The Republican Party is embracing lunacy and madness

This whole thread is a leftist projection wank-fest. Leftists' hatred and rage have done nothing but increase since the inauguration, against all reason.

You got the Presidency. You kept the House. You got a tie in the Senate.

What are you morons angry about?

Rhetorical question. You operate solely on emotion. And you hate it that people are daring to question your President.
As I already posted, conform means unity and that’s it
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released a statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

It seems that in order to stop Democrats from raising taxes and implementing more social programs, the traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

All of those groups are historically TOTAL LOSERS. You only need to remember the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol to see what a bunch of total f*cking idiots these people are.

If the Traditional Republicans were smart they'd dump these losers and try to regain the Anti-Trump Republicans and middle of the road independents. They should accept that there will be some Democratic changes that are inevitable, but if they were more moderate they could limit those changes.

Their continued alignment with these nutcases will be a disaster for them.

Hey - If they had the brains to have removed Trump from office a year ago, Mike Pence would be President today.

Somehow, I doubt they can scrape together enough brains to figure this out.

traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

That's awful!!!

Commies must rise up to oppose them!!!

You have nothing to lose but your chains!!!


You mean like Ronald Reagan and Franklin D. Roosevelt?

F*ck you, you fascist piece of SH*T!!!!!!!!

Commies aren't going to save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics?

Then what are they good for?

I have every confidence that Americans will save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

The Confederates all are dead of old age.

YOu libs are so brave, fighting fights that other good men won, before you were born.

THe nazis? Ditto.

ws? Best GUESS, I've heard on them, is 8 thousand in the country. And that is probably bullshit. American needs saving from them, the same way we need saving from the Flat Earthers.

You are full of shit.

You can stomp your little tootsies all you want, but your attempt at gaslighting America FAILS!

We all saw the Confederate flags, Auschwitz, Neo_Nazi & white supremacist T-shirts on Jan. 6. We KNOW WHAT YOU ARE!!!

Confederate flags haven't stood for secession for like, over a hundred and fifty years.

Are you new to this planet? Or just a shit spewing liar?
Confederate Flags will stand for secession forever, or at least as long as human beings continue to exist and the history of the time is remembered.

Nope. The meanings of symbols can change over time, and for you to deny that, is just you being a lying asshole fucktard.

I didn't deny that. There certainly are basic symbols (like a circle, a square, or a triangle) that can be repurposed. Even an image of the sun could mean different things to different people over time. But that would never be the case for a very specific looking flag of an attempted overthrow of a national gov't in an attempt to create a separate political identify.

But who knows what might happen after 50,000 years. But I wouldn't bet on it based on a limited recorded human history of between 6,000 and 8,000 years.
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released a statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

It seems that in order to stop Democrats from raising taxes and implementing more social programs, the traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

All of those groups are historically TOTAL LOSERS. You only need to remember the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol to see what a bunch of total f*cking idiots these people are.

If the Traditional Republicans were smart they'd dump these losers and try to regain the Anti-Trump Republicans and middle of the road independents. They should accept that there will be some Democratic changes that are inevitable, but if they were more moderate they could limit those changes.

Their continued alignment with these nutcases will be a disaster for them.

Hey - If they had the brains to have removed Trump from office a year ago, Mike Pence would be President today.

Somehow, I doubt they can scrape together enough brains to figure this out.

traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

That's awful!!!

Commies must rise up to oppose them!!!

You have nothing to lose but your chains!!!


You mean like Ronald Reagan and Franklin D. Roosevelt?

F*ck you, you fascist piece of SH*T!!!!!!!!

Commies aren't going to save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics?

Then what are they good for?

I have every confidence that Americans will save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

The Confederates all are dead of old age.

YOu libs are so brave, fighting fights that other good men won, before you were born.

THe nazis? Ditto.

ws? Best GUESS, I've heard on them, is 8 thousand in the country. And that is probably bullshit. American needs saving from them, the same way we need saving from the Flat Earthers.

You are full of shit.

You can stomp your little tootsies all you want, but your attempt at gaslighting America FAILS!

We all saw the Confederate flags, Auschwitz, Neo_Nazi & white supremacist T-shirts on Jan. 6. We KNOW WHAT YOU ARE!!!

Confederate flags haven't stood for secession for like, over a hundred and fifty years.

Are you new to this planet? Or just a shit spewing liar?
Confederate Flags will stand for secession forever, or at least as long as human beings continue to exist and the history of the time is remembered.

Nope. The meanings of symbols can change over time, and for you to deny that, is just you being a lying asshole fucktard.

I didn't deny that. There certainly are basic symbols (like a circle, a square, or a triangle) that can be repurposed. Even an image of the sun could mean different things to different people over time. But that would never be the case for a very specific looking flag of an attempted overthrow of a national gov't in an attempt to create a separate political identify.

But who knows what might happen after 50,000 years. But I wouldn't bet on it based on a limited recorded human history of between 6,000 and 8,000 years.
What’s it to you?
This whole thread is a leftist projection wank-fest. Leftists' hatred and rage have done nothing but increase since the inauguration, against all reason.

