The Republican Party WILL rise again. But it won't have much in common with this one.



You are already seeing the change among young conservatives.

Less hate for minorities
an openness to the gays
a tiny bit more respect for education
a tiny bit less hatred for atheists
a slight increase in learning about science

where you will see the change the most:

a willingness to help the poor
a willingness to support birth control
support for health care
less emphasis on supporting the needy super rich
support for rebuilding America
less desire to plunge the nation into war

It will be slow. The entire philosophy behind conservatism is to keep things as static and unchanging as possible and if there must be change, slow it down. Today's Republicans want to block everything. Their greatest successes, NASA and the Interstate Highway system would never, ever happen with today's Republicans. We all know it. It can't be denied.

But there will be a generational change and that will take time. And I think I've done a pretty good in outlining it in simplistic terms.
And I suspect the Democratic Party won't change all that much.
Another concern troll heard from. I'm sure republicans are on tenterhooks awaiting the well-meaning advice of the adversarial party,
Another concern troll heard from. I'm sure republicans are on tenterhooks awaiting the well-meaning advice of the adversarial party,

It's pretty clear. Even polls paid for by Republicans said pretty much the same thing. Truth is trugh. Denial is denial. Republicans need to stoke the first and end the second.
Wouldn't the Republican party have to be all those foolish things you've described before they can be different from your description?

Have you seriously lied so often about Republicans that you cannot even see the truth?
You are already seeing the change among young conservatives.

Less hate for minorities
an openness to the gays
a tiny bit more respect for education
a tiny bit less hatred for atheists
a slight increase in learning about science

where you will see the change the most:

a willingness to help the poor
a willingness to support birth control
support for health care
less emphasis on supporting the needy super rich
support for rebuilding America
less desire to plunge the nation into war

It will be slow. The entire philosophy behind conservatism is to keep things as static and unchanging as possible and if there must be change, slow it down. Today's Republicans want to block everything. Their greatest successes, NASA and the Interstate Highway system would never, ever happen with today's Republicans. We all know it. It can't be denied.

But there will be a generational change and that will take time. And I think I've done a pretty good in outlining it in simplistic terms.

efven though all of your points are wrong, tell me how the liberals have helped, Oakland, Detroit, Gary, Chicago, Atlanta, Memphis again?

You realize those failed states have no republicans in sight and let me know which republican heavy areas are in just as bad shape...I'll be waiting
You are already seeing the change among young conservatives.

Less hate for minorities
an openness to the gays
a tiny bit more respect for education
a tiny bit less hatred for atheists
a slight increase in learning about science

where you will see the change the most:

a willingness to help the poor
a willingness to support birth control
support for health care
less emphasis on supporting the needy super rich
support for rebuilding America
less desire to plunge the nation into war

It will be slow. The entire philosophy behind conservatism is to keep things as static and unchanging as possible and if there must be change, slow it down. Today's Republicans want to block everything. Their greatest successes, NASA and the Interstate Highway system would never, ever happen with today's Republicans. We all know it. It can't be denied.

But there will be a generational change and that will take time. And I think I've done a pretty good in outlining it in simplistic terms.

efven though all of your points are wrong, tell me how the liberals have helped, Oakland, Detroit, Gary, Chicago, Atlanta, Memphis again?

You realize those failed states have no republicans in sight and let me know which republican heavy areas are in just as bad shape...I'll be waiting
Wouldn't the Republican party have to be all those foolish things you've described before they can be different from your description?

Have you seriously lied so often about Republicans that you cannot even see the truth?

And the truth is? Clearly, you don't know. Not the reality. Only what you "imagine".
You are already seeing the change among young conservatives.

Less hate for minorities
an openness to the gays
a tiny bit more respect for education
a tiny bit less hatred for atheists
a slight increase in learning about science

where you will see the change the most:

a willingness to help the poor
a willingness to support birth control
support for health care
less emphasis on supporting the needy super rich
support for rebuilding America
less desire to plunge the nation into war

It will be slow. The entire philosophy behind conservatism is to keep things as static and unchanging as possible and if there must be change, slow it down. Today's Republicans want to block everything. Their greatest successes, NASA and the Interstate Highway system would never, ever happen with today's Republicans. We all know it. It can't be denied.

