The Republicans are not going to like this!!!

Growing Number Of States Are Reporting Lower Than Expected Health Care Premiums | ThinkProgress

Growing Number Of States Are Reporting Lower Than Expected Health Care Premiums

Sorry guys.

The Republicans will be genuinely sad that people are going to pay less for health insurance. They really wanted a society were a significant chunk of people got priced out of health care because hey - they're lazy and poor so fuck them they deserve it. They will find it hard to feel good about themselves when the folks they hate can get health care.

thinkprogress --LOL
Question for all of you Cheerleaders.....especially Greenie.

How were these rates decided upon?
We need to fund a Manhattan like project for the development of gene therapy aimed at the gene that has been discovered that causes people to be fat. This form of gene therapy could save us many billions of dollars.


Fat people aren't a problem, and wouldn't be an issue at all if government programs didn't force the rest of us to fund their medical needs.

The real genetic issue that has incredible financial, political and social cost is stupidity.

Stupidity is the greatest liability all of western culture is faced with thank you acolytes of karl marx.

If it wasn't for these sniveling mindless fuckwads, whores like nanzi pilousy would have either starved to death years ago, or died of aids under a goddamned bridge in san fransicko.

We need to find whatever gene it is that prevents people from outgrowing their asinine liberalism. That is the greatest liability of mankind.
Growing Number Of States Are Reporting Lower Than Expected Health Care Premiums | ThinkProgress

Growing Number Of States Are Reporting Lower Than Expected Health Care Premiums

Sorry guys.

The Republicans will be genuinely sad that people are going to pay less for health insurance. They really wanted a society were a significant chunk of people got priced out of health care because hey - they're lazy and poor so fuck them they deserve it. They will find it hard to feel good about themselves when the folks they hate can get health care.

It's a numerical shell game and you morons are falling for it. Fine, you do that. Those of us with a modicum of intelligence aren't buying it.
Government projections, always right on the mark.

From the article:

The prices Marylanders will pay are lower than the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) anticipated, but do cost more than the bare-bones plans that are available today. Residents will have a choice of nine insurance carriers and three out of four people purchasing coverage through the exchange will qualify for tax credits, further reducing the cost of coverage. Nationally, 6 million out of the 7 million people who are expected to enroll in 2014 will receive subsidies.

Once again it appears that the government is crowing about increasing taxes, or cost, but not as high as they said they would. They crow that it is a cost reduction, only a true partisan buys that crap. I also did not see where they mentioned seniors and what they were going to pay. Even with Medicare today seniors pay 500-800 per month. I read where some are crying about paying for old fat people, well guess what, unless something changes one day you too will be old and maybe fat.

BTW I would appreciate lower cost, I just don't like BS. BS that the cost increase will be lower then what someone projected and I am to then think the INCREASE is good? That just plain BS.

This marks the death of another stupid thread on this subject.:clap2:
Government projections, always right on the mark.

From the article:

The prices Marylanders will pay are lower than the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) anticipated, but do cost more than the bare-bones plans that are available today. Residents will have a choice of nine insurance carriers and three out of four people purchasing coverage through the exchange will qualify for tax credits, further reducing the cost of coverage. Nationally, 6 million out of the 7 million people who are expected to enroll in 2014 will receive subsidies.

Once again it appears that the government is crowing about increasing taxes, or cost, but not as high as they said they would. They crow that it is a cost reduction, only a true partisan buys that crap. I also did not see where they mentioned seniors and what they were going to pay. Even with Medicare today seniors pay 500-800 per month. I read where some are crying about paying for old fat people, well guess what, unless something changes one day you too will be old and maybe fat.

BTW I would appreciate lower cost, I just don't like BS. BS that the cost increase will be lower then what someone projected and I am to then think the INCREASE is good? That just plain BS.

This marks the death of another stupid thread on this subject.:clap2:

The truth about all of these Rates is this....

The Companies have NO real true loss ratios from which to formulate these rates....they are all flying blind.

We will not know ANYTHING in a firm manner until year two when the year one loss ratios are seen.
Government projections, always right on the mark.

From the article:

The prices Marylanders will pay are lower than the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) anticipated, but do cost more than the bare-bones plans that are available today. Residents will have a choice of nine insurance carriers and three out of four people purchasing coverage through the exchange will qualify for tax credits, further reducing the cost of coverage. Nationally, 6 million out of the 7 million people who are expected to enroll in 2014 will receive subsidies.

Once again it appears that the government is crowing about increasing taxes, or cost, but not as high as they said they would. They crow that it is a cost reduction, only a true partisan buys that crap. I also did not see where they mentioned seniors and what they were going to pay. Even with Medicare today seniors pay 500-800 per month. I read where some are crying about paying for old fat people, well guess what, unless something changes one day you too will be old and maybe fat.

BTW I would appreciate lower cost, I just don't like BS. BS that the cost increase will be lower then what someone projected and I am to then think the INCREASE is good? That just plain BS.

This marks the death of another stupid thread on this subject.:clap2:

The truth about all of these Rates is this....

The Companies have NO real true loss ratios from which to formulate these rates....they are all flying blind.

We will not know ANYTHING in a firm manner until year two when the year one loss ratios are seen.

Absolute truth. So they make a estimate that is way too high then when they come in at an increase but less then projection they claim some sort of victory. What an incredible amount of BS.
This marks the death of another stupid thread on this subject.:clap2:

The truth about all of these Rates is this....

The Companies have NO real true loss ratios from which to formulate these rates....they are all flying blind.

We will not know ANYTHING in a firm manner until year two when the year one loss ratios are seen.