You got the Presidency. You kept the House. You got a tie in the Senate.

What are you morons angry about?

Rhetorical question. You operate solely on emotion. And you hate it that people are daring to question your President.
Can’t hear you. Your voice doesn’t carry to the front of the bus. :auiqs.jpg:
They're afraid of the Trumpers, and for good reason.

I certainly am. They're angry and they're stupid. There's no more dangerous combination.

Like the old movie "The Anderson Tapes", law enforcement has been tracking these morons for years. Since Jan. 6, they are ready to put these assholes in prison if they try anything violent.

The only thing they can do is to primary Republicans - and that will backfire on them as bad as the Jan. 6 attack did.
Please tell me you think Ds are more honest in your eyes that Rs.

Hmm.... that's a tough call. Trumpsters aren't dishonest so much as just irrational and nutty. So it's different. In the long run, the ambitions of Democrats are far more dangerous for our nation. But Trumpsters are unhinged, and in the short term can still do a lot of damage.

Trumpsters are dishonest. Trump lies to him and they believe the lies. Not only do they believe the lies, they refuse to believe anything other than what he tells them.

I STRONGLY disagree that Democrats are more dangerous than Republicans. The economic crashes are destroying the nation, and Republicans are determined to cut taxes, and run the country on massive deficits.

The US economy is looking more and more like an old car that Republicans keep driving into a tree. Democrats keep patching it up and putting it back on the road, but with each successive crash, the economy doesn't come back to the level of income and wealth for the working and middle class. The American middle class is shrinking and without a healthy, growing middle class, your whole economy will continue to benefit the wealthy, to the detriment of workers.

Time for a new car. One where work is valued over wealth. Because giving 80% of the wealth to the rich is destroying the nation.

But let's be clear: No Democrat has ever crashed the economy. Nearly 50 years of Democratic economic policies created the greatest economy the world has every seen - built on the ashes of the Great Depression . Another Republican economic crash. 40 years of Republican economic policies have destroyed it.
It never has been "truth" that we are taxed to little. The TRUTH is that Congress spends too MUCH...and on things that are useless in general. "Study to determine the life-cycle of the blue-spotted ground beetle" for example.

Regular People aren't taxes too little. Wealthy people and corporations pay the lowest rate of taxes in the first world. Amazon - the most profitable company in the world, paid $0 in taxes last year. During the pandemic, the wealthiest people and corporations in American have increased their wealth by hundreds of billions of dollars. You're also spending more on your military than the next 10 countries in the world combined, and 9 of those countries are your allies. I know Americans are big on getting their allies to spend more on defense, but none of us are under attack, or involved in wars. Why should we waste money on weapons we don't have any use for? Plus we'd be buying from the USA, which is why the US is pushing the rest of us to re-arm.

In Canada, the wealthy get 39% of the income. In Norway
They're afraid of the Trumpers, and for good reason.

I certainly am. They're angry and they're stupid. There's no more dangerous combination.

Like the old movie "The Anderson Tapes", law enforcement has been tracking these morons for years. Since Jan. 6, they are ready to put these assholes in prison if they try anything violent.

The only thing they can do is to primary Republicans - and that will backfire on them as bad as the Jan. 6 attack did.
Please tell me you think Ds are more honest in your eyes that Rs.

Hmm.... that's a tough call. Trumpsters aren't dishonest so much as just irrational and nutty. So it's different. In the long run, the ambitions of Democrats are far more dangerous for our nation. But Trumpsters are unhinged, and in the short term can still do a lot of damage.
BS. First. The right nuts want to exterminate non-whites and are tolerated by the right and the righty leaders whistle to them all the time. They left nuts want the government to be more involved in pushing equity by lifting up the bottom subsidized by the top. Those fucking things are not equitable. Give me a break.

Second. The Biden platform just like the Clinton platform is barely lefty. Immigration has nothing to do with whitey fears of socialism that isn’t there. Neither does protecting the environment. Litterally all the normal righties have to scream about is potentially rich people of all colors paying more taxes. BFD.
RWers want to exterminate the existence of inter-generational excuses.
LWers want to exterminate anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them.

More lies from the right. Democrats aren't trying to "exterminate" anyone. They're trying to get Republicans to stop lying to the American people.

Mitt Romney replied to the question "What are Republicans supposed to do about election fraud?", with "We could tell them the TRUTH".

At this point, the only hope for Republicans is for the big donors to desert them. Which is already happening. American corporations will fight back against further attempts to install a white supremacist, authoritarian regime, which will not be good for your export markets in Europe and Asia.

Republicans have this weird attitude that as long as you're making money, what is the problem? They kept saying athletes are rich, why are they taking a knee?

The problem will be that your trading partners will stop buying your products - just like they did with Donald Trump's businesses. Under Donald Trump, America's trade deficit increased by over $200 billion. All of his clients are cancelling their vendor contracts with his companies.

I haven't bought anything that was "made in America", and that includes produce, since Donald Trump slapped tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. Tariff's that remain to this day. Your trade deficit with for manufactured goods has TRIPLED with Trump in office, and as future contracts expire, that gap will increase. Wash, rinse, repeat for the EU.
You are an idiot.
Even worse, you are a boring idiot.
Welcome to Ignore.

