The Republicans are not going to like this!!!

[...... people are going to pay less for health insurance. .

That is true ONLY for some New Yorkers.

Obamacare May Lower NY Health Premiums — Under Peculiar Rules and an Unlikely Scenario

J.D. Tuccille|Jul. 17, 2013 5:30 pm

There a place in the United States where the Affordable Care Act, now almost unversally known as "Obamacare," may actually bring health costs down? It's possible, but you might need very peculiar circumstances, such as those that prevail in New York state, where very interesting state rules that have helped hike insurance premiums sky high will, at least theoretically, be replaced by an economically more sustainable scenario under the new system."


Like I said, it's a shell game. We aren't buying it but the liberal sheep are touting it. Meh, typical.
Growing Number Of States Are Reporting Lower Than Expected Health Care Premiums | ThinkProgress

Growing Number Of States Are Reporting Lower Than Expected Health Care Premiums

Sorry guys.

The Republicans will be genuinely sad that people are going to pay less for health insurance. They really wanted a society were a significant chunk of people got priced out of health care because hey - they're lazy and poor so fuck them they deserve it. They will find it hard to feel good about themselves when the folks they hate can get health care.

The left is not going to like this. When government stepped in to control health care in Massachusetts, they soon discovered the problems found in covering "costs", as they hold the mantle of the most expensive state regarding health care cost in the nation.

A study released by the Commonwealth Fund in December reported Massachusetts has the highest health-insurance premiums in the nation for private, employer-sponsored plans.

The study found that the average Massachusetts family health plan had a premium of $16,953 in 2011, compared to a national average of $15,022. The average premium for a individual plan was $5,823, compared to $5,222 nationally.

Massachusetts works to address the nation's highest health insurance premiums |

Representatives from the state's nonprofit health plans as well as national for-profit insurers doing business in Massachusetts estimated the "medical cost trend," a key industry measure, will climb between 6 and 12 percent this year -- higher than last year's cost bump and more than double the 3.6 percent increase set as a target in a state law passed last year.

Massachusetts experts have, for awhile now, maintained some skepticism about whether the legislation would actually keep costs down. While the state has achieved near-universal coverage with its 2006 reform law, handing out health insurance cards is a less challenging task than bringing down the price of health-care services

Washington Post
Considering the Administration has pushed implementing the employer mandate part of Obamacare back to 2015 and that partisan sites both liberal and conservative cherry pick information I have good reason to be skeptical. Why are you people so desperate to crown something that is not even fully implemented yet as a success? Maybe Obamacare will be a success maybe it won't I suspect it will be a classic big government clusterfuck that won't change things in any major way time will tell.

All those stories are turds. Just to take the first one. Rates were not "slashed by 35%". Insurers submitted rate requests and the Oregon state board scaled those requests back by 35%. It doesnt say anything about how that compares to today's rates.
People who are really bad at math and logic shouldn't be in charge of health insurance.
This is another one of those really fucking stupid threads where Obama gets credit for something "good' that has not actually happened yet.

The thread is about states whose 2014 exchange premiums have been finalized (for plans that go on sale two months from now). So yes, this has actually already happened.

And what have we seen? Premiums substantially lower than expected by the CBO in estimating the costs of the law back in 2010.
In the 11 states that have released rates for next year, premiums for a middle-of-the-road plan are an average of 18 percent cheaper than the Congressional Budget Office had expected.

With Maryland that makes 12 states with final 2014 rates, and Maryland's are even lower than the rest.

Couple the lower-than-expected premiums (and thus the lower-than-expected cost of the federal subsidies) with the lower-than-expected Medicare and Medicaid costs this decade and we're looking at the ACA being significantly cheaper than expected and advertised.
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With Maryland that makes 12 states with final 2014 rates, and Maryland's are even lower than the rest.


Moderate Democrats Turn Against Obamacare

July 23, 2013

The landmark health-reform law passed in 2010 has never been very popular and always highly partisan, but a new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that a group of once loyal Democrats has been steadily turning against Obamacare: Democrats who are ideologically moderate or conservative.

Just after the law was passed in 2010, fully 74 percent of moderate and conservative Democrats supported the federal law making changes to the health-care system. But just 46 percent express support in the new poll, down 11 points in the past year. Liberal Democrats, by contrast, have continued to support the law at very high levels – 78 percent in the latest survey. Among the public at large, 42 percent support and 49 percent oppose the law, retreating from an even split at 47 percent apiece last July."

With Maryland that makes 12 states with final 2014 rates, and Maryland's are even lower than the rest.


Moderate Democrats Turn Against Obamacare

Interesting. WashPo-ABC should take a poll of Maryland's 2014 rates. Wait, Maryland's insurance department already did that and made the rates public. They're low! :)

From the Obama Hellcare website

ObamaCare Insurance Premium Rate Hikes Facts

• Many people are finding their Premiums rising at alarming rates.