But there will be a generational change and that will take time. And I think I've done a pretty good in outlining it in simplistic terms.

efven though all of your points are wrong, tell me how the liberals have helped, Oakland, Detroit, Gary, Chicago, Atlanta, Memphis again?

You realize those failed states have no republicans in sight and let me know which republican heavy areas are in just as bad shape...I'll be waiting

You do know those are cities and not states, right?

You do know you denied and then tried to deflect, right?

You could have pointed out what was incorrect and then backed it up with facts, right?

You know you........Oh, what's the use/
You are already seeing the change among young conservatives.

Less hate for minorities
an openness to the gays
a tiny bit more respect for education
a tiny bit less hatred for atheists
a slight increase in learning about science

where you will see the change the most:

a willingness to help the poor
a willingness to support birth control
support for health care
less emphasis on supporting the needy super rich
support for rebuilding America
less desire to plunge the nation into war

It will be slow. The entire philosophy behind conservatism is to keep things as static and unchanging as possible and if there must be change, slow it down. Today's Republicans want to block everything. Their greatest successes, NASA and the Interstate Highway system would never, ever happen with today's Republicans. We all know it. It can't be denied.

But there will be a generational change and that will take time. And I think I've done a pretty good in outlining it in simplistic terms.

You're right. Even though I am relishing and enjoying watching the GOP sink to it's death, there will be an opposing party, and always will be. It'll probably still have the name "Republican Party", but it indeed will NOT look like the current one.

The Tea Party thing was fun for a while, and lots of people initially signed on. Lower taxes sounded GREAT! But, they bought onto "smaller government" until they began to realize that smaller government also meant LESS government, and they began to realize everything the government does, and that they LIKE some of that stuff.

I think Hilary Clinton will win 2016. She'll probably win 2020 also. So, sometime around 2022, 2024, the new GOP will rise. It is inevitable, as Americas have short memory and short tempers. 16 years under Democrat rule may or may not be good, but 100% chance people will be pissed at something and want someone to blame, and they'll blame Democrats.

Some form of an opposition party will rise under the GOP name, and probably get a shot in 2020 or 2024.

But the modern GOP that is basically a bunch of rich people who say "fuck you, I got mine" to every issue is dying and soon will be an afterthought.
You are already seeing the change among young conservatives.

Less hate for minorities
an openness to the gays
a tiny bit more respect for education
a tiny bit less hatred for atheists
a slight increase in learning about science

where you will see the change the most:

a willingness to help the poor
a willingness to support birth control
support for health care
less emphasis on supporting the needy super rich
support for rebuilding America
less desire to plunge the nation into war

It will be slow. The entire philosophy behind conservatism is to keep things as static and unchanging as possible and if there must be change, slow it down. Today's Republicans want to block everything. Their greatest successes, NASA and the Interstate Highway system would never, ever happen with today's Republicans. We all know it. It can't be denied.

But there will be a generational change and that will take time. And I think I've done a pretty good in outlining it in simplistic terms.

efven though all of your points are wrong, tell me how the liberals have helped, Oakland, Detroit, Gary, Chicago, Atlanta, Memphis again?

You realize those failed states have no republicans in sight and let me know which republican heavy areas are in just as bad shape...I'll be waiting

You do know those are cities and not states, right?

You do know you denied and then tried to deflect, right?

You could have pointed out what was incorrect and then backed it up with facts, right?

You know you........Oh, what's the use/

No, I dont think he knew those were cities and not states.

And while pointing to failing Democrat run cities is always interesting.........

They wont point to failed STATES and regions that have long been Republican dominated: Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, South Carolina, rural Georgia, rural Alabama, rural Oklahoma, the Appalachian trail regions.

The wont bring up left leaning cities, like Atlanta and Charleston, that have THRIVED as an oasis of economic growth and culture in the middle of dark red states that have seen massive failures throughout the rest of the state.

Examples of everything can be found if we search long enough.
The new party will be America's fourth major conservative political party since the constitution. It they had stuck with Teddy Roosevelt's progressive Bull Moose party they might still be in power, course they wouldn't be conservative then.

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