In other words, you've got NOTHING. I won't fight with you, just point out your stupidity. And you're running away.

And I'm still going to continue to dismantle your stupidity and lies.

Amazon - the most profitable company in the world

Nowhere near true. Wow!
An analogy...
You are the gender you identify with at the moment.
The corporation you feel is the most profitable company in the world at the moment is the most profitable company in the world.

My apologies it's not the "most profitable" because:

" A noticeable absence on the list is Amazon, the world’s largest retailer. While a large company by market capitalization, Amazon still has a relatively low profit. This is because the company re-invests much of its revenue into the company, with the expectation of higher profits in the future. The strategy has paid off, while some wonder how long it can continue. "

They're afraid of the Trumpers, and for good reason.

I certainly am. They're angry and they're stupid. There's no more dangerous combination.

Like the old movie "The Anderson Tapes", law enforcement has been tracking these morons for years. Since Jan. 6, they are ready to put these assholes in prison if they try anything violent.

The only thing they can do is to primary Republicans - and that will backfire on them as bad as the Jan. 6 attack did.
Please tell me you think Ds are more honest in your eyes that Rs.

Hmm.... that's a tough call. Trumpsters aren't dishonest so much as just irrational and nutty. So it's different. In the long run, the ambitions of Democrats are far more dangerous for our nation. But Trumpsters are unhinged, and in the short term can still do a lot of damage.

Trumpsters are dishonest. Trump lies to him and they believe the lies. Not only do they believe the lies, they refuse to believe anything other than what he tells them.

I STRONGLY disagree that Democrats are more dangerous than Republicans. The economic crashes are destroying the nation, and Republicans are determined to cut taxes, and run the country on massive deficits.

The US economy is looking more and more like an old car that Republicans keep driving into a tree. Democrats keep patching it up and putting it back on the road, but with each successive crash, the economy doesn't come back to the level of income and wealth for the working and middle class. The American middle class is shrinking and without a healthy, growing middle class, your whole economy will continue to benefit the wealthy, to the detriment of workers.

Time for a new car. One where work is valued over wealth. Because giving 80% of the wealth to the rich is destroying the nation.

But let's be clear: No Democrat has ever crashed the economy. Nearly 50 years of Democratic economic policies created the greatest economy the world has every seen - built on the ashes of the Great Depression . Another Republican economic crash. 40 years of Republican economic policies have destroyed it.
It never has been "truth" that we are taxed to little. The TRUTH is that Congress spends too MUCH...and on things that are useless in general. "Study to determine the life-cycle of the blue-spotted ground beetle" for example.

Regular People aren't taxes too little. Wealthy people and corporations pay the lowest rate of taxes in the first world. Amazon - the most profitable company in the world, paid $0 in taxes last year. During the pandemic, the wealthiest people and corporations in American have increased their wealth by hundreds of billions of dollars. You're also spending more on your military than the next 10 countries in the world combined, and 9 of those countries are your allies. I know Americans are big on getting their allies to spend more on defense, but none of us are under attack, or involved in wars. Why should we waste money on weapons we don't have any use for? Plus we'd be buying from the USA, which is why the US is pushing the rest of us to re-arm.

In Canada, the wealthy get 39% of the income. In Norway
They're afraid of the Trumpers, and for good reason.

I certainly am. They're angry and they're stupid. There's no more dangerous combination.

Like the old movie "The Anderson Tapes", law enforcement has been tracking these morons for years. Since Jan. 6, they are ready to put these assholes in prison if they try anything violent.

The only thing they can do is to primary Republicans - and that will backfire on them as bad as the Jan. 6 attack did.
Please tell me you think Ds are more honest in your eyes that Rs.

Hmm.... that's a tough call. Trumpsters aren't dishonest so much as just irrational and nutty. So it's different. In the long run, the ambitions of Democrats are far more dangerous for our nation. But Trumpsters are unhinged, and in the short term can still do a lot of damage.
BS. First. The right nuts want to exterminate non-whites and are tolerated by the right and the righty leaders whistle to them all the time. They left nuts want the government to be more involved in pushing equity by lifting up the bottom subsidized by the top. Those fucking things are not equitable. Give me a break.

Second. The Biden platform just like the Clinton platform is barely lefty. Immigration has nothing to do with whitey fears of socialism that isn’t there. Neither does protecting the environment. Litterally all the normal righties have to scream about is potentially rich people of all colors paying more taxes. BFD.
RWers want to exterminate the existence of inter-generational excuses.
LWers want to exterminate anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them.

More lies from the right. Democrats aren't trying to "exterminate" anyone. They're trying to get Republicans to stop lying to the American people.

Mitt Romney replied to the question "What are Republicans supposed to do about election fraud?", with "We could tell them the TRUTH".

At this point, the only hope for Republicans is for the big donors to desert them. Which is already happening. American corporations will fight back against further attempts to install a white supremacist, authoritarian regime, which will not be good for your export markets in Europe and Asia.

Republicans have this weird attitude that as long as you're making money, what is the problem? They kept saying athletes are rich, why are they taking a knee?

