leftist agendas...and if republicans continue to ignore illegal immigration and border security, they are invalid anyway.

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