People with high-end plans may continue to see higher prices on their plans moving forward, while low to middle income Americans and employees will see an Average savings of 60% of their premiums due to subsidies, tax credits and up-front assistance. Customers in States utilizing rate review provisions and setting up an insurance exchanges are projected to save the most.

Tell me Vern, how can the ALREADY BANKRUPT Federal government subsidize anything other than by having Bernanke print money like crazy?!?!?!?!?!?

People with high-end plans may continue to see higher prices on their plans moving forward, while low to middle income Americans and employees will see an Average savings of 60% of their premiums due to subsidies, tax credits and up-front assistance. Customers in States utilizing rate review provisions and setting up an insurance exchanges are projected to save the most.

That's a good point, we haven't even touched on the fact that these lower-than-expected premiums will be lower still from the point of view of people buying insurance due to upfront affordability tax credits.

Now we're getting to really low premiums!
This is another one of those really fucking stupid threads where Obama gets credit for something "good' that has not actually happened yet.

The thread is about states whose 2014 exchange premiums have been finalized (for plans that go on sale two months from now). So yes, this has actually already happened.

And what have we seen? Premiums substantially lower than expected by the CBO is estimating the costs of the law back in 2010.
In the 11 states that have released rates for next year, premiums for a middle-of-the-road plan are an average of 18 percent cheaper than the Congressional Budget Office had expected.

With Maryland that makes 12 states with final 2014 rates, and Maryland's are even lower than the rest.

Couple the lower-than-expected premiums (and thus the lower-than-expected cost of the federal subsidies) with the lower-than-expected Medicare and Medicaid costs this decade and we're looking at the ACA being significantly cheaper than expected and advertised.
Well, CBO posited that rates for a family would be over $15,000 a year. So rates have not gone down. They are merely less high than some people guessed.
But even then I would bet the expected rates are predicated on the assumption that healthy young people will sign up in droves for obamacare, paying for health insurance they dont need.
In actual practice this doesn't happen. As Mass has found out.
Health Care In Massachusetts Turns To Cost Control : NPR
This is another one of those really fucking stupid threads where Obama gets credit for something "good' that has not actually happened yet.

The thread is about states whose 2014 exchange premiums have been finalized (for plans that go on sale two months from now). So yes, this has actually already happened.

And what have we seen? Premiums substantially lower than expected by the CBO is estimating the costs of the law back in 2010.
In the 11 states that have released rates for next year, premiums for a middle-of-the-road plan are an average of 18 percent cheaper than the Congressional Budget Office had expected.

With Maryland that makes 12 states with final 2014 rates, and Maryland's are even lower than the rest.

Couple the lower-than-expected premiums (and thus the lower-than-expected cost of the federal subsidies) with the lower-than-expected Medicare and Medicaid costs this decade and we're looking at the ACA being significantly cheaper than expected and advertised.
Well, CBO posited that rates for a family would be over $15,000 a year. So rates have not gone down. They are merely less high than some people guessed.

What exactly are you disagreeing with? The premiums insurers are charging next year are lower than they were expected to be when the costs of the law were being calculated.

The subsidies work by requiring eligible people to pay a certain percentage of their income, after which the federal affordability tax credits pay the rest of the way up to the value of a certain silver plan. If silver plan premiums are nearly 20% lower than they were expected to be (as they are), that means federal spending on the tax credits falls significantly below the 2010 projections.

The premium numbers are looking good, and we're seeing that transparent, head-to-head competition is bringing down the cost of a given slate of benefits of a given actuarial value in many places. Meanwhile economy-wide health care cost growth and price inflation have slowed almost to a halt.
Yeah. First they project 30% increases and then we're supposed to be overjoyed to get 20% increases. Which amounts to a 30% cut. So OBamacare cut rates 30% Yay!
And some people fall for this nonsense.

Because from the very outset of this administration the Republicans have openly stated that failure is not an option but their actual goal.

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

WASHINGTON -- As President Barack Obama was celebrating his inauguration at various balls, top Republican lawmakers and strategists were conjuring up ways to submarine his presidency at a private dinner in Washington.

The event -- which provides a telling revelation for how quickly the post-election climate soured -- serves as the prologue of Robert Draper's much-discussed and heavily-reported new book, "Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives."

According to Draper, the guest list that night (which was just over 15 people in total) included Republican Reps. Eric Cantor (Va.), Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Paul Ryan (Wis.), Pete Sessions (Texas), Jeb Hensarling (Texas), Pete Hoekstra (Mich.) and Dan Lungren (Calif.), along with Republican Sens. Jim DeMint (S.C.), Jon Kyl (Ariz.), Tom Coburn (Okla.), John Ensign (Nev.) and Bob Corker (Tenn.). The non-lawmakers present included Newt Gingrich, several years removed from his presidential campaign, and Frank Luntz, the long-time Republican wordsmith. Notably absent were Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) -- who, Draper writes, had an acrimonious relationship with Luntz.