The problem will be that your trading partners will stop buying your products - just like they did with Donald Trump's businesses. Under Donald Trump, America's trade deficit increased by over $200 billion. All of his clients are cancelling their vendor contracts with his companies.

I haven't bought anything that was "made in America", and that includes produce, since Donald Trump slapped tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. Tariff's that remain to this day. Your trade deficit with for manufactured goods has TRIPLED with Trump in office, and as future contracts expire, that gap will increase. Wash, rinse, repeat for the EU.
You are an idiot.
Even worse, you are a boring idiot.
Welcome to Ignore.

In other words, you've got NOTHING. I won't fight with you, just point out your stupidity. And you're running away.

And I'm still going to continue to dismantle your stupidity and lies.

Amazon - the most profitable company in the world

Nowhere near true. Wow!
An analogy...
You are the gender you identify with at the moment.
The corporation you feel is the most profitable company in the world at the moment is the most profitable company in the world.

My apologies it's not the "most profitable" because:

" A noticeable absence on the list is Amazon, the world’s largest retailer. While a large company by market capitalization, Amazon still has a relatively low profit. This is because the company re-invests much of its revenue into the company, with the expectation of higher profits in the future. The strategy has paid off, while some wonder how long it can continue. "

Amazon - the most profitable company in the world, paid $0 in taxes last year.

Amazon still has a relatively low profit. This is because the company re-invests much of its revenue into the company,

Do you get it now?
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released at statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Portman's retirement is a really bad sign.

The party is being overrun with rage, paranoia and misinformation.
The rage is an addition from the weasel-in-chief. The right-wingers' paranoia is the result of six decades of the GOP's Southern Strategy. The misinformation, that was a gift from King Ronny, with his deregulation of facts caused by the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine. Hello, FOX Noise, where the truth is a stranger locked outside.

These people were pushed to this level over decades, by talk radio and then the internet, before Trump showed up.

He was the match that lit this. This ignorant, arrogant, buffoonish, caricature of a man was the spark that sent these people over the edge.

Now they're nothing more than domestic terrorists who have been conditioned to believe that they're patriots.
The con man abilities of the a$$hole trump made him seem, to the RWNJs like one of their own, but with an orange comb-over. He made them feel he too was a blue collar, very white, working stiff victimized by illegal immigrants, people of color (all are welfare queens), the educated (both men and women), gays, and the rest of the RWNJs' usual scapegoats.

As a RWNJ, how can you not love a guy like that?

The con man abilities of the a$$hole trump made him seem, to the RWNJs like one of their own, but with an orange comb-over. He made them feel he too was a blue collar, very white, working stiff victimized by illegal immigrants, people of color (all are welfare queens), the educated (both men and women), gays, and the rest of the RWNJs' usual scapegoats. As a RWNJ, how can you not love a guy like that?
How a person like Trump -- a guy whose only connection to these people is that they are the same species -- can do that, is the question.

I think that all he did was practice a little target marketing. He identified a large, easily-identifiable, easily-reachable, already angry, already frustrated, already paranoid, easily-swayed audience -- the talk radio crowd -- and zeroed in on them like a laser. Every fucking thing he said was directly to them, in their wheelhouse, and in their language. It kept not only the audience, but talk radio itself, firmly in his corner.

That was barely enough to get the needed electoral college votes, and that's all he needed. And he proceeded to do that, and only that, for four years, only increasing the intensity.

This is how it has manifested.
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released a statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

It seems that in order to stop Democrats from raising taxes and implementing more social programs, the traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

All of those groups are historically TOTAL LOSERS. You only need to remember the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol to see what a bunch of total f*cking idiots these people are.

If the Traditional Republicans were smart they'd dump these losers and try to regain the Anti-Trump Republicans and middle of the road independents. They should accept that there will be some Democratic changes that are inevitable, but if they were more moderate they could limit those changes.

Their continued alignment with these nutcases will be a disaster for them.

Hey - If they had the brains to have removed Trump from office a year ago, Mike Pence would be President today.

Somehow, I doubt they can scrape together enough brains to figure this out.

traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

That's awful!!!

Commies must rise up to oppose them!!!

You have nothing to lose but your chains!!!


You mean like Ronald Reagan and Franklin D. Roosevelt?

F*ck you, you fascist piece of SH*T!!!!!!!!

Commies aren't going to save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics?

Then what are they good for?

I have every confidence that Americans will save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

The Confederates all are dead of old age.

YOu libs are so brave, fighting fights that other good men won, before you were born.

THe nazis? Ditto.

ws? Best GUESS, I've heard on them, is 8 thousand in the country. And that is probably bullshit. American needs saving from them, the same way we need saving from the Flat Earthers.

You are full of shit.

You can stomp your little tootsies all you want, but your attempt at gaslighting America FAILS!

We all saw the Confederate flags, Auschwitz, Neo_Nazi & white supremacist T-shirts on Jan. 6. We KNOW WHAT YOU ARE!!!

Confederate flags haven't stood for secession for like, over a hundred and fifty years.

Are you new to this planet? Or just a shit spewing liar?
Confederate Flags will stand for secession forever, or at least as long as human beings continue to exist and the history of the time is remembered.

