The Republicans are such losers

15th time the charm
I hate to suggest acting like the thugs Dem “leaders” are, but perhaps threats of losing committee spots or having a primary challenge unless you get behind the agreed upon leader would have helped. I get not wanting to play that game (acting like a whiny bully) but sometimes hardball may have to be played to get things done.
Fake news.
Dick Cheney like Trump, the ultimate terrorist.
”There is so much to remember about Dick Cheney’s time in office. There was the Office of Special Plans, which he created to formulate the most effective lies possible about Iraq, WMD, and connections to September 11. There was the torture in Abu Ghraib and elsewhere, which he referred to as “the dark side” and which he championed with great vigor. There was his dismissal of lawfully-issued congressional subpoenas, and his dedication to the idea of a “Unitary Executive” which is beholden to nothing and no one. which he wanted to continue even after the whole thing was declared to be illegal. There was (and remains) the program of indefinite detention without due process of law, which was his baby, and there was the coddling of known criminal and double-agent Ahmed Chalabi, who was his pal.”
Fake news.
Dick Cheney like Trump, the ultimate terrorist.
”There is so much to remember about Dick Cheney’s time in office. There was the Office of Special Plans, which he created to formulate the most effective lies possible about Iraq, WMD, and connections to September 11. There was the torture in Abu Ghraib and elsewhere, which he referred to as “the dark side” and which he championed with great vigor. There was his dismissal of lawfully-issued congressional subpoenas, and his dedication to the idea of a “Unitary Executive” which is beholden to nothing and no one. which he wanted to continue even after the whole thing was declared to be illegal. There was (and remains) the program of indefinite detention without due process of law, which was his baby, and there was the coddling of known criminal and double-agent Ahmed Chalabi, who was his pal.”
Howler monkey lies again. Why does Trump scare you so much, boy?
I hate to suggest acting like the thugs Dem “leaders” are, but perhaps threats of losing committee spots or having a primary challenge unless you get behind the agreed upon leader would have helped. I get not wanting to play that game (acting like a whiny bully) but sometimes hardball may have to be played to get things done.
The optics are bad
That’s stupid. He became president right after COVID-19 subsided. Are you ever not a complete pile of waste?
Your lie is a lie. The stock market and 401Ks are up since Biden took over. You tried to say the the return was down and only 401Ks are up with more money put in but I exposed your lie. Now you’re backpedaling.
The duopoly is a big fuckin joke.
No idea who he is, howler monkey.
You’re the one who must have the hots for him. I can go for day(s) not thinking about RM, you can’t . You in love with Ricky ? Maybe you’re confusing it with “Rikki don’t lose that number by Steely Dan “.
You’re the one who must have the hots for him. I can go for day(s) not thinking about RM, you can’t . You in love with Ricky ? Maybe you’re confusing it with “Rikki don’t lose that number by Steely Dan “.
Damn howler monkey babbles nonsense continually.

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