The Republicans are such losers

Can’t even elect a house speaker. Democrats are United and chose that socialist Hakeem the Dream. What a pathetic party.

Au Contraire.

Democrats are lockstepping, bootlicking authoritarians. I don't see that as a good thing. What's happening in the Republican side is what you can EXPECT to happen in a free nation. And what should happen a lot more often when they pass ACTUAL legislation.
Listen dumbass. Biden fixed this country. When tRump had it everyone was unemployed, sick, dying, shit was shut down, GDP plummeted, stock market was at 18,000 (now 33,000), Putin and Kim Jong ran amuck, riots were happening, and the president was complicit in a coup, the deficit was a record, debt was sky rocketing after Obama had significantly reduced it.

Now we have record employment, record stock market, record housing equity, Putin is on the run and nearly dead, no one gives a shit about Jong, everything is open and there are tens of millions of jobs to choose from, deficit is going down, record company profits, GDP bounced back and we haven’t slipped into a recession, we have an infrastructure deal, we have manufacturing jobs, we have veterans being better taken care of, insulin prices are lowered, prescription prices going down, and gas prices normalized. Wake up. Republicans are incompetent morons.

Then why do only 31% of the nation think the country is on the "right track"?
Listen dumbass. Biden fixed this country. When tRump had it everyone was unemployed, sick, dying, shit was shut down, GDP plummeted, stock market was at 18,000 (now 33,000), Putin and Kim Jong ran amuck, riots were happening, and the president was complicit in a coup, the deficit was a record, debt was sky rocketing after Obama had significantly reduced it.

Now we have record employment, record stock market, record housing equity, Putin is on the run and nearly dead, no one gives a shit about Jong, everything is open and there are tens of millions of jobs to choose from, deficit is going down, record company profits, GDP bounced back and we haven’t slipped into a recession, we have an infrastructure deal, we have manufacturing jobs, we have veterans being better taken care of, insulin prices are lowered, prescription prices going down, and gas prices normalized. Wake up. Republicans are incompetent morons.
Trump dealt with a global virus. Biden is the global virus

—- record inflation
—- near record interest rates (20 yr high)
—- 401ks plummeting
—- Botched Afghanistan withdrawal
—- Destroyed housing market
—- War in Ukraine
—- Wasteful spend in Ukraine
—- Unsecured Border
—- Approval rating below 40%

You’re a leftist lemming
Trump dealt with a global virus. Biden is the global virus

—- record inflation
—- near record interest rates (20 yr high)
—- 401ks plummeting
—- Botched Afghanistan withdrawal
—- Destroyed housing market
—- War in Ukraine
—- Wasteful spend in Ukraine
—- Unsecured Border
—- Approval rating below 40%

You’re a leftist lemming
- Inflation is world wide... that is some Biden Power.
- 401Ks are 30% higher now in Biden's second year than they were after Trump's second year and that was pre-pandemic
- They Afghan withdrawal actually happened under Biden and we are out. Fewer will die in war under Biden than any President in 25 years.
- Housing prices are at historical highs - there is no housing market problem other than we need more built
- War in Ukraine is Putin's fault and Biden has responded with worldwide resistance that Trump could never have mustered. Biden is the right guy at the right time.
- Quit kissing Putin's ass. We are spending what needs to be spent to stop an autocratic communist.
- Border is the same.
- Adjust for stupid republicans and his approval rate is in the 80's
Mention only. McCarthy will eventually get it. But he ll know he was in a bloodbath.


lucky 13?

that just fits.
You’re old. I have told you 100x I am an Independent. Seek help for your dementia.
Really, is your politics that important everyone should remember ? It’s only important that you either post facts or make up shit.
You said they never win. So which is it? They win and you lied or you’re a complete moron. Like today’s GOP leadership.
Sure, the gop has it altogether. Eventually. Right now they’re too busy fking things up, like Reagan, Bish and Trump.
Hope was party right. The gop is domestic terrorism. You’d think with a recession following them around like puppy dogs, republican supporters would get the message. They never do. They can sit in a pile of shit and believe a farmer Trump that everything is beautiful.
- Inflation is world wide... that is some Biden Power.
- 401Ks are 30% higher now in Biden's second year than they were after Trump's second year and that was pre-pandemic
- They Afghan withdrawal actually happened under Biden and we are out. Fewer will die in war under Biden than any President in 25 years.
- Housing prices are at historical highs - there is no housing market problem other than we need more built
- War in Ukraine is Putin's fault and Biden has responded with worldwide resistance that Trump could never have mustered. Biden is the right guy at the right time.
- Quit kissing Putin's ass. We are spending what needs to be spent to stop an autocratic communist.
- Border is the same.
- Adjust for stupid republicans and his approval rate is in the 80's
Border isn’t the same. Putin didn’t invade under Trump. Inflation is world wide because we are the major player. 401ks are not higher based on growth. They are higher because it’s been four years and more money was invested. His approval rating sucks based on policies. No one really hates the old man’s persona. They feel sorry for him.
Sure, the gop has it altogether. Eventually. Right now they’re too busy fking things up, like Reagan, Bish and Trump.
Trump was nothing like Bush. The fact that you conflate them shows how much of a moron you are.
Trump was nothing like Bush. The fact that you conflate them shows how much of a moron you are.
Of course he wasn’t. Bush served his country and was fit, Trump was a chickenshit, avoided military service and is a lardo. As far as we know, Bush was loyal and faithful to his wife. Trump has never been faithful to any of his three wives and needs pay for sex just to get sex. It’s you who is the moron.

BTW, they each had a shit load of criminal behavior that was prosecuted after leaving office. Trump will keep the DOJ busy for a decade.
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