Nope. The meanings of symbols can change over time, and for you to deny that, is just you being a lying asshole fucktard.

I didn't deny that. There certainly are basic symbols (like a circle, a square, or a triangle) that can be repurposed. Even an image of the sun could mean different things to different people over time. But that would never be the case for a very specific looking flag of an attempted overthrow of a national gov't in an attempt to create a separate political identify.

But who knows what might happen after 50,000 years. But I wouldn't bet on it based on a limited recorded human history of between 6,000 and 8,000 years.
What’s it to you?
Because most people who routinely fly the Confederate Flag claim it means something other than what it clearly and obviously does mean.

However, I'm offended for a completely different reason. Those people who routinely fly the Confederate Flag are very often making a statement intentionally, and then, by denying they're making that statement, they're insulting my intelligence while they're also not owning up to their own beliefs. They're trying to have it both ways. That's cowardice as far as I'm concerned.
Last edited:
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released a statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

It seems that in order to stop Democrats from raising taxes and implementing more social programs, the traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

All of those groups are historically TOTAL LOSERS. You only need to remember the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol to see what a bunch of total f*cking idiots these people are.

If the Traditional Republicans were smart they'd dump these losers and try to regain the Anti-Trump Republicans and middle of the road independents. They should accept that there will be some Democratic changes that are inevitable, but if they were more moderate they could limit those changes.

Their continued alignment with these nutcases will be a disaster for them.

Hey - If they had the brains to have removed Trump from office a year ago, Mike Pence would be President today.

Somehow, I doubt they can scrape together enough brains to figure this out.

traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

That's awful!!!

Commies must rise up to oppose them!!!

You have nothing to lose but your chains!!!


You mean like Ronald Reagan and Franklin D. Roosevelt?

F*ck you, you fascist piece of SH*T!!!!!!!!

Commies aren't going to save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics?

Then what are they good for?

I have every confidence that Americans will save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

The Confederates all are dead of old age.

YOu libs are so brave, fighting fights that other good men won, before you were born.

THe nazis? Ditto.

ws? Best GUESS, I've heard on them, is 8 thousand in the country. And that is probably bullshit. American needs saving from them, the same way we need saving from the Flat Earthers.

You are full of shit.

You can stomp your little tootsies all you want, but your attempt at gaslighting America FAILS!

We all saw the Confederate flags, Auschwitz, Neo_Nazi & white supremacist T-shirts on Jan. 6. We KNOW WHAT YOU ARE!!!

Confederate flags haven't stood for secession for like, over a hundred and fifty years.

Are you new to this planet? Or just a shit spewing liar?
Confederate Flags will stand for secession forever, or at least as long as human beings continue to exist and the history of the time is remembered.

Nope. The meanings of symbols can change over time, and for you to deny that, is just you being a lying asshole fucktard.

I didn't deny that. There certainly are basic symbols (like a circle, a square, or a triangle) that can be repurposed. Even an image of the sun could mean different things to different people over time. But that would never be the case for a very specific looking flag of an attempted overthrow of a national gov't in an attempt to create a separate political identify.

But who knows what might happen after 50,000 years. But I wouldn't bet on it based on a limited recorded human history of between 6,000 and 8,000 years.
What’s it to you?
Because people who routinely fly the Confederate Flag claim it means something other than what it clearly and obviously does mean.
Yeah, it's that RWNJ states' rights bullsh!t.

If they were truly serious about states' rights, the hypocrites wouldn't be pushing so hard to have the USSC ban abortion nationwide.

What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released a statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

It seems that in order to stop Democrats from raising taxes and implementing more social programs, the traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

All of those groups are historically TOTAL LOSERS. You only need to remember the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol to see what a bunch of total f*cking idiots these people are.

If the Traditional Republicans were smart they'd dump these losers and try to regain the Anti-Trump Republicans and middle of the road independents. They should accept that there will be some Democratic changes that are inevitable, but if they were more moderate they could limit those changes.

Their continued alignment with these nutcases will be a disaster for them.

Hey - If they had the brains to have removed Trump from office a year ago, Mike Pence would be President today.

Somehow, I doubt they can scrape together enough brains to figure this out.

traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

That's awful!!!

Commies must rise up to oppose them!!!

You have nothing to lose but your chains!!!


You mean like Ronald Reagan and Franklin D. Roosevelt?

F*ck you, you fascist piece of SH*T!!!!!!!!

Commies aren't going to save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics?

Then what are they good for?

I have every confidence that Americans will save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

The Confederates all are dead of old age.

YOu libs are so brave, fighting fights that other good men won, before you were born.

THe nazis? Ditto.

ws? Best GUESS, I've heard on them, is 8 thousand in the country. And that is probably bullshit. American needs saving from them, the same way we need saving from the Flat Earthers.

You are full of shit.

You can stomp your little tootsies all you want, but your attempt at gaslighting America FAILS!

We all saw the Confederate flags, Auschwitz, Neo_Nazi & white supremacist T-shirts on Jan. 6. We KNOW WHAT YOU ARE!!!