Absolute truth. So they make a estimate that is way too high then when they come in at an increase but less then projection they claim some sort of victory. What an incredible amount of BS.

I can't take credit for it, this all came from Blue Cross Blue Shield executive I talked to last Weds.

The terrifying fear for everyone is this...speaking for my rates must be filed in the month of May if you want them to go into effect by Jan 1...

What this means is this....year ones rates are locked in for two years...nobody can file a rate change with just 4 months of in this State they are locked in for two could be devastating.
Growing Number Of States Are Reporting Lower Than Expected Health Care Premiums | ThinkProgress

Growing Number Of States Are Reporting Lower Than Expected Health Care Premiums

Sorry guys.

The Republicans will be genuinely sad that people are going to pay less for health insurance. They really wanted a society were a significant chunk of people got priced out of health care because hey - they're lazy and poor so fuck them they deserve it. They will find it hard to feel good about themselves when the folks they hate can get health care.

ok big dummy how about us who saves a thousands of dollars a year by not buying health insurance? why the fuck do we have to pay for old fat ass farts? dont want too..

I guess that explains all the part time jobs...another phony scandal explained away.
Government projections, always right on the mark.

From the article:

The prices Marylanders will pay are lower than the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) anticipated, but do cost more than the bare-bones plans that are available today. Residents will have a choice of nine insurance carriers and three out of four people purchasing coverage through the exchange will qualify for tax credits, further reducing the cost of coverage. Nationally, 6 million out of the 7 million people who are expected to enroll in 2014 will receive subsidies.

Once again it appears that the government is crowing about increasing taxes, or cost, but not as high as they said they would. They crow that it is a cost reduction, only a true partisan buys that crap. I also did not see where they mentioned seniors and what they were going to pay. Even with Medicare today seniors pay 500-800 per month. I read where some are crying about paying for old fat people, well guess what, unless something changes one day you too will be old and maybe fat.

BTW I would appreciate lower cost, I just don't like BS. BS that the cost increase will be lower then what someone projected and I am to then think the INCREASE is good? That just plain BS.

This marks the death of another stupid thread on this subject.:clap2:


Bravo!!! I owe you + rep. Freewill.
Growing Number Of States Are Reporting Lower Than Expected Health Care Premiums | ThinkProgress

Growing Number Of States Are Reporting Lower Than Expected Health Care Premiums

Sorry guys.

The Republicans will be genuinely sad that people are going to pay less for health insurance. They really wanted a society were a significant chunk of people got priced out of health care because hey - they're lazy and poor so fuck them they deserve it. They will find it hard to feel good about themselves when the folks they hate can get health care.

ok big dummy how about us who saves a thousands of dollars a year by not buying health insurance? why the fuck do we have to pay for old fat ass farts? dont want too..

Now that is about as stupid of a comment as I have ever heard. An automobile wreck, dump your motorbike, or simply lift something out of position, and you could be faced with hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills, in the meantime, you are unable to work. Perhaps we should make people like you sign a statement that says if you don't have the money in the bank to pay for estimated medical costs, they just let you bleed to death on the sidewalk outside the emergency room.
This is another one of those really fucking stupid threads where Obama gets credit for something "good' that has not actually happened yet.

No, this is another one of those really fucking stupid threads where a liberal, in this case OhhPooPoopyDo, declares the absolutely unfounded belief that Republicans and conservatives hate everyone not like them...

Yeah, don't know where he got that idea...
Healthcare for the lazy fatties and other irresponsibles like smokers wouldn't be an issue if we didn't have to pay no matter what. But they go to emergency rooms and if they can't pay, we the taxpayer pick up the more $$$ tab that way.

So, what's the real solution. Money or insurance proof up front or no help at the ER?
If this is true = good news. You won't hear me not liking lower health care cost. ;)

I don't see rates going down or up significantly, but I am hoping that the ACA will help stabilize premiums for everyone. The ACA has some glitches but it is workable. The question is whether or not it will cut costs in the long run. If we truly want to cut costs, we need to address the obesity problem.

Agreed. Glitchy, but workable. Glitches can be fixed...when our legislators are willing to work together to do it.

More cost controls are definitely needed, whether than can be done with simple daylight or if cost controls will need to be enacted, remains to be seen. I mean, what can be done about this kind of thing?

Hospital Charges Vary Across U.S. for Same Procedures

You're right though...our obesity epidemic is a huge driver of our increasing health care costs. Why are we getting so fat?


This is Why You're Fat
[...... people are going to pay less for health insurance. .

That is true ONLY for some New Yorkers.

Obamacare May Lower NY Health Premiums — Under Peculiar Rules and an Unlikely Scenario

J.D. Tuccille|Jul. 17, 2013 5:30 pm

There a place in the United States where the Affordable Care Act, now almost unversally known as "Obamacare," may actually bring health costs down? It's possible, but you might need very peculiar circumstances, such as those that prevail in New York state, where very interesting state rules that have helped hike insurance premiums sky high will, at least theoretically, be replaced by an economically more sustainable scenario under the new system."

This is another one of those really fucking stupid threads where Obama gets credit for something "good' that has not actually happened yet.

No, this is another one of those really fucking stupid threads where a liberal, in this case OhhPooPoopyDo, declares the absolutely unfounded belief that Republicans and conservatives hate everyone not like them...

Yeah, don't know where he got that idea...

Yeah... Sorry... I forgot... One commentary, one thread, reactions on one message board represent an entire group for some of you folks...

Mea culpa.

:contempt and sarcasm off:

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