For several hours in the Caucus Room (a high-end D.C. establishment), the book says they plotted out ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obama's legislative platform.

"If you act like you're the minority, you're going to stay in the minority," Draper quotes McCarthy as saying. "We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign."

The conversation got only more specific from there, Draper reports. Kyl suggested going after incoming Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner for failing to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes while at the International Monetary Fund. Gingrich noted that House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) had a similar tax problem. McCarthy chimed in to declare "there's a web" before arguing that Republicans could put pressure on any Democrat who accepted campaign money from Rangel to give it back.

The dinner lasted nearly four hours. They parted company almost giddily. The Republicans had agreed on a way forward:
Go after Geithner. (And indeed Kyl did, the next day: ‘Would you answer my question rather than dancing around it—please?’)

Show united and unyielding opposition to the president’s economic policies. (Eight days later, Minority Whip Cantor would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous No against Obama’s economic stimulus plan.)

Begin attacking vulnerable Democrats on the airwaves. (The first National Republican Congressional Committee attack ads would run in less than two months.)

Win the spear point of the House in 2010. Jab Obama relentlessly in 2011. Win the White House and the Senate in 2012.

"You will remember this day," Draper reports Newt Gingrich as saying on the way out. "You’ll remember this as the day the seeds of 2012 were sown."

Draper's timeline is correct. On Jan. 21, 2009, Kyl aggressively questioned Geithner during his confirmation hearings. On Jan. 28, 2009, House GOP leadership held the line against the stimulus package (Senate GOP leadership would prove less successful in stopping defections).

The votes, of course, can be attributed to legitimate philosophical objection to the idea of stimulus spending as well as sincere concern that the secretary of the Treasury should personally have a clean tax-paying record. But what Draper's book makes clear is that blunt electoral-minded ambitions were the animating force.

Whether or not that's shocking depends on the degree to which one's view of politics has been jaded. What's certainly noteworthy is the timing. When Mitch McConnell said in October 2010 that his party's primary goal in the next Congress was to make Obama a one-term president, it was treated as remarkably candid and deeply cynical. Had he said it publicly in January 2009, it would likely have caused an uproar.

By extension, however, the Draper anecdote also negatively reflects on the Obama administration for failing to appreciate how quickly congressional Republicans would oppose the president's agenda.
Bear513 said:
ok big dummy how about us who saves a thousands of dollars a year by not buying health insurance? why the fuck do we have to pay for old fat ass farts? dont want too..

Because the old fat ass farts are tired of paying higher rates when you young ass dashing heroes do something stupid that lands you in the ER.
People with high-end plans may continue to see higher prices on their plans moving forward, while low to middle income Americans and employees will see an Average savings of 60% of their premiums due to subsidies, tax credits and up-front assistance. Customers in States utilizing rate review provisions and setting up an insurance exchanges are projected to save the most.

That's a good point, we haven't even touched on the fact that these lower-than-expected premiums will be lower still from the point of view of people buying insurance due to upfront affordability tax credits.

Now we're getting to really low premiums!
People with high-end plans may continue to see higher prices on their plans moving forward,

Americans and employees will see an Average savings of 60% of their premiums due to subsidies, tax credits and up-front assistance.

:lol: we've had this you moonlight at Carnivals too?
[ame=]Nancy Pelosi: 'I Don't Remember Saying that Everybody in the Country Would Have a Lower Premium' - YouTube[/ame]

No, this is another one of those really fucking stupid threads where a liberal, in this case OhhPooPoopyDo, declares the absolutely unfounded belief that Republicans and conservatives hate everyone not like them...

Yeah, don't know where he got that idea...

Yeah... Sorry... I forgot... One commentary, one thread, reactions on one message board represent an entire group for some of you folks...

Mea culpa.

:contempt and sarcasm off:

I guess you missed the entire Trayvon Martin affair;

A guy nobody had ever heard of kills another guy that nobody ever heard of and because the victim was black and "leaders" in the black community rallied the police into acting where they were not interested in pursuing the matter, nearly every conservative voice in the nation was outraged.

I guess you missed the entire Sandra Fluke affair;

A woman nobody had ever heard of is labeled a "slut" by the leader of the conservative "movement" and the response was largely to applaud this voice. When advertisers began to abandon the show, the response ws to attempt to boycott the advertisers.

It's hardly one thread on one messageboard; conservative hatred of any and all who aren't like them is equaled only by a much smaller percentage of liberals that do the same thing--Keith Olbermann types.

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