Confederate flags haven't stood for secession for like, over a hundred and fifty years.

Are you new to this planet? Or just a shit spewing liar?
Confederate Flags will stand for secession forever, or at least as long as human beings continue to exist and the history of the time is remembered.

Nope. The meanings of symbols can change over time, and for you to deny that, is just you being a lying asshole fucktard.

I didn't deny that. There certainly are basic symbols (like a circle, a square, or a triangle) that can be repurposed. Even an image of the sun could mean different things to different people over time. But that would never be the case for a very specific looking flag of an attempted overthrow of a national gov't in an attempt to create a separate political identify.

But who knows what might happen after 50,000 years. But I wouldn't bet on it based on a limited recorded human history of between 6,000 and 8,000 years.
What’s it to you?
Because most people who routinely fly the Confederate Flag claim it means something other than what it clearly and obviously does mean.

However, I'm offended for a completely different reason. Those people who routinely fly the Confederate Flag are very often making a statement intentionally, and then, by denying they're making that statement, they're insulting my intelligence while they're also not owning up to their own beliefs. They're trying to have it both ways. That's cowardice as far as I'm concerned.
so you've met with most people who fly the confederate flag? why? Espionage?
The con man abilities of the a$$hole trump made him seem, to the RWNJs like one of their own, but with an orange comb-over. He made them feel he too was a blue collar, very white, working stiff victimized by illegal immigrants, people of color (all are welfare queens), the educated (both men and women), gays, and the rest of the RWNJs' usual scapegoats. As a RWNJ, how can you not love a guy like that?
How a person like Trump -- a guy whose only connection to these people is that they are the same species -- can do that, is the question.

I think that all he did was practice a little target marketing. He identified a large, easily-identifiable, easily-reachable, already angry, already frustrated, already paranoid, easily-swayed audience -- the talk radio crowd -- and zeroed in on them like a laser. Every fucking thing he said was directly to them, in their wheelhouse, and in their language. It kept not only the audience, but talk radio itself, firmly in his corner.

That was barely enough to get the needed electoral college votes, and that's all he needed. And he proceeded to do that, and only that, for four years, only increasing the intensity.

This is how it has manifested.
and yet here you are?
They're afraid of the Trumpers, and for good reason.

I certainly am. They're angry and they're stupid. There's no more dangerous combination.

Like the old movie "The Anderson Tapes", law enforcement has been tracking these morons for years. Since Jan. 6, they are ready to put these assholes in prison if they try anything violent.

The only thing they can do is to primary Republicans - and that will backfire on them as bad as the Jan. 6 attack did.
Please tell me you think Ds are more honest in your eyes that Rs.

Hmm.... that's a tough call. Trumpsters aren't dishonest so much as just irrational and nutty. So it's different. In the long run, the ambitions of Democrats are far more dangerous for our nation. But Trumpsters are unhinged, and in the short term can still do a lot of damage.

Trumpsters are dishonest. Trump lies to him and they believe the lies. Not only do they believe the lies, they refuse to believe anything other than what he tells them.

I STRONGLY disagree that Democrats are more dangerous than Republicans. The economic crashes are destroying the nation, and Republicans are determined to cut taxes, and run the country on massive deficits.

The US economy is looking more and more like an old car that Republicans keep driving into a tree. Democrats keep patching it up and putting it back on the road, but with each successive crash, the economy doesn't come back to the level of income and wealth for the working and middle class. The American middle class is shrinking and without a healthy, growing middle class, your whole economy will continue to benefit the wealthy, to the detriment of workers.

Time for a new car. One where work is valued over wealth. Because giving 80% of the wealth to the rich is destroying the nation.

But let's be clear: No Democrat has ever crashed the economy. Nearly 50 years of Democratic economic policies created the greatest economy the world has every seen - built on the ashes of the Great Depression . Another Republican economic crash. 40 years of Republican economic policies have destroyed it.
It never has been "truth" that we are taxed to little. The TRUTH is that Congress spends too MUCH...and on things that are useless in general. "Study to determine the life-cycle of the blue-spotted ground beetle" for example.

Regular People aren't taxes too little. Wealthy people and corporations pay the lowest rate of taxes in the first world. Amazon - the most profitable company in the world, paid $0 in taxes last year. During the pandemic, the wealthiest people and corporations in American have increased their wealth by hundreds of billions of dollars. You're also spending more on your military than the next 10 countries in the world combined, and 9 of those countries are your allies. I know Americans are big on getting their allies to spend more on defense, but none of us are under attack, or involved in wars. Why should we waste money on weapons we don't have any use for? Plus we'd be buying from the USA, which is why the US is pushing the rest of us to re-arm.

In Canada, the wealthy get 39% of the income. In Norway
They're afraid of the Trumpers, and for good reason.

I certainly am. They're angry and they're stupid. There's no more dangerous combination.

Like the old movie "The Anderson Tapes", law enforcement has been tracking these morons for years. Since Jan. 6, they are ready to put these assholes in prison if they try anything violent.

The only thing they can do is to primary Republicans - and that will backfire on them as bad as the Jan. 6 attack did.
Please tell me you think Ds are more honest in your eyes that Rs.

Hmm.... that's a tough call. Trumpsters aren't dishonest so much as just irrational and nutty. So it's different. In the long run, the ambitions of Democrats are far more dangerous for our nation. But Trumpsters are unhinged, and in the short term can still do a lot of damage.
BS. First. The right nuts want to exterminate non-whites and are tolerated by the right and the righty leaders whistle to them all the time. They left nuts want the government to be more involved in pushing equity by lifting up the bottom subsidized by the top. Those fucking things are not equitable. Give me a break.

Second. The Biden platform just like the Clinton platform is barely lefty. Immigration has nothing to do with whitey fears of socialism that isn’t there. Neither does protecting the environment. Litterally all the normal righties have to scream about is potentially rich people of all colors paying more taxes. BFD.
RWers want to exterminate the existence of inter-generational excuses.
LWers want to exterminate anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them.

More lies from the right. Democrats aren't trying to "exterminate" anyone. They're trying to get Republicans to stop lying to the American people.

Mitt Romney replied to the question "What are Republicans supposed to do about election fraud?", with "We could tell them the TRUTH".

At this point, the only hope for Republicans is for the big donors to desert them. Which is already happening. American corporations will fight back against further attempts to install a white supremacist, authoritarian regime, which will not be good for your export markets in Europe and Asia.

Republicans have this weird attitude that as long as you're making money, what is the problem? They kept saying athletes are rich, why are they taking a knee?

The problem will be that your trading partners will stop buying your products - just like they did with Donald Trump's businesses. Under Donald Trump, America's trade deficit increased by over $200 billion. All of his clients are cancelling their vendor contracts with his companies.

I haven't bought anything that was "made in America", and that includes produce, since Donald Trump slapped tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. Tariff's that remain to this day. Your trade deficit with for manufactured goods has TRIPLED with Trump in office, and as future contracts expire, that gap will increase. Wash, rinse, repeat for the EU.
You are an idiot.
Even worse, you are a boring idiot.
Welcome to Ignore.

In other words, you've got NOTHING. I won't fight with you, just point out your stupidity. And you're running away.

And I'm still going to continue to dismantle your stupidity and lies.

Amazon - the most profitable company in the world

Nowhere near true. Wow!
An analogy...
You are the gender you identify with at the moment.
The corporation you feel is the most profitable company in the world at the moment is the most profitable company in the world.

My apologies it's not the "most profitable" because:

" A noticeable absence on the list is Amazon, the world’s largest retailer. While a large company by market capitalization, Amazon still has a relatively low profit. This is because the company re-invests much of its revenue into the company, with the expectation of higher profits in the future. The strategy has paid off, while some wonder how long it can continue. "

Amazon - the most profitable company in the world, paid $0 in taxes last year.

Amazon still has a relatively low profit. This is because the company re-invests much of its revenue into the company,

Do you get it now?
nah, she has no fking clue.
This whole thread is a leftist projection wank-fest. Leftists' hatred and rage have done nothing but increase since the inauguration, against all reason.

You got the Presidency. You kept the House. You got a tie in the Senate.

What are you morons angry about?

Rhetorical question. You operate solely on emotion. And you hate it that people are daring to question your President.
Can’t hear you. Your voice doesn’t carry to the front of the bus. :auiqs.jpg:
if you cant hear him....why did you reply?....
This whole thread is a leftist projection wank-fest. Leftists' hatred and rage have done nothing but increase since the inauguration, against all reason.

You got the Presidency. You kept the House. You got a tie in the Senate.

What are you morons angry about?

Rhetorical question. You operate solely on emotion. And you hate it that people are daring to question your President.
Can’t hear you. Your voice doesn’t carry to the front of the bus. :auiqs.jpg:
if you cant hear him....why did you reply?....
Saw his lips moving.
This whole thread is a leftist projection wank-fest. Leftists' hatred and rage have done nothing but increase since the inauguration, against all reason.

You got the Presidency. You kept the House. You got a tie in the Senate.

What are you morons angry about?

Rhetorical question. You operate solely on emotion. And you hate it that people are daring to question your President.
Can’t hear you. Your voice doesn’t carry to the front of the bus. :auiqs.jpg:
if you cant hear him....why did you reply?....
Saw his lips moving.
thats pretty good for a message you guys skype?....
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released a statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

It seems that in order to stop Democrats from raising taxes and implementing more social programs, the traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

All of those groups are historically TOTAL LOSERS. You only need to remember the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol to see what a bunch of total f*cking idiots these people are.

If the Traditional Republicans were smart they'd dump these losers and try to regain the Anti-Trump Republicans and middle of the road independents. They should accept that there will be some Democratic changes that are inevitable, but if they were more moderate they could limit those changes.

Their continued alignment with these nutcases will be a disaster for them.

Hey - If they had the brains to have removed Trump from office a year ago, Mike Pence would be President today.

Somehow, I doubt they can scrape together enough brains to figure this out.

traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

That's awful!!!

Commies must rise up to oppose them!!!

You have nothing to lose but your chains!!!


You mean like Ronald Reagan and Franklin D. Roosevelt?

F*ck you, you fascist piece of SH*T!!!!!!!!

Commies aren't going to save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics?

Then what are they good for?

I have every confidence that Americans will save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

The Confederates all are dead of old age.

YOu libs are so brave, fighting fights that other good men won, before you were born.

THe nazis? Ditto.

ws? Best GUESS, I've heard on them, is 8 thousand in the country. And that is probably bullshit. American needs saving from them, the same way we need saving from the Flat Earthers.

You are full of shit.

You can stomp your little tootsies all you want, but your attempt at gaslighting America FAILS!

We all saw the Confederate flags, Auschwitz, Neo_Nazi & white supremacist T-shirts on Jan. 6. We KNOW WHAT YOU ARE!!!

Confederate flags haven't stood for secession for like, over a hundred and fifty years.

Are you new to this planet? Or just a shit spewing liar?
Confederate Flags will stand for secession forever, or at least as long as human beings continue to exist and the history of the time is remembered.

Nope. The meanings of symbols can change over time, and for you to deny that, is just you being a lying asshole fucktard.

I didn't deny that. There certainly are basic symbols (like a circle, a square, or a triangle) that can be repurposed. Even an image of the sun could mean different things to different people over time. But that would never be the case for a very specific looking flag of an attempted overthrow of a national gov't in an attempt to create a separate political identify.

But who knows what might happen after 50,000 years. But I wouldn't bet on it based on a limited recorded human history of between 6,000 and 8,000 years.
What’s it to you?
Because most people who routinely fly the Confederate Flag claim it means something other than what it clearly and obviously does mean.

However, I'm offended for a completely different reason. Those people who routinely fly the Confederate Flag are very often making a statement intentionally, and then, by denying they're making that statement, they're insulting my intelligence while they're also not owning up to their own beliefs. They're trying to have it both ways. That's cowardice as far as I'm concerned.

If the majority of people who use a symbol, say it means something other than you think it means,

seems like you are the one being an asshole and a coward.
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released a statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

It seems that in order to stop Democrats from raising taxes and implementing more social programs, the traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

All of those groups are historically TOTAL LOSERS. You only need to remember the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol to see what a bunch of total f*cking idiots these people are.

If the Traditional Republicans were smart they'd dump these losers and try to regain the Anti-Trump Republicans and middle of the road independents. They should accept that there will be some Democratic changes that are inevitable, but if they were more moderate they could limit those changes.

Their continued alignment with these nutcases will be a disaster for them.

Hey - If they had the brains to have removed Trump from office a year ago, Mike Pence would be President today.

Somehow, I doubt they can scrape together enough brains to figure this out.

traditional Republicans are aligning themselves with Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

That's awful!!!

Commies must rise up to oppose them!!!

You have nothing to lose but your chains!!!


You mean like Ronald Reagan and Franklin D. Roosevelt?

F*ck you, you fascist piece of SH*T!!!!!!!!

Commies aren't going to save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics?

Then what are they good for?

I have every confidence that Americans will save us from Confederates, Nazis, White Supremacists & lunatics.

The Confederates all are dead of old age.

YOu libs are so brave, fighting fights that other good men won, before you were born.

THe nazis? Ditto.

ws? Best GUESS, I've heard on them, is 8 thousand in the country. And that is probably bullshit. American needs saving from them, the same way we need saving from the Flat Earthers.

You are full of shit.

You can stomp your little tootsies all you want, but your attempt at gaslighting America FAILS!

We all saw the Confederate flags, Auschwitz, Neo_Nazi & white supremacist T-shirts on Jan. 6. We KNOW WHAT YOU ARE!!!

Confederate flags haven't stood for secession for like, over a hundred and fifty years.

Are you new to this planet? Or just a shit spewing liar?
Confederate Flags will stand for secession forever, or at least as long as human beings continue to exist and the history of the time is remembered.

Nope. The meanings of symbols can change over time, and for you to deny that, is just you being a lying asshole fucktard.

I didn't deny that. There certainly are basic symbols (like a circle, a square, or a triangle) that can be repurposed. Even an image of the sun could mean different things to different people over time. But that would never be the case for a very specific looking flag of an attempted overthrow of a national gov't in an attempt to create a separate political identify.

But who knows what might happen after 50,000 years. But I wouldn't bet on it based on a limited recorded human history of between 6,000 and 8,000 years.
What’s it to you?
Because people who routinely fly the Confederate Flag claim it means something other than what it clearly and obviously does mean.
Yeah, it's that RWNJ states' rights bullsh!t.

If they were truly serious about states' rights, the hypocrites wouldn't be pushing so hard to have the USSC ban abortion nationwide.


You just revealed that you are completely ignorant on the issues.
This whole thread is a leftist projection wank-fest. Leftists' hatred and rage have done nothing but increase since the inauguration, against all reason.

You got the Presidency. You kept the House. You got a tie in the Senate.

What are you morons angry about?

Rhetorical question. You operate solely on emotion. And you hate it that people are daring to question your President.
Can’t hear you. Your voice doesn’t carry to the front of the bus. :auiqs.jpg:
You leftists sure do like to put inconvenient people in the back of the bus.

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